《Adventuring In A Unique Xianxia Universe》Ghostly Beginnings
Dreadful, cold, ominous all words to describe a particular empty street holding one single large ominous-looking mansion. Despite the night's everlasting darkness, the mansion held several windows that barred intense yellowish light that further served to add to its creepy vibe.
But the creepiness didn't stop there as behind the mansion etched rusted old brown gates that clearly looked abandon for some time. It was a deathly quiet atmosphere, and anyone with a somewhat functional brain would immediately turn around coming on to this strange street or plain out ignore it.
Well, almost anyone would...
"You see that, Andy? That's our next target." One slightly above average looking male whispered to his good looking female companion walking next to him. This man seemed to be in his early twenties with typical short black hair spouting dark black eyes, decently looking facial features along with plain clothing.
All he wore was a long sleeve black shirt and blue jeans; an average joe one could spot anywhere in the world.
"Haah, oh boy, another chance to put our lives at risk to make ends meet. Look, Luke, after this, we will find a stable non fucked up job." The woman jested while holding her head into her hands.
She was a relatively cute looking woman with distinctive dark blue eyes, and long dark blue hair flowing down to her waist. Her body was a bit curvaceous, and her most important assets weren't too big or small, just the right fit.
Her fit included something similar to the young man, sporting a plain white long sleeve shirt dark blue jeans that snugly fitted her body.
All in all, a woman that any men would see no problem in dating.
"You know, you say that whenever we explore out but look, what happens? We can't hold a decent job, and honestly, the money we get from doing these little stakeouts is enough for our shitty place." Luke was shrugging his shoulder as the two both walked along the creepy dead street warily.
"I'll give you that, but this time I mean it! Foolishly risking our lives just for some freaks across the internet is not a life anyone should live." Andy coldly said, but Luke gave her a self-deprecating smile.
"Oh? And what life can poor people like us live anyways? I think you already know the question to that, right? But come on, stop being so negative! Don't you feel a rush being in th-
"No, I don't. I won't fall for your weird projecting passions of this 'supernatural' shit. I much rather live a normal quiet life." Andy swiftly cut Luke off as they arrived in front of the rusted iron gate.
"I see, too bad; it's a shame you just care too much about your weird cousin then, eh? Now help me over this gate." But before Luke could prepare to scale the gate, Andy stops him with an annoyed expression etched on her face.
"First, before we parade ourselves for those freaks, let's make sure we have the rundown. Now silver pistol?"
Reaching into his back pocket, he felt the gun and Andy followed in the same process.
"Check, the silver blade?" Once again for their other back pockets, they felt the hilt of the blade, nodding to each other As Andy then continued with,
"And of course we both have our smartphones for the light and camera. Alright, remember, they only told us to explore the first floor of this mansion. Don't want to end up like one those people who were able to see this shit place and disappear forever in it."
Going over to a reasonable looking spot where they could climb over, Andy put her hand out in preparation for Luke to hop on the gate.
"Relax, will you. Out of all the dozens of supernatural things we encounter before, we somehow always prove through for the next week, right? Granted, we always get majorly lucky, but our wit is always a step above." Luke assuredly explained to her as he got holster upon the gate.
Feeling the gate, he noted it was remarkably cold even as the night temperature wasn't that cold out. Nevertheless, he took his cousin hand holstering her up with him, having relative ease doing so.
"At least our bodies stay in shape, I guess. I swear it's like the police intentionally block out stuff like this." The two landed safety on the blueish black walkway leading up the mansion as Andy voiced her complaints.
"It may not come as a shocker, but most likely, those police guys are in something involving the supernatural. Like they always seemed to know the right moment to arrive and avoid causality to their forces."
"Heh, whatever, let's just get this shit over with. Sooner we do this, sooner I can go home and sleep." And with her final comment, they arrived at the dreary dark doors of the horrifying mansion.
Deep inside themselves, they weren't sure why, but the two felt a calling to the mansion. Like they had just found a missing piece of themselves which got lost for years. But such odd feelings got pushed back for later discussion as these two had a job to do.
Nobody upon this Earth for the countless year humans had existed could explain the strange phenomenon of the 'supernatural.' Mysterious unexplained events were far too common throughout the world, but no matter how many promises leading officials governments put out, nobody could seem to explain anything.
Many people choose to be ignorant of such events going on their daily lives as it is already hectic enough, but others decide to delve into this subject matter. The curious people who delve far into this hole are rarely, if ever known to the general public, staying shrouded in mysteries as much as the supernatural does.
But no matter what with high risks...comes decent rewards. Exploring the supernatural can grant one a quick buck or a quick ticket to the afterlife, you would have to be a fool, strangely passionate, or severely desperate ever to consider an life like this.
It's a good thing that Luke and Andy always possess one or all three of these qualities to put their lives on the line.
With a small push by the two cousins, the tall, dark doors flung open like a great force pushed it. Their eyes widen a bit, but before they could decide anything else, they didn't know why but their legs already trudged on in the mansion.
"Shit! Talk about a big ass jump scare." Andy jumped when the doors behind suddenly swiftly slammed shut, causing an immense impact.
"Not even a half-second in, and already it's starting to get...interesting", Luke said while he obverse the mansion decor. For him, it was honestly surprising to see just how plain and dull it was.
Dull white, gray checker pattern floors, several windows lined up that showed the dreadful black night sky, and four small candles arranged along the wall going down a semi-long corridor.
"Interesting, my ass! Haah, you know, I was actually expecting this mansion to be a bit scarier, not dull." Andy commented, and they were in for a small surprise when they only took a few steps.
"Hey! You know it's rude to come in and mock people's homes, right?" They got greeted by a cute little girl's voice, and out from the floor, an adorable girl flew out and hovered above them with a smiling expression.
This girl was remarkable as she has light blue skin, black oval-shaped eyes, and long dark blue hair. Furthermore, she was wearing a tattered sleeveless baby blue dress. And to top, it all of she was completely transparent!
If any ordinary person were to witness this, it would get classified as a certified ghost! Experiencing a ghost face to face would cause a human to have blood run cold, sweat ooze from their face, and fear develop in the chest.
Though for these two cousins, they only immediately went for the hilt of their silver blade as they wearily stared at the young child looking ghost.
"So this is your home, huh? I suppose you won't mind if we do some recording around here and about you." Luke rhetorically asked as his other hand was reaching for his phone.
"Um...This is the first time someone ever wanted to take a recording. Oh! Actually, I was expecting you two. So my humble guests take all the recording you like..." The ghost girl with that everlasting smile welcomed and floated up through the ceiling.
"Ok? For all the weird shit we meet, that kid was kind of the nice-" Whatever slight compliment she was going to give was soon promptly cut off as the floor suddenly disappear.
A falling cry of a man and woman ranged throughout the first floor of the mansion as Luke and Andy plummeted into the dark abyss.
Smacking into a blue floor and yet somehow living through their fall, Luke and Andy's body wracked with grueling pain as they tried to pick themselves up.
"FU-ACH!!" Andy attempted to curse out only to spit out blood, everyone on the floor.
"Arrgh! W-where?" Luke stutter as now the sinking fear feeling began to swell in his heart. Along with his cousin never had they before encounter such magical and strange phenomenon as a ghost pulling the rug under them.
"Hey, see! These two really are what we're looking for. That would've killed any other human."
"Why they took so long to get here, though?"
Dazedly as the cousins struggle to get, they saw that same ghost child carrying a special-looking sharp blue axe, and they also noticed another companion with her.
In tune with the blue ghost girl, this one was also a young girl in appearance; only she had long lushes black hair, but it was covered up by the tattered black robe the girl wore. In her hand was a sword that was brown at the hilt and black for the rest.
"S-Seriously what the he-"
"Luke Cell, right? Cousin to this Andrea Cell, correct?" Andrea was trying to speak up, but suddenly her blood went to freezing as the blue ghost girl guessed both their names accurately.
"Ah! Great! Given you're reactions, we're right on the mark! Now for the second question, are you ready to enjoy the will of being a ghost!" The blue ghost girl passionately stated rather than ask them and both cousins could only utter a small helpless,
"Come on, you know. Going to a creepy abandon mansion in the middle of the night. Ignoring all rumors about how all who come here dies. Not caring the slightest about the danger, you practically want to be ghosts!" The blue ghost girl said, and in an instant, she shoved the axe into Luke's hand while the black ghost girl shoved her sword onto Andrea's hand.
Each weapon in hand, suddenly the two minds were impacted with painful, deeply repressed memories that they try to forget all about. It was a combination mess of all sorts of horrible things that happen to them coming at full force.
Their minds couldn't think straight and fell into utter chaos quickly as Luke suddenly screamed out,
"NO MORE!!!" Andrea shrieked at the same time with Luke and,
They stabbed both weapons through their chests, bleeding out instantly. Their eyes widen as they realized what they have done, but it was already too late to regret.
'Heh, how fitting for me to kill by my sick curiosity and rabid passion. I'm sorry, Andrea, for involving you in this..." Was Luke last thought as his consciousness slowly fade away.
'I don't want to die, but besides ourselves, do we even have anyone else that'll remember us? Luke, I'm sorry about everything...' Andrea thought as her consciousness slowly fade away.
"So, what now?" The ghost girl asked as she observes the two silent corpses.
"Now we-AH!!"
Both ghosts abruptly shrieked as from the chest of the two corpses, a bright white light line shot out and dug into their transparent chests. Contrary to what they thought, the white light managed to touch them!
But their ghosts possessing a colossal sum of power these humans could never understand!
So how did a couple of corpses achieved this?!
However, now further time was given to either ghost as a blinding bright white flash filled the room, transporting everyone out of the dreary dark room.
'Ahhh!!?? Huh?! Wait, I can still think?! That just means it was a dream!?' Luke thought as burst his 'eyes' open only to be accompanied by never-ending darkness.
"Shit! Nope, I died." He disparagingly said as memories of his death flooded back to him.
"Stop making a fuss!! I died too, you know?!" The familiar harsh voice of his cousin strikes Luke's ears as he attempted to find her only to see more everlasting darkness.
"Ah! Andy! You're here with me!!" He yelled with a slight crack of the voice feeling more emotional about melting his cousin in the afterlife than actually dying.
"Yes, yes, I know you can't live without me, but we should be more concern at why we're not at the pearly gates of heavens if we died," Andrea said in a sarcastic tone also taking the news of death calmly.
"Uhh, sorry to burst your bubble, but you should know better than ever that we're not exactly the 'greatest of people.' I won't be surprised if we're just stuck here for all of the limbo."
"What! Here with you?! Come on God; I wasn't that bad!!"
"Will you two shut up!!!" A powerful thunderous voice snapped the cousin's minds as they instantly did what they got told.
"Tch! Seriously why do I always get the annoying ones? So, Luke, Andrea, was it?"
"Oh my, uh, are you the God!" Luke said as he stared at well just an average looking man who was an even somewhat dirty white robe.
"Yea sure well, I'm at least one of them. Look I'm just the guy in charge specifically of what to do with you two for the afterlife."
"Well? Can you send us to out eternal peace already?" Andrea asked rather hotly, but 'God' said,
"Nope, despite how annoying you two are, from the first moment you were born, I can tell you two would be useful to me...only your soul is quite better than I initially thought."
"Hold it! I know this kind of situation, Yea this is one of those reincarnation simulators I watched and read about!" Luke said with growing interest, but Andrea was distraught at that news.
"Oh, goddammit! You're seriously telling me we're going to expected survive another shit life! Give me a break!!"
"No, Andy, don't you get it. Surely because of our good karma of investigating the supernatural on our world, we can garner wishes from this God, right?!"
"What? No? Where did you get that ridiculous idea from? At least for you two, you're far from any desiring granting karma. But I'm still going to reincarnate you into a specific world of my creations anyways." God said, but Luke couldn't for that injustice!
"Hold it! How are you going to reincarnate us into a world created by you but give us nothing? Won't we just be seeing you again if we encounter enemies."
"Hold up! Enemies?! I thought he was just going to reincarnate us back on Earth!" Andrea yelled in surprise while God plainly stated
"Seems like the boy gets it. No, you will not be going back on Earth mainly because your soul, even before, was too special to be wasted on it. And now, after absorbing those ghosts girls to coexist with your soul, putting you back on that planet would just destroy it."
"Huh Destroy??"
"Just shut up and listen. Looking at the Earth, you was born on is significantly different from the plain Earths usually created, which is why the supernatural, despite its weakness, was highly prevalent on your planet. You two are simply an accumulation of powerful souls formed into one body, and now the ghosts girls boosted your souls to...well you'll find out for yourself."
Such vast information was a lot to take in, but God cared little to wait and asked after a minute,
"Tell me this on your Earth even if it was different, those various fictions of entertainment still exist. And there one particular genre I'm working on in the form of a huge universe, but I'm missing some key components. I'm sure you Luke, are familiar with the Xianxia genre."
"Wait, fuck! You're sending us to one of those worlds?! Without any cheats?! Are you mad?!" Luke immediately roared, but Andrea was still confused as she wasn't well-versed in fictional stories.
"Didn't I already say your soul is far more powerful than ever before? You'll do fine, but continuing, the power you mortals manage to attain from these worlds are quite interesting rarely do anyone of you reincarnated individuals ever attain true God status. So here I was thinking, not sure you read a lot, but I will combine three different styles of cultivation universes and plop you two into it to see if you can achieve true God status."
"Uh, what three universes I may ask." Luke had questioned still not feeling assure about their chance of survival.
"Oh, it's three novels going by Against The Gods, Martial World, and Martial God Asura. Do note even if you read it, a lot of things will vastly different from any information you gather from these novels. And like I said for my universe, it won't be so easy to kill you or even get killed."
"So I'm just going to assume we don't get a say on this matter." Andrea accused not feeling fine with being forced against her will at all.
"Now, now I have seen all about the bad lives you two live, and honestly, this is an opportunity for you two. You know only a select few people can even meet us Gods, and all that do meet us finds the joy in their lives they could never receive before. After all, I'm sure that woman would want to see you two happy."
And in an instant, the cousins' minds buzzed as an image of the most beautiful woman they ever regarded in their lives flashed in their minds but swiftly left it. That woman held great significance to those two as they went silent.
"In any case, I'm one hundred percent positive that my combined universe will help you discover you're true purpose. See you soon..." And with the snap of his fingers, the surprised cousins saw a white flashed on them as they got promptly teleported to their new lives.
"Honestly, why haven't those reincarnated kids thought of this idea before. Well then to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my ambition."
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