《Ghost World Academia》48-Aftermath Of Ryuga Vs Myra


“I want to know Queen Lucifer, what are you hiding?”

Clayton asks Lucifer.

“Was it your brother who leaked you things that were supposed to be secret?”

Lucifer asks Clayton.

“My brother only told me that the best place to start searching clues on Ryuga would be you, Queen Lucifer.”

Clayton suspiciously looks at Lucifer.

“And, It seems I hit a jackpot. It seems you know something about Ryuga. So tell me, Queen Lucifer, what is that you know about Ryuga?”

Clayton asks Lucifer.

Lucifer sighs,


A woman’s voice says as she touches Clayton and he falls asleep.

“Thanks, Kaori. I am pretty sure with your ability, he will forget about things.”

Lucifer says to Kaori appreciating that she arrived there in time.

“Yeah, I had to touch that filthy man’s hand to use this ability.”

Kaori says with a disgusted tone.

“Ryan Arkwet…I guess your husband and his squad are still trying to get dirt on him.”

Lucifer says to Kaori.

“Yeah, but, he is one tough guy to get dirt on.”

Kaori sighs.

“When you are in the contacts with The Shadow Sins, that is bound to happen.”

Lucifer picks up Clayton. Even though she has a petite body, her strength is immeasurable.

“Especially, when he is Pride himself.”

Lucifer says.

“Have you heard about wrath?”

Kaori asks Lucifer.

“Yeah, he is someone who is causing havoc in City-E.”

Lucifer says to Kaori.

“City-E…A city full of criminals.”

Kaori sighs.

“Also the City you were born in.”

Lucifer chuckles as she and Kaori are escorting Clayton to the infirmary.

They walk past Ryuga, Myra, Jau, and Ellie almost as if they were invisible to them.

This is mostly because Kaori has used her magic to cover up Lucifer and herself along with Clayton.

“What happened to Ryuga?”

Kaori asks Lucifer as she looks at Ryuga.

“He got thrashed…Real hard…”

Lucifer looks away.

Kaori sighs, “You should just give him your powers back to him.”

“Kaori, sorry, but that is not happening. Not until he realizes how important and how strong that much power is.”

Lucifer says.

“I understand.”

Kaori sighs.

“Anyways, what about City-N? Any news from there?”

Lucifer asks Kaori.

“Nothing out of ordinary yet. Just gambling, prostitution, and rumors about drug supplies as usual.”


Kaori answers.

“I see…”

Kaori and Lucifer continue having a conversation until they reach the infirmary.

Kaori leaves silently and walks back home with Lucifer taking care of the situation.

Apparently, Clayton forgot about everything. It’s almost as if Ryan Arkwet’s Limiter Ability was used. Kaori told Clayton that he went to the toilet and that’s where she found Clayton. Through her words, some male students found him in the male toilet.


Ryuga slowly opens his eyes. She sees that Ellie and Jau are waiting for him to wake up.

“Hey, he's awake.”

Mizuki who was standing behind says.

“Hey everyone…”

Ryuga smiles and greets everyone in the room.

“Hey, buddy, nice to see ya wake up.”

Even Kirio was there, standing near a window.

It looked like the sun was setting.

Ryuga gets up and rests his back on the pillow behind him.

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”

Ryuga holds his injured ribs.

“You shouldn’t move much.”

Myra who was in the room as well says.

“Yeah, you still have a lot of injuries.”

Jau says to Ryuga.

Ryuga sighs.

He seems to be looking around trying to find someone.

“Who are you looking for?”

Ellie asks Ryuga.

“What happened to Clayton and Lucifer?”

Ryuga asks.

“Clayton was found unconscious, man. I don’t what happened but when he came to, he said he didn’t remember anything.”

Kirio explained.

Ryuga and Jau look at each other.

They realize that the only one with this ability could Ryan Arkwet. But they don’t know it was Kaori who did it and not Ryan.

“Headmaster said that she took him to an infirmary. Some boys found him in the bathroom.”

Kirio continued.

Everyone chuckled except Myra.

“2 days later, come to Miss Lucifer’s office.”

Myra looks at Ryuga.

“I will be waiting.”

Myra says and leaves.

Ryuga and everyone else looked surprised.

“Well, that happened quickly.”

Ryuga says.

“Oh hey…Aragi Ryuga, nice to meet you.”

As soon as Myra left, Kusata and Eina entered.

“Nice job out there kid. You actually went on and survived for almost 7 minutes. That too, against Miss Myra!”

Kusata looks quite pumped up.

“Thanks, I guess…”

Ryuga says with a nervous smile.

“Yeah, you surprised me. I heard that you in my darling Mizuki’s group.”

Eina says with a smile.



Ryuga looks confused.

“Yeah, she’s a really old friend of mine…”

Mizuki says as she looks away from everyone.

“Yeah, I have pretty much known her since she was born.”

Eina says with a smile.

“I-I see…”

Ryuga looks quite nervous as he keeps smiling.

“You’re going to be an important asset to her team, kid. So, you better do well.”

Eina says.

“Yeah, I will try.”

Ryuga still looked quite nervous.

“Wait, I was sure I invited some other guys too. What about them?”

Ryuga asks.

“They left because unlike us they aren’t billionaires and they have to work to feed their families.”

Eina says with a smile.


Ryuga said with a nervous smile.

“But Ryuga, I thank you for what you did.”

Kusata says to Ryuga.


Ryuga looked confused.

“What are you thanking me for?”

Ryuga asks Kusata.

“For helping out Miss Myra.”

Eina says.

“She used to be much different. A cheerful teacher who we admired. Even though we never were born from different mothers, she was like a mother-figure to us.”

Eina continued.

“We hadn’t seen her fight against anyone either except Yuu.”

Kusata says.

“Exactly, Yuu always used to talk about how he wanted to surpass her and how he wanted to be stronger than everyone so that he could protect us all.”

Eina said with a sad smile.

“Yuu…He was someone without limiters.”

Kusata says.

“He was just like Ryuga…”

Ellie says with a surprised tone.


Eina and Kusata both looked confused.

“Yeah, Ryuga here doesn’t have any limiters.”

Mizuki says.

“Hold up! Hold up! You are telling me that this boy had no limiters?!”

Kusata looks at Ryuga with an all-confused face.

Jau nods in response to the question.

“Though through what I have heard you defeated the son of Alucard.”

Eina says.

“Let’s just say that it’s Lucifer’s handy work that I can’t use all of my mana.”

Ryuga looks away.

“Wait a minute…”

Eina realizes something.

“Headmaster Lucifer sealed away Ryuga’s potential mana capacity and made him the way he was back when he had not unlocked his mana capacity.”

Kirio explains.

“Oh? I see…”

Eina smiles.

“I guess you’re in good hands then.”

Eina says with a smile.

“What do you mean?”

Kirio asks.

“There is no one better than our teacher Myra herself to teach him the ways of fighting with no limiters. After all, she thought Yuu how to fight with no limiters and if Ryuga is already this good, I believe he will be much better in the future.”

Eina says with a smile.


Kusata looks at his expensive watch.

“We gotta go.”

Kusata says.

“Yip! You guys can ask Aragi for our address in case you guys need something and your welcome to visit us anytime too, Aragi.”

Kusata says before he leaves.


Ryuga says with a smile.

“I guess we can leave too, right?”

Kirio asks.

“Yeah, I feel better already…It’s almost as if I have no broken rib cages anymore nor any pain from the wounds on my face. I don’t know who healed me but my goodness their healing capabilities are strong.”



Kaori sneezes,

“Is it Hiro who is remembering me? Or is it Ryuga? Or maybe Lucifer? I wonder which one.”

Kaori chuckles.


Ryuga took his time for two days. He inquired Myra about his training and she said they would be training for at least 9 to 10 days. Therefore, He attended classes and asked Kirio, Ellie, and Clayton to give him notes on what he might miss for the remaining week or two until the tournament.

There was another slight change in the last two days that Ryuga noticed was happening.

“Gordon…I wonder where gone? He didn’t even attend the school for the last two days.”

Ryuga looked a little concerned.

Other than that, Ryuga was preparing himself to get ready for the training. He exercised to keep himself healthy and he ate nutritious food and then, finally, the day arrived for his training.


“Alright Ryuga, let’s begin your training.”

Myra said as Ryuga stood in front of her and Lucifer.

She held Ryuga,


And barged out of Lucifer’s office breaking the window behind her.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me…”

Lucifer sighed.


Myra stopped at the top of a mountain.

She dropped Ryuga there.

Ryuga landed on his feet without falling.

“So, are we going to meditate, fight or are you going to teach me some technique? Which one of it?”

Ryuga asked Myra.


Myra quickly replied.


Ryuga looked confused.

Myra smirked.

“We are about to play games.”

Ryuga couldn’t take Myra seriously for a second there.

“Come again…”

That’s when Myra repeated what she said with an evil smirk,

“You heard me, we are about to play games.”

Myra said.

Ryuga suddenly took a shock to his brain,

“You have to be shittin’ me…”


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