《Wanted: Dead or Alive》Chapter 4 - 'Half Family'


[Summer – Sureal]

The arcing connections of the shops aligned to welcome any travelers, and was substandard at best, but reminded observant folks of the newest architecture found. Agi-assisted buildings wore a magical glint to allure the easily distracted.

The brightness of the day ensured that some wandered out and about from their shanty homes. However no one was stationary, as their target wasn’t to intermingle with people traveling through Sureal willingly. A bit of a reputation had been formed as of late, that the people of the town would rob and kill before they showed manners. Of course there were exceptions, as was always the case, but Jennings knew that risking bringing Penny along was a regret he had to grit through. Now was the time to add another member to their survival crew, in the form of a family member.

“Okay we're here, and we are going to have to be patient. I have no clue how many are going after him, but I have to use the bit that I do know. See, I know where he lives, that’s good. I also know there som’ mastermind out there pulling triggers from the shadows. So, guess we're getting some steak for a steak out,” Jennings explained with a clean-shaven grin.

Poni helped Penny calm themself simply with a shake of the mane and an inviting nudge. In tandem, they walked down the filthy, sludge-stained streets of Sureal alongside the bonafide criminal in his hometown. The air just wasn’t as easy to breath as expected, once you’ve crossed city limits. The spit just wasn’t as easy to swallow, once you’ve crossed paths with villagers who have no clue as to the walking paycheck that is passing by them with a jolly whistle. Penny felt that wave of pressure in a rush, nevertheless maintained composure.

“Okay...d-does your brother know, ya' know, that we're coming?” said Penny, hopeful.

“Well no. In fact..,” Jennings hesitated to finish his sentence, showing a clear discomfort for the topic. “We ain't exactly on speakin’ terms.”

[Flashback – Sureal – 10 years ago]

The sunset filled the sky with vibrant colors as a 13-year-old John Jennings sat on a crude wooden bench, in front of his childhood home alongside his three-year younger half-brother Isaac. Isaac was a usual wide-eyed, enthusiastic young man that spent every moment of his free time with Jennings if allowed, raised in a home with opportunity.


Today Isaac couldn't shake off the frown from his face. Jennings had noticed. He had always noticed without much delay, unlike their well-respected father.

“What's wrong Isaac?” Jennings inquired. “Someone bothering you again?”

Isaac looked up to his older brother with watery eyes, trying to fight back his overwhelming emotion. “Y-yes there is, Johnny.”

Jennings jumped to his feet and stood in front of Isaac. “The hell?! Who is it? I'll kick their little a-”

Tugging on Jennings’ left sleeve, letting off dirt from the filthy shirt, Isaac screamed, “It's you Johnny...it's you!”

Jennings turned as pale as the snow that never fell in Sureal, trying to put together any type of coherent thought. Whatever would put an end to the sobbing coming from his half-brother. “What are you talking about?” Jennings snapped back.

“I heard you talking to your friend's brother! You want to leave Sureal, leave mom and dad, leave me!” replied Isaac pessimistically. “Why?”


Jennings didn't want to admit it but his half-brother was right. Jennings’ birth mother had passed while he was still very young. So young that he couldn't even remember her face or any of her defining characteristics. However when Jennings would think about the mother he never knew, he instantly felt the foreign sensation of inner-peace and a slight hint of happiness. Quite the opposite of what he felt toward his father, who filled Jennings with anger and dejection.

Isiah Bahr, Jennings and Isaac's biological father, was a successful business man in the Agi-production industry dealing between Sureal and neighboring encampments throughout Boythe, Parso and even as far east as Gravelrot. Jennings was the result of an affair that Isiah had with Sally Jennings, John's mother. Isiah despised Sally and John, declaring their inclusion in his life a “mistake from the first glance.” The only reason Jennings had inherited his mother's surname is because of Isiah's feelings towards him.

When Sally Jennings was killed in a bandit attack as she traveled back home one night from fetching a drink to calm her nerves, Isiah still volunteered to bring Jennings back to their house and raise him, despite his outward hesitation. Constantly reminding Jennings that he was a “mistake,” and how his “mother was an easy whore,” were common phrases heard over dinner in the Bahr household.

Sometimes, Jennings would simply run out to get away from the harsh words spewed towards him, even if only briefly before further elongated punishment at the hands of his forcible father. Him acting out against his father didn't even stop the demeaning words most of the time. Isiah would respond by yelling out, “Good riddance! I hope ya get caught by some low-life muggers like your goddamn mother, ya prick! Maybe they wanna raise you.”



“I don't want to leave you Isaac,” Jennings said to break his prolonged silence. “This town, this family… I don't belong here. The people on the streets, the Sharks look out for me better than that piece of shit we call father. He actually cares about you but n-not me. I'm sorry, if I want a chance to be something more than a mistake. I have to get out of here.”

Isaac looked down into his lap still sitting on the wooden bench, sobbing. He felt he understood internally, but could never in a million years express it and risk having JJ think it was okay to leave with him. “This won't be a family without you brother. I care about you - doesn't that matter?”

Jennings reached out and grabbed Isaac by the shoulders and answered, “It does Isaac… It does more than anything, but I'm sorry. I have to be selfish.”

[Summer - Present day Sureal]

Since that day Jennings never talked to his younger brother. That didn't change his feelings when he heard that a group of Agists planned to kill Isaac. It was all rumbles at first but the strangest part of the rumor is that the nameless group that was targeting Isaac used an unidentifiable type of Agi ability. This group also only attacked during the day. What confused Jennings about the entire situation is why would someone target Isaac of all people to involve? He had his theories, but didn't feel he had time to ponder and assess the situation with due justice. He wanted to get to Isaac before they did and then answer his questions later.

Jennings, Poni, and Penny continue down the road on a bright sunny day. Jennings wore his hat low to attempt to mask his facial features from anyone that had previously seen one of his thousands of wanted posters.

“Hello travellers! You guys just got here right?” A tri colored, striped cat jumped down from the roof of a local business and drove on with his spiel. “You three looking for the best beer in all of Sureal? The Cat's Hat is where it's at!”

“Not interested,” Jennings crudely worded.

“No, no, no. You must not be understanding, we're the best for a reason. First cup is on the house,” the cat said as he maintained his pacing beside the group with the nimblest of agility.

“You're a smooth cat, but beat it, before my horse shows you why they call him Death's Steed,” Jennings said to the feline. He revealed a tense look on his face as he stopped walking beside them. Poni stared back, locking his dark, abyssal eyeball on the drink ambassador. Retracting his whiskered mouth flaps back just enough to reveal some broad teeth was enough to invoke a negative response.

“Suite yourself travelers,” he answered before scurrying onto his next potential customer behind them. Looking back just before leaving visible sight, and disappearing behind a market alley.

Several minutes passed and Jennings looked anxious as they approached the target house. It had been roughly ten years since he originally left his house unannounced and although he didn't have fond memories, outside of his time spent with Isaac, he also didn't want it to be the location where he lost his half-brother again.

“It's the one with the two apple trees out front and a bench between them, up here on the left. Don't stare at it too much as we pass, I know a spot where we can keep an ear on the place from a distance,” Jennings detailed to Penny.

Poni continued to trot forward as they began to pass the house. Jennings refused to make eye-contact, not wanting to take any risks of standing out, in case they weren't the only ones keeping track of the house, or Isaac.

“Hey, is that him?” asked Penny, referencing a tall blonde-haired man in a black flannel shirt, staring out the window past where the group was. The intentful glare said plenty in Jennings’ mind. Enough to trip all the mental alarms.

Jennings snuck a glance out of the corner of his eye, gesturing toward the window. “Fuck! That's not him!”

The unknown man in Isaac's house abruptly shut the curtains.

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