《Wanted: Dead or Alive》Chapter 6 - 'One Step Ahead'


[Summer – Sureal]

Both Isaac and Jennings were shocked to see their father who’d been the one to approach the house where they just recently fought for their lives. Isaac lunged forward to attempt to draw his father's attention, but before he could say more than a noise, Jennings snatched him by the back of his shirt, dragging him down to the grassy patch of ground beneath them. Isaac glanced back for Jennings and saw him gesturing to remain silent.

“Let's see how this plays out. I wanna see something,” remarked Jennings. His intensity blazed forward with the pinpoint accuracy of a laser. It was an odd feeling for Isaac to see his brother so expressive, yet recognizing his skillset allowed him to not emit a single noise while on lookout.

“Bu-,” Isaac hesitated before letting out a small sigh to admit his defeat when choosing a method to apply. “Fine Johnny.”

They both fixed their eyes on the previous scene once more, as their father had already knocked on the door twice to no avail. Isiah Bahr didn’t let more than a moment pass before he began to walk away from his former home. Just as Jennings was about to second guess his intuition, Isiah replaced the hood back atop his head and began to head to the backyard of the residence where Dorello's body still lied, lifeless.

Once again the hood is removed, Isiah registered the glimpse of Dorello's body and as Jennings anticipated, the sight didn't appear to surprise Isiah in the least. An audible scoff was heard exhaled, and Isiah took the time to collect his mouth spit and empty it beside the body.

“He knew,” let out Jennings to his half-sibling. “He hired that bastard to try and kill me. Is he watching?”

Isaac immediately denied the claim on his behalf. “What?! Look, I get it Johnny. You don't get along with dad. That doesn't mean he'd try to kill you.”

“Just keep on watching brother,” responded Jennings.

By now Isiah had vanished from their range of vision between words. Dorello's lifeless corpse still lay in the dirt with the shard of ice that ended his life now completely melted. The result was leaving his inner skull exposed for any passerby to see. Isiah shortly reappeared with two men that he must have had stationed a brief distance away. The two men begin to wrap Dorello's body up in a blanket without any tact, before leaving the area, the filled-blanket left behind. Isiah savored at some internal dialogue, and ended up doing so while giving into the urge to pull a cigarette from his inner jacket pocket. He used a striker to light it easily. The man took a couple long drags of the tobacco roll before leaning down toward the body and used his cigarette to ignite the blanket. Setting Dorello's body on fire enclosed in the blanket surrendered to the ominous, as the burning flesh overtook all that sensed within a wind’s blow. This action was followed by him gesturing to his two associates to escort him back to their transportation before making his exit and leaving for good this time.


“That ain't the reaction of a man that's surprised, scared, or worried. Brother, your dad tried to kill me today. I bet he hired that… Dorello-whatever before he stopped breathing.”

“No!” interrupted Isaac. The sense was heavy, it appeared he felt it necessary to refute, “I-I can't believe that. He wouldn't do that,” he finished unconvincingly.

“He wanted me dead and lured me here because he knew the one thing that would draw me out from being on the run…Your safety.” stated Jennings.

Isaac held his hands up to his face so he could bury his grimy face in them the very next instant. It never got to the point of crying, but he was clearly distraught over what Jennings was accusing. “We just… why don't we just talk to him?” he suggested with a timid smile.

“Oh we will, when the time's right, little brother,” replied Jennings. “For now, I ask that you join me until we get this figured out. I ain't got no intentions of leaving you here without knowing that you'll be safe. I'm…,” he looked at Isaac directly in his eyes, “I'm not leaving you again Isaac.”


The group had been able to find a bed and breakfast to stay at for the night that seemed camouflage enough. Isaac lifted an open palm sideways, finishing with an attempt of a friendly smile, thanking the elderly couple running the business as they walked upstairs. In the soft, conventionally decorated house, they ventured inside to attempt to reach rest. Poni was stationed outside for the night, content with a carrot in his mouth last they had seen, doubling as a lookout animal. Utilizing a false name to sign-in with the attendant, they felt confident that even if someone as powerful as their father was after them, he wouldn’t be able to locate them this rapidly without making a ruckus.

Once in the room they discussed their next course of action.

“So how are you guys holding up?” Penny asked the brothers with shaking knees. Isaac attempted to muster an answer but was unable to before giving up and reverting back to a disappointed frown. Jennings simply ignored the question obviously in deep thought. “What are you thinking JJ?” she proceeded anyways.


Jennings took his hand away from his mouth and took a deep breath.

“I think the best course of action is to stay alert, but also get some rest.” The outlaw jumped up off the floor where he was seated and went on. It seemed he wished to dispel any bit of pity before the others noticed. “You two take the beds, I'll take watch for the night. Whenever I get tired I let you know so that I can get some shuteye too. We just have to stay one step ahead so that we can gather information before they know we are onto them, simple as that.”

“Makes sense to me,” Penny agreed. “You sure you're going to be okay with that?”

Jennings didn’t feel a need to reply and simply walked to the door before he plopped with his back against the entrance, emitting a final loud thump. Turning his head to face the wall on his left, he muttered, “Night.” Successfully putting an end to the conversation.


Hours passed, allowing the bright sky to slip through the curtains of the room, which only revealed that sunrise had fast approached. Jennings stumbled up onto his feet with visible circles under his debilitated eyes. Staggering over to the bed where Penny laid peacefully sleeping, he abruptly ended that detail by shaking her aggressively by the shoulder until she awoke startled. Penny jolted upright with a scared look on her face.

“Penny, I kinda’ like my brother to keep resting with everything that's been going on. You mind if you take the next shift to give him just a bit more rest?” whispered Jennings woefully.

Penny wiped across her half-open eyes while letting out a distracting, yet agreeing yawn. “Mhmmm,” she complied with a hum, beginning to rise out of bed like a confused zombie coming to life. “Let me, uhh, get a glass from down-,” another yawn snuck through. “Ahh. Now let me get a glass from downstairs to wake me up all the way.” She slowly proceeded to shuffle her way to the door of the room and make her exit.

Jennings had helped her arise from the bed, yet ironically, instantly began to snore as his head replaced hers on the softest pillow they’ve experienced for weeks. Meanwhile Penny closed the door slowly behind her as she left their room. Her hand slid against the rail of the stairway as she gracefully made her way down to the first floor.

A few seconds later, Isaac and Jennings are both awoken from their slumber by a woman's scream. One that appeared to be ringing from within the business.

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