《The Ancient One》Chapter 5
The great castle that was The Citadel of Citadels was overflowing with activity. Thousands of people were moving in and out every minute, and the roads were so used the cobblestones had been ground down and replaced hundreds of times over.
Through all this chaos, one man, a elf, was in the biggest of rushes.
I am a scout! he thought, pushing people out of the way as he ran for the keep. Scouts are never late in their reportings!
Most people ignored him, those that didn't quickly went with the first option once they saw his armor and recognized he was a scout.
He burst through the doors to the throne room, as mortals called it, and ran to the throne. He quickly dropped into a bow once he reached it, and didn't look up.
"Rise, scout. Take a moment, gather your breath." The figure sitting on the throne said, to which the scout was relieved. He indeed did take a moment to catch his breath before standing and giving the salute of the scouts.
"I apologize, Great One, that this mortal body is too weak to serve you fully. I try my hardest with it though, in the hope that effort can overcome this weakness." the scout said, bowing his head for a moment.
"I thank you for your devotion. What is your report you so hastily came to tell?" The Great One responded, their eyes seeming to glow brighter than before.
"The mage at the watchtower on the northwest province, Geree'a, has detected a magical spike near one of the towns."
The Great One frowned. "How big of a spike? If there were rogue elements present, then the spike should have been barely detectable, as they are weak."
The scout hesitated for a moment. This was unusual, it was almost like he didn't want to say what he was going to say next. "The spike was... well, to quote the mage, 'massive, of the likes I've never seen before. For a second, I thought it was the Great One, but the presense was not warm and soothing'".
The Great One sat back in his chair, putting his hands together and thinking.
This was troublesome, if there were so many mages as to rival his strength, it would take time to crush the rogue elements. Time, which would be better spent on experiments and research.
"There is more, Great One. A patrol of Rangers, numbering five, have gone missing in the area that the magical surge was detected."
The Great One leaned forward. Things were getting interesting now, and there might be excitement in the future. It has been so boring these past centuries, what with rogue elements not being strong enough to give entertainment.
"Has the cause been explored?"
"Y-yes Great One. The Lord of that area, a Lord Bolderi, has checked their life crystals, and found them dull. They have perished, but the amount of rogue elements in the area is nowhere near needed to kill 5 rangers."
The Great One said nothing, as they pondered the information given. A couple minutes later, they finally responded. With a chuckle that slowly turned into a laugh.
"Good! Good! This century finally brings entertainment. Scout, tell General Yor to take a battalion of rangers, and to go find out what happened to the slain ones."
"Yes, Great One!" the scout said before running off.
The Great One sat back in his throne, idly staring ahead.
We shall see if you are indeed entertainment, whatever you are.
I awoke to a pounding headache.
Wincing, I reached both hands up and rubbed my forehead, hoping to alleviate the pain. I slowly opened my eyes, only to hastily close them due to the bright lights of my surroundings.
What happened? I thought, as the pain began to fade away. The last thing I remembered was Jorei telling the Council something, and then-
I lurched up, and immedately winced, as the headache came back with full force. Ah, to hell with this.
I reached inside of my mind, found the pond that was my magic, and forced it into my hands in streams. I then raised my hands to my head, and uttered the incantation for healing.
Immediately, I felt the pain go away. Then I felt the fatigue set in. It was not alot, being the first spell of the day, but I would have to remember the little fatigue before it became bigger with new spells. Otherwise, I could run out of energy, energy that my heart uses to say, keep me alive.
I opened my eyes again, and the light was easier to deal with this time. As I took stock of my surroundings, I heard the faint sounds of yelling coming from the room next door.
I glanced around. I was in what I could assume to be a bedroom, as the room was tiny, and the only interesting feature was the bed I was in. The only light source was a chandalier above me, filled with candles.
The yelling got louder, and I began to be annoyed at it. I slid the covers off, and stood up.
Well, I still got my balance, that means I am fully healed now. I must have hit my head when I fainted.
Just as I was deciding whether to go find the source of the yelling, the door opened, and one of the elves from the council walked in.
"Ah, I see you are up. How are you feeling?" She asked, concerned. It was nice to know they cared about my health.
"I am fine, thank you. If I may, what is the yelling about?" I asked, as I sat down on the bed. The elf walked over and sat next to me.
"Oh, can hear that can you? Well, the others are arguing over what to do now that the One has shown up." she replied, putting her hands in her lap and shaking her head with a small smile.
"Geez, why must they be so loud? Anyways, about before..." I started, only to be interrupted.
"No need to worry, it was a culture shock to us as well." she said, looking at me as I nodded in agreement.
"When the dwarf said that Jorei was as powerful as the Great One, was he being truthful?" I asked, hoping it was all just a lie. Just a prank, a joke, that someone would come out and reveal soon.
"Yes. While you were sleeping, we discussed the extent of Jorei's magic alone. He is so strong, Atlia, I can scarcely believe it myself. And I was there!" she responded with a laugh.
I laughed too. "So then. What happens now? If he is as strong as that, then the church is lying to us." I said, looking down at the floor.
"The church is a topic for another day. First, we should make sure you are fine. Your magic works, yes?"
I nodded. "I used it just now to fix a headache I awoke with."
"Good. I think your cognitive functions are working..."
"Oh, really? I couldn't tell" I say sarcastically.
"...but then again maybe not." We both laughed. It felt good to be able to talk to someone like this.
"Now lets check memory. What is my name?"
I stopped. What was her name? I can't remember! "I can't remember your name! Oh no, did I do something when I fainted?" I said, panicking.
"It is good you admit that, as I never told you it. I would be concerned if you have a name for me." she said with a smirk.
"Oh, you!" I said indignitantly, as I playfully smacked her in the shoulder.
The yellling reached a hightened pitch at this time, loud enough that words were almost discernable through the walls.
"Oh come on, Atlia. It appears we must go intervene before the boys turn violent with one another." she said, standing up. I stood as well, and we walked to the door together.
"Boys, always using their fists over their brains, am I right?" I said, as we both chuckled as we exited the room.
FLESH: Distorted Soul
unique boy is born into an era of famine and death, he somehow survives through intelligence he should not posses yet and luck(?). Watch as he falls farther than even he thought was possible. As his first life fills him with bestial insanity and his second serves to further break him. This is a story about the mutilation of a soul, hope is only a catalyst of despair. >Will Have Extreme GORE, TORTURE, and CANNIBALISM, NOT TO MENTION A TOUCH OF INSANITY AND ANYTHING ELSE I FIND INTERESTING. Suggestions welcomed!
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