《The Shard Legacy》Chapter 26: Wrath


"What the hell is going on!" Aer shouted, as he and the two guards that were there to protect him were looking out the window, seeing the demons flooding into the Imperial Castle. "Tsk, this is no time to be standing around!"

As he said that, he headed over to Saphri, instead of the table, and pulled out his combat clothes that he wore as a Dragon Knight Cadet. A pair of blue shorts, a black T shirt with a red stripe that circled the center, with a Dragon symbol on the back. Then there was a brown short sleeve jacket, with the Dragon Knight insignia, and a blank spot, which was where his order's or benefactor's sigil would be. Since he was just a Cadet, it was left blank. There were also red stripes along the sleeve, and a bit of silver for the buttons. And brown, sturdy boots, which could easily fit into the saddle on Saphri, which is where the bags where he was taking these clothes out of where. And what came out last was a set of aviator goggles, worn by all Dragon Knights.

"Wait, you are not fully healed yet are you? You shouldn't get dressed, and get back in bed! Its dangerous out there!" the guards pleaded.

"Your boss is in danger too you know? And, I am not about to let the first friends I have made die" Aer said, a strong look in his eyes. "We are storming the castle, and we are going to protect them".

Perhaps moved by the passion in his words, as well as their own sense of duty, they nodded.

"Yes, of course! This is an emergency situation".


Aer went to pull out his sword, but noticed it was not the same sword as before. As a Cadet, he had a simple shortsword that was mass produced, cheap and inexpensive, something he was free to break and could be replaced.

But the sword here was in a high quality sheath, made from tanned Dragon hide that had been properly shed and collected. Dragons shed skin sometimes, and Dragon Knights, and all forms of Dragon Riders, would use the babyteeth and the shed skin to create various equipment for themselves. He too had been collecting Saphri's things, but this...this was clearly a product made from them.

Did Remarse have it maid while I was here, in such speed and time? No, he had to have started making it sooner then that...since earlier yesterday...

Either way, as he drew the sword, he felt the power in it. He felt the same bond as with Saphri, and he could tell it was a quality blade. It was sized just right for him too, a rather short shortsword, but strong and powerful, and could be easily infused with magic.

"I see...what a wonderfully timed gift, Paladin Abott...alright Saphri" he said, as he got on. The guards suddenly realized what Aer planned to do, and they opened the windows all the way.

"Good luck, Dragon Knight".

"Thanks. Make sure you meet up with a good group before charging in there yourselves. You go from the bottom, ill hunt from the top".

The two nodded, and then watched as Aer had Saphri sprint full speed towards the window, jumping out of it as she unfurled her wings, and took to the sky.

"Lets clear these skies right up!"

"This isn't good..."

Arila remembered the last time they fought Teleka. They only survived because Sora used a sudden surprise attack that used up all his mana at the moment he was summoned. They had not even grown all that much yet, so this was not the best time for her to show up.


That said, last time they didn't have Ruuruu or Herra with them, and the royal guard and the king were here too. That said, Teleka also had allies with her. And this time, they looked seriously prepared, and not like they had come here just to toy with them.

"Aww, what is it Rikuo...are you feeling scared? Surprised? Happily in bliss? Or maybe...pissed yourself? Yes, I think I smell a bit of that".

She then stepped towards Rikuo, seemingly elated, when Herra appeared in front of her.

"Shadow Arts: Multi-Shadow Clone Punch!"

And then, as if barraged with hundreds of punches, Teleka was knocked backwards by a few feet. To everyone else, it appeared as if illusionary shadow fists errupted from around her and they all punched Teleka in a barrage attack.

The other vampires looked shocked, even though she only got pushed back a few feet it seemed that amount was surprising to them.

"Anyone who harasses one of my best friends...I wont ever forgive them! That is the duty of a friend!"

"Hmmf, little girl, you are a bit too young to be a good opponent for me. Get her, you two".

The two vampires stepped forward. The royal guard went to intercept, but then for some reason, the vampires stopped moving.

"Oh...you are a stronger opponent then I thought, little girl" Teleka muttered, as the two other vampires suddenly sprayed blood all over the walls and floor and collapsed down, having been cut to pieces.

It seems that most of the people there had been unable to understand what Herra did, but Teleka had.

But as Herra stepped forward, she somehow fell through the floor.

"But, you are not involved in this conflict. There are others who wish to talk with you".

Teleka said that as she stepped forward, not falling through the floor Herra just had. Herra meanwhile found herself landing in a pitch black room, but then she suddenly sensed an attack coming and dodged it.

"You should have stayed dead, Herra" a man said. "We had a good think going for us in Tyrla. Doing business with that noble. But not only did you have to witness the deal, you couldn't even stay dead. But thankfully, we have some people who will help us take care of you...after all, you killed their subordinates".

Herra immediately realized who they meant, and found herself starting to dodge non-stop as attacks came from all over in the darkness.

"You dont have the stamina to keep dodging forever, after all".

"We will see how long I have to hold out for" Herra muttered.

For Rikuo, for everyone, I wont give up!

She then used Shadow Magic to hide herself as well, making it harder for them to see her.

[The level of Shadow Magic has increased!]

She suddenly recieved a notification like that.

Meanwhile, Rikuo was now staring down Teleka again. The Royal guards seemed certain to hold their own, but as if she wanted to send them all into despair, more vampires arrived from behind. Four more this time.

"You know, once I give you a good turn, maybe I will take your friend there. Maybe screw her a bit, maybe make you two screw each other...maybe make it so you have to decide between the two of you who lives and who dies?"

Teleka said such a thing to taunt Rikuo, but that made Ruuruu rush her suddenly, trying to stab her. She used some sort of magic, which caused Ruuruu quite a bit of pain, as two of her vampires attempted to grab the spear.


"Now, shall we play?"

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Teleka paused for a moment, honestly surprised when she saw Rikuo. For the first time ever, she did not see him crying, suffering in pain, disgusted, or the like.

No, Rikuo looked pissed.

"Which part do you mean?"

"Did you just say...you would try to screw my friend?"

"Why yes, it will be easy and fun..."

And perhaps under all the stress, something in Rikuo's mind snapped.

"I am sorry your majesty, but I am going to need more royal blood before we start the ceremony" Rikuo said, bloodlust eminating from him like crazy. Even the king, and the royal guards, were surprised by it. However, none of them felt offended or upset by it, because they could tell who it was directed at.

"Of course. It seems like you have some personal business you need to take care of. Go for it. I don't like people like her anyways".

"Wait, did you just say you ingested royal blood already..."

Teleka's question of surprise went unanswered as a massive magical aura appeared around Rikuo.

"Storms, reside within me, channel me. Become me, so I can become you".

Lightning began to swirl around him, as the mana seemed to spark with lightning.

"Clad me in your power, so I might show them my personal fury".

As if she could sense something was wrong, Teleka immediately charged at Rikuo, unwlling to let him complete such a spell. However, Rikuo's Multi-parallel thought processing let him deploy a barrier to stop her, several in fact.

"Storm Aspect!"

And then, the spell was completed as Rikuo kicked off his boots. Turning into lightning, he suddenly zapped right into Teleka, who created magical barriers of her own. This time, she went flying far more then a few feet, and impacted the wall behind her.


Rikuo's single word felt as cold as ice, but its hostility could be felt in his cold glare, that now saw Teleka as nothing but trash to remove. The look of fear she had enjoyed on his face was gone, and this left her very unsatisfied.

"You are a bit too young to make such an expression".

She punched Rikuo, but the first was electrocuted as Rikuo turned that part into lightning. He still was not good at fighting in close quarters combat, and couldn't do the stuff martial artists could do, but this spell's chant reflected the emotion he felt when he used this spell.

It was fury.

That was the emotion that drove this spell. Such fury at a target, that he would do something as dangerous as turning his whole body into lightning at times. One wrong move, and he could disappear from existence.

But rage is what kept him together.

As such, Rikuo kicked Teleka right in the head, and sent her sprawling and flying into another wall, breaking the wall and causing her to crash into another wall behind it. He immediately zapped towards her, but she raised a multi-layered barrier to keep him out. He kept bouncing about as a lightning ball, banging and banging against the barrier as he was breaking through.

What the fuck happened with his growth?! He was never this strong or powerful, and not much time has passed since we last faced off. No, its less like he has grown stronger...but that, he figured something out...

"Hear my, underworld. Show this pet what happens when it bites the hand that feeds it. Let this mortal feel your wrath....Hellchains!"

Red chains shot out of the floor, intending to bind Rikuo. Certainly, Rikuo's current form did seem quite strong, but it seemed that it used a lot of mana and concentration, so that was the limit of his ability.

I got you now...

And so, the hellchains went to chain him down. The moment they touched him though, they froze in place.

"No way...was he chanting a spell during that time?! So he can use magic at the same time as that spell?"

She had thought that he couldn't so far, but it seemed that he was still able to use magic. As that happened, she suddenly felt a wind blade coming and dodged it as it got around her barriers.

This brat...just what the hell did I just piss off?!

Suddenly, her last barrier was broken and Rikuo came down upon her, lightning claws forming from his hand as he clawed at her. She barely managed to dodge, but when he actually moved it seemed to be at the speed of lightning.

Without a doubt, he was going all out to kill her. And since his magic power was greatly boosted by royal blood, he actually had a chance.

For the first time in so long, she felt as if her life could be in danger.

"Ancient Blood Arts: Thousand Blood Stab".

Blades of blood emerged from the floor, and they all went to stab Rikuo. Even if he was seemignly turning into lightning, it seemed like he would only do that for a second and then stop, and it seemed he was avoiding being dispersed.

This form of his is not invincible, physical and magical attacks can still affect him!

Teleka made that realization and attacked him full force. Since he was isolated from the others, he wouldn't have to worry about that pesky dragon and girl interfering, not to mention that spear.

Once I beat and break him, I am going to toy with him so much after all this!

The blades of blood flew through the sky at him, as barriers appeared around him. They were quickly broken, but then so were the blades. There to protect him, was the flying spear in question.

And so as Rikuo darted around and came at her again, she was forced to raise another barrier while moving to the side and slashing at him with claws that appeared on her hand. Ruuruu moved in and blocked her, while also burning her hand by radiating holy light.

That said, Rikuo felt a bit bothered by it as well, but not as much.

It must be because they have established a Soul Bond. Tsk, how irritating.

"I thought you said I would die, yet here I stand" Teleka taunted, clearly provoking them. Unfortunately, in Rikuo's current mindset, he was easily taken by it and charged right at her, lightning bolts flying from his body.

All I have to do is make him burn though all that mana then. I win the long game.

She thought that while taking a defensive stance, but then she noticed her leg was frozen in ice and she couldn't adjust properly.

What? When...dont tell me, the holy light was just to distract me? He had been preparing a spell like this?!

And meanwhile, Rikuo closed in on her. However, her next attack was already prepared, as blades of blood charged in at him as he lept through the air.

[Activated Skill: Water Magic] [Activated Skill: Storm Magic] [Activated Skill: Spacial Magic] [Activated Skill: Blood Arts] [Activated Skill: Shadow Magic]

Countless skills were activated by his Unique Skill, Multi-Parallel Thought Processing. They were all basic magic that required no chant, but it was still quite good.

However, Teleka had already charged up some magic in her fist. Something that would target the very soul, that was what Rikuo felt.

But even before that, she pivoted her body, and a large blade of blood he had not seen flew from behind. Ruuruu tried to intercept, but a barrier blocked his path. That blade went right at Rikuo, when he was already in mid air.

It was going to hit, with no way to dodge.

However, Rikuo changed directions in mid air.

"What...wait, he...he has them?!"

Going through his clothes, a pair of black shadowy wings had appeared on Rikuo's back.

[Activated Skill: Flight]

It was a skill he had yet to use, but in his rage his body activated it on instinct.

"Legions of the damned, those who this person have slaughtered..."

And Rikuo was already in the middle of a chant.

[Activated Skill: Death Magic]

It was the one magic skill he had yet to activate.

Master had yet to use that one out of fear of what it might do, but it seems he is willing to use everything to stop Teleka.

"Come from the underworld and harass the culprit of your demise".

Realizing from the chant what spell he was trying to cast, Teleka started to try to offensively go all out and kill him, at the same time he was still on full offense due to his Storm Aspect still being in play.

"I wont let you! Hellchaser!"

Teleka released a black miasma ball that went after Rikuo, but Ruuruu had caught up by then and used holy magic to defend against it.

"Use your hatred, your anger, your sadness, your disgust, as weapons against this murderous person".

"Shut up! Ancient Blood Arts: Ultimate Blood Annihalation!"

Her attacks got even more frenzied now, as she went from endurance mindset to annihlation mindset.

Even Rikuo's unique skill could not contend against all of the attacks she unleashed on him, but Ruuruu was now managing his defense as well. With those two things together, although Rikuo took some injuries, nothing was massive or fatal.

"Make her suffer for all the things you have all suffered from!"

"Hellchaser! Hellchaser! Hellchaser!"

She took some wounds from Rikuo's lightning, as he bounced around the room while chanting and was still going after her.

"Make her repent for all the crimes she has committed!"

"From the depths of hell, I summon you to make this enemy your snack! Hellhounds!"

Multiple hellchasers and hellhounds, as well as low level magic attacks and physical attacks, all came at him as he bounced around. Ruuruu intercepted some, and Rikuo was starting to take damage for sure, but so was Teleka.

"May her regret ever doing such despeciable things, such despicable acts".

"Die you damned brat!"

"May she agonize over the mistakes she made in this life!"

The longer he chanted, the more desperate she became. In all actuality, something was very wrong with this situation. A major issue, that she had yet to realize.

"May her victims find some justice, to judge her now from the gates of the afterlife".

After all, the longer the chant, the more mana was used as the more powerful a spell would become.

"So much mana! I wont let you!"

She launched yet another attack, this one seemingly overwhelming all the defenses. Ruuruu and Rikuo did their best to defend and dodge, but it was getting overwhelming. No matter what wounds they put on her, she would not slow down.

"To think you...."

"And may your judgement be one full of torment and vengence".

Even though Rikuo kept chanting, Teleka was actualy calming down a bit. Covered in wounds, she realized something was terribly wrong.

He doesn't have the mana to cast such a spell!

"If you are wondering" Crown Princess Esmerelda said, coming out from behind a corner. "Then I suppose you are smarter then you look".

And Rikuo meanwhile finished the spell.

"Vengeful Spirits Judgement!"

Time just felt like it stopped there for a moment, as the spell was cast. Teleka felt as if something cold crept up on all sides, crawling around her. Under her skin, in her eyes, within her very thoughts. She felt as cold arms wrapped around her, and as if the light and life of the world was smothered from her view.

And then, she just collapsed in front of them as she cried out in rage and suffering. Even though the spell had been cast for just a moment, it seemed like it would stain her for far longer, with greater suffering.

[Activated Skill: Cursecraft]

Rikuo truly had gone all out to deal with her. And it seemed like, this was a total victory.

Seeing that, Rikuo calmed down a bit, turning off Storm Aspect and nearly collapsing to the floor. The princess quickly picked him up in her arms.

"Come on Ruuruu, I will nurse him back to health" she said, as she used magic to cut her chest and release some blood from it. It was a part of her chest close to her neck, and was well away from anything profane technically, but the position was rather unusual.

Rikuo stared at her in a way that clearly showed dismay and disproval.

"I cant cut my hand or arm and feed you directly while carrying me, and while I know you Otherworlders can be skiddish, this cut is high enough on my chest, isn't it? I am still wearing this dress after all.

There were so many things Rikuo wanted to comment on.

"Couldn't you hold me closer to you neck?"

"Stop being a baby and just use it to restore your strength. Once you have enough of it back to actually do something, I can give you from another area. Besides, its well above that place".

Rikuo still had some concerns, but as it was a battlefield and their lives were in danger, he didn't have much choice and accepted the blood.

At the same time, Aer and Saphri were flying through the skys, burning down the demons and attempting to intercept them from getting near the castle along with the other Dragon Knights present. That said, Rikuo was greatly concerned as he noticed that there were very few of them currently there.

Enough time had not passed, and the Dragon Knights were not so weak, that their numbers would be this low already. And more should have sortied for sure...

Wait, dont tell me...

Aer and Saphri, quickly sensing danger, dodged as a ball of black fire nearly hit them.

"Damn you commoner trash...I wanted you as a trophy, but it looks like your corpse would have to do".

Aer turned around, hearing Heywood's voice...but when he turned, the Heywood he knew was not the one he saw. His eyes had turned black, with black veins coursing through his body. His dragon too had a similar appearance, the red scales littered with black veins.

"...Demonization...that idiot got tricked by the enemy it seems".

"Now then, maybe if you agree to be my slave and bitch, and suffer various humiliations, maybe I will spare you and your pathetic Dragon!"

"Heywood!" Aer shouted, cutting him off. "For the crimes of betraying the kingdom, inciting an enemy invasion, assisting the enemy, and who knows what else connected to it...I will now either arrest, or execute you!"

Heywood twitched at that moment.

"Ha?! You?! Once the Demons wipe the rest of you out, I will be made the hero that chased them away, and become Grand Paladin instantly! Then, I can thoroughly stomp on you commoner trash whenever I want!"

"So you wont surrender huh...well, then I guess I will just vent my rage" Aer muttered, drawing his sword as blue flames appeared along it. "Then I will bring His Majesty your traitorous head!"

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