《The Goblin's Son》Princess of Kilayen
In most kingdoms, there are very few people that are of high enough rank for them to befriend the royal family. This often causes the children of royalty to be lonely and think of others as less than humans. In most countries the various princes and princesses have two choices if they wanted to have friends, one was to be friends with their siblings, and the other was to befriend the royalty of other countries.
However, this is difficult in the country of kilayen. They are located on an island, it is admittedly a large island spanning nearly 800 miles length-wise. nonetheless, it is still an island and that makes it hard to frequently visit other countries so the kilayen royalty could only befriend their siblings.
This once again brings up a problem because in kilayen the laws of succession do not immediately go to the eldest, but instead fall to whichever of the current kings or queen children have the highest level. This causes the princes and princesses to constantly be enemies and never gives them a chance to befriend anyone. Almost all of the royal family were coldhearted and thought of other people as something less than they were.
The only current exceptions to this rule were queen elaine who was not born into the royal family. Prince Derek who is the 6th and youngest child of the royal family. He is only eight years old and hasn’t quite realized that his siblings aren't his friends. The third and final exception is Natalie. Natalie is the third child of the current queen and king and would have ended up like all her other siblings if it hadn’t been for Ros and Lustro.
Ros and Lustro are the sons of the vice-head of the magistrate who was close friends with the king. Because they were around the same age, Natalie had been allowed to befriend the two boys and they had become fast friends. This had happened when Natalie was six.
Two years later Spencer's family gained prominence in kilayen. his father .who was a merchant, had suddenly become very wealthy and often met with the king. This gave Spencer a chance to become friends with the royalty and so he became the third friend that Natalie had. The four of them would hang out very frequently and would often get into trouble.
One day they had decided to leave the castle and sneak into the city. While they were in the city they got hungry and started to look for a store that sold food. After searching for a while they found a bakery that they recognized the name of.
The bakery was run by a husband and wife duo and was known to have the best bread in the capital. After they entered Natalie who didn't know how stores worked started eating some bread that was on display. Aghast the wife ran up and started berating them. once Natalie understood the situation she was understandable embarrassed and gave the wife a signet ring and said that she could bring it to the castle and get the money there.
Shortly after leaving the bakery the four of them were caught by the guards and returned to the palace. The next day a small girl around the same age as Natalie showed up at the gates with the ring held tightly in her hand. When she showed it to the guards and explained how she got it she was brought to Natalie.
After the two talked for a little they started to become fast friends, but before long the girl, who was called Olivia, had to leave. After that, the group would often sneak out of the castle and go find Olivia who sometimes worked around the bakery with her parents. then the group that was now 5 strong would play games until either the guards found them or Olivia had to go do chores.
This went on for another few years until the year that they all turned 14. That year would be the last year that Olivia could see the other four. They were all going to the academy and Olivia who was the daughter of a baker simply couldn’t afford the entry fee. In the midst of a tearful goodbye, Natalie had what she considered a wonderful idea.
Natalie convinced her parents to sponsor Olivia and Olivia was able to attend the academy. However, having her parents pay Olivia's tuition brought up its own set of problems. The king and queen insisted on either being paid back the money through a loan which Olivia's family could not pay or having Olivia become one of Natalies official retainers.
Olivia's parents were incensed at that offer, a retainer was little more than a servant to most nobles and they did not want their daughter to have that life. Olivia who was set on going to the academy had different ideas and accepted becoming Natalie's retainer.
Though that should have fixed all their problems it did not. What had used to be a bond of friendship now had to share space with a bond of servitude and that greatly affected the way that the two friends interacted.
In an attempt to fix the fading friend group Ros and Lustro made the admittedly brash decision to also become Natalies retainers. Though the decision seemed foolish, in the end, it did end up fixing the problem. Olivia who was a shy but naturally kind person was now able to have some friends that had a similar social status as her this caused her to be less stressed and more open to her friends, and Ros and Lustro who was always intensely loyal to both each other and their friends were now able to constantly protect and be with their friends.
Spencer never ended up becoming one of Natalies retainers but he didn’t need to. He was always mostly friends with Natalie and hardly noticed the changes when Olivia became Natalie’s retainer. Natalie for her part was used to always being talked to as if she were slightly more important than others and was fine being treated differently if that meant she could keep all of her friends.
thus the small squad that had been formed around Natalie made it through their preliminary years at the academy and even through most of their first year as official students. Currently, they were sitting around their campfire.
The academies camp was set up like a military camp. There were long rows of tents and between every other tent, there was a fire. Each group was allotted two tents and was told to bring their own provisions.
Ros suddenly stood up and stretched then asked Natalie. “It’s roughly noon right now do you want us to start preparing some food.”
at Natalie's nod Lustro also stood up and the two of them walked into one of their tents. They soon exited with a large pot and some food to cook in it. Once they started on the food the group’s conversation picked up again.
“So where do you think he came from,” asked Olivia.
Natalie put on a thoughtful expression and slowly answered. “As I can see it there are four possibilities”
she held up four fingers and put one down as she named each possibility. “first he was abandoned by the outskirts of the woods which isn’t very likely considering how far away most settlements are from here, second is that he was traveling with a group and something happened, leaving him stranded in the woods, third would be he is from that goblin town Caleb was talking about, and fourth he is from another settlement that we don't know about.” Olivia nodded, satisfied with the answer.
Ros who was currently chopping vegetables looked up from his cooking and added. “That still doesn't explain why he is awakened and is familiars with that wolf.”
they sat there in silence then Natalie asked. “Have you tried inspecting him, Olivia?”
Olivia nodded and said. “Yes, I wasn’t able to which is confusing because Caleb easily caught him earlier when he tried to run away, and as far as we know Caleb is just barely level 25 meaning that the boy is under level 25 and the inspection skill I have is powerful enough to inspect anyone who is in the same rank as me so I should be able to inspect him.”
Spencer who had been sulking out of shame and embarrassment couldn't help his curiosity and ask. “What do you mean by that.”
Olivia gave him a look that seemed to ask whether or not he had a brain. “Your rank is each set of 25 levels so were all rank 1 cause we aren’t level 25 and once we reach level 25 we will be ranked two.” Olivia was right to be confused by that question ranks were something that was common knowledge. even farmers who rarely fought and killed monsters would know about that.
”I know what ranks are.” Spencer said angrily. This reassured the group a little, at least they knew he wasn't a complete moron. “I meant how does an inspection skill be considered more powerful than others.” he continued still slightly angry.
Olivia nodded at this it was a fairly good question. “An Inspection skills power is determined by three things, how many levels above your own can you inspect, how much information you are shown, and whether or not it has a catalog.”
Olivia finished her explanation but seeing Spencer’s curious face she guessed what he was going to ask and continued. “A catalog is something that very few skills have but it is essentially a list of things that you have examined before and it allows you to examine the same thing for free if you want to examine it again.” Spencer nodded satisfied with the explanation.
After that, the conversation moved to less heavy topics, and pretty soon the food was finished. The group started eating and after a while Olivia noticed Cal sitting there quietly and he was quickly handed a bowl and given some of the food. Cal smiled at Olivia and quickly dug in the food was delicious.
After the meal was done the group continued talking and Cal who got bored of just listening to them talk and not knowing what they were saying started playing tag with kaze.
While they were playing Olivia watched them then suddenly realized something. “Hey guys do you think the wolf is also awakened,” she asked her group.
There was silence for a second than Ros said. “I believe so I'm fairly sure it used a skill that weakened me and Lustro.”
Lustro nodded in agreement and Olivia continued her thought. “Then I am going to try examining him.” about a second later Olivia’s eyes widened and she let out a gasp.
“What were you able to see,” asked Natalie.
Olivia was too shocked to answer at first but after a little more encouragement she answered. “My inspection skill is only able to show me a few things about what I inspect so I didn’t learn that much, but...” Olivia paused for a second to gather her thoughts then started again. “I was only able to see three things his level which is 1, his most used ability which is called frozen aura, and his bloodline… which is pure ranked.”
there was a moment of stunned silence that was broken by the expected question that came from Spencer. “My father has a royal ranked familiar who’s is stronger.”
Olivia still in shock answered. “Bloodlines are the equivalent of classes for beasts so the difference would be that of an epic class to an uncommon one.”
Spencer snorted in derision “I knew my father's lion would be superior, it cost over 10k gold and had to be imported from the main continent.”
Natalie sighed and corrected Spencer. “Your father's lion would be the uncommon class in that comparison.” that shut Spencer up his father often talked about how rare and powerful his lion was and if that little wolf was even rarer.
“How do we know that they are familiars,” Spencer asked in a greedy voice.
Olivia who was still reeling at what she had learned answered without picking up on the greed in his voice. “We don't but by the way that the two of them interact we can assume.”
at this point Spencer had stopped listening, he stood up and walked over to where Cal and kaze were playing. The two paused to look at him once he got close and were not prepared when Spencer suddenly bent down and grabbed kaze by the scruff of his neck.
“Initiate the familiar pact you beast,” Spencer shouted at kaze. When nothing happened Spencer felt the embarrassment and shame from before coming back and started to get angry. He violently shook kaze and shouted. “There is no way something like you would become familiar with some random boy so initiate the pact.” realizing that nothing was likely to happen and that his friends would already be angry with him Spencer decided to put down the wolf.
As soon as Spencer had picked up kaze Cal had gotten both scared and angry. He didn’t want to attack Spencer in fear that the more powerful people like Mr. Talon would be angry at him, but this all changed as soon as Spencer started yelling. Cal began to truly get angry and as the anger burst in his mind, he felt his bond with the weapons iclyn and tana begin to stir. Pretty soon a prompt appeared in front of his eyes.
[iclyn and Tana have been repaired and are now usable]
As soon as he read the words he willed something out of his bond with the weapons. Suddenly the air around Cal's hand burst into flame and a second later the flames disappeared and in their place appeared a sword made of a black wood with red veins running through it. Cal who thought kaze was in actual danger stabbed forward without hesitation.
Natalie who had already gotten up to go and stop Spencer was struck dumb by the sight that confronted her. A sword had appeared in Cal's hand and he had stabbed Spencer through the stomach. Things seemed to move in slow motion as Natalie watched. Spencer let out a shrill scream and fell to the floor Cal let go of the sword and caught kaze before he could hit the ground and backed away from Spencer.
A second after Cal let go of the sword it disappeared and Natalie watched as the red circle around one his eyes flashed. Natalie didn’t know what to do for a second then instantly started giving out orders. “Ros go get the teachers, Olivia start healing Spencer and Lustro help me kill this scumbag.” everyone did as they were told, and pretty soon Cal was being advanced on by both Lustro and Natalie.
“You shouldn’t kill him this was Spencer’s fault” Olivia tried to shout but her pleas fell on deaf ears.
“That boy may have just killed Spencer who is not only my squadmate but also my retainer. what’s more, he did it basically unprovoked,” Natalie shouted back conveniently forgetting how Spencer had manhandled kaze.
The two were almost upon Cal when suddenly two more figures seemed to appear in the middle of the camp. One was Mr. Talon who upon arrival immediately began healing Spencer. The other was Hayden who was standing in between Natalie and cal.
“What’s going on here,” Hayden asked in a voice full of anger.
Natalie pointed at Cal and shouted. “He just stabbed Spencer he needs to be dealt with.” with this she began to advance on Cal but once again was stopped by Hayden.
“Why did he do that” Hayden asked.
Natalie who was growing impatient shouted back. “I don’t know, Spencer was just looking at his familiar.” Hayden turned his glare over to Cal but still did nothing.
“Sir that’s not true,” Olivia said from the side. Natalie shot her a look full of venom but Olivia pressed on. “Spencer picked up and shook and shouted at Calaeris’s familiar without warning.” Hayden nodded at the words and looked over at Natalie.
“I understand the situation now,” Hayden proclaimed. “Your friend Spencer is completely at fault.”
“but...” Olivia started angrily but was cut off by Hayden.
“No but’s, from Calaeris’s perspective your friend not only manhandled his familiar but also showed signs of possible violence. I have no doubt that any one of us here would have reacted the same way in a similar situation so calaeris will not be punished.”
it was clear on Natalie’s face that she wanted to argue but her last year of training in the academy had not been for nothing and she had been conditioned to obey the teacher's commands.
Mr. Talon then walked over and brought even more bad news for Natalie's squad “I believe that is the second time that he has personally made such a large error in judgment I believe that I must fail him out of the exam do you agree Hayden”
upon seeing Hayden’s nod Mr. Talon continued. “Because it was Spencer alone that made the mistakes only he will be failing and the rest of you must continue with the examination.”
Everyone in Natalies group’s faces went pale. Failing even one of the exams meant leaving the academy. this caused the caliber of students that graduated their 7th year to be extremely high, but also for there to be few students who made it to that level. Also failing out alone often brought some shame to a family. to fail out alone a single person had to make multiple critical mistakes and this rarely happened but if it did that person's abilities were often questioned.
Natalie and her friends realized that spencers father would raise a storm about this but there was nothing that he nor anyone else could do, once someone failed out of the academy it was final.
While everyone else was still in shock at the news Mr. talon started talking again. “Spencer is still in a critical condition he has stabilized for now but I will need to take him back to the capital to get proper treatment. I will be leaving with him tonight and I will take calaeris with me”
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Mimi O Saku
GUARDIAN exists to protect the people and prevent them from uncovering the existence of oni (demons). Relying on their contracts with the spirits, members of GUARDIAN combat these oni in secret. For Yotogi Shuji, GUARDIAN dictates his very existence. His job, his education, his friends, even his fiance were planned out because of GUARDIAN. Now, a new promotion brings him across the country, away from his family for the first time. How will he adapt to this new environment and newfound freedom? Releases Fridays at 18:00 EST.
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Dawn of Antiquity
The ground breaking virtual reality game "Dawn of Antiquity" and the "Virtual Pod" capsule that is used to play this prevailing game has gained tremendous popularity worldwide since the announcement that it would become available for purchase in one month. This game is to be set in a world of endless wilderness, except for the one city that all players start from. Players will have the ability to hunt monsters, animals, and even one another to level up in this virtual fantasy world. Every player will also have the ability to settle down on these uninhabited lands to build a small home or a sprawling kingdom. The game's state of the art AI will be constantly adding new content in the form of monsters, quests, lore and even new lands.This means that Dawn of Antiquity will be an ever growing world with unexplored lands always beyond the next horizon. This being the first real virtual reality game ever is quite enough to make it popular, but to have a virtual world that continues to always grow has stirred excitement and imaginations of people around the world. Nathan Bryant, an avid PC gamer is one of the many excitedly waiting to make the step from PC to VR gaming. There is just one problem on the day the game is finally open to the public Nathan will miss out on the ingame opening ceremony due to a previously scheduled appointment. This turn of events will leave Nathan with a life changing decision to make. How will he choose to live out his life? Will he continue to live the way he has for the past few years or will he throw caution to the wind for a fresh new start at life?
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Rebirth of Fallen
Ever thought about finding a new chance at life in a new world? How would you improve your life? How would you shine in a world of fantasy, magic and filled to the brim with new fantastical races? Raijen got this second chance, and so did Erin. Everything should have been perfect. A new world, new opportunities, new family, but acquiring salvation comes at a cost. There’s always tales of heroes rising to power, good triumphing over evil, and a happy ending for all. People love those tales, that’s why they’re passed down the generations. But what happened to those who turned out evil, what shaped them? What drove them away from the light, forever ordained to be forgotten by the passage of time? Witness what happens when you are reborn as part of the masses, forever condemned to the shadows. Let’s follow the path of the fallen. **********************************************************************Hello everyone, this story was in my head for way too long and I have finally gathered the balls to commit and start writing and publishing the chapters to get feedback and feel on what others might think of it.I will publish one chapter (1500 words or so) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Thank you for reading and I hope you will enjoy this journey as much as me. **********************************************************************The cover is temporary until I find someone to make a proper one.My site if you are interested is here where I will publish as well. Credit for edited description goes to Danetello
8 83 - In Serial9 Chapters
Avalon: The Hell Mode of the Universe old
A world where overpowered people gather: Maxed Swordsmanship, Teleportation Ability, an Army consisting of ten thousand undead, Own Dimension, Summoning Monsters and even Meteors — Skills seen as Godly on the outside are nothing but a mere ordinary skill here. === [The Young Scholar], [Eyes of the Past and Present], [Greatest Pugilist], [Strongest Weapon Master], [Axe of the Weak], [Executioner of Gods], [Slayer of Myths]: to say the least, Isaac Apollyon had many Monikers. But before all of that name, he was more simply known as — the Strongest. But being the strongest meant there was no more challenge to be offered. That was until a door opened before him and brought him in a world where even the weakest worm could become a King back in his world. A world where the strongest of thousands, if not millions of worlds gather, where the existence of God Slaying Weapons are treated no better than a wood cutter’s axe. Laughing, Isaac received the notification. [Welcome to Avalon, where the strongest gather.] === Full disclosure this story is about a battle-maniac who seeks out adventure and the secrets of the world full of eccentric characters The System and Classes also follow their own rules. Unique classes like [Dragon Eye Eater] [Silver Star Dominator] will be a norm, please enjoy and I take every criticism I can get, it makes me better after all
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To progress in the arts of the Gods, only life essance will do. But how much life are you willing to pay to advance?
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After the End: Serenity
We all want to believe we are heroes of our own story - unless we want to be the villain, of course. At the end of everything, the Final Reaper decided he hadn’t been a hero. Driven by a desire to right the wrongs he was subjected to, he killed everyone who wronged him or his people - which turned out to be everyone that wasn’t killed by someone else first. He'd won - but it was a hollow victory. Eventually, Order’s Voice found a way out. If the only existing being would agree to give up most of his power, the Voice could reset the multiverse to an earlier time with a few minor changes. Of course, the Voice couldn't ask it that way. It could only ask if the Final Reaper was willing to start over from when Earth was first brought into Order. It was an easy decision, and yet it wasn’t. Was he willing to go through eons of pain again to not be alone? Yes. In a heartbeat. Not that his heart beat anymore. Now it would. Perhaps he could even be a hero, this time. When he landed in his old body - more or less - on Earth, the Final Reaper once again became Thomas. He was both and neither. He needed a new name for a new life. Serenity. ------------------------------------------ While this is technically a System Apocalypse story, it's a System Apocalypse that is designed to have a large percentage of the population survive and prosper. There are a lot of problems that come with the appearance of the Voice, and it's entirely possible to lose. Earth has some special opportunities, but also special challenges. The first time around, Earth won the first round and lost the second. Serenity has ten years from when the Voice arrives to prevent that from happening. It will be a group effort; Serenity can't win alone - which is difficult for someone who's been alone for as long as he has. Of course, that's only his second priority. ------------------------------------------- Updates Daily A note on the nonhuman lead tag: He isn't human, and hasn't been human for a very, very long time (or maybe not long at all, depending on how you count it). He still thinks of himself as human, either way. The content warnings are mostly to give me room to write; this fiction is not intended to be edgy, but once in a while a character will swear or someone will get seriously injured. The cover image is a Chandra/Hubble composite image of VV 340 / Arp 302 / UGC 9618. While we're not going to space itself any time soon in the story, people from elsewhere are coming to Earth and Serenity will visit other planets. Plus, I like space imagery. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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