《Strongest Tree》Chapter 10


"Lord Kence, said hello to you. Too bad, he cannot speak. We were only able to communicate with him through our mind because we have his bloodline" King sighed. This communication barrier would be troublesome

Hearing this Cesar was in deep thought, he cannot always rely on King and Calter to talk with Kence as he clearly saw that this tree was their leader and the most powerful of them

Suddenly, as if a light bulb was lighted inside of Cesar "Can you give me a Bloodline too?" He knows how hard is to to live in this world if you are weak and seeing how King and Calter become powerful when they gained their Bloodline he too wants to have that kind of power even if it means that he will have some inhuman traits

What's the use of appearance if you are weak?

Kence was taken aback, he thought that no one would like to have inhuman appearance but this Cesar was willing in order to gain power!

It seems like he underestimated the people's desire to gain strength in this apocalypse

Thinking of this he decided to give Cesar a Bloodline too, gaining powerful allies is very much welcome besides it was also a chance for him to know the process on how he can give Bloodlines

Kence controlled his energy to surround Cesar while giving all of his attention on the changes that will happen

Cesar was surrounded by light green light that gave him a warm soothing feeling, he felt too comfortable because of this energy it's like he was one with the nature!

This energy was slowly being absorbed by Cesar, Kence felt like he gained a sort of x-ray light vision as his vision pierce through Cesar's body

Inside him he saw a ball of glowing light with rune engravings on it

He was sure that this glowing sphere was a soul! Unlike from his soul that has green tint on it this Cesar has runes on his soul. He thought that this might be the reason why Cesar became a Rune Master!

When Cesar absorbed the energy aside from feeling that his body was slowly getting stronger there was not much of a change but when this energy penetrated his soul and was absorbed

Soon a transformation happened to him that was similar on what happened with Calter and King

Brown lines formed on his face while his hair and eyes become green and patches of bark grown on his arm and legs. Exactly the same with King and Calter

Maybe because Cesar was already a supernatural this consumed much more energy

Before, his energy was only drained because he transformed King and Calter at the same time and compared to that time he has more energy now but it still used up all of his energy

Like before, he become a little bit dizzy due to energy exhaustion and he can't help but cursed inside his mind

This process of giving a Bloodline is a dangerous one, what if an enemy appeared and he does not have any energy to fight?

After his transformation, Cesar felt much stronger than before. Before, his body was only two times stronger than an ordinary person the same as a fallen but now he was more than two times stronger than an ordinary human


"King, I have a request for you" Kence mentally said to King and King felt that Kence's voice has tiredness on it and he realized that it must be because of him giving Bloodline

"What is it, Lord?" Since his life and power was given by Kence he would give his best to fulfill any of his wish

"My energy was fully spent, can you hunt me some fallen to absorb?"

King remembered how Kence used his skill to absorb the body of the thug's leader and with him experiencing the use of the skill [Absorb] he instantly knew why Kence wanted a fallen's body to absorb

"I think there is something much better than a fallen's body, wait for me here My Lord"

King run towards the thug's village, if Kence needs a fallen for their energy then would it be better for him to absorb the mage's body? It clearly has more energy than an ordinary fallen!

After a few minutes of running he was back now in the village and all the villagers was shocked to see him. Not giving any of the villager attention he grabbed the mage's body that no one bothered to dispose much to his relief

Ignoring the horrible smell of blood he carry the corpse back to the forest

Few minutes passed again and he was back to where Kence is

Seeing a bloody human body that King was carrying, Kence frowned. Although he won't care if King killed a human but it was still better to kill fallens as they have more energy than a normal human!

"Lord, this was the mage that we fought before. I figured that his body has more energy than a normal fallen!"

It's actually a mage's body!

This King was really thoughtful. King can just absorb this mage and hunt ordinary fallens but he instead present this energy vault to Kence!

Kence felt like if he absorbed the energy from this corpse the barrier that he felt was close to breaking would instantly break giving him more power!

In glee he used his skill [Absorb] as one of roots emerge from the ground and pierced the mage's body

Just like before when he used his skill, the mage's body withered until only ash was remained that the wind carried to who knows where

Poor mage, even his corpse was not spared

King and Calter was not shock by this but Cesar was different!

His mouth opened in shock at the scene but remembering what the Voice Of The World said after gaining his Bloodline that he gained the Innate Skills [Absorb] and [Photosynthesis] he figured that this might be the skill [Absorb]

After absorbing the mage's body a booming sound was heard inside of Kence's tree body

The barrier was finally destroyed! His aura become stronger as more energy was absorb by his body that is now glowing with green light

An energy vortex appeared on the tree as the surrounding energy was being absorb by him in an astonishing rate

*ding* Congratulations for Host from breaking into Rank 1: Warrior mid stage!

*ding* Gaia's Love/Skill ticket was gained as a reward from being the first in breaking through to mid-stage

Kence was shock by this, he thought that since he become much stronger than before his original level as 1 would become 2 but he actually only just break through to the mid stage and he was actually the first one!


Just thinking about the difference from each level Kence cannot imagine how strong those who are in the second level and higher!

Him, being the first one to broke through he gave the credit to his skills [Photosynthesis] and [Absorb]

These skills were clearly a cheat!

The biggest award to him aside from being strong was the Skill Ticket!

Having more skill means being more versatile and he can cope up with different situations!

He immediately decided to use the Skill Ticket

"System, use my Skill Ticket now!"

*ding* is Host sure in using the Skill Ticket?

Fucking yes!

*ding* congratulations Host gained the skill [Spirit Clone]

A blue translucent window appeared in front of his imaginary eyes

Spirit Clone: the ability to split up the soul to forming a new body that can cultivate separately from the main body

The second soul can enter the original body to merge with the main body's skills and power and vice versa

Warning: after using this skill the Host's soul will split causing indescribable pain

Another shock befall to Kence. A cheat! Another cheat! This time he was not sure if he was just lucky or something was causing these things to happen but for now he doesn't care about that he desperately needed power!

Without a delay, Kence immediately use his newly gained skill without caring about the warning of the system. He was tortured with almost all means possible but didn't he persevere?

Unfortunately, he underestimated the pain from having your soul split. This was a pain different from any kind of body pain!

Kence screamed in pain he felt like someone was ripping him into two while multiplying the pain a thousand times!

King and the rest was already shock and amaze on the aura that Kence's tree body was emitting, just from the aura alone made them suffocated but now the tree was actually trembling and they didn't know what is happening

Inside of Kence his soul was still in the process of splitting, how he wish that this pain would stop now!

Finally, the pain subsided as one of the split soul flew out from his tree body

The soul that was glowing with green light was slowly forming into a human like figure

This figure was almost the same as Kence's former human body aside from having skin whiter than before while his hair and eyes being green

The clone opened its eyes and he was shock that he can actually float in the air!

King and other's jaw drop as one shocking thing after another was happening in front of them

"L-lord?" King asked unsurely

Kence nodded "I gained a skill that can let me make a clone, it's thanks to you giving me the mage's body. Thank you King"

"It was nothing, My Lord" King bowed

"I'll familiarize myself with my new body first, let's all train" everyone nodded

They too want to continue training, even though Kence didn't showed his might just his aura alone was enough to tell that they are not a match for him!

This gave them motivation to want to become stronger!!


Another 5 days has passed and it is now the second week of the apocalypse

Rafaela opened her eyes, as if her eyes can pierced through the world itself and the general situation appeared in he mind

"I think it's about time" she muttered "I hope not many people will die" she sighed

She snapped her snow white fingers and thousands of gray colored circle cores appeared around her

If a level 3 and 4 supernatural were to witness this scene they would surely be shock as their jaws will drop on the floor

These cores are what level 3 supernaturals would invest all of their time and energy to make and even then not all of them would be able to make it!

While level 4 supernaturals will also invest their time and energy to strenghten these core!

But to think that with just a snap of her finger, this angel was actually able to make thousands of them at once!

With a wave of her hand these cores flew everywhere on earth

Multiple lights can be seen around the world, everyone has a bad feeling about this light

A certain core flew roughly a few kilometers to where the village that was ruled previously by the thugs

In landed inside a certain fallen, a transformation appeared on its body as its body size grew. It become a three meter tall fallen with big bulging stomach. Its stomach was so big to the point that it cannot even support its own body as it fell down on the ground

This kind of transformation happened everywhere the cores landed and was absorbed by the fallens.

After the transformation happened the angel's voice resounded again in the minds on the creatures on earth

[Apocalypse Phase 2: Mother Fallen: Week 3]

These words was the start of the true nightmare for humans but for now they didn't know that as they didn't know that some Fallens change

The government continued to regain territories as the first two weeks of the apocalypse was only the people and some rare animals turning into fallens. Only 20% of them was transformed and with the trained and skilled military and police even without modern weapons it was still a bit easy for them to maintain order in some places as food was not yet scarce for now and some plants growth rate become astonishing!

Also, because of fallen animals attacking normal one the number of fallen decrease drastically!

It was not just humans that gained the ability to absorb and use this mystical energy. Animals are also the same!

Some powerful supernaturals on the other hand particularly those who have the 4 mystical occupations build their own territory using the strenght that they gained. They hailed themselves as either Kings, Emperors, Lord, Masters of their territory! Where they were the one who got to decide everything

Thus, it was not exaggerated to say that the first 2 weeks of the apocalypse was the adapting and society transformation stage but the week 3 was the start of the true apocalypse!

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