《Adventuring In A Unique Xianxia Universe》Dominating An Exam
Arriving at the Xiao Clan, Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun were excited! It was time for their clan examination, where they'll be able to make Xiao Lie proud and gain valuable riches for their sect!
Luke had learned when coming here every once in a while, the Xiao Sect will send over Xiao Kungyun, and one of his bodyguards to see if the Xiao Clan have any talents worth raising. He would host these clans examination, and out of his own hubris claim, it's him doing a good deed for the poorer distant cousins.
Although, in reality, this was done to honor the wishes of an Elder in the Xiao Sect. His last wish was to always keep tabs on the Clan. The odd thing Luke found was that Xiao Bieli, the son of that Elder, had just mysteriously disappeared from the Xiao Sect and then founded the Xiao Clan.
Nobody was quite sure how he did it, but once the Xiao Clan quickly became strongest in the city, Xiao Bieli had once again mysteriously vanished. And only years later, after the Clan rose to prominence, did Xiao Bieli dried up corpse was found in the forest of Floating Cloud City.
Luke doesn't remember much of these novels, but he was pretty sure in the Bieli didn't just disappear from the sect and was instead abandoned by it. Though it didn't matter much to him, what did interest Luke was the prizes a youth can receive from Kungyun if they win this examination.
One could either join the Xiao Sect since they would have proven themselves to have enough talent for it, or one could simply choose riches and other such items from him. He was a bit surprised seeing these youths have two options, but it was probably the wishes of that Elder.
Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun encouraged Luke to participate since they could get him in the examination, mainly because of Xiao Lie. These two thought it would be a good experience for Luke. Going by his stories, it only looks like him, and his cousin just started their cultivation journey.
Plus, they didn't think Luke would win since they doubt he could use that powerful lightning so easily again, and since this is strictly Martial Cultivation, he couldn't use his World Spiritists power.
But when Luke asks Spooky about his chances all, she said was,
'Even without World Spiritists power, you're grossly underestimating your soul. The Nascent realm and these past two days changed you tremendously. Just remember this Yurei, and I steal from Gods for fun.'
So with his confidence now high, Luke was planning on winning these examinations since it's time for him to finally test his prowess.
"Where will it take place? One of these Courtyards?" Luke asked as the three of them walked through the Xiao Clan.
"No, we're going to do it in the Center Hall because it's an important meeting." Xiao Yun stated to him, and Luke got more curious. Even now he and Spooky didn't sense any outstanding talent in the Clan, so he asked,
"Say, besides us, who will be taking these examinations?"
"Hmm, there is Xiao Yulong and maybe Xiao Chengzi if he manages to breakthrough. Last time Kungyun came, it was only me, Yulong, and Yun'er since we were the only ones in the Nascent Origin realm." Lingxi answered him while recalling the low talent their Clan has.
'Something a bit interesting, it seems three of these Xiao's took some items to forcefully breakthrough. And there's one in what in you called the Spirit realm. Make that Spirit realm guy your stepping stone.' Spooky informed Luke as they near the Center Hall.
Surely he should've been nervous about Spooky words, right? After all, the Spirit realm was two realms above him! Yet the thought of fighting with tremendous power was only making him anticipate it more, just like that time with bears.
Although he pushed down this feeling and said to the Xiao's,
"Only two other, huh? You two are basically the leaders of the younger generation here." Luke praised them Lingxi giggled,
"Hehe~. And soon, you too will be known as an outstanding youth Luke!"
Once arriving at the Center Hall, all three of them already heard numerous chatter going about,
"This is excellent! To think Yulong could reach a sudden breakthrough to the sixth level of Nascent Origin!"
"And there also Chengzi at the fifth level and Yang at the fourth level!"
"It looks like your kids are in for some stiff competition, Elder Lie!"
They heard Elders and other youths look all in awe! Lingxi and Yun were also a bit shocked hearing this news. Since when they improved, and by so much?! Even with their confidence, they couldn't help but get a bit nervous since Xiao Yulong now suddenly surpassed both of them.
That was until they felt a warm hand on their shoulders and Luke soothing voice said,
"Don't fret about those three. If by what you told me about these exams, they will do poorly on the first part. And for the second part? We'll all be in for a shock!" From the senses Spooky gave him, he could tell their Nascent essence energy while more powerful is in disorder.
"Mnh! Right! You're right, Luke, there's no way people like them could ever manage a breakthrough so fast. You ready, Yun'er?" Lingxi got her pep back, and her body soothed from Luke's touch.
"Yes, you're both right, there's no need to worry. Let's go!"
Going inside the Center Hall, all eyes soon came on to them but, more specifically, Luke's blue, glowing eyes. Luke notice this hall was huge, set up like an auditorium. Many other youths were sitting on the sidelines, and at the center of the hall was a large stage he assumed they will have the exams on.
"Oh? It really does looks like Yulong may win these exams this time! But who is that blue hair guy?"
"He's actually in the Nascent Origin realm too?!"
"Oh? Of all the places, it's you again?"
Because of Luke's recent growth, all eyes on him saw him in a slightly favorable light. This curse really does work strongly since neither he nor Spooky sense any harmful intentions. Plus, there was also the fact he was walking right next to the daughter of the strongest man in the city.
Luke throughout most of the chatter, heard Xiao Kungyun direct his attention to him since they did meet just days earlier. And now, once again, he appeared right before him, in a clan no less!
'Oh? You didn't know it before, but this guy is at the peak Nascent Origin realm.' So that was his pressure before, eh? Luke locked eyes with Xiao Kungyun, who was up on stage with two other men. That is until Lingxi shifted his attention as she called out saying,
"Father! We're here, and we're ready!" The three made their way over to Xiao Lie, who was standing by himself off to the left side of the stage. On the other side was three older men, the same two youths Luke saw on his first day here and another handsome youth.
As Luke was walking, he did notice Xiao Yulong, and Yang stares at him with shock. Smirking, he knew it was because he was only in the Elementary realm just mere days ago, and now he made an outrageous leap in the realm.
"Ah, Ling'er and Yun'er, you've finally come. And Luke is here too...let me guess you want him to participate too?" Xiao Lie had a warm smile and already said their intentions seeing Luke.
Of course, he knew about his daughter fondness towards the boy and going from what he has seen of him, he could admit Luke held good potential.
"Ehehe~! Was it that obvious father?
"Hmm...from the way you talk about him it was rat-"
"You there! The blue hair guy! You will also participate in this examination!" Xiao Kungyun loudly stated, causing an uproar throughout the whole hall.
"Huh?! Why would Young Master let this random participate?!"
"I mean, nobody knows him at all!!"
"Young Master, are you sure about this?" Throughout all of the loud commotion, Xiao Yunhai, the clan head, calmly address him. If Xiao Kungyun didn't say anything, he knew Xiao Lie would, given what his son told him about Luke.
And even now, as soon as Luke walked in, he could see the closeness that boy has with his two children.
"How could I not be sure? He passed my games along with a woman that's not here right now. So that gives him the qualification!" At least now, his words caused some to quiet down since they all knew his games weren't normal ones. And furthermore, there was nobody that could against his words, given his status at the Xiao Sect.
"Hoh? You had a run-in with him?" Xiao Lie was curious since Luke manage to survive on Kungyun messed up games.
"Hey, yea! You haven't told me about this?!" Lingxi chided cutely, holding a finger up to him. Luke only smiled in the face of this and said,
"Well, hey, look! He's starting now."
"Alright! Now that we have everyone who's going to participate, Xiao Ba, bring out the Nascent beads!" As if Luke gave him the cue when he finished, Xiao Kungyun loudly spoke, getting everyone's attention.
"Yes, Young Master."
Next to Kungyun, a refined man wearing a black robe and a silver eager pattern embroidered on his shoulder, made his blue spatial ring shine. On his hand, five white crystals balls appeared. Xiao Ba handed them over to Xiao Kungyun who declared,
"Now then, the five of you, come up here and test your Nascent Essence energy. Remember, if one of you can get it to gold, you automatically pass!" Xiao Chengzi, Xiao Yulong, and Xiao Yang all strolled up confidently to him. In their minds, despite using cheap means to breakthrough, there was no way they couldn't control a little bit of their Nascent Essence energy.
But they all were eagerly anticipating the combat portion more.
"We can talk about Luke games later, Ling'er, for now, let's go." Xiao Yun spoke as he began to walk up to Xiao Kungyun too.
"Oh, alright, but you can't forget about it later, Luke!" Lingxi began walking with Luke right by her side saying,
"I'll try...it honestly just slipped my mind all this time." He wasn't lying since he found spending time with these girls was far more important than thinking about some weird Young Master.
Once all five of them got to Kungyun, they each took a bead. Luke didn't need an explanation on how to do this since Lingxi and Yun already filled him in. But he did catch the other three Xiao's staring at them with a hint of superiority.
"Try not to take so long." Yulong smugly said, and Lingxi snorted, sharply saying,
"You should focus on controlling your pitiful Nascent energy."
Glaring at her, Yulong was going to respond back, but they all heard,
Instantly four Nascent Origin aura spewed out as they poured their energy into the bead. All four of them intently focused on controlling their power, but Luke hasn't started yet.
'Do I need to ask?' Luke said as he felt his soul flash.
'Nope.' Spooky said, lighting Luke's body in a blue aura.
"Hey, why isn't that blu-" Whatever people were about to say of Luke, was promptly cut short.
Everybody there felt their bodies tingle by Luke unleashing his aura. His eyes shined a brighter blue, and instantly his bead jumped to red color! The other four were only an orange color, but Luke was far faster!
And the shock didn't end there as Luke smoothly control his Nascent essence energy inside this bead. As he expected, his soul had refined his energy, similar to his Spirit Power. His energy was at a far higher quality than any other first-level Nascent Origin, but this wasn't enough for Luke.
From red to yellow, to green, to purple and then,
"D-D-Don't tell me he's?!"
A golden flash illuminated the place as everyone eyes spiked up! When Kungyun mention getting gold, nobody, not even he, took that seriously. It was only meant to spice up the competition.
This was all because gold only means the control, the comprehension, and the quality of one's Nascent essence energy is equal to a perfected peak Nascent Origin cultivator!
For someone at Luke's level, it already would've been good for him just being able to control his energy to lit up they bead to orange, yet he went far beyond expectations.
"A-A-A-A'm I'm dreaming?!"
"TH-This can't be real?!"
"Could he really have Heaven Defying Prowess?!" Xiao Lie said to himself lowly while everyone else was freaking out. It was impossible to believe someone in the first level of Nascent Origin can achieve this, but the results can't get fabricated.
No matter what, these unique beads reject any foreign or cheating energy that might invade it. If one were to do that, then the bead would've immediately exploded! They all had no choice but to believe reality despite how hard it is...
"Holy smokes! Well, like I said, you automatically pass, but to think, you were holding this much in you." Xiao Kungyun said, and the other four youths were shocked as well.
They all poured their Nascent essence energy frantically in a rush, making their crystals go through colors but nowhere near as fast as Luke's. It took three minutes, and the final results were,
Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun with a green orb while Xiao Chengzi, Yulong, and Yang all had yellow.
"Oh, you two have some good results. But you three...seems like levels mean nothing with quality and control! Nevertheless, all of you pass." Xiao Kungyun told them since the bare minimum they needed was yellow.
Compared to Luke, everyone else couldn't honestly pay much attention to the other Xiao's since their results, at least for Lingxi and Yun, while good on their own, was nowhere near Luke's.
"Mmmm...Luke, you really know how to steal the show!" Lingxi had her arms crossed jesting to him.
"Indeed, but his results are undeniably great." Xiao Yun was calmer since this is the guy with blue cloak Spirit Power in the first place.
"Tch! Must've been a fluke."
"It had to be a fluke, he's only the first level!"
Xiao Yulong and Yang mumbled to themselves, and suddenly Xiao Kungyun spoke up again,
"Now then, let's move along straight into the combat portion! Like last time Xiao Ba will have his cultivation suppressed down to the sixth level. All you have to do is survive and breakthrough five of his moves! If someone can actually break his fives move, you are first place! So who wants to go first?"
"I'll go!"
Before any of the youths could say anything, Luke flashed towards the center of the stage, proclaiming his challenge. Just a mere first level, if it was before they would've thought. But now they want to see what someone who made the Nascent bead golden, can do.
"Ah! Luke!" Lingxi was a bit worried for him since he couldn't use Spirit Power, and Luke hadn't truly fought a real battle. However, it was too late to stop him now.
"Well then, go on, Xiao Ba!"
Nodding and not caring about Luke's level, Xiao Ba took out a talisman and crushed it. His level immediately got suppressed to the sixth level of Nascent Origin, and he flashed to meet Luke in the middle of the stage.
Xiao Kungyun declared, and out of everyone's expectations, Luke disappeared from his spot!
Xiao Ba couldn't even utter word, and instinctively he felt the danger to his right and struck out at insane speed!
An impact that assaulted everyone's eardrums shells shocked them as they all saw Xiao Ba get pushed back from a single blow.
"So quick! And that powerful strike!"
"This kid is chock-full of surprises!!"
Already Luke got people in an uproar again from his first exchange. But in a fight, Luke wasn't a fan of words and prefers to always be on the dominant side. He wasn't even shocked now from his new insane speed, and he saw as Xiao Ba as a good point to test his limits.
His adrenaline was kicking, his blood roared with excitement, and he felt his soul frantically stir. Lightning crackled wildly from his soul and,
A flash of blue lightning amazes everyone as it crackled intensely from Luke. Instantly Xiao Ba, who got annoyed from the sudden attack, jumped up once he sensed the power Luke exuded now.
From his repeated practice, Luke controlled his soul, lightning to wrap around him like an aura! And under the gazes of bulging eyes, Luke flashed in front of Xiao Ba face!
Luke Nascent Origin aura underwent a drastic change this moment. Xiao Ba felt immense pressure from him, and so did everyone else felt that increase in aura!
Lingxi however, was her soul call out to Luke's, and she fell under a daze watching him.
This time Xiao Ba hastily called upon his Heavenly Eagle Art to jump from Luke, but it was too late. With speed surpassing him, Luke threw a clean fist to Xiao Ba's stomach!
An anguish shout numbed their minds as Xiao Ba got sent skidding across the stage. He felt all of his organs churned from the fist, and small shocks of lightning further burned his body. He was in tremendous pain and his rage-fueled as didn't even start attacking yet!
But Luke's aura completely suppressed him!
"I would suggest dropping that suppression and fight with your true power, you're too weak otherwise..." Luke casually said, shrugging his shoulder. His eyes looked down on him, and his words further incite Xiao Ba's anger!
Luke needed more! He wasn't nearly satisfied with this and wanted to go all out.
"You're just playing with fire! Kneel for your arrogance!" Xiao Ba calm facade broke, and instantly he unleashed his true power!
Immediately the power of the Spiritual Xiantian Realm burst open! The stage cracked under such aura, and everyone's mind was turned upside down! Was someone in the powerful Xiantian realm really going to use his prowess on a Nascent Origin junior?!
"Ahh!! Father, you have to stop him!" Lingxi immediately pleaded to Xiao Lie. He was, of course, about to stop the fight, but the very next second stun everybody to their core.
"Heh, is that it?! Let's see if you can stand against true power!!"
Blue lightning now crazily spewed out of Luke as his lightning aura intensified! His Nascent Origin aura dramatically increased in power to the point where he matched Xiao Ba aura!
"This is unreal!!"
The whole hall shook from their tremendous power, and Luke was feeling excited! Because he wasn't combining Nascent essence energy and his soul, he basically has limitless soul power to fight with.
And like Spooky said, he grossly underestimated his soul since it dramatically increased his aura and, at the same time, didn't combine with his energy.
Xiao Ba was gobsmacked! Is this kid really a kid?! But his aura truly is in the Nascent Origin realm yet...
Luke gave no time for anyone to think since, as soon he unleashed his power he flashed in front of Xiao Ba face! Xiao Ba hurriedly called upon his skill, coating his arm in a silhouette of an eagle.
"Limitless Strike!!"
The cries of pain didn't come from Luke, but Xiao Ba, who skidded on his feet, clutching on his arms. In another single exchange, Luke nearly broke his arm! And it was under one of his Martial Skills too!!
Everything was just moving too quickly for anyone to keep track off and Luke mockingly said,
"What's wrong?! I thought you were going to make me kneel?!"
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