《A festering world》Chapter 11- The second phase


On the way to the base, Lisa and I tested our newfound capacities, her Mist Form really is full of potential, she can go through almost everything and even stay inside of my body, it's not convenient, however, as she can't see anything, I wondered how she could normally see in this form since she had no eyes but apparently she can perceive the flow of Life energy, my body is jamming her senses since I'm full of Chaos. Her teleportation is useful but she is too strong for the current monsters to actually need strategies, she can just rush and kill them in an instant.

As for me, we discovered that I can separate myself into different parts (if I have a sufficient amount of Biomass), it's really weird and vomitive to see two different things, even just having two bodies at once is disturbing but with sufficient training, I could create a shell for Lisa to make her look like a wolf (a big wolf but still), it would be better since Aberrations and Abominations are not welcome everywhere. I also managed to improve a bit in shapeshifting, it's weird because there is no shapeshifting skill (or at least, I didn't learn it yet), now I can create other organics tissues such as bones, it's a really good news, because it's really weird to have bones and hairs made of flesh, I was able to harden it to the point where it was possible to walk but I looked like a drunk man with a broom in the ass, not very practical in a fight or even in general.

On the road, I ate two kobolds (after having killed them of course) to gain Biomass, it's definitely better than grass, in taste and in productivity, where I had to eat a square meter of grass for one Biomass (did I say that it was not worth? Because it definitely isn't !) , one Kobold is worth ten to twenty Biomass depending of the size, I now had 132 Biomass which, to be honest, doesn't change anything, I mean, I can fell that my flesh is denser but for it to actually be useful, like stopping a sword or a bullet, I would have to get at least 1000 Biomass, it's impossible in the near future because I still have a stomach, I'm not like a black hole who could eat and eat indefinitely,

I ate two kobolds, which is still a huge amount of meat for a human, but I feel like I'm gonna explode (not figuratively but literally, I can definitely hear the sound of my flesh stretching and tearing) and here comes the dilemma, do I have to eat more to have a bigger body so that I will be able to eat more or do I just puke semi-digested kobolds? Ah! maybe it's why some cosmic horrors just keep devouring planets, because of a stomach or whatever they use to digest-ache.

Congratulations, you now understand the painful life of World Devourers

+5 Wisdom

... Seriously? I was just joking but the System consider it like a full-fledged thesis? Doesn't that mean that I could potentially keep saying bullshit until I luckily say something true and be awarded for it?


The System thanks you for discovering this bug, it asks you to forgive this error, as it is still in beta-testing, now, you have to be sure of what you say before being recompensed.

To reward you for discovering this bug, the System grants you 10000 Nexus points, however as you are from the outer gods' faction and an Aberration, you have to pay the income tax of 99%, you gain 100 Nexus points.

Okay, a lot of discoveries today, World devourers have stomachaches and the System is a sentient and racist entity who talks of itself at the third person, it's pretty sad.

-3 Charisma Congratulations, as you have a negative Charisma and a habit of mocking people, you probably want to hide in a hole hmm? Fear not for you just gained the Stealth skill!

Thanks for the generic skill that everyone can gain easily, as long as you give something in return you can say what you want, you are clever aren't you System?

'What are you thinking Master? You have been making a funny face for a while.' "Oh, nothing important, The system took 99% of a reward away because of my allegiance, and took away some of my Charisma because I kind of insulted it."

'Hmm, so shouldn't you be angry or something then?'

"Yeah probably but no, the reward was Nexus points which are pretty useless since we have the Far Realm, it will have more adapted stuff for us as we are Aberrations, as for the stats penalty yeah I'm pissed off but my charisma was pretty bad from the start, maybe it's because of my racial change but I feel like Charisma is not that important anymore, I pretty much can shapeshift into a better version of me after all." I wonder if I could recreate grafts at a higher level, it would be super powerful to have a dozen of mouths with metabolic fire or something.

We arrived at the base around noon, Lisa was in her Mist form inside me since I can't efficiently disguise her yet. The guards let me pass this time and I went to find Audrey. She was training on small critters near the base, after crying a bit cause I was away and she was scared, I asked her why she was doing this training, apparently, it's a common occurrence for control-type magician to improve their focus and precision by using spells on small targets, I later discovered that I can't access the tutorial anymore because of my allegiance, I call that racism but it's the strong who write history, after all, I would not be surprised if half of the stories about aberrations are propaganda bullshit.

After this little setback, we ate lunch and I conducted a little experiment to test my Amorphous form skill, I created a piece of meat for 10 Biomass and ate it to discover the absorption efficiency, turns out I only get 5 Biomass back, I wonder if it will get better when I level up or it's a fixed amount (maybe it will even get worse, who knows?). Audrey was grossed out by me eating my own flesh, but after a little explication she accepted it, peoples' mindset can adapt really fast when needed, we are eating kobold, after all, it's not humanoid but it's pretty close since it's bipedal and capable of speech.


After eating we resumed training but this time we went outside the base, it's better since my abilities can... disturb peoples, I also took advantage of the situation to talk to Audrey about Lisa, to not scare her when she pops out of my body, we resumed training, Audrey was casting spells on insects, while Audrey and I further explored the possibilities of our new bodies.

Time Skip: 1 hour before the second phase

These two weeks were rather uneventful, I leveled up two times but after that, Kobolds didn't give me a good amount of exp anymore since I was 20 levels above them, it was better to leave them to Audrey who was now level 14, she will soon have her trial, as for my points, I spent two points in Wisdom and eight points in Intelligence, to make it 50 and 70 (even after my race change, my TOC is still here).

The most important part, however, was that I leveled up Icicle to level 10, it now do 140 (40 from the wisdom) frost damage and as much piercing damage, it' pretty high when you don't really think about it but it's before the damage reduction, in fact, against a Kobold, the spell remove 105 (70 frost damage and 35 piercing damage) And Kobolds aren't even wearing armor, they take less frost damage due to their distant relations with dragons, who have an innate elemental and magical resistance, they also take less piercing damage due to their scales.

During these two weeks, I warned everyone that something was about to happen, the majority didn't trust since I couldn't give any proof or details but I don't care since Audrey believe it. I also reinforced our house (more a tent than a house but whatever) with my bones, it's much easier than camouflaging Lisa since the bones don't have too much or be comfortable I ate all I could during these two weeks and now have 257 Biomass (plus 103 being used for the house). Lisa did not level up but she her Mist form skill, she can now choose to form a quasi-solid mist which can be used as a weapon.

We could have gone into the library dungeon but we had no idea of what was in the 4th floor so we preferred to not take the risk; instead, we waited patiently, counting the seconds until the start of the second phase. The Earth began rumbling and the sky shattered like glass, at the other side of the rupture, we could see plains, deserts, and seas, all at once, like superposing images, everyone was dazed, looking at the sky in stupefaction until a message appeared to inform us of the changes.

The second phase is currently occurring, the planet Sol III-a from the solar system #452 759, known as "Terra" has begun merging with 17 others planets, planes or demi-planes. Please wait until the end of the fusion.

After a couple dozens of minutes, the earth stopped rumbling but the rupture in the sky grew, with each second passed, the rift expended and we could see multicolored glints. After two hours of waiting, the rift was not here anymore. No, it would be better to say that there was no more sky, we could only see the other worlds approaching rapidly, like a gigantic comet, some people thought that it was gonna crash but no, it flew through us and went in the ground, after that, a huge earthquake raged and the landscape changed. Mountains and trees grew out of the ground, the entire city, except our base, was swallowed by the earth, near instantly replaced by a forest. After all this change, a message appeared before us once again.

Merging finished, you now have access to new features such as:

-The quest menu: A menu where you can accept and, if you have a high enough level, give quests.

-The village feature: You can create a village using the Brain of a monster at least level 30. A village is an extremely important feature since it can protect you from monsters rifts.

Further explanations will be given once you have established a village.

The quest menu is rather self-explanatory, as is the village feature but what is a monster rift? Of course, since I don't have the tutorial anymore, I will have to leech information from my friend. 'Lisa, do you know what a monster rift is ?'

''Of course, monsters rifts are portals leading monsters in this world, you know that my race was elected to participate in the first phase right? Monsters rifts are for all the races who were not chosen, they have a quota of sentient to send through the portal, it's generally used by the poor peoples as a means to achieve power and wealth, it's only for the weak races however, Dragons or giants never really need money to this extent, it's why there are not a lot of them, the ones who are sent are either working for the System or Slaves sold to it by other monsters.' "Oh so it was like that, but wait doesn't it mean that pretty much every living beings are sentient?"

' Yes, except anything that is smaller than a cat, like insects or rabbits, they don't have self-awareness, they can gain sentience by evolving but that's rare for them to survive long enough. More importantly, I advise that we leave this place immediately, monsters rifts have a tendency to spawn when there is a lot of humans together, it's why villages are so important.'

Global warning

A monster rift has been detected in the vicinity :

- Ogres from the Feywild, average level: 31

Escape is recommended.


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