《The Chaotic Life in a Different World》The Chaotic Life 1-4
1-4 Shinji’s Progress
The world of [Oracia] is composed of four continents; Aestas, Haust, Vetur, and Primavera. Besides these main continents were numerous islands and most of them were undiscovered.
The Haust Continent is where the Demons live and there are a varieties subspecies of them like Onis, Asuras, Vampires, Succubus, and a lot more. Their own capital is Mavros which served as the base for the Demon King and her subordinates.
The Primavera Continent is where many demi-humans lived other than Humans and Demons like Beastmen, Elves, Dwarves, and so forth. They also have their capital called Chloeros and many demi-humans lived there.
The Aestas Continent is composed of many species, but the majority of the population were mostly Humans. Aureolin is located on this continent and it is one of the many Human Countries on this land.
Vetur is the only continent where there is little information about the land so it’s an uncharted territory at the present. The reason for it is because of the rough terrain and severe weather that makes the place uninhabitable which many called it “the Forbidden Continent.”
Two continents, Aestas and Haust, were closely next to each other which is why there are many wars between the Humans and Demons. Primavera is on the left side of Aestas while Vetur is isolated from the three.
According to the legend, they were once part of a supercontinent before a great disaster has split the land apart and formed the continents we are living right now.
That is what it said from this book that I’m reading right now. I’m currently in the city’s Grand Library where I’m trying to get as much information about the general knowledge about this world in order to survive before leaving this country.
Two weeks had passed since I was summoned here with my classmates. My classmates are busy training their skills and magic and I’m doing similar like them while secretly making my preparations for my travels.
After finished reading, I put the book aside and read the next one which is about the several Human Countries on Aestas.
The Imperial Empire Vermilride is a military nation which is ruled by the supremacy of strength. This nation was founded by a group of mercenaries during a large-scale war against the Demons 300 years ago.
The Holy Country Celeste is a religious state where the people there serve and worship their God of Light who said that gave them magic in the ancient past. There are many churches in numerous Human settlements about their God of Light due to their influences. There’s one church in this very capital.
There are also many famous cities and capitals in this continent, but the one that I’m planning to visit is Viridian, the Neutral Commercial City. This place was an independent trading city which remained neutral. This country was managed properly, by utilizing its economic power to the limit, it was able to maintain its neutrality. One can get anything they want in this city, it was not known as the commerce center for anything.
Also, it was placed on the borderline between Aestas and Haust and they are neutral about the relationship between Humans, Demons and other races which is the perfect place for me to go visit first.
Vermilride Empire sound like a harsh place for me to have an easygoing life over there and I might get dragged into something troublesome as they employed numerous adventures and mercenaries to their military so that’s out.
Celeste is no good either as it sounds like a frantic place for religious believers. I have a few experiences dealing religious group and they aren’t the good ones. Their belief in their religion varies between groups and members which they might lead sometimes too drastic actions. In other words, religion is pretty scary sometimes, especially about their believers.
After finishing the next book and look at the time, it appears that only a few hours have passed since I’ve been here.
(Shinji) “It has already been that long, huh… Better get ready for my training.”
After returning the book to its respective shelf, I exit the Grand Library and walk through the streets where it was flooded with cheers and bustle from the Royal Capital. The sound of merchants touting their wares, the sound children playing around, and the sound of elders reprimanding their overexcited child, it was a very peaceful day.
It makes me hard to believe that they are in a crisis right now which makes the rumors I’ve heard from the bars and merchants more closer to the truth.
According to them, the Aureolin Kingdom is a magical nation where the land is filled with magic and they have many magicians and powerful knights at their disposal. While it is true that the Human Countries are currently in a crisis, however, due to the recent decrease of magic flowing around here for the past year, they also planned to take the Demon’s territory since their lands are more fertile and richer with magic.
Guess they planned to take advantage of the Heroes to win the war while reaping the benefits for themselves. That’s the way Humans did, trying to find advantages in any situation.
Well, that has nothing to do with me since I’m planning to travel around. That’s why I start learning about this world as soon as possible and memorize all the influential figures. By paying attention to what kind of opponents I might be facing off against in the future, I hope to establish an easygoing life in this world using the magic I possess while trying not to get too involved with them.
After ten minutes of walking, I’ve arrived at the forest outside the town where I’m trying to find some practice targets for my training. Soon, I heard rustling from the bushes near me before four figures came out to greet me.
(Shinji) “So it is goblins this time…”
I unsheathe my knife around my wrist when I said that as I looked at the monsters in front of me.
Monsters, accursed beings that were believed to be existences that transformed from wild animals after absorbing magic power into their body. It was unknown whether they could be classified as a living creature or not. However, each and every one of them could use powerful unique magic, these vermin are strong and ferocious.
They were always relying on their instinct and attacked people in sight regardless of race which is why they were viewed as bothersome.
The Goblins in front of me are no exception. They have small stature like a child, but an ugly face with green skin and bald heads. They are the weakest demons, but they attack in groups so I have to be wary of their movements. Also, they have little intelligence as they’re holding wooden clubs as their weapons.
(Shinji) “Guess I need some little help. Come forth, Zubaken!”
I held out my hand as I shout out my familiar’s name. The light suddenly appears beside me before it dissolves and reveals a small humanoid figure wearing silver armor that covers most of its body.
The goblins let out a war cry in response to that before charging. Zubaken ready his stance as he formed two blades in his hand. This familiar can transform its body into a living weapon while having high combat skills. It can also turn into any weapon as I desire in case of emergency.
One goblin raises its club towards so I dodge that and quickly slice its throat. It squirms a little from pain before succumbing to its wound. Another came over and I stab its head directly which it immediately dies from that attack.
I turn over and saw Zubaken quickly dispatched the other two. Thinking that it was over, a bell ring in my head which means my Crisis Sense has activated and I move away from my spot before two more goblins jump on it.
It appears those two were planning to ambush me as they weary of my attacks.
(Shinji) “Zubaken, sword!”
My familiar immediately responded my commands as he transformed his body into a silver short sword. I grab it and charge at the shocked duo who were surprised at the transformation scene earlier. Two heads flew off from their bodies as they stumble to the ground.
Soon after that, more goblins came and I continued to hack, slash, pierce and other techniques to kill all of the incoming goblins. After a while, the field was covered with goblin corpses as I survived the battle.
Thanks to my Weapon and Martial Arts Mastery skills, I can use any weapon at my disposal while using my reflexes to change the flow of battle. Also, with my Crisis Sense, I can avoid any surprise attacks from my enemies and counter them as well.
(Shinji) “Puh, I think that no more will come now. Still, it is a bit scary that I’m used to this scene now.”
I muttered as I saw the massacre that I caused. Despite the smell of lots of blood, the sensation of cutting through flesh, the dying screams and corpses, I don’t feel distributed anymore after two weeks of training.
At first, when I started my first battle with monsters, I felt nauseated and my mental strength was more exhausted than the present. I killed bugs before and hunted animals for food during the wild to survive. I remembered my first time killing a human when I attack a terrorist during a war. I felt that my heart broke at that time and if not for my uncle, I would have crawled into a hole and never came out.
Now I killed these humanoids monsters without hesitation, I wonder that I might be able to kill a human without a problem now. In this world, there are little rights of how we kill living beings since this is in a Medieval-like age. Due to that, it is usually no problem of how Humans, Demons, and other races to kill each other if necessary.
(Shinji) “Anyhow, today’s training is done. Good work, Zubaken.”
My familiar did a military salute after turning back to his humanoid form before vanishing. It still felt weird to me seeing him doing that, but I shake it off as I look at my current status on my card.
Shinji Fujiki
Race: Human
LV: 14
HP: 3400
MP: 2900
ATK: 340 (+140)
DEF: 320 (+140)
SPD: 290 (+140)
INT: 450
Familiar Creation Magic
Tricksters Touch
Weapon Mastery
Martial Arts Mastery
Matchless Vitality
Quick Movement
Crisis Sense
Language Comprehension
Looks like I’m leveling up pretty nicely. Not only that, I gained two more skills. One of them is the same as Hikaru which increased my speed while the other let me see status from other people. Speaking of Hikaru…
Hikaru Ituski
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
LV: 10
HP: 2000
MP: 2000
ATK: 200
DEF: 200
SPD: 200
INT: 200
Light Magic
Fire Magic
Wind Magic
Earth Magic
Recovery Magic
Aptitude All Attribute
Sword Mastery
All Elements Resistance
Physical Resistance
Quick Movement
Magic Perception
Life Perception
Limit Break
Language Comprehension
After seeing his stats, the higher-ups and my classmates were very impressed of his growth rate. However, compared to mine, it is sort of weak. Well, my increase of stats and power-ups were due to certain familiar of mine…
As I think of this, Wandanyan suddenly appears and start licking my face as soon as possible.
(Wandanyan) “Wan! Wan!”
(Shinji) “Ha ha ha! Hey! I’ve told you many times not to appear whenever I think of you!”
I hold back on my happy familiar before making it disappear. After doing many experiments of my magic, I’ve learned that even though they obey your desire, my familiars possess their will of their own. Not only that, they also have status too! For example, I was able to see Wandanyan’s status.
Wandanyan LV 14
Increase your ATK, DEF, and SPD by 10 times equal to its level. Give 1/2 required experience points to its user.
Thanks to my first familiar’s abilities, Wandanyan, I was able to grow quicker than other people in this world, even my classmates. With the increase stats and growth rate, I might handle any common monsters or bandits on my travels.
I made two other familiars I’ve made to increase my chances of battle. Also, whenever I increased my level 5 times, the number of familiar slots went up to one. When I increased my level to 100, I will have 50 familiars at my disposal!
Oops. I went too far on my imagination. Even though I’m glad at this revelation, it is not easy as it looks. Each familiar that I want to create depends on the amount of my current MP. It was hard to make three familiars already so I’m putting on hold on the production.
Anyhow, I think that my training is done as I went to one of the goblin corpses and cut up it's chest area where I pulled a magic stone near from its heart. The magic stone is the core of a monster and it is this that provides them with powers. The bigger and better quality the stone, the stronger the monster is. These stones can be refined and are used in the creation of Relics and magical tools.
In addition, a magic stone can be sold off in exchange for money since there is a very high demand for these things. Both the military and civilians needed it for their usefulness.
I went ahead to dissect the rest of the corpses to gather more magic stones. Although I’m used to dissecting animals, I’m feeling okay doing this after repeating the process during these last two weeks. I think it might because of my high INT that I was able to do this calmly.
After dissecting the corpses and picking up their weapons, I wiped the blood off from my knife and went back to the town where I regularly visit the general store to sell off the magic stones.
(Store Cashier) “Welcome! Oh, it’s you again, huh? Selling magic stones?”
(Shinji) “Yeah, along with some clubs from the goblins.”
(Store Cashier) “Alright, I’ll exchange them as usual. Hey, boy. Although I’m happy to buy those magic stones from you since they are rare qualities items, shouldn’t you give them at the Guild? They will pay more higher prices for them than this little store can manage.”
(Shinji) “I have… personal reasons for that.”
(Store Cashier) “I see… Well, it is the store’s policy not to pry into the customer’s choices so I’ll stop asking. I’ll take those off for ya.”
(Shinji) “Thank you for understanding.”
I give my thanks to the cashier as I give him the stones and clubs in exchange for money. The Guild that he’s talking about is the Adventure Guild.
Adventure Guild is the place where many people can become adventurers and explore unknown places and dungeons. That's right. Dungeons. They are dangerous places where many monsters and hidden treasures laying in their depths. Many adventurers dive into those places for fame and riches.
The monsters are many times stronger than the ones outside which means the higher quality of magic stones can be excavated. The Guild can also buy the magic stones that you managed to get for their own purposes.
Although what he said is correct, the Adventure Guild has many branches in different places and can also establish some connections to more influential people. The Aureolin Kingdom is one of them and I don’t want the higher-ups to trace my hidden activities. They might hold suspicions of me for selling magic stones despite my current (fake) level so I refrain from selling those to the Guild until I get out from this kingdom.
(Store Cashier) “Let see… If I’m correct, this should be around 22 silver coins and 8 bronze coins. Will this suffice for you?”
(Shinji) “Yeah, thanks.”
The cashier gives back the total change of coins as I grab them. These coins are this world’s common currency and they are distributed in different kinds of material. Tin, bronze, silver, gold, white gold and platinum were the colors, from the left the values are 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 500 coins respectively.
100 tin coins = 1 bronze coin
100 bronze coins = 1 silver coin
100 silver coins = 1 gold coin
100 gold coins = 1 white gold coin
100 white gold coins = 1 platinum coin
That is how they are disputed. I’m planning to make my own funds for my travels. Although I could ask the kingdom for some, it might count as rude and that will leave me a debt to those people.
I really don’t to be in debt anymore, especially the times with my gambling uncle who love to bet on horse racing and play pachinko. When he’s in a huge debt after losing, he disappeared and irresponsibly leaves me to deal with it instead! I don’t know how times I have to do clean duty and other services to pay off… Hehehehe...
(Store Cashier) “H-Hey boy? Are you alright over there? You’re letting out a creepy laugh all of the sudden…”
Oops! I snap out from my bad memory when the cashier who looked a bit taken back calls me. I give my apologies for my behavior before leaving the store.
Before I head back to the Royal Palace, I met one of those service magicians who can give Refresh magic to those who want to clean up. I pay him after I realized that I have a few blood stains on my clothing.
After all, I don’t to frighten my classmates of how I got these blood on me.
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