《The Shard Legacy》Chapter 10: Search


The bustling city. Although certainly, it looked nothing like what she saw in her original world, it was quite active. There were children running around on the streets, but she spied quite a few children who appeared to be poor or orphaned, clearly on their own with no one taking care of them.

It was a reminder to her that this world was not perfect, without a doubt. Although she saw some things that looked nice, such as a boy using healing magic on another boy, or two girls training with sticks. A few adventurer parties also passed them, and slowly but surely, Lutessa noticed something.

"Hey, Evelo, is it me, or do there seem to be more human males as mages and using magic, and more females as warriors on average?"

"Ah, you noticed that? No one is quite sure why, but human males are better suited towards magic, while the females can show greater physical power when under stress. Elves are different, since we are all born with a natural affinity to magical power greater then humans, but it is true that female elves also seem to have better vitality and strength usually as well. Some believe its because since females are the ones who go through the trouble of giving birth, they developed stronger physically, while since males have more time to think and experiment as a result, they became more attuned with magic".

That said, it wasn't all that great of a difference. It seemed roughly to be 60/40, 60% of males being mages and 40% females, and 60% of warriors being female, and 40% male. However, it was only a rough estimate. Many of the city guards were male as well, but there were also plenty of female ones.

Still, right now, she had to focus on reporting the information, and finding the student or students she sensed here. Due to that, they made their way through the bustling streets and towards the adventurer's guild. The waves of people that seemed to flow against them did not stop them from pushing forward and reaching their destination.

However, once they actually reached the guild, and entered it, it was vibrant with all sorts of people and life. There were joyous people celebrating, a few arrogant people looking down on others with sneers and smirks, one person scolding their party for what sounded like accidentally stirring up a giant hornet nest, and everything inbetween.

"Hey now..."

"...dont ignore us!"

And for some reason, there were two children, twins, talking to the receptionist. However, the moment Lutessa saw them, she felt a pang of familiarity. However, she had no idea why. Of course, she considered they might be Reincarnators like her, some of her classmates, but...they were both clearly much younger then her.

So...just who were they?

However, the train of thought was overturned when someone walked over and poured warm milk right on top of their heads.

"Brats like you should just go back to mommy and drink this".

The man said something like that, but before he could finish, he suddenly felt the container of milk snatched from his hand and suddenly was poured on top of his head.

"I must say, it seems quite strange for someone to just randomly buy milk, only to pour it on the heads of children. The first lesson anyone should learn is manners".

As she said that, the twins went wide eyed with shock.

"Thanks, Teacher lady".

"Yeah, thanks teacher lady".

Addressing her like that, the three people confirmed something with each other in an instant.


Lutessa's first thing she said to her class this year was that last line, about the first lesson being manners. As such, although wary of their surroundings, the two called her teacher, but in a way that seemed unfamiliar.

"You know, I would love to get some local information from you both later. Would you mind waiting until after I have finished my business here?"

The two nodded, and this let Lutessa finish some important and vital work.

After reporting the monster threat, and separating with the others in the name of exploration and shopping, Lutessa had managed to meet up with the young twins. They headed a bit away, off the main road, and found a lovely little cafe by the side. The smell of freshly baked bread soaked the air, watering the toung while the scent of finely brewed tea filled their nostrils. A pleasant atmosphere also radiated from this place, giving them a sense of warmth and safety.

And sitting at the table was the three of them.

"Its nice to see you again, sensei".

"You sure do look a lot younger. And elfier, sensei".

"Ah, thank you. My name is Lutessa in this world, but I cant remember the original names of anyone else. How about you both?"

"We cant remember any names either. As for this one, I am Ardet" the boy said.

"And I am Arlit".

"I see...and for some reason, you both reincarnated as twins? Who were you before?"

At that question, the twins actually shook their heads.

"We were originally one person, but reincarnated into two" the boy answered.

"Our aging speed is split between us, cause we are a special subtype of human known as Duosi".

"Originally, we were the student that didn't want to identify as a single gender, and was also bi. That should help you remember us...or rather, me".

"Ah! Yes, I do remember...so, you got reincarnated into two people? How does that work?"

"We both share memories of our previous life, but both of us, Ardet and Arlit, are two different people. We each form our own new memories, and we are not two bodies driven by one will".

"In essence, we used to be one person, but we were reincarnated and split into two".

"Eventually, we will probably become two seperate people entirely. Maybe".

"Honestly, we are still not sure how to treat it".

The discussion felt a bit weird, since she was getting the same explaanation from two different people in sync with each other, but so far Lutessa understood what was going on. In the end, this student split into two, forming the Ardet and Arlit on her roster. Still though, whoever had gone through the trouble of reincarnating them all, she had no idea what they were thinking reincarnating one person as two people.

There was definently something strange going on for sure.

But what? And why? There is definently something up, but I dont have enough details. I dont think these two have those details either...

But there is one thing she felt she had to ask.

"Tell me, have you heard about any other Reincarnators yet?" Lutessa asked. "I want to try and find all of our class as quickly as possible".

"We haven't hear much that is reliable".

"There is however a rumor, one that apparently started the moment we reincarnated...."

"A rumor...of a rampaging Werewolf".

"A werewolf...is it?"

It seemed this might be worth gathering some information on, and then investigating.

And so, Lutessa had found her first (and second?) student.


"Ah, these are nice boots" Rikuo commented, testing them out in their room.

"I gotta say though, you got lucky the Divine Shard turned into clothing for you, that would have been a bit too conspicuous probably" Herra mentioned. "Did you figure out the abilities of them by the way?"

"Yeah. The pockets are all enlarged, by these wristbands have an extra large storage space. I think its specially made for staffs and scrolls, and maybe other things. I suspect I can utilize anything stored inside them quickly. The vest reduces my weakness to sunlight, although its limited so I should still avoid sunlight when I can to avoid being weakened. Additionally, all of the clothes weirdly synergize with magic, and they boost my magical efficiency and power. Mainly with storm magic though, so I suppose I should practice that more along with my water magic".

"Well, really you use the ice aspect of water magic" Sora pointed out. "Either way, quick cast from stored equipment is pretty useful. We should get some scrolls and staves, but I think you should still have some sort of weapon just in case the enemy is resliant against magic or the like".

"That is true. Even mages tend to have a dagger or very short shortsword on hand just in case. Well, not that I ever plan to let anything get by me to get to you! Haha!"

As the discussion went on, Herra then remembered something.

"You know, while I was scouting out information, I heard rumors of a sentient spear being trapped in red ice. Maybe its Blood Ice, like Rkuo uses. If so, that weapon might be good for him. And if its sentient, then it can even help him fight potentially".

"Huh, sounds interesting. How long as it been there though?"

"Like, a dozen years or so I think" Herra mentioned. She then glanced out the window again, wary.

"Yo, Herra, you sure ya gotta be so cautious?"

"Even if we hid our identities with magic, we cant be too sure. After all, we stole a Divine Shard. Its not impossible for them to find ways to track us down. So I think we should leave the city today, and check up on that spear thing on the way to the next city".

"Sounds good to me".


However, Arila just smiled and shrugged, and started talking a bit of a cheerful and proud way.

"But didn't we whoop that super security system and those sadist pervert people real good? Those guys were pretty strong and we just took them out easy right?"

"Sure, that security system was advanced...he didn't skimp on it, and clearly had used way mroe money then on other places. But that was nowhere near the best. Not only that, but the actual guards were weak, he was clearly neglecting paying for good ones or to have the ones he had trained. As for those blade assassins, aside from their boss, the rest were only really average. In fact, leaving blood on their weapons and cloaks is clearly a sign they prioritized their desires over efficiency. Not only that, but they were not even utilized effectively".

Arila tilted her head in confusion. Seeing that, Herra continued to explain why Arila was wrong.

"They were set as guards, but those guys are best at assassination and offensive meanuvers clearly. It was a mis-use of them. Had they been set to hunt us, or ambush us on the way out, or followed us and attacked once we dropped our guards, we would have likely lost. And I dont think those were even their best guys. They wouldn't have allowed their best to be placed in such a stupid way after all. Which is why I am still wary, keeping an eye out in case they followed us or are preparing to ambush us. And why we need to leave the city today. Thankfully, we are all already registered at the Guild. There are still some people that might be around that I need to avoid specifically also".

"People you need to avoid?"

"Yeah...the people who killed me".

With that in mind, they decided to pack up and get moving. Herra watched the outside in secret, having dispatched several Shadow Clones to monitor from the alleys and other hidden areas. Sora used his enhanced senses to also keep an ear and a nose out, and continued to do so.

Once they were done packing, the group headed out. It seemed like a normal bustling street at noon. So far there were no signs of anyone monitoring them or following them.

Ever since Herra's explanations, their hairs had been sticking straight up on their bodies, and they were in a heightened state of alert and danger. They had felt confident and satisfied with their victory, but that was gone now, replaced by a wariness and a sense of caution. What they faced was not the toughest, or the best strategic positioning. It was not the most skilled warriors, or even the most advanced defense system.

This world was far bigger, and far more vast. And there were plenty of opponents stronger then what they had fought.

For example, the vampire that Rikuo escaped from. The Demon Kings and many of their minions. Elite assassins. Thinking back on it, had Rikuo not been able to use Blood Ice Prison, or was able to cast Brittle Break on the weapons they had which were covered in dried blood of hundreds, Rikuo would have died several times over, and therefore so would the others. Their skill level could have been the same, but without that blood fetish they would have killed them all, or worse.

Still though, Herra could tell there was something different, something wrong. Her unique skill, Intuition, was making her sense that there was a large problem that had yet to be dealt with.

And she could feel that, even if they were not being watched, someone was watching out for them, trying to monitor them. It was an uncanny feeling.

However, despite such tension, they made it to the gate without any issue, and successfully left town. Eventually, while following a road which followed the river for a good bit, they entered a large and majestic forest. The warm weather made it rather cozy, and even though it was not autumn, many of the leaves on the trees were changing color already, showing a magnifiscent sea of colors. Some trees had branches and even roots that had flowers growing upon them along and over the road, with a lovely feeling of beauty and harmony.

And even some of the animals and wildlife flew by, singing a melody that entranced the ears and pleased the brain. It was almost euphoric, except it was more natural and sweet, enticing them to listen to the lovely music they made. And as if responding to that music, the flowers themselves made their own musical songs suddenly, a lovely harmony that surprised Herra and Rikuo. Even more notably, they observed that birds went to the flowers that emitted the same songs as them, and fed from their nector, while the flowers seemed to gain a bit of vitality from the song of the bird itself as well.

It was a beautiful detail of nature that they were able to witness. The singing flowers, Elari, and singing birds, Elayen, of Shara.

They kept walking though, walking and walking, eventually getting about a kilometer out of town, and then going another kilometer, before the group finally stopped in the middle of the forest.

"It seems like these guys are pretty determined to wait us out. I wasn't sure completely, but I can still feel like someone is monitoring us from afar".

"Once every so often, I pick up the scent or sound of something that didn't sound natural. Wind against cloth, metal shifting slightly in a sheath, but then its gone. These guys are far more skilled then the people we dealt with before".

Sora added onto Herra's comment, and looked around in an annoyed fashion.

"Then why dont they come to fight us already? Or we go to fight them?"

"None of my Shadow Clones have successfully spotted them yet. And if Sora cant do it either, we cant...but what is most annoying is I think those moments were Sora senses something might be on purpose. I think they have known that we are aware of them and looking out for them. It seems their plan is to metnally stress us out, then strike, unless they get a prime opportunity".

"So what, hours?" Arila said impatiently, tapping her foot against the ground.

"No, I these guys seem to be aware of our abilities. I think they might wait days possibly. Hell, it could even be weeks".

Weeks of mental stress from being monitored constantly. Without a doubt, that would be a pain for all of them. No, it would probably result in Arila losing her patience and going forward with a wild charge attack, except with no target it would just be a random waste of strength, unless she got the right target.

This was what it was like, to be hunted by real professionals. They weren't using, or at least just using, fancy magic or secret techniques, special skills and powers. They were engaging them in mental warfare, and they clearly had the advantage. They also didn't bother trying to ambush them, or with quick strikes. They were aware of the enemy's abilities, and were countering them, even using them in their psychological warfare.

"Too bad Rikuo doesn't have a teleport spell" Arila commented.

"No, but there is something we have. Sora?"


Understanding what his master wanted, Sora immediately transformed into his Dragon form, and everyone jumped on top of him. Rikuo even went out of his way to stick his tongue out, hoping he did it in the right direction, at their opponents, before Sora went at Dragon Speed towards their next objective.

"...why didn't we do this from the start?!" Arila asked.

"Because, it obviously draws way too much attention. We will have to land a good deal aways from the village so Sora can transform back without being seen. Sora!"

"I know I know, I will fly low!"

Indeed, they had figured, or at least hoped, their enemy was incapable of catching up to a flying Dragon. At the very least, it might let them get a bit of rest.

That said, Sora's Dragon Form wasn't all that massive, it didn't have a saddle, and so it wasn't all that comfortable either, especially since he was going at high speeds, they were actually getting exhausted much faster.

And of course, Rikuo was sitting on Arila's lap being held by her as she held onto Sora, since he was the weakest physically and the smallest.

However, it was still a great way to lose a tail and make some distance quickly.

And so they headed towards the village which held the spear, Torfan Village.

Meanwhile, in Torfan village, upon a great peak which overlooked the entire village, a majestic crimson red and royal gold spear rested within red ice.

Its blade had a platinum shine to it, and where the blade met the handle, it had a black leather grip on the handle side. This connected to a golden metal band fused into the middle of the handle, which appeared to be a strong red alloy metal, or perhaps it was painted red At the very end of the handle, there was another gold band, which was followed by the end of the handle. It appeared to be roughly a meter and a quarter to a meter and a half long.

Even in this summer heat, the ice that bound it to that spot remained the same. Waiting day and night for someone, the right someone, to come and free it.

Its name was Ruuruu. And today, if one listened carefully, one could hear sobs coming from it.

"Someone...anyone...please rescue me".

It was a sentient spear. And for over a decade, it had been trapped there within the red ice, unable to escape or really communicate with anyone.

And yet today, for the first time since it became trapped here, it heard a response. A response from a voice that could only be said to be divine, a young boy's voice.

"Never fear, Ruuruu. For your future master is coming. I just hope you can live with the results".

For the first time, it appeared that something was different.

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