《Wanted: Dead or Alive》Chapter 1 - 'J.J. Cool'


[Summer - Outskirts of Marbrook City]

“Gonna be a hot day, huh Poni?” asked John Jennings towards his horse. The outlaw expressed himself in a manner that warranted a response.

Jennings had simple ambition, a man that got involved with the wrong gunslingers in the heart of the western province, known as Sloan to its inhabitants, well those who migrated here and pushed out the Natives.

Known far and wide as “J.J. Cool,” his name was printed on so many wanted posters that most bounty hunters gave up pursuit. Only the most dangerous, and frankly irrational, bounty hunters left would dare attempt to catch him nowadays.

“Hot day indeed,” replied Poni, Jennings' long trusted, talking horse friend.s

It's a very strange world this outlaw is a part of, but although he has been on the run for years, it was others that live in fear of the unknown, not Jennings.

JJ Cool got his name for a few reasons. The “J.J.” most likely stands for his initials, although some have disputed it's simply because he despised his last name. The “Cool” is where things start to get fun. Jennings is evenly as popular for his smooth yet slightly arrogant demeanor. In addition to his attitude, Jennings is considered one of the best Agists, or magic users, in the state of Sloan. His talents failed to excuse his mannerisms in most social scenarios.

Agists utilize a magic energy known as Agi, which allows individuals to create matter before them with fairly simple movements or commands. Becoming an Agist is generally a high honor in the west. However, as expected with humanity, some Agists have pledged their powers to the wrong side of the law. JJ Cool categorized himself as one of those; he grew up with the “Sharks.” A group of outlaws based in the slums of Sureal that help their fellow men avoid bounty hunters.

“Are we past Marbrook City already, right?” asked Poni.

“Soon… I have some business to attend to,” whispered Jennings. They were on their way past this big desert city on a hunch. They came to find out if a possibility existed to sneak Jennings out of town without word spreading of his recent arrival. Jennings was to meet a “Lady In Red” at the Lone Star Bar. “Just wait here, Poni. I'll be out in... nine minutes,” he guessed.


Poni nodded in agreement as a harsh wind burned through the air. Jennings walked into the bar with a stern push through the swinging half-doors, trying to avoid any eyes as he familiarized himself. He approached a stool at the bar and asked the bartender for the daily special on tap. The bartender is not amused, there was no such offer. He let Jennings know there aren't any specials in a curt tone.

“We got to make a living too,” stated the short bartender with a grin. “Tell you what you stick around and not cause a mess… New faces in the city get a special offer. One time only.”

“Good, then I'll take two.” answered Jennings as he shot back a view of his grin. He then surveyed the room inconspicuously, knowing the true intentions of the visit. He spotted a woman who was the absolute center of attention at her respective booth within the establishment. The various men that surrounded her seemed hypnotized by her charm and beauty, buying round after round of drinks for the table in a feeble attempt to show off, meanwhile she brushed herself to the side, seemingly uncomfortable. Jennings allowed himself and this unidentified woman in a blue dress to match her eyes, to lock eyes for an instant. She quickly looked away.

He picked himself up from his stool with a grace and began walking toward the crowded booth. Another woman stole his attention, and this one wasn’t much of a sight. This older woman fit the description he was forwarded much more accurately, down to the creepy smile. She sat nearly alone in the back with only some liquor accompanying her. Once aware that Jennings had peeked in her direction, this lonely woman called Jennings over to her table with the gentle sway of her index finger.

“So you're the Lady In Red?” asked Jennings as he approached. Carefully observing every miniscule change in body language or comfortability.

“I'm known by many names… Sit.” the woman dressed in all black garments said.

Jennings took a seat across from her. Hefty gentleman seated behind her motioned and gave away their status as undercover guards.


“Shouldn't you be living up to your name, with the red and all?” he inquired.

“Honey, I wouldn't be alive if I was that naive,” replied the Lady in Red with a smirk upon her glowing face. “So the heat is on you worse than ever I hear. I believe my team can help with that.”

“I need to leave the city. Can you take me to the other side of this godforsaken Desert by two Suns?” he rushed the conversation with his hand gestures.

“In a rush are we?” responded the Lady In Red.

“Don't play dumb. You know me, at least you say.” said Jennings.

“I have merchants under my authority. We have loaded cargo leaving through the northwest exit trail at sundown. You'll have to hide under some fish and Agi volutes that are to arrive in Reento by morning, then have you in Sureal by next week- as a worst case scenario.”

“What's the cost?” insisted Jennings, experienced doing business with a cheat.

“So glad you asked! I need your abilities, young JJ Cool,” she stated facetiously. “I'm offering you a new life, a new name, a new purpose. Come to my academy and teach the ways of the ice Agi. You have to know how big of a business it is.”

Jennings glanced out the window and noticed four to five men rushing toward the back of the bar. An uneasy feeling settled in his stomach.

“What if I refuse?”

Jennings gestured with an open palm at the Lady in Red, tensing up his body.

“Now, now. I never took you for a fool Jennings. You knew the moment you sat down you were leaving with me,” she proclaimed.

“-And here I thought you knew me.” announced Jennings. He proceeded to stand and begin walking away slowly. “Goodbye, Lady in Red.”

“No! I cannot accept that!” she shouted, standing up and slamming her clenched fist roughly against the table she stood behind.

Silence fell over the Lone Star Bar like nightly disappearance of the Sun as all concerned heads turned in their direction. With all the attention now garnered toward her, the woman continued.

“Get back here Jennings!” she screamed, letting out a wave of fire Agi towards Jennings, yet well short it’s intended target.

Jennings blocked her attack with an ice shield that was quickly created by his own skill set. Staring back at her startled face, Jennings told the Lady in Red mid-flight, “I don't let strangers say my name and live to tell the tale. You should know that, if you want me to teach you something.”

Jennings had shot another ice stream- this time at the back exit, blocking off the possible entry, just as several of her men attempted to sneak into the bar from behind. Their flustered demeanor revealed their lack of an improvised plan. Jennings pulled his gun from his waist and took aim at the Lady in Red, all in one maneuver. He pulled the trigger without hesitation, before bolting out the front of the bar. The Lady in Red slumped head first onto the table she had been standing behind, blood pouring from her fatal gunshot wound to the head. Covered in red, she eternally lived up to her name.

The patrons of the bar were in shock, stunned by fear and the unknown entity of vigilante justice. The feeling loomed large in these, and frankly many, parts of Sloan. The initial woman who garnered a crowd before was shoved to the floor in the following scuffle. Amid the chaos, a hand comes to her aid through the arms and legs of the stampeding townsfolk.

After helping the woman to her delicate feet in undersized heels, Jennings would not waste another second being altruistic, lunging at the door and successfully escaping without further harm inflicted.

“Told you. Just 10 minutes or so Poni- go!” Jennings yelled as he made his escape on top of his trusted horse, disappearing into the desert sun once more.

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