《Strongest Tree》Chapter 6


If he die then he die. Dying is now a common thing in this apocalyptic era and dying means that he won't need to suffer anymore after all he is so weak! Being weak means that you would be just trample down by the strong

But can he just die like that? He may have killed the thug's leader but there is still the thug's subordinate his revenge is only 50% done! He needs to kill all those who take away everything from him

Without the middle-age man knowing, a seed of darkness was slowly being planted on his mind. This seed in the future will grow making his name become something that will cause fear to everyone. Well, that is for the future but now he's still just a weakling

He is unwilling! He can't just let end things like this!

He kneeled down in front of the mysterious tree

"No matter what you are, a demon or an angel I don't care! Please help me and my son! You killed the thug's leader and you are powerful please save my son! I promise that my life would be yours to decide" saying this the middle-age man pressed his forehead on the ground

At this point of time Kence was still in joy for absorbing the thug's energy that is even a little bit more than the first fallen that he killed maybe because after successfully consuming the Blood Bean the thug cultivated and absorbed some more energy. Although the energy that he got is only comparable to a full day of his own cultivation, still that means that he was one day ahead of other humans! This advantage will slowly accumulate until he become one of the strongest human... or rather tree

Hearing the sincere pleading tone of the man even kowtowing on him even though he is a tree made Kence very much want to help him but what can he do? Even when he was attacked by a fallen and patch of his barks was destroyed his tree body was only healed because of the energy that he absorbed from the fallen


Kence's eyes lit up as he realized something, if he was healed because of energy then can he use energy to heal others too?

Wanting to test his hypothesis Kence tried to manipulate some of his energy to try healing the child. Wanting to test is one thing sadly, Kence's current ability to manipulate energy is quite weak, he can't properly control his energy to flew to the child's head to try if it can heal him

A few moments pass that nothing happened, the middle-age man's face darken, will his son really die? But suddenly a few light green particles surrounded him and his son. The particles has a gentle smoothing effect on it that makes one feel comfortable and the previously pale face of his son due to blood loss started to slowly return to normal. Even the back of the man that was hit by the stone slowly started to heal

Since Kence can't properly control his energy so he decided to just let loose his energy to surround the child with his energy but he underestimated the amount of energy needed to heal them. In jst a few breathes all his energy reserves were completely emptied!


Kence felt a little bit dizzy after his energy was completely emptied

Fuck! Just healing them took all my energy and what's with this headache? Is this the consequences of overusing energy?

Fuck this! They should thank me for being this generous!

Unknowingly to Kence, when energy surrounded the father and son duo it does not just invade their body but it was also absorbed by their soul!

The middle-aged man felt that he can somewhat resist this energy from invading him but he didn't. Who knows if the tree will kill him if he do so?

After they absorbed the energy particles a shocking transformation happened on the two!

Brown lines started forming on the face of the father-son duo and their previously brown eyes transformed into a light green one! Some tree bark like patches grow on their arm, thigh and legs and lastly the color of their hair changed from black to brown and green color

If one look at them one might think that they are some nature spirit that was born to protect nature itself!

*ding* Host has successfully given his bloodline

*ding* Due to Host's level as a Rank 1 Supernatural Being, Host successfully made a Level 2: Energy Absorption Stage Beings

W-wait did the voice of the world just said bloodline?! How does that happen?!! I thought only those who met certain criteria would be granted a Bloodline and now here you are saying that I can give bloodlines to other people isn't this too much of a cheat?!!

Mages, Rune Masters, Cultivators and Bloodline Holders these 4 occupations are the cheat of this era!

From the information that I got from my reward those 4 are at the top of the food chain in humanity because unlike ordinary supernaturals that will just randomly gain ability and also developed their own techniques those 4 are different!

Mages have grimoires that has powerful spells of all kinds!

Rune Masters can use the power of runes to activate spells!

Cultivators have the strongest body!

Lastly, Bloodline Holders will gain traits and abilities depending on what bloodline they have!

All of them have advantages that can dominate normal supernaturals!

Unfortunately, only those who have the talent would be one of them but anyone who does will surely be powerful if they have enough time to grow!

To think that I can make Bloodline Holders does this mean the heavens are helping me in my revenge?

But wait, if it's Bloodline wouldn't it be correct to say that creatures can transfer their bloodline um through blood? But I'm a tree, I don't have any blood how was this possible?!

"P-power, I feel powerful" the middle-age man said after their transformation was finished and he also felt some sort of a link to the tree that saved him as if he can talk to the tree through his mind. Naturally, Kence also felt this connection

The child slowly opened his eyes and what he first saw is the changed face of his father. Normal people's reaction would be being frightened to death and shouting frantically but this child didn't act 'normally'


He doesn't know why but he knows that this is his father and his father would never harm him

The child lifted his hand and touched his father's face "d-dad"

The middle-aged man hold his son's hand and smiled "thank god, you're okay now son" he felt happy, he really is too happy! Not only did the tree saved his son but also granted them power. Power, in this apocalyptic era is the best thing to have!

The middle-aged man kowtowed in front of the tree "My lord thank you for helping me and my son!" He really felt too grateful for this tree and he promised to himself that he will do anything for this tree and his son

Kence was in an awkward situation again, the man thanked him but he can he say 'welcome'?

Man! Being a tree really sucks I can't even talk!

Um hey wait I felt some sort of connection to this man is this the legendary telepathy or mind link??

Being excited that can he finally talk to other human again he tried to imagine that he was talking to the two on his mind and said "welcome"

The child and middle-aged man's eyes widened in shock. The mysterious tree can actually speak in their minds!

Heavens! This tree is really powerful! Thinking this the man decided that he just found the best backer! This tree is strong and it can also help him become strong

"M-my Lord c-can you take me under your wing? I promised that I will become strong to help you please!!"

Kence was actually waiting for this moment! After all one's power is limited, Kence was not dumb enough to think that he can beat everyone easily just by himself. This is a lesson he learned from his abductors, if it was one on one fight then he was sure that he can defeat anyone of them sadly due to their overwhelming numbers he was defeated and tortured. Having thought of this he replied "You can, but that means that your lives are mine now. I gave you power and I can use that power to kill you" he bluffed

He doesn't even know how he gave them his lineage so how was it possible that he can use it to kill them? Kence just said those words because he doesn't want them to betray him and what's the best way to stop anyone from betraying you? Naturally, it is by holding their lives on your hand. If you can kill them with a thought how can betrayal even cross their minds

"Yes, my Lord" even if Kence does not threaten him with their lives he will never betray Kence!

He is not some bastard to betray someone that saved his and his sons' life!

"My Lord, I am called King and this is my son, Calter" hmm King, what an arrogant name

Calter step forward and shyly said "h-hello"

This child is cute, Kence thought

"Hmm, I am Kence. No need to call me lord or anything, I was just a normal human before" since he decided that they will be his comrade he decided to might as well tell them the fact that he was actually a human

"A-a human?" Both of them were shock, just what sort of power was needed to turn a human into a tree? But both of them soon recovered from their shock after all this is the apocalypse just what is impossible?

"You saved us, it is normal for us to show respect to you My Lord and it is actually quite normal now to call powerful people as Lords. Even that thug bastard wants other people to call him Lord" thinking of the thug, King was full of hate

"Well, whatever" if they insist then just let them be. Well, it actually boost my ego a bit hehe

"L-lord Kence, I know you just saved our lives and this might be presumptuous for me to ask but please help me take my revenge! Although you already killed the leader but I also hate his subordinates! Even though my strength greatly improved they outnumbered me please help me!"

Hate, how can I not be familiar with that word. I hate those greedy organizations that killed my parents!

"Sorry, I want to help you but as you can see I'm a tree now, I can't move from here" Kence sighed, even if he wants to help but what can he do? He may have the power to deal with normal human but he does not have the simple ability of walking!

King was disappointed but he understand that Kence was also facing some difficulties so he didn't press the issue further

"Although I can't directly help you but you are now a stage two human I think you can sense the energy in our surroundings now. Absorb those energy and you will be as powerful as that thug" the hardest thing in training is the first step. How can you sense something that you don't even know? This energy was a foreign thing to earth before the apocalypse so how can training be easy? But once you passed that level and absorbed energy it would be easier and you only need some time to be able to control your energy after all that energy became a part of you like your hands and feet only sufficient practice and time was needed to be able to use them

But well there are those talented people that can control their energy the first time they tried

"Yes, My lord. Calter train with me, we need to become stronger to survive okay?" Calter nodded and they sat down in a meditating position close to Kence's tree body

This the father and son's first step in being one of the strongest!

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