《Soul Vessel Psyche》Chapter 7: Tutelage
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Chapter 7: Tutelage
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I’m 4 and half years old now; half a year from the first ranking contest.
Ovis is a future Clan Matriarch so she doesn’t have to participate in the ranking contest, but mother advised that she participate as a way to cement her legitimacy amongst the population. Theorizing that once they see her power there would be no further discontent from the supporters of the former princesses of the Vnora, and even the Vnora Clan Matriarch would have to acknowledge that Ovis is the best candidate to be the next Vnora Clan Matriarch.
The reason for mother’s confidence is what happened over the past year and a half.
Being the kind and benevolent ruler that she is; mother decided that Ovis and I should make good on our end of the bargain even before the Academy was built and the suitable teachers located. The problem with locating a paraplegic Gvern is that the prevalence of healing magic means that an injury that would originally result in paralysis can be cured with magic. The known afflictions that resulted in paraplegics are a degenerative neurological disease and a muscular disease; both of which are genetic diseases.
Therefore mother said that Knora Island put out a request to such people through the Orro Federation. However there were Political Problems in getting the cooperation of the Gvern Republic since they saw Vnora practising magic as a threat to their agricultural monopoly. Indeed most of the grain purchased by Knora Island comes from Gvern territories. This meant that Knora Island had to hire skilled people to manually seek-out the paraplegic Gvern and make the offer directly.
And so mother didn’t want to wait to pass on the lessons that Ovis and I have learned; especially given that there were at least 2.7 million new born Vnora with memories of their Arch-Mage fathers. So mother immediately sent for all the Vnora elders and teachers and had them evaluate our progress. The Vnora elders in particular had been sceptical of the Knora Matriarch’s call for them to come to the capital to evaluate the magical abilities of her Vnora children.
The Vnora Elders had tried to resist the building of the Vnora Academy of Magic next to the palace in the capital because it would put it under the direct control of the Knora Matriarch. The Vnora had been just 2% of the Knora population; the result of Knora Island paying 2000 Gvern males exorbitant amounts to impregnate some 20,000 Knora females. The Knora deliberately created the Vnora sub-race in hopes of getting access to magic that had thus-far been unavailable to the Knora.
The creation of the Vnora with Green Fur and a Green Forehead Crystal Third Eye did not have the desired results and was largely considered a failure. However the 2.7 million new born Vnora with memories of their Arch-Mage fathers were a different matter altogether. Most of them aren’t born to Vnora parents so they don’t have an automatic allegiance to the Vnora Clan. And now the move by the Knora Matriarch to build the Vnora Academy of Magic funded and directly controlled by the royal family seemed like the independence of the Vnora Clan was being erased.
Politically the Vnora had suddenly become the largest Knora sub-race and it would have been politically problematic for the Knora Matriarch and the Knora High Council not to establish control over the Vnora. The relationship between Knora and Vnora had to change and the largely green Vnora leaders could not represent all Vnora. The new Vnora leadership would be built around Ovis who is coincidentally or fortunately the daughter of the Knora Matriarch.
When the adult Vnora evaluated me and Ovis they were simply stunned. They had never seen such proficiency on 3 year olds; not even in the Gvern. The Vnora Elders proclaimed us Magical Prodigies of the same level as those of the other 3 humanoids fathered by the 17 Arch-Mages. The children of 17 Arch-Mages were first born to the Knora due to the shorter pregnancy period but after 3 years the total was slightly over 15 million; many of whom had prodigious talent for magic.
Even amongst the Knora the children of the 17 Arch-Mages persevered with great effort to develop their magical talent; many also discovering the method of putting your forehead into direct contact with the element.
What made Ovis and I different was that we are also Supers, and that meant that our Mana Cores were growing faster due to the use of the 【Full Might】 skill. There were even several hundred amongst the other Vnora children of the 17 Arch-Mages who managed to develop the 【Full Might】 skill; even a few Supers. Thus far all the other early Vnora supers had developed Super-Dexterity; known as possessing the Helpful Heart.
The Helpful Heart developed by those who gain Super-Dexterity is the most common of the Knora Supers; likely because the Knora can’t rely on magic and so traditionally have to be able to make crude tools from the environment. Parents teach their children how to make things like wood spears, ice huts and other useful survival techniques. It is probable that under optimal circumstance this tutelage results in the blooming of the seed into the Helpful Heart.
With the Vnora leadership having relented construction of the Vnora Academy of Magic could begin unhindered.
Mother says that the funding of the Vnora Academy of Magic could not be taken from the National Treasury since the High Council opposes public education; so the funding came directly from the private coffers of the family. Apparently mother spent 80% of the wealth of the royal family on this 250,000 capacity Vnora Academy of Magic, and when it is complete it will be the largest building complex on Knora Island. The High Council will provide funding for the running of the Academy; likely feeling the embarrassment after the Matriarch virtually emptied the coffers of the royal family to build the academy.
With the construction underway Ovis and I started the tutoring of the other Vnora.
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You’d think us having to tutor hundreds of kids our own age would convince Ovis to ease-up on the training right?
For some reason it became the impetus to intensify our training.
Now we wakeup before sunrise and train hard in a depleted Mana state while the Mana potion restores our Mana over 15 minutes, then its either magic practise or training the 【Full Might】 skill. This goes on until lunch, after which we each tutor 50 Vnora kids our age at magic for 2 hours. We see each group about once every 10 days so it’s a thousand students in total. Apparently mother has the other Supers provide the same tutelage all over Knora Island; the payment being Mana potions.
After tutoring its snack time then back to training until dinner with the rest of the family. The kids we tutor graduate from our lessons after 50 days and we take in a new group since they catch on quickly and can now pass on the lessons to other children. I had somewhat expected the other kids to be in awe of us being a prince and a princess but Knora consider it normal to interact with royalty; it’s even expected that the royalty listen to their complaints.
All in all the past year and a half has been hell.
The proof of my suffering is the muscular body I’ve developed, and given the size of my biceps and thighs I’d say that we have more muscle than even the same age Knora which is unheard off for Vnora. I’d say that things will get better after the age 5 ranking contest but I won’t delude my self with such thoughts, and given my twin sister’s disposition it is likely that this will only get worse. The combat training will likely get brutal and I’ll probably take several beatings a day.
But things are looking up!
Because it’s half a year until the ranking contest we will receive formal training to get us ready for the ranking contest. All the kids born in the same moon will take the ranking contest together so every day from now onwards we will join all the other kids from the Capital at the proving grounds where the test will be held and run the course as a form of preparation. While at the proving grounds we’ll get to see a few ranking contests; along with thousands of people who come to watch.
This is the biggest spectator sport of the Knora, and a seminal event in the life of every Knora. So much so that some manifest their 【Full Might】 skill during the half a year of training. I may be excited about getting a break from the daily torture my twin sister Ovis calls training but I’m sure the little fiend will somehow find a way to make me suffer during the evenings. Mother’s private gym has seen more use since we turned a year old given that she’s at an age where she hardly uses it.
Looking at the other kids gathering at the proving grounds I get the feeling that most don’t stand a chance against Ovis and me. Though we are relatively the same height there’s definitely more muscle on our bodies than the average kid. I get the feeling that Ovis and I are amongst the very few that have been pushing ourselves to reach top physical conditioning. It seems that most of the reincarnated people have been relaxing and enjoying their youth while I’ve been killing myself.
This is some Bullshit!
I mean; what the Fuck Ovis? What the Fuck?
Then it hits me that the eyes of the world will be on Ovis.
I will get scrutinized because of it.
Ovis must have known that this would happen and prepared the both of us for the coming moment.
I may have thought that our training went a bit over the mark but the moment we step onto the field of competition we represent the royal family; the Bloodline of Ewim Ollo. Unlike the others we cannot be relaxed because we represent a legendary Knora; someone worthy of the respect of all Knora. While having the power to keep ourselves safe has been my primary motivation, Ovis has been thinking about our larger role in society; to be a Beacon of Hope, a Symbol of Pride.
I must confess that I’m still afraid; in fact it’s possible that I’m more afraid now that I understand the dangers around me even when conscious. I draw comfort from the guards that shadow me and Ovis all the time. Ordinarily Ovis and I would have been separated and given adjacent bedrooms but my night terrors get worse when we’re apart so we’ll be sleeping in the same bedroom until we’re 5 years old; at which point a 13 year old green Vnora female guard who has just completed her military service will take over the role of staying with me at night.
Ovis and I will both receive green Vnora female guards skilled in Psionic Magic that will watch over us for the foreseeable future. Normally the job would be given to a warrior Knora but the fact that we are Vnora means we have to follow Vnora tradition. I’m told we should expect someone with a combat proven Super-Dexterity or in rare cases Super-Durability. Therefore someone skilled in Psionic Magic should be able to calm my mind and allow me to get some restful sleep.
Anyway listening to the instructor explaining what the training at the proving grounds will involve brings a smile to my face but I see a definite frown on Ovis’s face.
This Girl is a true-born monster.
I mean how about going with the flow for once?
Everyone else seems excited.
Though I think these thoughts there’s no way I’d voice them; Ovis would make me pay for it later on in training. She certainly has the demeanour of a Matriarch down to a Tee. Come to think of it she’s always had that quiet resolve; the confident demeanour of a Matriarch. Behind my back when people don’t think I can hear the I’m called the Scaredy Prince, Fearful Prince, Nervous Prince, Anxious Prince and so on and so on. I’m not gonna worry about it because it’s true.
The instructors talk about some jogging, some swimming and weight lifting. It’s all intended to build muscle mass on children and it’s not the gruelling training Ovis and I have been doing. Knowing Ovis her instincts are probably telling her that the both of us should promptly leave, but since mother has explicitly forbidden her from pulling the same stunt she’d pulled with the magic class when we were 3 years old. And that frustrated look on her face is likely because she feels trapped.
Mother’s reasons for insisting that we stay on the proving grounds are not those of a parent but those of a Matriarch. Mother says that the effect of our trained bodies will likely shock the other children into putting in more effort. I get the feeling that mother is using her abnormal daughter to inspire a generation into action. Ovis isn’t the type to hold back even in this training because the sooner we complete the jogging, swimming and weight lifting the sooner we can get to our own training.
Vnora have about 80% the muscle density of the Knora but such differences won’t matter to me and Ovis because we’ve had the 【Full Might】 skill since we were half a year old, and the 【Full Might】 skill distorts the development of the body; bringing Knora traits to the forefront. That means our muscle density should be the same as the Knora; or at least in 98 percent range. However it is the fact that we’ve been training since we were a year old that will probably make us stronger than even the Knora our age also possessing the 【Full Might】 skill.
When it comes to the ranking contest itself we have a number of magical tricks that will likely blow away the competition.
First; the greater your Mana Capacity the more powerful your 【Full Might】 skill.
Second; self heal. It’s far easier to heal your own body once you are able to manipulate water, and healing yourself is much easier than healing others. Thus by healing ourselves we shorten the time period between uses of the 【Full Might】 skill.
Third; an internal Telekinetic Form of Psionic Magic can further strengthen your body. This is how I’ve been able to keep up with Ovis this past year; I burn through a lot of Mana but it’s the only way. Ovis says that the combination of the 【Full Might】 skill and the Telekinetic Form of Psionic Magic puts us closer to 11 year olds in power, but only for a limited period so we have to be mindful of Mana use.
Fourth; when swimming we can use water manipulation to push or preferably pull ourselves through the water since Mana injection is most efficient if we use the Forehead Crystal. I have to use the external Telekinetic Form of Psionic Magic to keep up since Ovis is so much better at controlling water.
Fifth; Transparent Psionic Magic visor to protect our eyes when moving at super speed. However given my high durability I don’t need the visor as much as Ovis and I often don’t use the visor in order to conserve Mana.
Given that I’m more wasteful with Mana Ovis has a 25% advantage if she uses her Mana the way I do but she likes to conserve it for a final burst of power at the end of every training session.
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Aya! Stop daydreaming Novid!
The first training session on the proving ground is about to begin.
The instructor said those with the 【Full Might】 skill should go to the front of the group for the Run, Swim and Lift. Those with competent rating which is called Adept are to take the second row and the Supers go on the first.
It looks like there’s at least 150 Knora and Vnora with the 【Full Might】 skill.
That’s really impressive!
There are even 21 people with a Super-Attribute!
I thought Ovis would take the centre given how confident she looks. But she’s walking to the right edge of the front row.
I timidly follow my reliable twin sister; trying desperately to ignore the stares on us.
Ah! It looks like it’s about to begin; everyone is warming up.
There are 15 Vnora on the front row; that’s a surprise.
Heck; there’s even a red girl and 3 greens, and one of the greens is a boy.
As for the whites there’re 11; three boys in there.
So 23 supers in total.
Right the starting signal is when the water empties out of that transparent funnel; what a clever idea. It should take a minute.
Oh it’s open; it’s starting!
Ovis : " Focus; Novid!"
Right I can feel Ovis activating her 【Full Might】 skill; everyone is activating their 【Full Might】 skill.
Novid : " 【Full Might】!"
Isn’t the difference too large here? The aura around Ovis and I is at least 5 times thicker.
Ovis : " 【Psionic Boost】!"
Novid : " 【Psionic Boost】!"
Ovis : " Let’s finish this in one go!"
Novid : " Right"
Ovis : " GO!"
Ovis really isn’t holding back she’s even starting to break away from me, but I have to keep up; so more power to 【Psionic Boost】!
Both the running track and the swimming track are curved so when we finish we will be closer to the where we started.
Ovis : " Keep-up! It’s just like training at home."
Novid : " Got it!"
We’re really moving now!
Swimming coming up; we’re supposed to come to a complete stop so we use external Psionic Magic to stop.
Made it; I’ve stopped.
Ovis : " One Breath brother!"
Novid : " Yeah!"
I take a deep breath and follow Ovis into the water.
Damn she’s quick!
Just the legs and the tail, the hands tucked in and out of the way; just like we practiced.
No need to come up for air; we do the whole 14 km underwater.
It’s almost over
Only the lifting left.
Breathe slowly, deep breaths; catch your breath.
This lifting contraption is just like the one at home; the higher you lift it the more strength you need.
Ovis : " Put everything you have left into it!"
Novid : " Let’s do it!"
Looks like Ovis went a bit higher than me; almost twice as much strength as me if my calculations are correct.
Looks like we did everything with one use of the 【Full Might】 skill; outstanding!
Now we walk towards the rest of the people.
Why is there a crowd?
Shouldn’t they be running or swimming?
Looking over to the running track I can see that the other supers are just about to clear the running track.
I get it!
This is that stunned silence I’ve often heard about.
This feels awesome!
I want to grin and gloat but Ovis has that Stoic look on her face; it’s so fucken cool so let’s go with that!
I’m picturing us moving in slow motion like bad ass heroes.
And we move towards the instructors.
This is so fucken awesome!
Right; Stoic.
Chief Instructor : " When the Matriarch said that her youngest were extraordinary I dismissed it as the pride of a parent, but what I’ve seen today is shocking."
Instructor : " How are Vnora stronger than Knora? HOW?"
Chief Instructor : " In my 2 centuries of life I have been rarely surprised, but never to this extent."
Instructor : " How did you get this power?"
Ovis answers by pointing to the Crystal on her forehead.
Chief Instructor : " So it’s true; Vnora have the potential to be more powerful than both Vern and Knora."
Damn right we’re amazing; running 14km in 150 seconds, swimming 14km in 215 seconds and lifting 171 times my weight.
We’re freaking ALL STARS!
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