《The Dawnfire Archives》Chapter 4 - The Journey... Hasn’t Really Started Yet




I had only walked for a few minutes and had just about settled into a good pace, when that awful static filled my head again. Gritting my teeth, I patiently waited for it to stop. Maybe I did have a concussion? Or maybe the programers hadn’t quite worked out all the kinks in the system yet. I still wasn’t convinced that everything I saw around me wasn’t just in my head.

Regardless, after a few seconds the annoyance passed away. Readjusting my pack, I was ready to continue on my way when a glint of reflected light caught my eyes. That in and of itself was not unusual. After all, I’d been winding my way through thousands of bladed implements, most reflecting the bright sun at my back. This seemed different. A brighter flash than normal, as if specifically to catch my attention.

Walking over, I had to chuckle. I had almost no doubt now, this was absolutely a virtual simulation. How else would I be seeing a holstered set of Mateba 6 Unica auto-revolvers hanging on the cross hilt of a beautiful longsword? Besides being some of the first firearms I’d seen in the area, I was very aware that such pistols were not that common.

My older brother Richard had bought one of the Model 6 types a few years ago. It had been a moment of weakness brought on about by graduation, or so he explained. Its enticement was more because of the futuristic design than function, something often copied by Hollywood blockbusters. They were a collectors item now, not any better than other revolvers, but three times as expensive. Still, you couldn’t deny its look was definitely unique, thus the name.

I knelt in front of the sword, admiring its excellent craftsmanship, but my attention soon returned to the revolvers. Ornate silver etching spread across the darkened steel barrels, every piece matching in unison until the design flowed into the deep maroon of stained rosewood for the grips. They were set comfortably in twin leather holsters, also etched, as bullet loops stretched along the length of the belts. All were filled to the brim with various types of ammunition, chambered in .44 magnum.

A part of my world, and somehow they had found their way here. At the foot of a Mountain the size of a continent.

I reached out to touch them, but then stayed my hand. Everything about this world was wrong, jumbled pieces of time and space thrown out like refuse. No mountain should fill a land or reach beyond the blue sky like this one did. Yet here these remnants remained, strewn about as if there was no one left to find them.

That thought gave me pause, before I realized I had yet to see any evidence of life or civilization (discounting the weapons alone) in this place. Did that mean I truly was alone, doomed to search for a way home forever? I refused to believe that. There had to be a way out, there always was in the stories I’d read. I had obviously been brought here by someone. So, it stood to reason that individual could take me back out.


Perhaps the female voice I’d been hearing? This whole situation might be cleared up by passing a simple language barrier.

And why had I been spawned in a desert? If this was a game, there should have been NPCs to learn from. And if this was real (though I heavily discounted that idea) it wasn't likely I would find a city anywhere without water.

No, my best chance to return home remained in finding people of some kind. With this decision reconfirmed, I returned my gaze upon the holstered revolvers. Well, my options certainly weren't limited in choice of weapons, but some intuition told me these were specifically set here for my use. It was certainly what I was most familiar with. Running out of ammo would be the only issue really. I grasped one of the handles, intending to lift the gun free for further inspection.

I should have guessed touching anything would cause a reaction. I just didn't foresee how bad it would be.

My entire body jerked as if strung up by wires, a pulse running through my veins and bleeding out of my skin. I locked up entirely, muscles tense and strained.

Again, I was paralyzed in place. I was getting tired of that feeling rather quickly.

The femine voice returned, the sharp statico and rhythm of a prepared message evident. Short and concise this time. I was quickly released from my paralysis once the voice finished speaking. Then the pain hit.

Incredible, mind wrenching agony filled my veins. I must have passed out, for when I next opened my eyes I was lying awkwardly in the sand.

I raised my body up, getting my hands and feet underneath me. Pausing for a moment, I surmised a few different details.

One: I felt different. Not just the fading effects of pain still carried in my subconscious, but more. As if a sudden surge of adrenaline were infused into my very being.

Two: the revolvers themselves glowed with a barely perceptible light, softly reflecting the etched steel they were crafted from.

Third: I could understand the voice speaking in my mind.


“Please choose a name to initiate the bond.”

The woman’s voice carried a bit of bored annoyance, but I didn’t care. I could understand her, finally!

Sitting up, I was once again bombarded with screens, each screaming for my attention, though the most prevalent was a copy of the words spoken aloud by the woman. I paused, than carefully began to speak aloud.

“Excuse me, but I believe we might have gotten off on the wrong foot. My name is Jacob Tafrin, and I only just now started to understand what you’ve been sayin. I think it’s because of the guns? Anyway, would ya mind repeating everything you’ve already said, from the beginning?”

I waited, not sure what to expect. If this was just part of a computer program, then she would likely falter or recalibrate, though if she was real, that held a bunch of other questions.


It took a minute or two before she spoke again, long enough that I had already stood up and brushed off the sand sticking to my rear. Her voice this time was much quieter, almost as if she was standing right beside me, and carried a good deal more inflection than the earlier statements seemed to.

“Greetings Traveler. Due to your untimely and unexpected arrival, and because of your place of origin, I have been given permission to explain a few details of this String. This is the world of Veron. Here, you will be tested and judged according to your actions. You have been gifted with a second-mind; this will track your progress and provide many benefits along your journey. There is only one goal here. Climb to the peak.”

I stared upwards, judging just how far away the top of the mountain might be. Not close. Not close at all.

The lady continued.

“Before you may enter The Climb, you must submit a name to be known by. Whatever name you choose will be how you are universally known, and will directly affect your Legend. The larger your Legend spreads, the greater effect you have on those near you. You have already given a satisfactory name if you choose to keep it.”

I responded with a quick “Yes, please. Ma’am.”

“Very well. Name accepted. Welcome, Jacob! Your Legend has begun! To enter The Climb, you must first choose a weapon. It’s important to know that whatever weapon you choose will directly affect what skills and talents are available to you. You currently have “multiple” restrictions in place, so only a few weapons are available. Correction… you have already chosen a weapon.”

“I did?” I mumbled under my breath. “I barely picked them up. I mean, I don’t really mind, but…”

“Weapon choice is accepted. Weapon name is unknown. Weapon origin is unknown. Weapon potential is unknown. The Weapon has no prior history in The Climb and therefore will have no starting bonuses. Weapon is classified as a *set item*. Due to current wielder having multiple restrictions, the complete Bond will be delayed till Level 5 is reached. Once the appropriate level has been achieved, choosing the Weapon Name will initiate the Bond… Correction… Extenuating circumstances apply. One moment.”

She went quiet, and I took this time to further inspect the screens hanging before my eyes. Each one was similar to a notification you might receive while playing a game, though these seemed more… uh… personal. I focused on the first one.


You have just received an upgrade in the form of a Second-Mind! This is a gift given only to those who have proven themselves above and beyond the norm. Or, in your case, being in the right place at the wrong time! Lucky you, you’re not the first person from Earth who has found themself in such a position. Because of that, multiple tutorials have been placed in advance to better prepare you for whatever might lie ahead. Good Luck!

~ B. K.

Ok, that was actually really comforting to hear. Maybe I could find other people like me, and figure a way out of wherever this place happened to be.

As I was trying to dismiss the screen, the lady starting talking again. She didn’t sound overly happy though.

“Due to… certain circumstances, you will be able to Bond immediately. Please choose a name for your Weapon.”

Uh… ok. I could do that. I carefully picked the revolver that dropped into the sand, cringing in expectation of another jolt, but thankfully nothing happened. Brushing off the sand, I eyed the beautiful designs etched into the barrel. It was truly a work of art, something a master gunsmith would be proud to show in his collection.

Holding them both carefully, I tried to think of a suitable name. “Well, two guns, two names I suppose.” I hefted the right one, and thought of some of my favorite western hero’s of literature. “Ah, got it. This one will be Bowdrie, and this one,” I lifted my left hand, “this one will be Sackett.

Another screen piled on top of the rest. Ya, ya, I got it. I’ll figure that out next.

“Bond complete. Congratulations Jacob! You are now ready to begin The Climb. Attributes unlocked. Skills unlocked. Your Journey awaits! Be careful… and good luck.”

I waited, but that seemed to be the extent of her interaction. Right, well, might as well get on with the tutorials.

After buckling on the gun belt and shifting the holsters around till they felt comfortable, I refocused my attention on the somewhat transparent notifications.

Thankfully they were numbered, so I simply started at the top.

Tutorial #1 “How to interact with your second-mind”

(Due to your nature as a Traveler from String {03-A} all tutorials have been adjusted to better fit your background and metaphysical understanding. If you have further questions on this topic, please find a N**** representative.)


You’ve apparently been given a gift above your level of understanding. Due to this, all information will be presented in the form of visual text or audio cues, similar to a modern Earth era video game. Hopefully this will better instruct and facilitate your life as you grow in experience and knowledge.

You have currently unlocked:



{Weapon Upgrades}

Clicking on the Attributes link brought up a normal looking character sheet, with multiple entries presented alongside a visual representation of my body.

Before I could inspect further however, a flashing red notification appeared.


Would you like to have your current physical, mental, and soul stats evaluated and/or adjusted?


I mean, sure?

I clicked yes.

And promptly passed out.

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