《My Otherworld Gate》Chapter 14 – First day at school


Yua and I are currently in her limousine driving to school. I've never been driving in something this fancy before so I'm kind of amazed by the insides.

"Hiro will be in the general classes that I also visit. Other than general classes we also have specialized classes, one for artists and one for athletes. Their curriculum is more focused than ours."

Yua is giving me a quick crash course on all the info I need to know about the school. Oh, we decided to not use honorifics between us anymore after chatting a bit on LINE. I am really thankful for that, even though I have [Language Comprehension] using proper honorifics and formal or informal speech still feel unnatural to me. But lately, I somehow feel like my thoughts get influenced by my new lifestyle? No, I'm not really sure about that actually.

"I put everything you need in this bag, it contains all your textbooks and other utensils you might need. And here is your school uniform, it should be fitted to your size but if for some reason it doesn't fit, please tell me or father about it. You looked different from the time at the convenience store when I visited you the last time."

Wait, why do you even have my measurements??


"I mean just look at yourself."

"Milady, we arrived."

Just as Yua was about to touch my cough well-defined breast the driver stops and tells us that we can step out.

"Huh? Y-yes!"

Oh, she blushed before turning around to grab her stuff and get out. Cute.

I also grab my stuff and leave the limousine. In front of me are the school gates, leading into a giant school field. The school buildings are equally humongous and extravagant, not exactly what you would expect from a high school. This cheat school is where I will spend my next few years!


"Let's go, if possible, father wanted to see you once before the first lesson starts."


I nod and follow her.

* * *

knock knock

"Yes, please come in."

We open the large door and enter the chairman's, Yua's father's, office.

"You must be Fukuda Hiro, please take a seat."


I lightly bow and sit down on one of the couches around the tea table in the middle of the room. The chairman walks towards the couch on the opposite side of the tea table and sits there with Yua.

"My name is Ishida Hando, from today on you will officially be one of my dear students so I wanted to see you at least once before you start. And as a father I wanted to thank you for helping my daughter that day."

He says as he bows to me.

We talked about this and that for a bit before another young woman entered the room.

"This here is Sakai-san, she will be your homeroom teacher from now on."

Sakai-san has dark brown hair that goes to her waist, obviously a good figure and she is wearing a loose suit. The suit is probably obligatory, she doesn't seem like someone that would willingly wear a suit. But with her large breasts, there is a decent amount of movement under those loose clothes. In size, she is only losing to the Guild Master so far.

"Heya~ You must be the new student I'm getting for my class, right? I'm Sakai Miu, you can just call me Miu-chan~"

"...Yes, Sakai-sensei. My name is Fukuda Hiro. I'll be in your care from now on."

I stand up and bow lightly.

"Umu! I want to complain about how formal you are with me, but let's hurry or we're going to be late for homeroom."


"Eh? You didn't strike me as someone that would always be punctual. I'm surprised."

I really am.

"Keh! W-what are you talking about? L-look I'm a reliable teacher, you know?!"

"Kuhum, even if she is like that, she is an excellent teacher. I did hear about her classes being a few minutes shorter than they should be though."

It seems I my guess was on point.

"A-anyway we should hurry!"

She grabs my hand and starts running out while pulling me. Yua is also leaving for her classes, since she is going in a different direction, we must be in a different homeroom class. Either that or I'm being pulled in the wrong direction... She is a teacher but from our little interaction, I can clearly see something like that happing.

Since I'm behind her I can also smell the faint smell of alcohol. So, she even drinks before school? I wonder if she really is an excellent teacher. Either way, it seems classes could be pretty fun.

* * *

"Ok everyone, today I have a great and important announcement to make!"


I'm currently waiting outside the classroom, waiting for my time to come in.

"We are getting a new student~"

The expected reactions, the girls want a boy and the boys want a girl. I'm sorry boys, I'm not gonna change my sex anytime soon.

"And! It! Is! A! ...BOY! Please come in!"

Isn't she embarrassed for pulling such a show?! I don't really come inside after her pulling such weird poses... Yes, let's just wait for a bit.


She is frozen in a pose where she points to this door with her open doors.

"Sensei, aren't they may be embarrassed by your show? I know I would be if I had to enter now."

One of the students points out. Good, you get an A+ from me!

"Kuh! Even though I did my best!"

Sakai-sensei exclaims and stomps towards me. She swings the door open and pulls me by my arm with great force as if trying to throw me inside.

"Just come already!"

If it wasn't me that she 'pulled' wouldn't anyone fall down with that throw?! She really put all her body in that!

I correct my posture and stand before the rest of the class. Everyone already started whispering with their seat neighbors.

"So handsome!"

"If only I wasn't so popular, I could've had a free seat next to me sigh"

"Quickly pay up, I won haha"

"Tch, it's another guy."

"I wonder if he'll join my club?"

"What a cute guy, I should find out if he is also..."

As per usual their mixed reactions, some I would say are rather questionable.

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