《The Monster We Are》Chapter 2


I drift.

In the darkness, the pain no more. I’m not sure when the pain stopped or when I came into this space.

“ You used the clock young soul.” A voice booms from the abyss around me, I try to look around but I don’t move, at least I can’t tell if I do. “WHY.”

“Why? Why do you want to know? Who are you? Where am I.” I demand.

“ HAHAHA, young one, I am the one that decides what happens to you here. THIS is my domain. The place between all, the place where even reapers must count time.” The voice counters. It comes from everywhere yet nowhere. “ Tell me why did you use my shrine, so I can decide your fate.”

I consider what the voice said, I lose nothing by telling it, I’m already dead either way.

“ I lost everything and my world fell to chaos….to the darkness. I couldn’t find a way to stop or reverse it. And found a snippet, so old… so ancient even the myths and legends thought it was a story. The tales of otherworlders beings of enormous power that changed the balance of kingdoms where ever they tread. Beings summoned by magic in places of power, with blood and death.”

“ That still doesn’t tell me WHY you used mine and your own life.” The voice responds

“ I..I searched many of the world's oldest ruins and found mention of these sites and even found a few. They all required the life of others to bring beings here at massive expenses, but there was no helping my world any more. It was already doomed, hanging on the precipice...waiting to fade, to finally devoured by IT.” I tell with sorrow, remembering the my lose again and the state of what was left.


“ I found a reference to a source. A source of where the plans for these sites came from, a place that the ancients found couldn’t bring forth benefits but only send. I’ve been searching for years for this place… no that place. And… the one that I cared for would admonish me if I did nothing with my life, so I decided that if I…… No once I found it I would use it to stop what happened here to other places at any cost. So she could hopefully see me with head held high, when i finally succumbed. She knew the horrors I left in my wake.*sob* And she.. she still loved ME!! She knew i did it to keep HER safe and if she was safe so where millions of others. She…. She didn’t judge me she just, just loved…...me.”

“And why didn’t you use your own life and not others?” The voice questions.

“ Because in ever legend, myth and story, blood willing has a power greater than that taken and a..life freely given is worlds apart. And if the fragments I found proved false I would find either oblivion or what I deserved .” I confess.

“ Not an afterlife with your loved ones?” The voice sounds confused.

“ No not a reunion. The things I have done, had to do and choose to..to live and protect her. I chose to do what others couldn’t and would not do, so she wouldn’t have to suffer. I became a something that even the monsters weeped in my passing and even the Darkness cringed at my mention. The bogeyman of the monsters of the world. But in the end it still wasn’t enough, I wasn’t enough, strong enough to stop what happened in the end.” I declare to the voice.


“ Hummmm. Ok. I’ll send you to a new world, but there will be conditions. This is for my amusement.”

I frown. “ WHAT!!” I shout.

“ QUIET!!!” The being bellows the force of it causes me pain.

“ You tell me that you where a beyond a monster, a terror of those that were deserving, so the condition I give is that you will be a monster of the world I send you to.”

“…….” I float confused.

“ Nothing to say.” The voice asks.

“ What do you mean a monster.” I ask in return.

“ The world I will send you to contains more than one race, and a number of monster race not all civilized. All races and be upgraded with the power of the gods that reside there and by defeating threats. The monsters can evolve into new and more powerful species as they accumulate power from thing they do and eat. So my condition is that you will be a monster to begin with they gain power slower that the races but that power is much more in the long run. And as you have told being a monster does not bother you.” It explains.

“……OK.” I respond.

“ Hopefully you will be able to stop what will happen in this world, it is only in the opening phase what IT has planed. Much much earlier than your own world.”

I startle.

“ Yes I know what happen in you own and what is planned here it much more insidious than that.”

“Why did you tell me all this instead of sending me once I agree if this is for your amusement.” I ask.

“Because I is one of my favorite worlds.” It tells me. “ Now go.” Energy starts to build up around me.

“This place is outside of creation of what was left of before so I can look freely upon all, including the plain of souls, whose time if so much faster than anywhere.” I struggle understand what the voice is on about as the hum of energy begins to pick up. “ Your wife.. gave up her natural reincarnation to let you unborn child have that chance, generations of you child’s family exist within this world. Keep it safe.”

“ WHAT!!!!” I bellow as the void takes my senses again.

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