《The Shard Legacy》Chapter 12: The Legendary Spear, Ruuruu


During the deep black night, when the moon was high in the sky and the darkness had crept into all corners of the village and forest, a group of people had gathered together.

"Did you hear? Some new adventurers, a group of kids no less, have come to make their attempt at the spear now?"

"Interesting. So some brats think they can succeed where so many others have failed? Even S-Rank adventurers have been unable to take it out".

"Still though, perhaps they will make good sacrifices for our own plans. We could obtain the power we have been seeking for so long, after all".

"Yes. Let us see if these children will prove useful to us...and should they become an obstacle, then we can just eliminate them just like all the rest".

Many of them had such thoughts, but one person in the back, hidden by a black cloak looking at them all, was simply humming.

I wonder if they will put on a good show for me? Its a shame I cant use Teleka again just yet, but...this should prove interesting.

"Alright, lets go deal with the spear thing!" Arila energeticly announced, as everyone else was just getting dressed. With their clothes cleaned and having been left to dry last night, they felt rather comfortable. Of course, that was probably because Sora used the spell "Warm Light" to help dry them.

However, Herra just looked at her with a bit of confusion and doubt, some irritation clearly seen on her face. "I know you are like this every morning, but please, don't say those things when what we heard was mostly negative".

"She probably just wants to use it as a chance to seduce Master again" Sora mentioned as a joke, causing Rikuo to go bright red in the face. Sora watched this with an amused face, clearly enjoying the show.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

But of course, Arila was totally oblivious to it.

"Lets just...go to the spear".

The trip to the spear wasn't too far. It was on one of the cliffs that overlooked the village, planted within obvious and very easy to see red ice. The handle was out and visible, but the spearpoint itself was trapped within the ice.

It was a very elegant spear though. The spear was connected at a point that had black leather wrapped around it. However, Rikuo noticed underneath was a black metal, and it felt like something about it was off to him as he glimped it through the ice. There was then two golden bands on it, one by the front, and one by the very end. The spear itself had a red handle.

And in the light, it looked almost divine. The light passed through the ice, which appeared both menacing and beautiful, but the spear within it practically sparkled within the light, showing is great and mighty form. Trapped within the ice in the ground, it was as if a great and beautiful relic had pierced down from the heavens and trapped the ice where it was, and the ice had trapped it in turn, creating a stalemate as the two forces went against each other.

But for some, they could not only see the beauty, but they felt the danger as well.

"...everyone, stay back" Herra warned. "My intuition tells me if we handle this badly, it will be dangerous for us. I can feel the spear is already aware of us...and something hostile is in there".

"Are you saying the spear is hostile to us?"


"...its not full hostility, but there is definently something off about it".

As they said that, they heard the laughter of a boy behind them. The group turned around, and saw a ten year old boy with blonde hair and rainbow eyes, watching them. However, he was not dressed like a village boy. He had a spear with him himself, and had looks that could make people honestly believe he was a prince at least. And Herra could sense there was something very powerful about him...but she also felt there was something familiar about him.

Even Rikuo felt that pang of familiarity. Similar to when he saw Herra, but not the same.

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ciel, an S-Rank Adventurer. I was just passing by because I heard of something interesting, and wanted to see it for myself".

As he said that, he hopped off the cliff.

"That is certainly one sad spear though. No wonder you think its grumpy, with its feelings hurt like that".

Hearing that, the group seemed shocked by his words...they felt as if they were true, but held a meaning they had yet to realize consciously. As if his words spoke right to their souls.

Perhaps it was the wisdom of an S-Rank Adventurer?

"Let me guess, you were all just thinking 'Hold on, wait. Could he be saying...', right?"

The four of them now felt the full weight of his existence suddenly. As if they had realized it just now, this was an enemy so far superior to them it was insane. They didn't even need Herra's skill, they could tell that right now. It was as if his sheer existence made them want to drop to their knees and soil themselves, but it was just light enough not to.

And it was not from magical pressure. It was just his body language, the look in his eyes, the intellect alone of someone with far greater experience. Even if he was physically weaker then them all, they could all understand right away. He could beat them four on one without an issue.

And that they needed to become not just stronger, but smarter as well.

"...Ciel, an S-Rank Adventurer huh? Is it normal, for you to intimidate lower adventurers like this? Do you plan to take the spear for yourself?"

However, he then smiled as if he was a normal innocent boy, and the mental pressure they felt was suddenly all gone.

"No, there is no need. I have a reliable partner right here. A weapon does not make a person, but it never hurts to have a reliable partner. Although..."

He then walked right up to Rikuo, and looked him in the eyes.

"You seem like you would be good to help that poor boy there".

Suddenly, as Ciel tapped Rikuo's shoulder, he felt something familiar once more. But then he also saw something else in front of him. A blonde haired boy with red eyes, sitting there in the ice. He had nothing other then for a black collar around his neck, a golden band on his right arm and left leg, and he was crying there, trapped inside the ice. Unable to move.

However, when Rikuo wiped his eyes and glasses, he saw only a spear there again as Ciel had already walked past him.

"Let me tell you something right now though. Dont spread it around or it might cause you trouble, but...never, ever trust the person who made that Spear, Darius. He is far more of a monster then Otherworlders like yourselves".


The moment he said that, the group's eyes went wide as their hair stood on end and their bodies stiffened. Sweat ran down their faces that had become full of shock, and they all turned around to look at Ciel. However, Ciel was not standing there, but instead sitting on top of a cliff.

"That weapon there is sentient you know? Thats not easy to make, and yet to be tossed away. To answer your question, yes of course...the sentient mind of that spear has been trapped there, suffering and in pain from the ice, watching people die, for over ten years. Do make sure to take good care of it, Rikuo. He will serve you well...and when you finally confront Darius, please sucker punch him in the face for all of us".

Saying that, Ciel stood up and walked away, disappearing behind the cliff.

"...he knew we were otherworlders?" Rikuo asked.

"That guy...even if we were twice as strong and had double the numbers, I think we would lose to him".

"We need to get stronger, smarter...and more resourceful".

"...I get the feeling this Darius guy is going to be an enemy for us".

While speaking their thoughts, the group looked back at the spear.

"This is no longer just a weapon reclamation".

"Right Rikuo...its a rescue" Herra agreed. "That said...its said only one of us can do it at a time...and even looking might be dangerous".

"That was said by Darius though...and as mysterious as Ciel was, I feel like he is more reliable then someone who plants a spear into the ground with mystic ice to seal it".

Arila nodded, looking rather angry herself already. Sora meanwhile watched the spear with observant eyes..

"So we ignore the warning, and try to get it?"

"Rikuo is the one who needs it" Herra reminded. "It has to bond with him. But once we approach, its going to try and kill us for sure".

"I can get it out" Rikuo mentioned confidently.

"Wait, Rikuo...are you sure?"

"Yes. I think I understand now, the situation, the puzzle, and the truth".

As Rikuo took a step forward, the ice began to react. But he was also emotional, as he could still hear the spear crying.

"So, what is the plan then, leader?" Arila asked.

"Herra, Sora, Arila...I need you to distract the spear long enough for me to touch it" Rikuo said, adjusting his glasses. "It seems that someone has decided to manipulate events and occurances to provide this chance".

The other three nodded, understanding clearly.


The trio charged towards the spear, going past the line they had hesistated to pass. The moment they did, the magical ice seemed to react, and immediately went after Herra and Sora first. Arila kept charging, but it had no reaction at all.

Of course, if it attacked everyone who tried, it would obvious have been more noted in the report. But Herra was an Otherworlder, and Sora was the familiar of an Otherworlder. In other words, this spear was set up deliberately to target Otherworlders.

And it wasn't that the spear was rejecting them, the seal was. Which meant...

"Otherworlders can use it!"

The ice only attacked Otherworlders. But the spear was being attacked by ice. There were only so many thing that could mean, but one had to be that it was Otherworlder specific.

"Blood Ice Manipulation!"

It was ice that had absorbed who knew how much blood. As such, now in range, Rikuo utilized that power as he jumped out from behind Arila.

Arila had been used to hide his approach. He couldn't be confident, but...even if it had sensed him, Arila would have just intercepted the attack and kept it at bay.

And this allowed Rikuo to get right next to the spear. More ice shot out, but he used his magic to manipulate them to slow down or miss him, as he adjusted the friction on his own body to move more nmbly.

Rikuo quickly grabbed hold of the spear, and then used his friction manipulation spell on it, to free it from the grasp of the ice.

And yet, the moment that happened, Rikuo found himself standing in a black space. He was naked again for some reason, but he was also much lighter. His glasses were even gone, but he could see perfectly here.

I guess this is...a spirit body? If that makes sense? But how did I get here? Wait, could this...

Rikuo realized it suddenly. For one thing, he heard the cries of a boy behind him. He turned around, and saw the boy that had been crying before. Aside from the things around his right wrist, ankle, and neck, he was also naked. And he was crying.

"Please...please stop...all of you, I dont want Darius to kill you all! Just leave me be!"

Rikuo heard that, but he felt as if there was something else instead.

"You know, normally a victim would say 'Please save me' when they are trapped and suffering" Rikuo mentioned, startling the boy.

"How...how are you here? Why cant I see the outside anymore?"

"I dont know myself...but, I think its time we had a bit of a chat. I take it you are Ruuruu then? I am a bit surprised to see you have a human form".

Looking down, Ruuruu saw he was naked, and was a bit embarrassed. However, since the other party was a boy, that seemed okay.

"...thats because, I was once a human" Ruuruu mentioned, which surprised Rikuo.

"Wait, what?"

"There are many things I want to say" Ruu said as tears went down his face. "But please, whatever you do, dont let me fall back into the hands of that monster".

"What do you mean?" Rikuo asked, but then suddenly, below them the black expanse disappeared. There was a large magical circle on the floor, in what appeared to be a labratory. Not only that, but there was a boy who looked exactly like Ruuruu, tied up in the center unable to move, with a spear identical to the one they came to claim there with him.

"Let me go! Let me go! Please, I will do anything!"

"I have already done everything I could to you. As expected, your expereince was non-existant, but I suppose that was all I could hope for from an artificial lifeform. Well, maybe my female associates would have liked more time with you...but what does that matter? I need a powerful new weapon, and you shall serve as the core for it, and obey me without fail".

The boy tried to move away, but a magical force stopped him.

"To think you were not even broken yet...well, its too much of a pain to find someone else now" Darius told him, as he began to cast his spell. "It might take a few years, but eventually I will find the others as well, and make use of them also. Maybe I will even use a few of them for some personal enjoyment".

"You monster! Psychopath! Devil!"

"No. All I am is a human from another world" he said, walking over the circle and stepping on Ruu's bare back in the process, dripping some of his own blood on the center of the circle, then on Ruuruu, then on the spear, before leaving the circle again and heading into a different magic circle. "And I shall make this world, and everything in it, my plaything. Even an Angelica such as yourself. Even otherworlders, such as yourself".

And then, the magic was activated, and a bright light filled the room as magical energies swirled around Ruuruu and the spear. The energies twisted and turned, and seemed to consume them both. The moment both were consumed, they flew together and fused, showing Ruuruu's human form as it appeared now.

"Hou, so this method lets you take human form. However...by the contract, I command you. Turn into a Spear for me".

Suddenly, Ruuruu's body became engulfed in light, and disapepared in front of him, a spear floating in the air where he used to be. Darius held his hand out, and the spear flew right into it.

"Lovely. You should serve me well for awhile at least".

And thus, the memory faded away. Rikuo looked stunned however.

"You...you were an Otherworlder?"

"Yes...thirteen years ago, I was born as an Angelica, an angel like spirit. We are born immediately with the forms we will take for life, so I was born like this. Originally though, I was traveling in a bus that..."

"...that crashed with our entire class in it" Rikuo finished. "You...are one of my and Herra's classmates?"

"You too?"

"Yes...but wait, before that, he went through all that trouble to make you, and then tossed you aside?!"

"Indeed. He said he found better materials, so he decided to toss me aside and make a new weapon. Left me here is a trap. This magic will kill Otherworlders and the children of Otherworlders when they approach, and steal their souls, sending them to him for his projects".

"This guy...he is a serious asshole huh?"

"Yeah...and he will know when you free me. He still has subordinates monitoring the site. The moment you free me, they will attack us".

"Take advantage of the weakened state we will be in right? Once I remove you, will the ice stop?"

"Its using my soul and blood as a power source. Its why its red. Once you remove it, it will be as if its unplugged".

"Well then...how do I remove you?"

"Its impossible unfortunately. It requires a contract with another Otherworlder, but there is a curse placed on me that I can only contract to Darius".

"A curse...wait, a curse? You sure?"

Rikuo seemed to see a ray of hope now.

"Yeah...why? Can you do something?"

"Yeah, I should be able to" Rikuo said, quickly placing his palm on Ruuruu's chest. "Stand still. Activate Skill: Cursecraft!"

The skill which had sounded so easy, it let him create and modify curses. It was his highest level skill, but it appeared from nowhere, with neither of his lives knowing why.

"This is quite the nasty curse...lots of failsafes and checks, just to make sure people wont tamper with it....but, it looks like he didn't expect us to meet spiritually. Which means, I can get around some of them..."

Suddenly, a black miasma began to leave Ruuruu's body.

"Okay....I cant remove it completely, but I was able to change some things. Now we just need to form a contract, right now".

"Wait, but we need to be physically touching to form a contract. Even if we are touching in the real world, this is just the spirit world...well, unless..."


"There is one form of contract I remember as a spiritual being, but...I am not sure you will be a fan".

"I cant hold this forever, so just do it!" Rikuo shouted, when suddenly Ruuruu kissed him on the lips.

[Contract Accepted. Rikuo has gained the skill [Spirit Contractor. Rikuo has gained the skill Spirit Summon. Rikuo has gained the Title Spirit Spear Contractor! Rikuo has gained the skill Champion!]

And then, suddenly, Rikuo found himself back in reality, and dressed once more.in the real world. He was now holding the spear, and the ice had faded away. And he even saw the Spear's Status.

Name: Ruuruu

Age: 13

Race: Angelica/Spirit Spear

Class: Spirit Spear (Rikuo's Contracted Spirit Weapon)

Class History: Lesser Spirit

Skills: Advanced Spearmanship 9, Flight 9, Weapon Transformation (Special), Human Transformation (Limited), Spirit Link (Special), Divine Shard (Unique), Holy Magic 9, Unbreakable (Unique), Soul Link (Unique), Acceleration 9, Spirit User 9, Size Manipulation (Special)

Titles: Rikuo's Contracted Spirit Weapon (Has a Master/Servant contract with Rikuo) (Must obey all orders) (Is immortal so long as Master is alive) (Immune to contract theft)

Reincarnator (Hidden) (Has memories of past life) (Enhanced Growth)

Special Conditions: Cursed as a Spear (Effects weakened, conditions modified. Darius can no longer command Ruuruu. Only Rikuo can command Ruuruu. Automatic magical attack against those who attempt to break the curse other then the Master. Curse cannot be broken normally. Has forced feelings for Master), Contracted (Rikuo)

As he saw that, he saw in his head a spiritual projection of Ruuruu in his mind, although he could only see the upper torso, shoulders, and the head.

Oh, I can see you...

"Wait, what?! Uwa...."

Well, relax. Its only your upper body...

"Ah...right, sorry. Both boys anyways, just that surprised me...but Master, we have an issue! Enemy attack!"

The moment Arila, Sora, and Herra were about to relax, Herra immedaitely reacted first as some sort of black and red magic cloud suddenly came at them. Herra tried to dodge, but it changed course and followed her, moving fast. And the other two were also in danger.

"Not on my watch!"

A boy's voice was heard, as the spear intercepted the magic attacks, glowing with a golden light as it broke through each cloud while also using its non-bladed side to pick them up through their sleeves and moved them back to Rikuo's position. The spear then floated down, flying on its own.

"Impossible...he contracted the spear?"

The attackers, who had revealed themselves the moment they attacked, came out of the bushes and behind some rocks.

"Nice job, Rikuo" Herra mentioned.

"Yeah...by the way, there are a lot of things to go over, but we owe this Darius guy a punch in the face later. Also, Ruuruu here is one of our Reincarnated Classmates".

"...why do I get the feeling he was not reincarnated into a spear..."

"Like I said, we owe Darius a punch in the face. I can explain later..."

Rikuo looked at the people in front of them.

"First, these assholes have been stealing and harvesting the souls of us Otherworlders. So lets take them down!"

The group glared at the children and the spear.

"It seems these test subjects are quite lively. You will fall to our organization though, like all the others".

Herra and Sora were fairly wounded from dealing with the previous red ice, and even Rikuo had gotten some wounds. And Ruuruu was also still recovering from being sealed in the ice, meaning Arila was the only one who was at full condition.

And so, a battle against true villains had begun.

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