《A festering world》Chapter 1- Troubles


System Initializing...

We all looked at this box, unable to understand what was happening when another one appeared:

Your world, Earth has been registered in the system, as it is your first time, you may take a look at the tutorial to help you. Do you want to read the tutorial: Y/N

Suddenly I was grabbed by behind and Marie began to scream while looking behind me, as I was about to remove the hand from my shoulder I sensed that the person who was holding me began to move and I felt pain in my right shoulder.


As I was looking at the little blue box in incomprehension, He threw me to the ground, I turned back to look at him

Zombie Lvl.1

A zombie. Great. Besides the fact that they shouldn't exist, I hope this is not the contagious type of zombie because this fucker just bit me.

Wait a minute, Level? like in some video game? It must be the work of an enemy stand the System.

I quickly took my swiss knife ( better than nothing) to slash him.After noticing that it wasn't very effective, I tried to stab him in the eyes but I tripped, resulting in the knife (and my hand) to penetrate his brain.

Critical hit! Brutal!

He (re)died, seems like the head is their weak point, a bit cliché but fine by me, it' easier this way.

For killing an enemy the same level as you with only a trash quality item, you gain +10% Exp

+165 Exp

2x Level up


John Class: None Lvl 3 Health: 87/100 10/h Stamina: 78/100 25/h Mana: 100/100 5/h Strength 9 Dexterity 10 Constitution 10 Intelligence 12 Wisdom 10 Charisma 11 10 points left

You are the first to kill an enemy and level up on this planet, you gain:


Title: The first

You are the first of many to walk on the road to power. Are you too fast or are the others too slow? Either way, you find yourself alone on this road that is life.

+10% to all stats while you are not in a party

I wanted to spend my attribute points when I remembered that I was not alone, I turned back and Interpelled those two. "Are you guys fine?"

Marie ran to me to check my wounds "Oh my god Jake are you okay? This thing has bitten you" "Of course I'm fine, my girlfriend cheated on me and a zombie bit me, Best day ever Marie!"

"Jack I kn-" "I don't really care now Marie, there is something more important going on, like this System shit. I need to go to check if my sister is safe."

"Jake I know you are angry but we need to stay together, safety first." Alexander responded.

"Fine but I'm not slowing down for you, not anymore." But when I tried to step on the doorway another box appeared:

You must kill the first boss to exit the dungeon.

"Shit" It would have been too simple, of course, there is a boss. As I was only level three I did not want to challenge the boss now, I needed to kill more zombies. After a few dozens of zombies, I was level ten, these guys are pretty simple, they are slow so there is no problem I just have to dodge. There was one time when three zombies attacked at the same time, I managed to kill them but I was left with only 21 hp. The last one dropped a skill book for the mana bolt spell, which was a good thing as I now have a ranged attack.


Mana bolt: Use mana to create a bolt of energy Inflict 25 magic damage Lvl.1: 5% 10/cast

Alexandre and Marie were apparently too busy denying the reality to help me but I don't really mind, besides it gives me 10% to my stats. I also dropped some kind of shoulder pad.

Bad quality shoulder pad:

These shoulder pads are made of a bad quality leather, they are weak but better than nothing.

+10 health

I decided to spend some of my attribute points in constitution and intelligence, it seems that 1 point is 5 mana/stamina, I spend 20 points in each so I now have 231 health and 220 mana. I think I can challenge the boss now, but I will sleep a bit before that, we can take turns to stand guard.

John Class: None Lvl 10: 350/5000 Health: 231/231(+21) 23.1/h Stamina: 110/110 27.5/h Mana: 242/242 10.5/h Strength 10 Dexterity 10 Constitution 20 Intelligence 22 Wisdom 10 Charisma 11 4 points left +0% physical damage +0% magical damage

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