《Nifflheim》Forest of Blades Pt. 1
The thick, copper leaves slice into my face as I run behind the others into the dense fog of the forest. The Nidhogg's cries grow feint the deeper we delve until the only thing to be heard is the stomping of our feet. A shallow stream travels alongside us. Its steady trickle keeps pace with our escape like it had something of its own worth fleeing from.
Ahead of me, Iver sharply raises his hand, "Let's rest here."
The group, now remembering they have lungs, pant and cough dragging air back down their throats. My airways tense and throb from the warm air pouring in that is such a drastic shift from the previous bitter cold.
I lay down with my back pressed up against one of the trees. My body not even covering a quarter of its trunk. The thick canopy of leaves several meters above only allows slivers of light to pass through. Each beam reflects on the dense fog that lines the forest floor. Fresh soil encircles the tree as if it had just been planted there but was surely impossible. Given its size, it would need to be thousands of years old.
The others behind me are restless. An exhausted expression had sunken into each of their faces. I slam my fist into the base of the tree and my knuckles crack colliding into each other. Damnit. If only I would have done something we wouldn't be in this sorry state.
"We have to go back for him," Langley demands gesturing back to the castle.
Bjorn scoffs, "What do you mean child? I am right here. Conqueror of dragons!" He says raising his hands above his head.
"He isn't talking about you Bjorn," Frode answers disheartened, "Can you go wash off in the stream and let the adults talk. You smell like you rolled in ox shit."
Iver quickly interrupts, not allowing the usual clash between Frode and Bjorn, "Will you please just wash off in the stream. We need to clean off the key anyways."
Bjorn gives one last glare and turns in a huff. The insides of the Nidhogg fling to the ground and stain it green. Our run here did nothing to clean off Bjorn and it would be a miracle if the tiny stream is able to help even just a little.
"Haralda, would you help him with the key while the rest of us attempt to set up camp?" Iver continues.
Haralda reluctantly follows after Bjorn while the rest of us begin clearing a space to rest, silent, not wanting to focus on Bo's demise. Our legs stir the fog on the forest floor like a large pot of stew. The ripples of our steps crash into the bases of the trees. The copper leaves that lay astray bend instead of crumbling under our weight and leave thin cuts on our hands as we brush them aside.
At the stream's edge Haralda is watching over Bjorn clean himself off. I'm surprised Iver allowed Bjorn to carry the key. I wouldn't be surprised if his indelicate hands crushed our only way out of here as we ran. If I was looking for the key as long as Iver has, I wouldn't be able to allow it out of my sight. It was difficult just now to watch it leave towards the stream.
Haralda and Bjorn return from the stream just as the few beams of light leave the canopy. A small, blue fire sparks from the few sticks and leaves we gathered in the center of our cleared area. At least some semblance of time and order reaches the forest, unlike the shore. Bjorn, while not clean, had significantly fewer beast insides dripping from him, however, parts of his skin remained green as if the monster had permanently tattooed his body. The rest of us sit quietly around the fire until Frode breaks the silence.
"Must be one of the gods miracles you didn't find a way to drown in the stream. Gods know your ass doesn't floats," he says attempting to rouse a chuckle from the group to no avail.
"Bite me, old man," Bjorn bites back slumping his body down against one of the trees beside me.
Iver eyes glare at Bjorn. "And the key?"
"Don't worry it is right here," Bjorn says as he tosses the key up and down in his hand.
Iver's eyes follow the key, "Let's have Asger hold onto it for now," Iver quickly interjects and nods toward me.
Bjorn catches the key in his hand and his eyes narrow. His gaze centering on the key like it had its own gravity pulling him in. He begins moving his hand closer to me but stops halfway.
"Bjorn?" Iver says, breaking his gaze.
Bjorn shakes his head like Iver's words had just snapped him out of a trance. He turns his hand and lets the key fall into mine, "See... No problem."
The key is heavy. Heavier than its small appearance would allow you to believe. Its golden arches captivate the eyes. A small hum resonates from the key while it trickles in and out of my fingers. A rush of comfort embraces my body as the key slides into the belt around my waist, content with knowing that the key is close.
"Now that everyone is here, why don't we formulate a plan on what to do next," Iver advises as Haralda joins us at the fire.
"Can we just have a second please," Haralda bites while sitting and comforting Langley with her shoulder.
"Where were you?" I add not able to control myself.
"I'm sorry about Bo. Trust me when I say this fellas I cared for him deeply. But I am not going to sit here and squander the opportunity that his sacrifice gave us. I am even more grateful that we escaped with the key and with only a few bumps and bruises," Iver answers.
"You call being swallowed by a Nidhogg a few bumps and bruises?" remarks Frode cutting off Iver.
"I'd say we barely made it out alive," Haralda continues after Frode.
Iver stands, his arms swinging open, "But alive nevertheless. Now if we can just find the location of the next key."
"You don't even know where the next key is?" I shout, sounding more desperate than what I would have liked. The anger burns a little stronger in my chest, "Look at us. We are falling apart! Do you expect us to follow you until we fall apart or end up like Bo?" Needles stab my heart as those last words roll off my tongue.
The rest of the group begins to chime in allowing uncertainty to creep into our heads. We all shout over each other, arguing, until no one can be heard.
We continue our rambling until Langley cries with tears streaming down his face, "Enough!" We all fall silent and he continues, "None of us would be alive if it wasn't for Iver. We wouldn't even know about the keys or have any hope of a way out. We would probably be stuck on that shore or in the Nidhoggs belly-"
"Been there," comments Bjorn, interrupting Langley.
"Shut up you oaf" Frode says, motioning Langley to continue.
"I just think we owe Iver the benefit of the doubt that he can lead us out of this place. Bo was a friend and it hurts that he is gone, but he wouldn't want this to be the result of his death. That would just make it for nothing." Langley finishes and takes his seat again.
I'm proud to see that once scared child stand up and have the will to fight. A will to fight paired with the hope of freedom stronger than anyone else sitting around this fire. We all nod to each other and let Iver begin where he left off.
"Thank you fellas. I know what you are going through and I know this is not an easy task to ask of you, but I fear I must still do so. I do not know where the next key is, however, I think I might know a way we can find out. There is a well at the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree. One home to a great being called Mimir who guards its secrets and knowledge. Oden once sacrificed his eye to its waters in his quest for knowledge. With its guidance, we can surely find the next key."
"But what would be the cost of that knowledge?" I chime in as Iver concludes.
"And who would be the one to pay it?" Haralda follows.
"Do you know where this so called well of knowledge is?" joins Frode.
Iver pauses shortly before he replies, "it is said that all waters in Nifflheim lead to the well," he says looking at the stream, "the way I see it we have two options. We could sit here until we fall apart or somehow find our way to the well where it gives us at least a chance of getting out of here. That is all I can offer you. "
We all sit silently ponder the new information Iver has given us. "For Bo." I say standing.
The rest of the group smiles and raises their hands, "For Bo."
Iver clasps his hands together, "Alright, get some rest fellas. This may be the last chance to rest we have for a while."
The fire's embers crackle in the center of the camp while our party rests in anticipation for tomorrow. My broken bones crunch against the ground as I toss and turn unable to fall asleep. Tomorrow is going to come too early.
I flip over to see Bjorn staring at me intently. Our eyes meet and he turns away with incoherent grouchy mumbling. What in the gods is his problem? I push myself to my feet and head toward the stream to splash some water on my face and to get away from Bjorn. Maybe the Nidhogg fumes have finally gotten to him. I chuckle to myself.
My hands stumble up my body coated with dirt and dried blood. I should wash off too. I unfasten the clips holding my armor in place and let it fall too the ground with a thud. I undress and place my clothes and armor at the base of the closest tree. I kneel down and let the water from the stream flow through my fingers. It's colder than what I would have liked but beggars can't be choosers. I slide my feet in and the waters depth is only as high as my knees. I pool water in my hands and let it cascade down my body, wiping away most of the dirt and blood. As it runs down, parts of my body tense from its cold kiss while in others I can't even feel it's movement.
My chest tightens when I look down to see parts of my body in the beginning stages of decay. A large section of my ribs is severely discolored while other parts have already started to fall apart. My armor must have been the one thing holding everything together. I rip off the bandages that Haralda previously applied to find even more areas starting to decompose. Even small cuts seemed to have started to discolor. It was like an infection was running rampant inside of me. My mouth dries like I am about to be sick but there is nothing inside of me to cough up.
I rush back to my clothes leaving a trail of water from me to the stream. I just need to put my armor back on and everything will be fine. I can't let the others find out about this. I find my clothes and armor lying in newly disturbed dirt a few feet away from the tree. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I know I left them pressed against the tree. Did the tree move? I bend down to get a better look when footsteps sound behind me and I quickly turn and attempt to cover up my decaying body as best I can.
"You don't need to hide that from me," comforts Iver has he steps into view, "in fact I came with some wrappings to help sort you out if you do not protest."
Iver's warm smile alleviates some of the fear that had begun to tear me up inside. I nod and drop my hands with a sigh. The wrappings he was holding were scarps of the old cloaks we found at the shore, barely holding together by a thread. "I don't know how much you will be able to help with those."
"Sit," Iver orders taking a seat.
I join him and he tears off a long piece of the cloak with his teeth. He wraps my wounds starting with those on my chest.
"I'm sorry for getting so heated towards you earlier. I know you are just doing your best back there." I say with a heavy heart.
Iver let's out a sigh, "No you were right. I'm not a leader. It was foolish of me to believe so and to drag you all into this mess. I am the one who should be sorry. Maybe it's time that you lead-"
"Please don't," I reply interrupting him, "The kid was right. Without you, there is no telling what would have become of us. I want you to know that I do trust you. Wherever you lead I will follow. I was just so caught up on myself and losing Bo... sorry. I know you have more of a right to be upset than me."
Iver finishes wrapping my wounds and walks over to the edge of the stream to wash his hands. "Bo and I were here together for a long time. Before him I was alone for longer than you could imagine. It was him who saved me from losing myself. Even though he didn't talk much, it was comforting to have someone else."
My chest tightens, "I froze. I could have attempted to save him but I froze like a coward. That must be the reason why I'm here. The reason why I am decaying so quickly" A few tears escape from my eyes. "I don't know how I am supposed to repay Haralda and Langley. To protect them. I'm not the man they need me to be. I-"
Iver places a hand on my shoulder and pauses. "Asger. It is not your fault for what happened to Bo. The best we can do now is honor him and make sure it wasn't for nothing. I told you before but I will tell you again, I don't know nor do I care who you were in your past life. Why don't you be the man that you want to be with this one? I know very well that each of these wounds you received while risking your life for the others. Wear them with pride." Iver finishes and smiles brighter than the sun. A beacon out of this dark depression I have sunken into.
"When we were in the castle I dreamt of my wife or at least that is what my dream wants me to believe. Other than that I still have no idea who I am. Do you remember your past Iver?"
Iver's smile fades and he removes his hand from my shoulder. "I've been plagued with my old memories since I have been here unfortunately."
"Would you be willing to tell me why you are here?" I ask timidly.
Iver pauses and inhales deeply, "In a way you could say I was banished here by my family. I wasn't the favorite son or even the second and I always felt out of place among them. That I was somehow not as loved as my other two brothers. I would always be the one getting into trouble while the other two gladdened the hearts of everyone who was in their company. Looking back now I guess I was a little jealous. I did something that cost the life of one of my brothers and I know that I can never take that back. My deeds did not go unpunished and I found myself here. Alone. But I must return to them at any cost. You see we are all one in the same here. I am no more better than you than you are of me."
"Even knowing that I still believe you to be the best suited to lead us," I say to comfort him, "You have been the hammer that drives this group forward. The one who is there at the darkest hour. The one who bandages us after it is all over," I finish raising my arm with a chuckle.
A smile has appeared once again on Iver's face, "With your trust and the others behind me. I promise to be a good leader... So about the dream about your wife, was she pleasing to the eye?"
I laugh and shake my head, "Yes she was. I really should be getting back to her. Hey Iver, do you really think we can get out of here?"
"I have faith," he answers stoically.
For the rest of the night we sat with nothing but calming silence to fill the space between us.
- In Serial238 Chapters
Dark Skies
It is a weapon, raised and trained for one purpose: war. Instead, it ends up broken long before the battle, losing what little meaning its life may have held. But that might just mean this weapon has a chance to choose its own fate. How should a broken weapon that knows nothing and can do nothing, live in a world of humans? A few notes: This story uses a hard magic system and is set in a somewhat realistic middle ages time period. Tagged sexual content just in case it comes up later. Dark Skies Discord Server Cover by: persePHOreth Cover brush attribution: Brushes by Brusheezy!
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Again from Scratch Saga: Izmittor Unchained
If someone precious to you needed your help, would you extend it? Would you still do it if it costs you your peace and perhaps even your life? For Tercius, a man mysteriously reborn nearly thirteen years ago, there was only one answer to both questions. Feeling compelled, he sets out to journey to the northern Sogea and its infamous Western Izmittor mountain range, a natural stronghold of sky tearing mountains and deep canyons. Legends about the place abounded, but he knew without a doubt that the hidden valleys, rushing rivers, thick forests, and desolate landscapes hid powerful predators, the likes of which stalk the harsh terrains for an easy source of meat and bones. The many natural dangers of Western Izmittor would be hard enough to navigate safely for a lone traveler, but to make matters worse Tercius had enemies in the heights of Western Izmittor, humans and spirits who would see him dead if they ever learned of his true connection to the Pyramid of Tergaron and the Society of the Magi. To make things even more difficult, he also had to ensure that the true extent of his own Innate Skills remained hidden, for if the prying eyes of the world fell on him and his many secrets came to light, then he would never again know a day of peace. Can one reborn man manage to keep his secrets and still succeed in doing what his conscience compels him to? Will he have to choose one over the other? And can he do any of it without reigniting the sparks of a planetary war the likes of which had not been seen in millennia? Follow Tercius’ story and find out! *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** This story is a continuation of Again from Scratch, a story of mine also posted on RR. Reading it is NOT necessary to read this story, but for anyone who wants to get a little bit more background, here is a link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/38803/again-from-scratch Again from Scratch was my first journey into writing and I have taken all I learned from that and started writing Again from Scratch Saga, a continuation that is almost stand alone. Changes in certain phrases and words between the two are edits made because of the rewrite plans I have for the old story. The story is available here, on RR, on Webnovel, and on Scribble Hub.The cover was taken from PublicDomainPictures.net and made by one Nona Lohr
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