《My Otherworld Gate》Chapter 26 – King of Taluria


I move next to Katharina and stop my usage of Assimilation. But before I can even greet her the king notices me.


And dashes towards me trying to stab my throat with his sword. Wow so fierce!

Just like with Balen I grow the space between us with spatial distortion, since he is quite fast, I get ready to evade regularly.


Huh? His sword suddenly starts glowing and the king's stab gains speed again. For now, let's try and use more mana for the spatial distortion. Oi, isn't this kind of bad? Before you could never see it with your eyes when I distorted space, but right now everything around us is looking weird.

C!--A!--R!--CK! (CRACK!)

And it's not just the visuals... I quickly stop my magic and teleport to the other side of the throne room.

The king swiftly turns around throwing his still glowing sword at me. What speed!


I block the sword with my katana, but my katana shatters into pieces and his sword gets deflected, landing in the wall. Ah, a few pieces of the king's sword also broke off. Wasn't iron alloy not supposed to bend instead of shatter?! This was my first ever sword too...

"Fucking retard."

I understand the king, I really do. But this was the first sword I ever made!

"Who are you?! For my sword to miss, you aren't some nobody like the others who came!"

So that light was probably some aimbot magic?

"Anyhow, I won't let you let you escape either!"

We only fought for a few seconds but I'm already tired of this... I quickly teleport home before the king can do anything

"Father, plea---"

"Haaa, haaa."

I'm not used to fighting like this. Maybe I did really play around too much before. I wanted to try out all that fancy stuff I thought of, but all of it was so tiring for my poor brain. If I simply fought with physical power I wouldn't have even sweated yet.


But despite being super tiring I learned many things from this day alone. Practical experience really is invaluable.

Spatial distortion is great once I get more proficient in its use. It still takes too much mental power to use it properly, during the 'fight' with the king the room got covered in cracks because I had to use more mana and couldn't control space properly anymore. I was also mentally tired at that point.

Other than that, I also learned more about appraisal, as I suspected you can feel when it is used on you. But I am not sure if I was appraised by anyone during my first visit to the royal capital.

I quickly make some food for myself. The drunk green girl is still asleep. After my meal, I'll meditate under the starry night sky again after a long time.

I lie down and I start my meditation session.

When I breathe out the stars move faster and when I breathe in, they move slower. I spent a few breaths like that before I 'wake up' again. On the edge of my vision, I can see our big greeny looking down at me.

"You finally woke up?"

"Yes, about an hour ago. You even looked at me the last 30 minutes, didn't you? Why ask me now?"

Eeeh? I reacted as fast as I could, but that was still an hour?

"Don't mind that, rather you can talk normally after all weird speaking?"

"Isn't that obvious? The only reason I was like that, in the beginning, was because I didn't have any power left in my body. I forgot to wake up for a few years so I shriveled up, can happen to anyone if they don't pay enough attention. And after that... I haven't had anything quite that tasty even before going to sleep so I didn't hold back and drank more than my body could make use of."


No, I don't think that can just happen to anyone... slept a few years? shriveled up? Just what kind of fantasy being did I encounter here?

"Say, how old are you?"

"I don't know."

"Can you estimate? You looked like a tiny girl at first but now you look like a grown-up woman."

"Hmmm, probably a few thousand years?"

I give up. Too fantasy for me.

"Say... Can I check your status?"

"Sure, go ahead, you fed me and you even have a home, that makes you a candidate of being my prospective husband. I have nothing to hide from you. You even went out and become more attractive for me."

Huh? Food + House = Husband? I want to refute but to my knowledge, that was pretty normal in the past on earth too. And 'became more attractive'? Whatever.





Jubokko (tree child)


















[Blood sucking] [Soul sucking] [Healing Aura] [Nature Control] [Decontamination] [Poison Immunity] [Disease Immunity] [Transformation] [Identify] [Mana Control] [Great Harvest]


[Child of the Forest] [Man-eater] [Devil of the Battlefield] [War demon]


What the fuck?! What kind of scary being is standing in front of me right now?!

"Hoh, human, you are quite the special being, no?"

Right, I could feel that she also appraised me, no, identified?

"I don't want to hear that from you, care to explain some of those skills and titles of yours? Or rather explain your race please."

"Mmm, sure if you really want me to."

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