《CELL》5. Marked



Please, Select One Of The Following Skills

Time Was Frozen

Just a while ago I was agonizing, but now I am strangely calmed. For one moment I thought I had died again, however, the three images displayed in front of me proved me wrong. They were huge-shining panels that would blind anybody instantly. But, as I don’t have ‘eyes’, I didn’t pay much attention to this.


Allows the user to divide itself into more identical cells. With enough energy, it can form an organism.

*The process can be reverted and, if the user has enough anatomic knowledge, it can adopt different kinds of organisms.*


During a short span of time, the user will be able to upgrade temporarily its abilities. (+1 Grade)

*There are no drawbacks or after effects*

Time of usage: 20 Sec.

Cooldown: 2 Min.


Any damaged, mutilated or missing part of the organism will be restored immediately.

*If the nucleus of the cell is destroyed completely, the user will die*

After reading all of them meticulously, I wondered if I was daydreaming.

“”Cell Division? Isn’t that supposed to be a given when I evolve?””, I muttered.

Honestly, the other two were appealing, but not enough. Cell division was without a doubt the most eye-catching one. This skill insinuated that I will be a single cell for the rest of my life unless I select it now. In a fight, boost would be the most useful. By choosing this ability, it would definitely become my trump card and catch my opponents off guard in the future. Also, regeneration was definitely a cheat. That’s if I wasn’t a cell. It’s pretty much meaningless to choose it at the moment, as it wouldn’t give me an advantage against the viruses.

“Then, what’s the energy used for? Isn’t it reserved to evolve? “ I questioned.


I had no clue. Boost and Regeneration functions were crystal clear, but cell division was unspecified. This situation could be compared with the Newcomb paradox, but in this case there’s no oracle. Moreover, I had a gut feeling about my plans and theories. It felt as if everything I had been thinking until now would shatter into pieces and a whole new concept would be found.

“”Ah...”” I sighed.

“Let's go with Cell Division. It’s a huge bet, but I’d rather choose it than the other two.”

Cell Division Acquired

Bonuses: +5.000 Energy and Metabolism B → A


“Are you serious?”

“5.000 ENERGY?! What are these cheat-like bonuses?!” I shouted.

It took me 24 days to save up 750 Energy, but I easily received 5.000?! And my Metabolism got upgraded as well?! Did the other two perks have similar extras too?

“This makes no sense...” If every cell had these skills and abilities in “the roots”, then those viruses wouldn’t stand a chance against them. The only reasonable answer is that I’m overdeveloped because I’m able to think rationally. In comparison with other cells, I was a ‘genius’.

Most cells didn’t actively seek nutrients as I did. The majority of cells would be small-sized or medium-sized and would stand still waiting for their meal, similar to a human being waiting for his pizza delivery. In contrast, I was a giant. I guessed that the progress I am currently making should be done in “The Garden”, where I suppose most cells reach their development peak.

After a while, I finally realised something.


“It makes sense. That 's it!”

All the information I had collected until this very moment started to correlate. The type of nutrients that could be found and their quality, the vast amount of overpowered viruses and the lack of both of them in peripheral areas, they all confirmed my theory:


I am a product.

Low quality cells are eliminated by Viruses.

-This ‘tree’ runs quality tests-


Name: Luke

Being: Unique Superior Cell

Energy: 5.650/1.000.000



Speed: B (0/1000)

Metabolism: A (-)

Energy Consumption: B (0/400)

Membrane: B (0/4000)

Points: 1260

Metabolism: Efficiency of energy production. Current: 1 Energy/nutrient

Passive: Cellular respiration

Active: Movement (Flagellum) // Cell Division

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