《Gate of Evolution》Chapter 17
Standing in the open under the falling snow. A frowning Deva was looking at her hand that was glowing with bloodline power.
Her arm would twitch while her arm would fluctuate with the power. Suddenly her face brightened and she faced her arm forward.
At once her aura grew more powerful as it vanished and appeared on her shoulder riding up her arm until actually circling her hand and gathering before a blood red fireball formed. It was barely the size of a child's fist but it shot out and hit one of the nearby trees.
The explosion was intense and lifted dust and dropped snow from the tree.
As the dust cleared, the several earthlings along with Asur gasped in shock.
"Woah… that tiny fireball blasted nearly a third of that tree to ash." Asur muttered.
"Ahaha, I can't believe my obsession with magic in virtual reality paid off!" The woman said and jumped into the arms of her partner.
Even earthlings can't avoid the biology of the Asura but unlike other tribes, they didn't mind the mix. In terms of tribal bloodline, the stronger one appears in the children.
"Do you know exactly how it worked?" Asur asked the cheerful woman.
"More or less, now that i figured out how to actually cast it, i just need some training to get proficient in using it and bring out more power." She said.
Asur nodded, “keep training, when you are certain of how it works use the animal hide scrolls and draw out how it works so that we can teach this to others." Asur said.
"Yes sir!" She said excitedly.
Next another came with a large sword and his body began to radiate the aura of bloodline power but after a while he swung the swords but like before it failed several times until it finally had a change as the power suddenly became concentrated and gathered at the edge.
The thick and powerful tree not even 5 meters in front of him was suddenly affected.
An explosion came and cracking could be heard
Asur moved quickly and punched the tree away from the crowd. When it landed he looked at the stump and smiled.
Looking down, he actually saw a clean cut until the center of the tree like a cleaver had gone through it.
"Wha! It really worked! I was trying a vacuum slash!" The young man said.
"Yeah, this is a powerful technique. I am sure you learned it from a unique swords master class right?" Asur asked.
"Ah, yes. The person who taught men forced me to actually train it to mastery without system aide. It was a B rank quest that went on for nearly 2 years for me to learn all his techniques." He said.
"Good, retrain yourself. Once you do, I can guarantee that you will definitely be one of the top fighters." He said.
He was excited and exclaimed happily.
Like that, ten others came up and one by one they achieved magical effects from game skills they actually trained. Even if it was a one in ten success, it is because their body structure is slightly different and the effects were mildly different along with using a different energy source.
For instance, the fireball was being called Asura fire or blood fire by some of the natives.
Of course, Asur's roar ability was called the King's roar.
Going back to the village after testing their powers, they saw a new and massive door at the entrance of the gate. This was built to keep the cold out better. Although it might cut air circulation so smaller windows were opened along the walls but they had firm wooden windows built on top so that during blizzards they could close them.
On the other hand, there were a number of openings high up on the cliff the village was built into releasing smoke from the smithies.
Inside the much warmer village, the movement was many times greater.
Asur headed to the craftsmen area. Many earthings who were skilled craftsmen in virtual reality and real life showed their skill.
For those who trained blacksmithing in virtual reality, one pair even had magic skills he had constantly been training to be able to do again.
To a certain degree, the method was a technique for forging magic weapons by instilling mana into metal making it a material with much higher mana conductibility.
After training to use their bloodline power first and unlocking their first asura mark, they soon figured out how to coat bloodline power. But it wasn't enough as the internal power of the hammer could barely handle his power when he actually started forging with his learned skill.
Only after he found out the trick to infuse deep into the bone metal that he also discovered how to infuse and forge the power into metal.
Asur watched and gripped a carving knife, for transformed Asura.
He lightly flowed his bloodline power and found that the energy didn't simply coat it but entered the internal structure. Before the weapon would have visible aura around them when used but now, it just turned the white bone metal blood red with a sharp glint.
Asur was curious and lightly pushed the knife through a small section of the table but to his utter shock, it ripped through the wood like paper.
"Holy…" he muttered and blinked heavily and frowned.
He thought about his king's metal and knew it was likely to be inferior to this common metal he was holding. Of course he doubted even this power enhanced weapon could damage any of his weapons but he felt like the striking power was underwhelming compared to them. He calmly nodded and put it down. When the time came this would be the head smith and he would be in charge of training smiths to supply the village with weaponry. Once the smithing techniques were mastered and passed on he could make branches of smithing.
Another big improvement was carpentry but that didn’t have anything unique about it except the blades they used were the special metal the smith had trained with making them really high quality carpentry tools.
When he compared the tools and techniques used now to when he arrived, it was like worlds apart. He was thankful that people of his worlds were still skillful. He also doubted a lot of skills would actually appear early on. Those beaten into them and leaving heavy impressions were likely to remain and would be reused heavily in different games but poorly trained ones would likely be forgotten.
Only when they form their 3rd marks and form noble bloodlines would their memories be tested and firmly engraved.
Asur headed deeper until he was in a very open area where many warriors were training their bodies but he headed to an empty area with almost 20 meters of open space and it was closed off purely for himself.
He took off his armor and weapons before drawing a pair of similar length swords to the base form of his divine weapons.
He breathed deeply and took the starting pose and began to train. All these forms tested his body heavily and even though he was so powerful, even after training a short while he was covered in sweat. The entire form was like one massive dance and trained his body so strangely that it covered muscles even he had never touched despite so many games that had unorthodox training methods that targeted uncommon muscle groups.
Furthermore, the dance was very incomplete because he lacked the other two arms so there would be movements that didn’t seem properly executed and left glaring openings.
When he was done he breathed deeply and released the air from his lungs. His body returned to it’s 1st mark size and he went to take a bath.
When he returned to his room, Adsila was busy cooking and smiled when he arrived. He sat down and they talked until she finished cooking and they ate together.
“I’m going to be here training my 3rd mark.” he said.
“Alright but don’t over exert yourself.” She said and kissed him.
He laid down against the pelt covered wall and closed his eyes.
The thin mist in the surroundings drew to him and he watched as the energy started to gather into tiny shards in the first mark. Each mark gathered more of these spirit energy dots until the last one poured it into one.
This was one of the latest spirit energy drops he created. He had spent the last month since snowfall started making spirit energy one drop at a time.
As it dropped into the whirlpool of the 2nd mark, it broke down while gathering a large amount of vital energy in the bloodline power and reforming at the bottom.
It continued doing that for all five reservoirs until it left through the exit causing his body to crack and pop as it ran through his body. This was a very good way to train his body to sustain such a heavy amount of energy.
Finally it entered his 3rd mark on his leg.
“There, the 50th one. This should keep me busy for a while.” He said and finally touched upon the barrier of the 3rd mark and his mind entered.
Bloodline power gathered and formed his avatar in this world and all around were dozens of floating crystals that hadn’t been processed yet while the divine temple was closed prohibiting them from entering.
He took only one of them as he moved to the door and opened it but using the power of the 3rd mark that had already formed from the idol to block the entrance from letting it enter the temple. Still all the crystals gathered at the door trying to invade the place but the block was strong as it was made from actual spiritual energy.
Inside the temple, he looked above the crystal ball with the flame. Hanging on the ceiling was a tiny but familiar figure of Etune. This strand of her will had stayed there so that she wouldn’t have to struggle to break through so many barriers and it would leave a pinpoint for her to talk to him quickly.
He dropped the crystal of spirit energy into the divine spark and watched it turn into a pearl.
When it finished he took it but he didn’t go to the idol.
After initially dealing with the Raksha before winter, he returned to talk with Etune and she continued explaining how exactly he developed the temple.
The idol was obviously very important but it also placed a great deal of pressure on the temple. As it grew stronger, eventually the power would break out and would kill him. Every time he added one spiritual energy pearl to the idol, he had to refine 10 pearls into the temple. Naturally, there is no problem to refine the temple before refining the idol, but it consumes a lot of energy.
Also each time he added a pearl into an area that didn’t have any refinement, it would pull his mind along with it and the form took the shape depending on how the laws of the world thought of it. After that it would get more and more refined along with that path.
To know which pearls connected to the rest, it was pretty easy. Refinement started from bottom to top so basically, besides the idol, he had to start with the floor and from there a root system of energy would connect to the walls and climb up eventually reaching the ceiling.
Etune suggested that he do the entire floor first and then refine the idol again before moving onto the walls.
He naturally decided to go like that because the floors are like the foundation to hold it up. With the crystal pearl in his head, he looked just in front of the idol at a small opening and smiled as he put the pearl into that hole. It was just in front of the filled in opening that he put into the idol.
The pearl, when it got close, shot into the opening and his body burst and got drawn into it like with the idol and instantly a blue light formed from the opening that was filled and filled the cracks and connected to the pearl in the idol. It rapidly spread a glow around the idol before familiar black and white flames burst out.
The connected line of energy caused energy to run through the idol and the floor.
The stagnate white and black flames also began to change as they began to entwin and spin for over six hours until they were sucked up. A black and white circle had formed under the idol. One pure white and the other pure black but on opposite sides, the white flame was sucked into the black and the black into the white and formed an empty space into each space.
This was a prematurely formed yin yang cycle that lacked the center dots.
Asur slowly reformed and opened his eyes.
He looked down and looked on all sides and nodded as he understood before looking up and chuckled when he saw how the idol had actually developed to a degree.
He was starting to understand the system of growing the temple. Everything started at the idol and when developing beyond the idol, it would naturally feed back to it. This obviously meant that there was an energy system in all this.
He looked at the unfinished yin yang and knew that the next step was to use two pearls at the same time to finish that and form a circular system. This would actually start to create usable 3rd mark energy that could help him transform towards the 3rd stage. At the same time, when this energy fed back to the 1st mark it would form purer, larger and higher quality spirit energy and formed a cycle of growth.
He walked to the door and took two crystals and purified both one after the other and after both were done, he stood at an angle and with precision, he shot the two pearls into the openings at the same time.
Yin and yang always need to be balanced, adding it separate would cause problems and might even damage the temple.
As soon as it landed, he didn’t blow up because this was a continued step.
The two holes shined and a white beam shot out of the black area and the opposite on the white side with a black light.
That light turned to fire until it was sucked back up and the image began to move on it’s own. The perfectly straight line was slowly distorted as the white and black dots on each side pushed, as if trying to return to its origins, but ironically it pushed and pulled each other forming a rotating base that would forever rotate representing balance of the universe.
Asur looked at it and saw the balance and flow of energy through the four pearl locations and now it had a faint draw on the loose energy.
Asur turned away and began to look around and examined the rest of the temple and found seven other openings on the floor and smiled as he took another cyrstal and replayed the process. His body burst but only after half an hour it reformed and he saw the ground around the filled opening turn into grey stone like you see in many castles.
He filled all the remaining holes until all the floor was covered, this included the space around the yin yang disk under the idol.
Ironically, this actually caused the temple to look brighter than before.
Thinking to a point he left the mark after closing up the temple and found it was deep into the night and Adsila was sleeping next to him.
He carefully fixed himself and went to sleep with her.
Early the next day, he ate and went to do minor management of the tribe. He was honestly curious about the sister tribes but he never had the time to go officially meet them.
After he got through most of the mundane stuff he went to train.
In the temple, he was watching the pearl form and looked at the idol as he was trying to find the next opening but a strange feeling pulled his vision down.
He took a step back and on the table the crystal ball was on, he saw a small opening. “Right… the altar.” he muttered and smiled.
When the spiritual energy pearl was finished he didn’t think twice and put it in and felt his mind blank.
In his mind, he found himself in a dark space, before his eyes, this darkness was suddenly split and the landscape was split in two. One was white, the other was black before an explosion happened and the universe formed. It was like the big bang but the next moment everything vanished and he found himself in a faint foggy world.
To both sides, he found himself surrounded by a black and white fire and only under his feet was dull grey free of this fire.
“Where is this?” he muttered but as he looked he felt a change and instantly got on guard as he looked to one side and on each side of the fire he saw two figures forming. He was on guard but as their faces formed his eyes opened and tears gathered. “M-mom… Dad.” He said.
His biggest weak points will always be his family. That said, he quickly closed his eyes and composed himself. When he opened it again, he was scowling at the two figures that took their form.
They laughed together, they had subtle differences from what he knew but they were just like the only picture he used to have of them on earth. Of course, there were differences, his mother has abyssal black hair and eyes that seemed to suck people in while she had a pure white dot on her forehead.
On the other hand, his father had pure white hair but not like old people white. It was glowing white like it was about to catch fire. His eyes were glowing yellow like the sun and felt like it could blind anyone.
“Who are you! Why do you look like my parents!” He said growling in rage.
“Oh dear… seems we did leave too abruptly.” the woman said, sad.
“Sport, it is, mom and dad.” the man said.
Asur wasn’t convinced before his mother frowned, “Asur Linstar, are you going to question your parents!” the woman said.
“W-wha…” Asur said.
That ringing voice shook the deepest memories of his mother. Those vague memories from his young years sounded. He had recently lived them again when he made his divine idol so they were fresh but even so, memories of childhood will always be vague but that manner of talking rang to the deepest memories of his mother.
“M-mom…” he said.
She smiled along with the man. They both worked over but stopped just at the edge. Asur saw them more clearly and began to cry and instantly tried to hug them but around that grey space was a barrier but he banged like crazy.
It was like seeing your greatest desire but not being able to touch. To Asur, it was mortifying.
“Sport, you don’t need to cry.” his dad said.
“Come child, sit down and let's talk a bit.” his mother said sitting down on the black side while his father sat cross legged.
Asur eventually gathered himself and sat down as well. “Where did you go? Why did you leave me alone? Who are you, for real?” He asked.
The two smiled but sadness was clear on their face. “We honestly didn’t want to leave you dear. We were attacked by other people who had descended to kill us. The more powerful a being the less likely they are to have children, even though we have wanted one for over 100,000 years, this was the first chance we got but there is immense danger in it. We obviously can’t leave you in any upper realm so after a lot of searching, we found a budding 1st realm world that was closed off. It took a lot of effort to reach it since the gate was closed. After we were there, he blended in as young people and got an ID before marrying in that world to get some official history to hide ourselves. We soon discovered this was a world heavily influenced by other gods and there were even some there so we needed to lay even lower. Sadly we were found but we aren’t weak after all. Sadly we had to leave you behind because it was safer.” His mother explained.
“From there we went around the world and helped several of those VR game companies, this is how the gatekey was able to project itself into the games for you. We had to watch carefully for a few years but eventually we had to return to the higher realm because the danger was only mounting.” his father explained.
“What realm?” Asur asked.
The two looked at each other, “The 9th.” They said.
Asur looked at them with shock, “What are your real names?” He asked.
They shook their heads, “Names hold fate and karma. That said we can tell you our titles. There are many of them.” his mother said. “I am the harbinger of death, supreme overlord of the dark forces, the Primordial Yin.” His mother said.
“I’m the light of righteousness, supreme overlord of the light forces, the Primodial Yang.” his dad said.
“Yin and Yang… is that why i was able to form those yin and yang swords?” He asked.
They laughed, “Of course not.” His father said, “Every choice and every action has a consequence. The fact that you can possess both yin and yang is your luck and the result of your choice. We are just happy that you are such a person. Truly our child.” He said.
“We honestly thought we would only be able to talk to you in the 4th realm when you actually touched upon divine power and more cryptic concepts.” His mother said.
Asur nodded.
“Oh, it seems it is time.” His dad said and waved his hand and a bright pure white flame formed. His mother did the same and a pitch black fire formed and it flew through the barrier into his left and right hand.
“What is this?” He asked.
“Our divine flame. When you enhanced the altar, you unlocked a unique physic called the Three Divine Spark Altar. This is because your patron is a young neutral faction goddess but you walk the divine path of Yin and Yang. If it were too far to either side then you wouldn’t have had it. Also you are our child so it made sense. In fact, we were drawn in because of that.” his father explained.
“T-three flames!” he exclaimed. “Do i have to make idols for you?” He asked.
“No, whatever you do, do not do that.” His mother said serious. “For the last 20,000 years we never gave out our divine sparks. It would bring immense danger to yourself if someone found out. Our sparks are beyond the vision of any Seer or Prophet so don’t worry.” She said.
“Oh… are you going to leave?” He asked.
“Do you want to talk more?” They asked.
“Of course, can you tell me more about yourselves.” Asur asked.
“Well we can do that. Let me just alter the time flow a bit.” His father said and snapped his finger. A sense of dizziness filled Asur. “There, time is slowed down immensely so we have plenty of time to talk. What do you want to know?” he asked.
Asur thought a while, “How did you meet?” He asked.
They smiled, “Now that is a tale. As you can tell, we are total opposites, that is even biologically. Our only identical part is the origin as humans.” His mother said and began to recount her story. “I was born in the early years of humanity. Humans were created at the end of the era of what earthlings refer to as Atlanteans. They were a very advanced race created by the creation gods but they had flaws. Their DNA was rigid and most desired power so eventually the talents and powerful left the lower worlds and rose up leaving them without leaders. This led to their downfall so gods decided to make a more flawed creature so humans were born. We were both among the first humans to rise. Of course, among the first doesn’t mean the first. Neither of us were gatekey keepers.” She said.
“Originally, I was also not a good person, I became a demon of the highest order, like yourself. I had king's blood from the start but the dark realms are not as prosperous as the other worlds. I had to take control of spawn pools for native demons and absorb its power to awaken my bloodline. After I fully awakened my king blood and became a Demon King, I spent hundreds of years gathering karma and rise. Throughout that, i suffered greatly, even more, when i was only at the 2nd mark, a god with origin of yin power appeared in the lower realm to recruit me, i was still savage and when i got the chance, i killed him and stole a part of his spark and unlocked my 3rd spark.” She said smiling.
“Doesn't that mean you were the enemy of the dark faction?” Asur asked.
“To a point, the dark faction is not greatly united. Of course neither is the light faction. In one massive group, there are tens of thousands of factions because there are tens of millions or even billions of worlds. It all cumulates eventually into a single realm in the 5th realm. From the 5th realm to the 9th, there is but one realm each. Each rise will become more and more difficult. 2nd realm needs 2 activated marks and 500 million accumulated karma but realm 3 is even worse.” She said. “Now back to my story. After getting the spark, I was actually tormented. The cold power of Yin made me reflect on my actions and filled me with grief. I actually learned from the gatekeeper how to act while gaining good karma. Each realm has its own methods since there are different ideals. In the 3rd realm I went from a demon king to a fallen angelic being in the neutral realm. That said, despite having grief, I still became colder but more careful. Finally in the 5th realm I met your father.” She said.
At this time he took over. “For me, I was very different from your talented mother. I rose to the 2nd realm as an angelic being with 1 pair of angelic wings. The mark of angels is their wings so I had to put in a great deal of effort to rise from a low angel to an Angelic King with full King bloodline. It took me about 400 years and then another 50 years to gather karma to rise. As for my divine spark, I got that from a holy light faction god. With that power, in the 3rd realm, I found my calling vanquishing dark beings. Angels have a unique advantage to go to dark realms and quell their numbers. It is a celestial blessing of the breed. I gained immense power through this. Eventually I found myself developing abilities to see through corruption and began to find it’s source even among the light faction. I was called the divine investigator. It caused me to become extremely powerful so that I would not die, something that almost happened hundreds of times. When I reached the 5th realm I met your mother.” He said.
“If you two were in opposite factions, how did you get married?” He asked, “And how did you become the personification of Yang?” he asked his dad.
“I have your mother to thank for that but you will understand. Although we rose to the 3rd realm at different times, we actually reached the 5th realm within about 5 years of each other. What neither of us knew is that everyone knew about us and were wary. Many powerful beings of a faction were not actually greatly accepted, it meant there were powerful rivals. Even more for me since i actually investigated my own faction who have fratonized with the enemy. The result was that our own faction hunted us down. Naturally it happened to hundreds of others. 5th realm beings were cruel, cold and young ones just rising are easy to kill and decrease the number of people to compete with them.” His dad explained.
“Did you two meet like this?” Asur asked.
“Of course, all of us weak ones were eventually pushed to extremely dangerous lands and were forced to help each other. We both met each other when our groups collided and were forced to help each other against immense divine beasts living in these wilds in their own territories. When we were safe, conflict finally broke out and we both were among the strongest. Me and your mother battled for nearly a week even after our allies stopped. When we finally stopped, we were bloody and heavily injured. We collapsed side by side. At this point, i was still a normal divine angel.” He said.
“What changed?” Asur asked.
His mother smiled and pointed to the dot on his father’s head, “Us from the dark faction like powerful people. Until that day, I had never found my equal. Of course there were more powerful people, I wouldn't have met him if I was stronger then them but they were in the 5th realm for hundreds of even thousands of years. On the other hand, your father was new just like me. He was the first equal I had met. When we collapsed, our faces were looking at each other and we actually laughed. I gave him a kiss on the forehead. Without me knowing, that was my bonding ritual of my race at that time. I was a dark nephilim so I could mate with demons or angels. When I kissed your father, that bond mixed with my blossoming Yin power and imprinted a mark of Yin on his forehead. Ironically, your father was the symbol of light and when I kissed him, his divine flame was marked and evolved. It absorbed the power of Yang to balance my yin. It happened in instants without either of us noticing.” She said.
“I was shocked but after having met her, i was honestly happy. She was beautiful, powerful and was a rare dark faction who was cautious of her actions. In return, I kissed her and left the mark of Yang due to my divine flame transforming into a powerful Yang flame. We formed a Yin Yang couple and it caused an amazing power to be born. Our bodies began to heal as we were near and far from our allies, we consummated and evolved into a higher race. When we returned, we suppressed the fighting and stabilized our situation. After growing more powerful, we returned to the land of gods in the 5th realm and killed an immense amount of enemy gods in each of our factions and fixed our position as powerful gods but we were, by then, neutral faction because we had bonded as dark and light so we left our factions for the neutral faction. What came after is history.” Asur’s dad said.
“Wow.” He said and thought of something. “I bonded with an Asura, will I affect her?” He asked.
“What a lucky child, of course you will affect her but how that will be we cannot say.” his mother said.
“I see.” Asur said.
“Sport, you don’t need to worry. Your body concentrates an immense amount of karma. You don’t need to worry that you won’t succeed. Failure breeds success. If you fail, learn from that and grow stronger from it.” his dad.
“I get it dad. Oh right, is the 4th mark the same as the 3rd?” He asked.
“No, it is very different. Each person has a different 4th mark but their purpose is the same, they connect you to the power of heaven and earth. It will allow the spiritual energy you make in the divine temple to form the most powerful energy of this realm, Spiritual Qi. This is like what earthlings imagine when they think of chinese immortals but it also isn’t the same. In the 2nd realm, it takes an immense amount of spiritual energy to produce spiritual qi having a poor conversion rate. Still, a tiny drop of it can give you the power to completely blast a hole through a hard stone mountain.” His father explained.
“Wow.” He said, shocked.
“Yeah, if possible, try to help your wife reach the 4th mark. It is simply that helpful to have this kind of massive deterrence.” his mother said. “Oh right, dear, you have started making your temple. I don’t think that young goddess told you but you will need more and more energy as you go up in the energy chain. So that you do not spend so much time adding spiritual qi one at a time, you can melt more than one spirit energy crystal into one pearl. The requirement for energy doubles each level up. So two crystals on the second level, four on the next and so on. Knowing this can help you save a lot of time. With our sparks, you will also save a lot of time so don’t worry.” She said.
“I understand.” He nodded
“Good, also, after adding one level to the walls, the proper growth method is actually like waves. Instead of just trying to climb the walls, you do the floor, then walls, then idol and back to the floor. You go up the previously activated areas to build a strong foundation. The second infusion is still 1 spiritual energy pearl but it doubles to match the top most requirement. If you do like that, you will make a divine temple of the highest grade. We never knew this so we were greatly weakened later on and had to make up for that later on but we want to save you as much time as possible.” She said.
“Won’t this cost me a lot of karma?” he asked.
“Of course not, that is something the gatekeepers do to prevent native residents from asking them so many questions. They prefer only kings talking to them since it is more worthwhile since you can spread the karma to everyone.” She said.
“I see. Thank you for telling me how to grow strong. I won’t let you down.” he said.
“Just seeing you now already fills us with pride, son.” His dad said.
He wished he could pass the barrier but it was like an abyss that even his parents couldn’t pass even if it was a tiny distance away. Still he stuck his hand out against the barrier and they smiled and each of them placed their hand against his. He could barely feel the heat and cool feeling from each of their hands. Ironically, his father's hand was over his left hand and his mothers was over the right, matching the hands his divine swords matched when summoned.
“I think it is time we go back dear. In the future, as you go up, we will have more chances to talk.” she said and blew a kiss as her body started to vanish.
A dizzying feeling was felt by Asur as time flowed normally. His father soon faded as well and Asur was left alone until his mind woke up.
He gasped and turned around. Looking at the altar, he saw the current form. At the center was the crystal ball with the divine spark at the center. The block-like altar was now grey and beautifully engraved with many mysterious designs that pleased him greatly. Lastly, on the left hand side, when looking from behind the altar, was a bright white yang flame matching the left hand divine yang sword. On the right was a black, cold and dangerous yin flame matching the Divine Yin sword in his idol’s right hands.
He smiled as he saw that. He was happy that he got to meet his parents and got some answers. He looked up, “9th realm… that is my goal then.” he muttered and narrowed his eyes and waved his hand pulling in three spirit energy crystals. He melted the first and put it at the lowest base opening of the idol while he melted the other two crystals into one much larger pearl.
When it finished, the flame of the first was dying down and he finally located the second opening on the flat side of the pedestal of the idol under the large body. When it was placed, an even stronger flame burst out and the connection of the floor, yin yang disk and idol filled the entire temple with flame while Asur’s body burst and he saw as the temple grew larger as it adapted. The idol grew more detailed while the swords consumed an immense amount of energy.
When it was done, the temple was twice as big and many new openings in the ground had appeared while a layer of them was on the walls.
A long and tedious training method had appeared with his parents words but until he finished he would not give up. Like that he started to call a number of crystals and filled in the already filled floor openings and then filled the others causing the ground to go from grey stone to polished grey stone.
By then all the stored up energy was consumed and he had nothing left to use but all this change was more than enough as the temple was producing feedback and absorbing wild energy and making loose spiritual energy. This tiny trace that isn’t crystalized is what he needed for making higher class spirit energy crystals.
His body burst and he closed the temple but that energy was slowly released by the temple but he didn’t get to training, instead he went to eat and spend time with Adsila to relax his nerves from seeing his parents and finding his goal.
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8 90 - In Serial15 Chapters
Lover's Day: Izuku Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou
Valentines Day Competition! At your Hero Academia, UA, what will happen when an innocent Holiday becomes a vicious competition? Friends become rivals. Rivals remain rivals. Witness the silly high-school shenanigans unfold as your classmates battle for each other in the game of love. Warning: Pure unadulterated fluff. If you are looking for anything but fluff and dorky fun, this is not the story for you. Brief storyline: Imagine if the UA class had to compete for their Valentines. How will Midoriya try to win your heart? How will he secure your Lover's Day kiss? Who will get in his way and compete for you? Misunderstandings and drama will ensue. It's high school, remember?
8 58 - In Serial10 Chapters
Oblivion || Darlentina Oneshots
A Darlentina Oneshot (Taglish)Comment or DM me if you have requests
8 164 - In Serial4 Chapters
" Soulmates " - Sanemi x Reader // choinamraswifee
choinamraswifee // " Soulmates " // Possible Smut
8 108 - In Serial43 Chapters
Welcome to the most dangerous trilogy of women's soccer. (3/3)
8 190