《Adventuring In A Unique Xianxia Universe》Xiao's Encounter
"Really?? What do you have in mind, Spooky?"
"My senses. Those two looking for herbs and I can sense even now those herbs they have in that ring. We can deal this way.' Luke should've been more astounded at this fantastic ability, but honestly? His expression didn't change much. It must be the already crazy stuff that she already has done that's making him more numb.
'But even as I know their original personality, will they so easily agree to two strangers that are weaker than them?' And towards Luke's reasonable question Spooky became a bit strange.
'You, you do like girls, right?'
What the hell kind of a question? Luke almost felt insulted that Spooky had to ask this and with an annoyed tone he said,
'Yes, yes, I do like girls. But how in the hell does this relate in any way to the situation we were discussing!?' Once Luke gave the confirmation, Spooky didn't respond and focused back on Xiao Lingxi. During her conversation with Xiao Yun, she had taken a few glances over to Luke because of Spooky's curse and felt like he was a friendly person.
And compared to how she didn't think much of Andrea or any other stranger that she would come across, this just showed the extraordinary prowess of the curse. But of course, this small innate liking at least for Spooky wasn't enough for the upcoming conversation.
Focusing only on her, she barely increases the effect of the curse on her while at the same time weakening the effect the curse would have on others. It was effortless for Spooky as for Xiao Lingxi with her tremendous power; she even bypasses the hidden power locked in her soul.
Although this was as much as she could do since Spooky never once used her curse like this and Xiao Lingxi didn't appear any different as she still happily chatted with Xiao Yun.
'All done, you're opportunity is coming up soon, d-don't waste it.' Spooky informed Luke while he wonders if she has this slight stuttering problem. He was still listening on in their conversation, but so far, there wasn't any point where he could casually jump in.
"God, is it just me, or do you also find bubbly voices annoying?" Andrea exasperatedly commented since she wasn't a fan of happy go lucky people like Xiao Lingxi. She had always preferred subdue and more quiet people like the Xiao Yun fellow since they annoy her the least.
"I don't know I find it kind of pleasant. It beats constant sarcasm and cynicism, though." Luke jested to Andrea, who gained a slight smirk from his remark.
"Oh, the lonely weirdo has some fire in him, huh?"
Luke was preparing his next sharp-witted comment that he thought would surely catch Andrea off guard, but abruptly he heard,
"Oi!! To all adventures here, listen up!!" All eyes focus at the door of the inn as three strong-looking men showed up. They all stood tall, caring an air of confidence, wearing silver armor that held a red jewel in their chest plate.
All three men exuded an unfathomable presence, and Luke could feel their aura was stronger than anyone here. But thankfully, he felt Spooky rummage inside him getting rid of any pressure that he would've felt. And it held help with clarity as Luke suddenly remember why silver was associated with this town.
'Shit! It's the Silver Dragon Mercenary Group! Spooky do yo-'
'Just listen to them.'
"We've been going around town informing people that if you're traveling to Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range, we've got sighting numerous herbs mysteriously growing in the inner edge of the Range. Us Silver Dragon Mercenary is issuing out fantastic rewards to all who collect these herbs for us. Good luck with not getting killed, though!" The man at the center told everyone. And all courageous bustling adventuring parties became worked up at this news. As promptly they said the story, they immediately left going to their next destination.
Every team was hustling with serious discussion, as this was a chance for them! But as much it was a chance, it could spell out certain doom for them.
"Ah! The inner edge, I barely saw people going that far in the Range. But all of those people are amazingly strong! We won't get any herbs at this rate!" Xiao Lingxi's voice bounced in their minds as she lamented that even with this seemingly god-given opportunity in front of them, they couldn't do anything with it.
She and Xiao Yun knew their limits as they dared not to venture far in the outer edge of the Range. But it didn't make it any less frustrating for her since everyone else has the same idea and already took those valuable herbs first.
"That and this oddly suspicious. We've been here for only two days, but only now they're telling us this? But with that Mercenary group power, they have no real reason to scheme in this town. Ah, this is quite weird, Ling'er." Xiao Yun didn't fully buy in the information provided to them. After all, there were a limited number of people who could travel in the inner edge, so why tell everyone now?
Towards those two laments, Luke got a quick idea and looked at Andrea saying,
"Follow my lead, Andy."
Now that the whole inn was lively with adventuring cultivators discussing plans, Luke decided to strike while the iron hot. As they were right next to them, Luke manages to match his eyes with Xiao Lingxi as she luckily looked his way while expressing her frustrations.
Once their eyes locked, Luke gave one his warmest smile and spoke in a friendly tone to the two Xiao's.
"Having trouble getting pieces of the pie with all herb hungry people here, right? Now with this news, it'll only become tougher for us weaker folks out here." Luke had never considered himself a charming or charismatic guy; in fact, Andrea's comment of him being lonely and weird wasn't that far off the mark.
Although, from Andrea, he had been able to pick up styles of talking from her. Mainly Luke had hoped Spooky's curse would make it to them to not see him like this awkward guy attempting to make conversation.
Thankfully, it seemingly works as Xiao Lingxi gave him a cute smile but also felt surprised when sensing his realm.
"Yea it's really rough for us. We've been trying for two days, but our luck isn't so great. But you two, you're really courageous to go at the Range at your level!" Because of the recent excitement and the initial friendly feeling she felt towards Luke, that now slightly increased, Xiao Lingxi had no problem engaging in a little chat with Luke.
"Indeed we won't even see people at the peak level of the realm try their luck at the Range. Do you two have another member?" Xiao Yun asks curiously as he also wasn't bothered by engaging in a simple talk. Furthermore, he was also surprised at two fourth-level Elementary Spirit Condensation cultivators going in the Range.
Especially in this small town where people courage isn't the highest and prefer not to break out the everyday norm.
"Oh no, it's only us two. But let's just say both of us have a great secret ability that helps us tremendously with finding herbs." Luke told, and the two Xiao's interest was piqued. From the look of Luke's confident tone and how his eyes never left both of them, the two were curious if he was lying.
"Hah! What kind of 'great secret ability.'! Surely not one that'll allow you to sense hidden herbs, right?" Xiao Lingxi playfully said, and while she was talking, Spooky fed him a name that she was positive would work.
"Maybe? Or maybe not? Alright, how about this let's make a simple wager? And don't worry, it isn't anything big." Luke propose, and Xiao Lingxi was always up for some games, so she said,
"Shoot! What do you have in mind?"
"So how about this if my cousin and I correctly guess the herbs inside your rings, we'll form a temporary partnership. Even with our senses, it's pretty rough for us out there. And if we're bullshitting, you'll get," In a dramatic motion, Luke fished out from his pocket the red crystal orb, making sure only these two could see it.
Luke, because he already knows the personality of these two knew they wouldn't try to rob from him forcefully. One because Xiao Lingxi was always very kind and somewhat naive at times. And Xiao Yun was hardworking and honorable, possessing a humble disposition.
Even if the circumstances about his birth was different this time, his brief conversation with Xiao Lingxi still proves he always has a gentle nature.
His guess about their reaction proves to be right as the two Xiao's eyes widen when he pulled out the orb and huddle up closer to him to make sure no one else eyes catches them.
Once they were close enough, Luke put the crystal back in his pocket as he looked to the two Xiao's with a slight smirk.
"A-A red crystal bead! You two must have your ways." Xiao Yun breathed out in amazement as unknown to the twins being able to pull out this kind of bead signify some sort of wealth and or strength. Like with the young master they encounter, while it was easy for him to pull out this bead, it isn't nearly as simple for ordinary folks.
"So I take it we have a wager then?" Andrea confidently spoke up. She had to admit she was quite impressed with Spooky's curse and the acceptable way Luke directed the conversation. And now he has them right where they want them.
Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun contemplated it for a second and thought about how they could pull out a bead just like that. Even if they did get lucky, luck could only go so far, and judging by their shabby clothes, these two have far more talents than they let on.
Plus the fact because of Spooky's curse, it was also making them take a liking to Luke much easier. Still, they were confident in their powers and abilities, and Xiao Lingxi flashed them a big smile saying,
"Alright, you're on! Ah! We didn't even ask, but what're your names?"
"It's Luke, and this is Andrea, yours?" Luke told them while pointing to Andrea, who had her arms crossed.
"So it's Luke and Andrea, interesting names! I'm Xiao Lingxi, and this is my nephew Xiao Yun. Now we can start!" Xiao Lingxi truly never did hear names quite like the cousins. But all it did was add to the mystery factor of the two as she was in slight anticipation of whether or not Luke was telling the truth.
"Oh? Well, all you have Xiao Lingxi is two Ground Spirit Grass." Luke smugly said.
"And you Xiao Yun have a Star Concealing Grass." Andrea plainly stated. Like Spooky, Yurei was also feeding Andrea the same information.
"Wait?! You're actually right?!" Xiao Lingxi shouted in confused wonder. Her eyes widen since you can't easily sense what's inside of a spatial ring unless you were in a high realm! Even then, to accurately detect the specific type of herb requires a powerful sense too!
"Unbelievable! It's impossible for you two to hide your cultivation level since it's impossible at the Elementary realm. How'd you do it?!" Xiao Yun was in greater shock as not even people far beyond his level could tell his Star Concealing Grass even up close!
They did not doubt they had a tool to hide their cultivation since all ten of their profound entrances hasn't been open, and those tools would only work once all ten entrances opened.
"As I said, we have our secrets, and by the way, for our limited partnership, we can also sense out any beasts or person that comes our way as long their not at a high realm. For example like you Xiao Lingxi you're at the fourth level of Nascent Origin realm." Luke told her, getting her eyes to open wide as Spooky fed him information again. For both times, Spooky was able to say to him the name of Grass as she quickly explained, 'it just came in my head.'
And she was able to identify the density of her energy to tell what level she was. Luke knew it was the Nascent Origin realm since they mention it, but he would have to talk Spooky about this sudden information gain.
"Once again to prove our shit, you're on the fifth level, Xiao Yun. I'm glad we're able to negotiate peacefully." Andrea made Xiao Yun shock as they were becoming more convinced with each passing second.
Especially as nobody in the beginning realms of cultivation can achieve such a feat like sensing another person level, perhaps these two are poor geniuses?! The ability to use one Spirit Sense is no joke, and with a pep in their step, both Xiao's stood up with their hand out.
And following their cue, the cousin stood up as Andrea took Xiao Yun's hand, Luke shook Xiao Lingxi, soft elastic hand. Her hand was tiny squishy and warm, but being he wasn't that socially inept to be weird about it.
Giving her a kind smile, Luke said,
"A pleasure to doing business. Ah, and we're quite lucky it's a beautiful girl we're working with!" Luke just honestly said what he thought about her as was always frank around his cousin.
And even if he didn't intend it, Xiao Lingxi gained a small blush and lightly chuckled, feeling a bit good from his compliment.
"Hehe~. Thank you for the compliment, and we too are rather lucky to be working with such mysterious youths, right Xiao'er!" When he got called, Xiao Yun shook a bit as when he held Andrea's hand, he couldn't tell why, but he felt a small fear blossom in his chest.
It was like he was holding hand with a frightening ghost, but Xiao Lingxi brought him from the light stupor smoothly taking his hand away saying,
"Ah, right! I can tell you two are most certainly kinder than others. It will be a pleasure." Luke as reluctant he felt took his hand away from Xiao Lingxi soft one and asked them,
"Are you two staying in this inn?"
"Yep! You two are as well?" Xiao Lingxi answered, and Andrea nodded saying,
"Yea, this place seems pretty good, we was planning to book a room earlier. Let's meet back in this spot in the morning since I want to sleep now."
"Eh? But it's not that late, though? Ah! But if you're going to book a room then don't use that bead! It's too risky to even for this town. Here take these coins, it's our advance thanks for helping us with the herbs." Because of their partnership, Xiao Lingxi was already ready to help the two out and pass them four unique looking green coins.
Andrea had no problem with taking as sharing is caring, and Luke said,
"Thank you, Xiao Lingxi; I'll head with my cousin to know what room and come back to talk with you guys. My cousin isn't so used to long travels."
While he was talking, Andrea was already walking off to the front desk, making Luke hurriedly catch up to her before she got away. They arrived at the front desk to meet with a cute looking lady behind the counter.
"One room, please," Andrea said passed her the four coins. The lady who held a neutral expression took the coins nodding and handed them a pair of keys that said '214.'
"Your room will be on the second floor, enjoy your stay."
"Say you sure you don't want to stay and chat? Building connections is important anywhere, you know." Luke said to Andrea, who was already making her way upstairs.
"I would if I didn't feel like passing out now. Just butter them up for me for tomorrow." Shaking his head, Luke shrugged his shoulder and made his way back to the Xiao pair.
"Is she not really a talker?" Xiao Lingxi curiously asked.
"Most of the time she kind of is, well by tomorrow she'll be up and atoms. But for now, let's get to know each other better. After all, knowledge is valuable." Luke said his eyes matched with Xiao Lingxi when speaking this unintentionally, not paying attention to Xiao Yun, who looked calm.
"Ok! Even the style of your clothes I can tell you must have some good stories." Xiao Lingxi claimed with a smile, but Luke felt mix hearing his style of clothing can get sorted as something' unique.'
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