《How I became op.》thinking a little


" Who are you?" My mom whispered into my ear while holding me close to her, what scared me was the look on my mother's face. As this is all going on she brings me to a back ally, trying not to draw too much attention to the situation. " Um, what do you mean mom." " Why are you already at Diamond rank a rank, no normal human can reach this rank this quickly."( I knew this was gonna happen but I already got a plan.) " Uuuum it's just a lot so this will be awhile there is just so much I have to tell you, mom." " Well on with it out how are you this strong?" " Well, it all started when I had a dream about a dragon and it gave me a golden flame that was white in the middle. The name of the dragon that gave me the flame is Audria... and that is the bulk of it this is how I'm as strong as I am today. (left out the part when the monsters attack or the stuff about king Arther just let her know how I got this strength.) " So that is why, but then how can you speak so fluently I don't remember kids your age that have the ability to speak this fluently." "Well, that is part of the inheritance, like how some animals know how to hunt right off the bat without having to be taught." ( please buy the bull shit please buy the bull shit...) Or mc repeated this inside of his head until it became a mantra all the while he looked at his with a big smile hoping she wouldn't kill him.

She immediately started walking back home while still walking with a looking apologetic. " Sorry, Adam I thought that a demon had inhabited your body I was so scared that I lost you." She rubbed her face against mine. " If I lost you I don't know what I would do." " I feel the same way about you and dad mom, so no hard feelings." as they reach the house Adam and Lydia come in then hear a shout. " Lydia is Adam ok!" Chris was walking towards them with teary eyes, dad was always a crybaby constantly making sure I was ok. Even when he trained me it hurt him to have to be strong with me and train me in the way of the knight. ( though mom may have had a hand in the physical pain he got for training me.)

He picked me up worried like usual with tears in his eyes. " Don't worry Adam has been properly taken care of it turns out he got an inheritance from a dragon named Audria." "What is an inheritance I've never heard of it before." " Well, it seems Adam had enough dragons blood inside of his body to get this inheritance from a dragon. If you want to know about what inheritance is, ask Adam because the inner workings of it are still fuzzy to me. " wait what do you mean Adam can explain it he is not even three weeks old." " Well just look at what level of cultivation he has." Chris begins to check Adams cultivation and what he saw shocked him. " How is he already diamond rank he isn't even 1-year-old wtf, and how did he get so big?"


Mom had an irritated look on her face" look I told you to ask Adam." Chris looked as if he still couldn't believe it but decided to go for it anyway. " Uuum Adam, how did you get so strong?" " Well, it all started when mom and I were walking home from her friend's house when... and that is how I got my inheritance." " But then that would mean that you have a lot of dragons blood in your system, an amount that can't possibly be inside you."( god dammit why do you have to be smart.) " whatever my baby boy is strong and that's all that matters now." " I still want to train him though just because he has a lot of strength doesn't mean that he knows how to use it, and now that I think about it Adam is growing at an exponential rate so I should start training him soon." " But we said after a few years?" " Well I decided that it is a good idea especially since he will be tested when he enters the academy I don't want my son looking like an idiot in front of my colleges.(I'll never forget the first time his colleges tested me they were all such assholes too so that really brought it home that I was weak. Also, did I mention that all of them were women, I fucking hate my life.

" Just go easy on Adam I don't want him coming back with any bruises." " I really doubt that he will have a bruise of any kind after I'm done with him. What I'll really do is try to make him do his best and see if he breaks a sweat doing any of the exercises that I have planned for tomorrow." "well as long as I have your word I guess it's fine besides you will get to spend some quality time with Adam." After all of this, it was around 12 pm and Chris had to go, doing his usual routine of saying his goodbyes to his son and wife he had a big grin on his face showing how he wanted to train Adam. "Adam you make sure to tell your dad to stop when he is pushing you too hard tomorrow, okay sometimes he just gets too excited and can't hold back."

" I understand mom, I think I'll go to my room and meditate for the rest of the day to help my cultivation settle down." " Don't cultivate all day I wanna teach you a few things as well Adam to get you ready for tomorrow." " kay mom see you in 3 hours." I rush to my room, I've been waiting all day to be able to cultivate man it really does unnerve me every time I don't cultivate for more than a day. ... (There we go my cultivation is all settled down, in my past life it would have taken me 3 days to settle down my cultivation truly this meditation technique is godly. I check the time in my room and see that it is 1:30 pm, m( I needed only an hour and a half to do this, those monsters don't stand a chance!) I proceed to exit my room in to the hallway on the second floor and head downstairs, the stairs are a bit hard for me since I'm a bit short. It shouldn't be too long until I'm tall enough to walk up and down them much more easily. I notice that my mom is in the kitchen cooking, then the emotions hit me harder than a brick. It has been a long has it been since I was able to just sit down and eat with my mom or train with my dad, really I am thankful for this second chance.


" Adam I was wondering if you can eat regular food yet?" she placed down to plates and walked over to me. " I think I can eat some food now mom most of my teeth have grown out." " good I don't have to breastfeed you anymore it kinda hurt when you sucked on them." I decide to ignore that comment and see what my mom whipped up for lunch. I walked up to our table made of marble( did I mention my family was rich 'cough' let's just continue with the story), I jumped onto the chair and what I saw made me shed a tear. What I saw was the most beautiful slab of marbled meat in my life, it was steak with mash potatoes and gravy with green beans. Also, this wasn't any baby portion this was at least 2 plates worth of food on one big plate. " dig in little Adam I put my heart into this meal since this is your first. ( seriously how are you so good at cooking? Of course, I would never say that to her face It's not like I came to the past just to die that quickly. ) " Thank you mom this looks amazing what animal did this meat come from?"

" It came from a special breed cow that is said to have mana/ki infused into its muscles from a young age. Essentially making it a monster, though it is a man-made making the meat rich and full of flavor and helps any who eat it with their cultivation. Though your cultivation is a bit too far gone to gain any benefits from this steak. ( did I mention we were rich, oh you got the memo already, just checking.) Well, that's enough about the meat let's dig in I can't wait any longer."

After my mom and I wolfed down her delicious food she went into the fridge and brought out the cheesecake and cut out a slice for me and her. " here you go Adam" she said as she handed me the cheesecake. ( little did she know that cheesecake is my addiction and that I would be back for the rest tonight.) "Adam the moves I'm about to teach you are highly confidential and are all techniques I have created or have been passed down from my family. Under no circumstances are you to tell anyone what I've taught you today. With that said going forward, I'm going to show you the ancient magic of the dragon crest family these are techniques that have been passed down for 600 years." ( I'll never forget the first time I tried to master these techniques, my talent for magic was no existent in my past life. My whole life I just trained by the sword and that got me to master rank the rank only a few can say they have reached but without magic, you would be seen as trash. That is what pushed me to go even further past my limits and train but in the end, magic is important in everyday life.)

"Adam stop zoning out I'm about to teach you our family's magic focus very carefully." I could see my mother's aura rise as she taped into her large amount of mana and ki, it was bright orange and felt warm. Everyone has their own personalized type of ki that they have in their body, but the technique that they train in can affect their ki and change it a bit to suit the martial arts. That is what we call mastery of the martial art, it has its own of combat and it's viewed on the world. As you study the art it builds your foundation and morphs the way your ki fells and how other people will respond to it. Though there have been rare cases where someones ki just wouldn't mix with martial arts, although it is very rare. Usually, you would study the martial skill that has been passed down from your family. By the time you started studying it, your ki would mix well with it because all of your ancestors used it before you. The only time that would happen is when the person studying it was adopted or if there was a major change in your bloodline.

Though when you study a martial art and you are not compatible with it there is no harm to, you just have to find one that works. Though some people that live in the sticks and can only get ahold of a few martial arts may find a major problem if your not compatible with any of the books they have there. That is the reason that we weren't ready for the monsters either, the human races inability to share. There were so many people that couldn't defend themselves when the cracks appeared, really it is laughable humans ended up destroying themselves. " okay Adam follow me we will go into the training room." ( I'll save them I'll save all of them!) Adam and his mother walk out of the kitchen and into the living room his mother walks up to a bookcase and pulls an orange book with and dragon symbol on it. It slides open and shows stairs that lead down a well-lit area.

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