《Gamed:Last Attempt》4. Every Story Needs a Devil


My people!

I couldn’t help but exclaim internally when I saw a lady with a child, the first I had seen other than me in past five months I have spent doing my time in this prison Sure it was wooden, served better food, didn’t make me work and the interiors were well decorated with some artworks and such, but that only turned it into a glorified prison. They walked towards the seats, being led inside by mother while father stood around waiting to greet them.

He had been lazing around yet again. What kind of role model does he intend to become for me if he spends most of his time either looking after me or locked in his room with crates stocked with weird ingredients?

“Look, Addy, look who came to see you today.” It seems mother has caught me staring at the kid.

“Hey, handsome boy. This little fellow here is Edward and I am Aunt Margaret. Aw, Eliona they even have same nicknames. Eddy wave hello to Addy” the lady promptly held her child’s arm and waved it towards me as he and his other arm were too busy searching for the many treasures hidden in his nose.

Heck, even the puppet show I had seen long ago was better than this act.

Sadly, it was good enough to spark the embers of war between both ladies.

“Go on Addy, wave back to Eddy. He is come here to play with you.” And so I complied, proving to them all that I was a well-trained pet whereas the other kid, a wild beast who still didn’t know which place he is supposed to pee.

The gentle smile and an uncaring attitude, saying as if this was all normal for me, failed miserably to hide the meaning behind mother’s action as the way Margaret looked at her child seemed to say that further training was going into overdrive.

“Dear would you kindly bring them some toys from upstairs? I am sure the kids are eager to get to know each other.” Mother requested of Pappy, who seemed all too eager to get some distance from the petty rivalries of fellow mothers.

Minutes later I was left alone with this little creep who for some reason would not let go of my fluff sheep toy. Well, I think it is a sheep though Pappy calls it a Gobball. He acts as though its common knowledge and I should know it as such, though it just might be so in this world. Sheep becomes Gobball and dead fae becomes human. Why God? Why?

Our parents are busy gossiping about the neighbours and make occasional comments about how fast we seem to have created a bond of friendship between the two of us.

It is then that I realize the gravity of this situation. This little creep just might end up being the guy who would grow up to be a great friend of mine, someone who I may call as a Brother. Addy and Eddy, the brothers from the wintery lands, who drink and enjoy the many pleasures of life, together.


Well well well, I guess it is alright if he wants to play with it that badly. It’s just a toy and could become just the thing to help me create a good first impression.

I let the kid touch and turn Gobball around while I sit beside him and watch as an elder brother would, feelings of joy and pride swelling up in me, as I see him try to decipher just what this painted ball of wool is supposed to be.

His attention then falls at the tiny curled up part at the rear and before I could even comprehend his actions, he grabs and pulls hard at the supposed tail, tearing it apart from the main body.


I throw a punch at this little shit’s face before he could do any more harm to Gobball and then proceed to snatch it away from him.

Oh dear God, it actually came apart. I hope it can be stitched back. I was already planning on making this fur ball a family heirloom. My dreams of watching my kids snuggle with it and then watch my grandkids do the same.

This sadist little shit almost destroyed my dreams, and for what!? For what!?

Our parents rush towards us when they hear the sound of Edward’s wailing as he cries his heart out rolling on the floor.

Marg rushed to Edward, picked him up and started to cradle him. “Your son punched him! He punched my dear child!” seems the act did not go completely unnoticed.

My parents were staring at me flabbergasted, not knowing what to do or rather trying to believe whether Margaret was saying the truth.

Heck, I was in no mood to play nice or be lectured about what I did. I picked up the remains of gobball in both of my hands, clearly showing his miserable state as I stared at them with puppy eyes, as I tried to hold back my tears, and unleashed the hidden weapon on them all,”Go…bal”

The look on my parents' face was priceless. I had spoken my first words. Though some might still call it gibberish, it made enough sense to my parents that I was referring to the toy in my hands.

“He spoke?” father still seemed doubtful while mother seemed to have lost all reason and rushed to pick me up and raised me to her eye-level, “Say Mammy! Call me Mammy! Mam, me”, as she clearly wanted the next words out of my mouth to address her.

“Ma… me… Mammy!” I played along, glad that at least one had already fallen into my trap.

“Look Rugtaf! He called me Mammy! Our son spoke! Go on Addy, say Pappy! Pappy!” he exclaimed excited and so I returned the favour, “Pappy!”


Father seemed almost ready to jump and join mother in her celebration had it not been for the two people stood nearby, one of them still crying while the other stared wide-eyed at the scene of mother swinging me in the air while calling me a genius, the sound of crying not diminishing her enthusiasm in the lest.

Come on, it was just one punch, so shut it already and just how much can a punch thrown by a baby hurt?

It was the last I saw of that pair. Honestly, it seems my actions had been greatly exaggerated by Margaret to others around, making it nigh impossible for my parents to find another playdate for me, for that one meeting turned out to be the last time I would meet someone of my age again before I broke out of my confinement.


I hear a loud shout from the other side of the entrance door. My instincts are screaming something big and bad is coming; this place is not safe anymore. As mother goes running to the door all jolly and swings it open, my world comes crumbling down.

The devil is back. How could I have been so naïve as to think it had had its share of fun the last time we met? I must get away from here. I try to stand while taking the support of the walls as I make my way towards the staircase as Mother keeps talking to her while they stand at the threshold, sharing pleasantries. From where I stand, I see mother the she-devil smile and talk as if two friends meeting after a long time.

How could mother allow her back here? Have I done something wrong? I have been a good kid. I am considerably healthy as well. Heck, I have been a great kid! Never complained, always ate whatever they threw in my plate, wore whatever they told me to wear, some clothing was definitely not a boy should wear. But did I complain? Nooo! Heck, I even took my baths on time!

‘Come on! Move my tiny worthless legs! Move!’ I finally take my first feeble step. Fuck the joy it was supposed to bring to my parents as they watched me take humanity a step further ahead, even if just by half a feet. I have been betrayed by my own mother, my own blood!

I am able to move a few feet and yet the stairs seem so far. Suddenly I hear an excited shout from my rear. I turn around to see both of them staring wide-eyed at me. I have been caught.

I quicken my struggle to reach the stairs, not caring about my laboured breaths and the sweat that covered my forehead.

But in the time it took me to take two steps, they had covered the distance between us and mother picked me up in her arms, while she yelled something about me being a strong boy and all.

Well, it had been eight months since my birth, which should put me in lead to when a normal child should take his first steps.

“Go on Adrain, walk towards your favourite aunty Ester!” says mother as she puts me back on the ground and turns me around to look at the devil waiting for me with open arms and a wide smile on her face. What? Who?

“Here, come here sweetie!” she eagerly beckoned me over.

‘Like hell I am going to her’ I try to get out of this predicament by trying to hide in mother’s blossom and act shy. “Mammy…”

“Hehe, seems he is shy. Looks like he is having trouble remembering ever meeting you. You should visit often.” Mother says while patting my head.

What are you doing!? There is no need for her to come here often. Meeting her once in this lifetime seems pretty fair deal to me!

“Now now Addy, come to your lovely aunt. I have travelled a long distance to come meet you… you are making me sad.” Her impatience was clearly being transmitted regardless of her over dramatic tone.

Guess I will just get this over with. I turn around, withdrawing from the arms of my traitorous mother as she gladly gave me a gentle push, all too eager to see me gone.

Left, right, left…. Balance… another right, and so I moved forward with shaky legs, each step heavy and tiring.

“Aw, Look, only eight months old and he can already walk this well. You were right! He really is an early starter!”

The honey-tongued devil knew just the right words to fill mother with empty pride, I mean I was the one who was working his silky smooth butt, why did she pose like as if she was the one who had accomplished something great?

“Go on Addy, come back to Mammy” She said so while patting her thigh as if calling to a pet.

Time went by as they made me march between the two of them, I unable to refute because of my desire to make mother smile proudly at me and because I was afraid what else they would make me do if I dare stop.

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