《The Shard Legacy》Chapter 28: Brawl


"Damn these demons...to think there would be so many still around, even after their gate closed!"

Remarse muttered that, as his Dragon burned them down in the sky he was trying to get inside and secure the castle, but the entrance was overrun. It was a hellscape, and etremely unpleasant.

A few other knights had rallied with him, but the situation was still very hectic. They were even losing some ground right now.

Without a sudden turnaround, it was hopeless, but he couldn't expect one right now.


That was until he heard a voice falling from the sky. As he looked up, he saw that boy, who was carrying what appeared to be four others. A boy, a pair of twins, and an elf.

As he landed, he immediately put them all down, panting a bit.

"Wow, even with a strength enhancement potion, and using Life Magic to bolster my strength, to think that would still wear me out...well, I guess I am not that known for my raw strength after all".

Remarse saw the S-Rank Adventurer, Ciel, as well as four others.

"Ciel...you are with a totally different group of adventurers now?"

"Yeah. Well, I usually work solo, but given the situation, I thought 'Hey, lets bring these useful people along'. Anyways...that bridge is crawling with Demons..."

With a mischevous smile on his face, he suddenly bent down, and took a pose as if he was going to run a marathon with his spear in hand.

"Ultra-High Speed Slash".

And then, he put pressure on the ground and launched himself forward. He left a small crater where he used to be standing, but that was not the only thing. When they looked up, most of the demons were cleaved through, with only a few of them remaining.

"Spirit Archery: Nimbus Arrows!"

And this was followed by Lutessa, who had recovered the quickest, firing a volley of arrows at the remaining demons, taking the remainder all out with relative ease. The few that stood were suddenly rushed by Remarse and Fang, and disposed of quickly. At that time, two more soldiers, who appeared to be the private guard of some noble, arrived. Remarse quickly recognized them.

"Shouldn't you two be guarding Aer?"

"Sir, you are the one that named him a Dragon Knight. Need we say more?"

That statement seemed to be the only thing Remarse need to hear, as a strained smile filled his face.

"I am going to have to order that boy to get more bedrest later...but I suppose that attitude is why I admire him. He will make a great Dragon Knight, but as his seniors, we cant let him upstage us now can we?"

"No sir!"

Remarse then looked at the other five. "Ciel, other adventurers, thank you for coming. You can consider this an emergency request from the guild. We need to storm the castle and secure it from the Demon forces... besides, there are some people in there I owe the lives of my family, and my own soul, to".

He also thought of the ones he was ordered to kill by Darius. He could not risk bringing his family into the conflict by confronting Darius himself right now, but it would be quite the blow against him to ensure those children remained safe.

Lutessa nodded at his words, understanding instinctively his desire to protect.

"Alright then, lets charge together. We will have a better chance of making it".

"Agreed. Alright everyone, rally with us! We are heading into the castle!"


The rest of the guards, and other forces rallying at the location, cheered as they followed the group into the castle.

"Wow, some of these demons are really tough" Rayheart mentioned, as she cut the arm off of one when it tried to reach for a servant cowering in fear. Her Holy Sword was extremely effective against Demons, but even then some of them were putting up a nasty fight.

And since Kotori had left to deal with a matter, it was just her and Yulari. They were doing fine, but the situation was still not all that great. The normal guards and knights were getting overrun, with only those who were above average or better showing any real effectiveness right now.

Well, it was a surprise attack, so everyone is out of formation and adapting as best they can.

"I feel like their numbers are not increasing as much. Either they ran out, or someone must have cut off their entry point" Yulari said, panting a bit.

Even for the two of them, it had been an hour of combat now without any rest or break. Even with their skills and abilities, this was draining them. And Yulari got the feeling that relatively, this was not even anything close to the strongest Demon army that could have been mustered.

Rayheart felt the same. Honestly, this whole situation was a bit scary to her. But...

There are people who need my help...that bus accident, it proved how weak I am. I couldn't save everyone, and even before, there are those who I couldnt save...

The image of Rikuo flashed through her mind, both his present self, and his past self.

Even against that one enemy, I was nearly defeated if it wasn't for Yulari...

She also remembered Demon Lord Karzel.

I have to move faster! Stronger! Better!

She rushed forward, her emotion building up as her desire to save everyone came to light.

I wont fail them! Not again!

[Hero's Bud has been acquired].

Although hearing such a message, she did not stop to think about it. She just went forward, with Yulari covering her all the way. Perhaps this level of zeal caught them off guard, but the demons were surprised and cut down far more easily then before.

"Hou. You seem far more fun then the rest of them".

Rayheart immediately blocked, as a sword slash pushed her right through a wall and into a large ballroom. Yulari quickly came in and checked on her, while the two were also wary. They saw, as a very short elf walked in, a katana like sword in hand, eminating a great and terrible power.

"To think you were able to block such a strike. You seem to be quite fun. It seems like before I kill you, you might entertain me. Ah, but introductions".

He suddenly took a stance, and glared at them. A menacing aura filled the room, overwhelming them with feelings of fear and dread and danger. That they had met someone who was truly a dangerous person, someone they should not be dealing with.

"My name is Demon Lord Urten, and I will be taking your lives today".

Those words did not feel hallow, and they certainly were not an idle threat. They could tell instinctively, this threat far outclassed them.

And then, he disappeared right in front of their eyes. A clash of blades was heard, as they saw his sword centimeters away from their necks. It did not stop of its own volition though, but another sword had blocked its path.

"You know, part of this party was meant to be about my recovery. Having a Demon Lord crash it, that is completely rude you know?"


His voice sounded noble and elegant, as he walked in front of Rayheart and Yulari. Wearing a royal blue military outfit, that was clearly designed for those of royal blood, a blonde haired boy of about thirteen walked in front of them with a sword drawn. The sword appeared to be a curved shortsword, unique in appearance, but his blue eyes felt especially mischevous and cunning.

"I, second prince Jaylem Bella Edolus, shall be your opponent".

"A royal prince...you dont seem soft, I guess this royal family doesn't slouch. But dont mistake that surprise block of yours to succeed. Anything that I wish to be cut, will be cut".

"Really? I hear you failed miserably though when you fought with Demon Lords Rassle, Aruu, Luci, and Sachi".

The old man appeared to get irritated when that was brought up. It seemed like a sore spot for him.

"I will have to show you then, my Demon God Sword Arts".

Rayheart, who saw all this, was getting irritated though.

"Hey now, dont think we are done either!"

Rayheart suddenly raised her Holy Sword, and the light from it shown bright, even bothering the Demon Lord.

"You can still fight?"

"His speed surprised me, but I have hightened my senses and physical power now. I can keep up".

"If it comes to a battle of techniques, I wont lose against him" Yulari added.

The prince just nodded at those two.

"Then lets begin this battle of swords".

"Just about there..." Herra muttered, as she dodged another attack.

"Just give up, there is no way you can defeat us all" a voice said, echoing around the room in a way that was impossible to pinpoint.

I wont ever give up. Especially not when my friends need me...I will show you the full power of my Unique Skill: Shadow Arts.

As she said that, she dodged two more daggers. Muffled steps were around the room. It was pitch black, likely using a combination of magic and a windowless room with the door hidden. And yet, she had just about finished her preparation.

"Did you think we would just let you play your game though?"

Suddenly, even though she sensed no pressence and her intuition didn't register anything, she felt someone's hand grab her neck and raise her into the air.

And when she looked at the hand, using her magic to enhance her night vision...she felt a pang of familiarity.

"Its nice to meet you too...my name is Harzen in this world, and you...that look in your eyes, you are that girl that was one of the best friends of my favorite little toy, weren't you?"

Hearing his words, Herra panicked. Any other reincarnator, and she would have tried to reason with him. But this was the worst possible one to run into.

The one that everyone else had nicknamed "The Brute".

"You bastard...you think you have honestly trapped me?" she muttered, her eyes full of mischief as if she pulled off a trick.

She immediately cast some magic, but nothing seemed to work or get her out of the situation, despite what she cast in secret. Still, she did not drop that expresson on her face, at least until he began to act.

The moment he had his hand on her, while choking her he began to rip off her clothes.

I wonder what faces that brat will make, when he learned I humiliated and raped his best friend. That I will keep doing so unless he submits and becomes my slave...and then I will just do it anyways!

And so he began, ripping off her lower clothes, and then teared off the upper, leaving her completely naked except for the boots. He watched as her face contorted with fear and sadness.

"...so you really are that much of scum".

The moment the voice said that, suddenly Herra was no longer in his grasp, and his hand had been cut off. The shreds of clothing were also gone, and light poured into the room from behind, revealing them all.

And not just that, suddenly everyone else looked as if they were bound, and could not move. As he looked towards the light, Herra was there, fully dressed and free, looking at him with disgust. She then pulled her hand forwards, and suddenly those that were bound were cut to pieces.

"How did you..."

But it was not just Herra there. Four others were there as well. Kotori, Iosi, Sora, and Arila.

"Herra, this guy has skills that make you a bad match against him" Sora warned.

Kotori also nodded. "You go help Rikuo. We will deal with this monster".

"...you guys sure?"

They nodded, and that was all Herra needed.

"Understood. This guy is an ass, so feel free to kill him" Herra muttered, showing her blatent hostility for him before she ran.

"So Rikuo is his name...I am going to love toying with him again" Harzen muttered. "Still though, I know I had her...it seems one of you is quite the trickster...even cut off my hand".

As he said that though, his hand had already regenerated.

"You sure you all want to face me though? I found an interesting teacher, and if you dont go help, he might just kill them all before I can".

Sora took a step forward, and then suddenly a blur as he was in front of Harzen, his fist in Dragonfist mode. Harzen raised his hand and blocked it with a palm, despite the fact the blow was strong enough to send an air pressure wave through the room.

"You are not a normal boy, are you? Interesting".

At the same time, snakes made of fire began to crawl up around his body, as he felt the feeling of becoming sluggish or slowed.

"Time magic...I see, so that is how it is" he muttered, radiating a force from his body that seemed to disperse the magic. And yet, an ice spike squarely landed in his shoulder in that moment.

"How did he disperse the magic?"

"I dont know, but the magic attack you did afterwards worked Iosi, so its not all powerful. Keep attacking, and I will focus on support magic!"

Arila took out her sword, and stared Harzen down. Among all those present, Harzen felt something special from Arila's gaze.

This girl...the boy that punched me was not human, not totally at least, and those two behind them are human for sure...but this girl, I get a strange and violent aura off of her. Its dangerous...but, I dont know for certain! I can't read her at all!

"For the crime of hurting one of my friends, and threatening another...I will be taking your head now".

Such words sent shivers down his spine, which pissed him off. He quickly moved and went to punch her, his muscular demonized body moving faster then expected. His fist impacted several barriers, as magic attacks came at him, but he was already at Arila now. His speed was great, though decelerated a bit by the barriers it was far greater then one would expect.

But Arila used the smallest, the least flashy, the easiest of all mauvering techniques at just the right time, and avoiding getting punched while slashing into his arm. The skin was so hard she could not cut clean through, and her blade was deflected a bit, but it was still a nasty wound.

And then Sora came from above, and went to punch him right into the ground. He turned around though, caught Sora by the arm and threw him right at Kotori and Iosi.

"Wind Cushion!"

Iosi quickly deployed a spell that softened the landing, although it was close. They avoided impacting each other, but already Harzen was on them. That was when Arila appeared between them, blocking it with her sword and cutting off that hand again, but it started regenerating immediately even as he missed.

And then ice spikes fell from the ceiling to pierce him through several times over. He smashed them all to pieces though, but he felt sluggish again as Arila got even faster.

That time magic boy again...he is really being a pain. I should kill him first, but this woman and the boy wont let me. I can counter the boy, but that woman is weird.

"I thought all the Reincarnators were thirteen years old from their group?" Kotori muttered.

"That guy probably Demonized for awhile now. He likely evolved to some degree" Arila muttered, giving Sora a bit of a shock.

"..you know about Demons?" he asked, but then Arila suddenly burst forward and attacked Harzen. Harzen blocked and dodged, while sending attacks of black aura at the others. Several barriers were formed though, so as the black bullets hit them, although the magical energy dispersed as the barriers broke, turning into mist, they remained protected.

And then Sora appeared in his blind spot, and kicked him in the gut. Sora had finally gotten a clean hit in, but he got sent flying to. During the exchange, Harzen hit him with a counter blow.

I doubt Kotori and Iosi saw that, but this guy can temporarily accelerate himself. He keeps dispelling any continuous magic cast on him, but direct attacks like ice spikes and fireballs work fine.

"Just keep attacking him with magic! Make his movements restricted. Kotori, keep supporting us with magic as well! Focus on defense and allied buffs!"



Sora meanwhile leaped out of the crater that was made in the wall. His clothes were becoming worn out from the intense battle, but they were still in good enough condition, and he didn't care himself anyways.

"Dragon Form: Dragon Claws and Tail".

"Hyper Enhance Body Technique".

"Continuous Heal".

"Let the nature of this building take hold against this foe, and show it the wrath of the earth and stone of which it is made of...Earth Devourer!"

Harzen vs. Kotori, Arila, Sora, and Iosi. The battle continued.

"We are nearly there! We should check the throne room! The hero summoning room is near it, and it is the most protected place! The king and his royal guards should be there, or close to there!"

The castle was infested, but through the work of them combined, they were able to make it this deep in. However...

"Hold it...there seems to be a bit of an issue that needs to be dealt with. From where we came from, Demons that had yet to enter are chasing behind us".

Ciel mentioned such a thing. Fang perked his ears up to listen.

"He is right, they are coming. If we keep going, we will get surrounded".

Ciel looked around, looking through all the doors, until he found one.

"Hold on, what are you..." Remarse said, as he opened the door and entered. They looked inside, and there was a bunch of crates, storage containers, and various magic stones. Ciel got a bag together that already appeared to have quite a few, and put some more in there, before heading back into the hall and handing it to Lutessa.

"Me, Remarse, and the guards here will hold them off. These magic stones can be used to re-activate the defenses. Find the others, they should be with someone of royalty at least. They can help you re-activate the castle magical defenses, and help us deal with the Demons. It should be on the top floor, so get going!"

"Wait, are you..."

"You have to do it like this, if you want to save your precious students" Ciel muttered to her, in a voice only she could hear. Lutessa rallied herself at that point.

"Understood. Good luck, I will go as fast as I can. Any more tips?"

"Yeah, head through the ballroom. There is an ominous pressence there, but I also feel the pressence of a Holy Sword. They need your help first I bet".

Hearing those words, Lutessa took the cargo, and then she, Fang, and the twins set off towards their destination.

And all the while, Rikuo began the summoning process.

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