《Gate of Evolution》Chapter 12
Sitting in front of a fire, Adsila was wrapped in a fur blanket made of the savage claw fur that Asur originally killed before being exiled. The night was chilly and she was extremely worried.
“You should go to sleep.” Shiva said as he walked over.
“I can’t, it’s been nearly 2 days already.” She said extremely worried.
Shiva sighed, “He said he went to train…”
“But Asur said he would come back before nightfall!” Adsila shouted back. “Why didn’t you send people out!” she shouted.
“Because we don’t know where he went!” Shiva shouted back. “How can we follow someone when we don’t know where he went?” He asked and sighed.
His words weren’t simply that but Asur was very good at hiding his own tracks so actually finding them was the first problem and after that is finding the trail itself.
Adsila was nearly in tears by now but her ears suddenly twitched as she looked at the gate.
She heard heavy sounds of bush movement.
“Massive creature incoming!” one of the guards suddenly shouted from the watchtowers. They could barely see a massive moving shadow pushing aside trees and bushes in the shadow of the woods.
Warriors and hunters alike all began to wake up from the alarm and quickly everyone began to activate their transformations making them grow into an army of two meter tall muscular warriors.
Adsila was among them and was 2 meters tall with a feminine amazon like body while in her hand was a long spear that was as tall as she was.
Soon a heavy thumping could be heard until they saw the huge shadow in front of the gate, “Open the gate.” A tired deep voice spoke from the other side.
Everyone was shocked because only the tribesmen would say that.
The men looked at the frowning shiva and he gestured to one of the men.
“Who is it!?” they shouted.
“It’s me… Asur, open up.” He said.
“Asur!” adsila exclaimed almost wanting to jump at the gate but the men stopped her.
“The voice is off.” Shiva said.
“Open up already.” he said and suddenly the gate shook heavily as he tried to open himself but as he already knew, a large log blocked the entrance from the inside.
“Why are you so in a hurry?” Shiva asked.
“I’m bleeding out here, open the damn gate already!” Asur shouted, getting angry and suddenly a massive impact came from the outside and to the shock of everyone, that simple pounding suddenly burst open the log like a stick and the gate flung open.
Everyone raised their weapons but they gasped as they saw Asur who began to walk forward.
With his right arm asura mark glowing in the dark, the rest of his body was bloodied with countless claw marks all over his face and chest, all the way down to his feet.
Half of his body was covered in dirt mixed with blood but the scariest part was what was on his back. Pulling from the head was a savage claw so big that it dwarfed all the deva just like the 3 meter tall Asura in front of them.
Not only the smell but Asur’s own aura was bloody and filled with rage.
He slowly walked in dragging the massive tiger before dropping it and finally collapsed first to his knees before falling to the right lifting a cloud of dust.
His huffing was heavy, finally Adsila got free, “Asur!” she shouted and came looking at him turning him upright, “What happened? Look at these wounds, they are almost bone deep! Quickly get clean water and all the medicine we have!” Adsila ordered the women watching from the cave.
Very quickly the camp became busy as the men pulled the tiger in and got a new log to close the gate while others lifted the significantly heavier Asur to the back while the women brought a lot of water and began to wash him while others used leather coated in medicine to wrap all his wounds while on his face they were covered with leaves of the medicine herbs of the paste to protect it from drying too quickly.
His body actually began to release steam from all over but he was exhausted for a long time but half way through he finally sat up.
“Asur, what happened?” Shiva asked, “Why are you bigger than before?”
Laying against a lot of fur pelts Asur sighed, “Too much happened.” He cursed and began to tell the tale from his encounter, then the discovery of the flow of the blood power which then empowered him even more and finally his true fight with the tiger began. It would only grow stronger with each release of power or ability it used. The tiger had finally slipped up after a day of battle and Asur brought down his fists like mighty hammers dislocating one of the vertebrae causing the tiger to freeze up and have to put it back in place with his own blood power. Asur didn’t give it the chance as he jumped on the neck and grabbed the fangs, he turned the head until the neck snapped finally killing the beast.
That said, for all that time he had been clawed, bit and beaten by the tiger but finally came out alive thanks to having a lot of endurance and stamina from the asura mark.
“Amazing, so there are even more secrets we haven’t discovered.” Shiva said and after a moment he sat down and began to do what Asur said to do and after ten minutes the Asura mark began to absorb the fog in the air and glow while Shiva began to grow to 270 cm tall which already passed the previous height limit and he felt an overwhelming power. “This is almost twice as much power than before.” he said in awe.
Looking at the tiger though he could easily feel that he was not his opponent.
“I need to bleed that tiger, I need a tank that can fit me because I will absorb it completely in one go.” Asur said.
“Wait, but that is too much energy.” Shiva said.
“Its bloodline purity is pretty much equal to my own, I can feel it. The only difference between it and me is that it has all its marks full while I do not. I will use its blood to fill my asura marks. When I do then we will have no fears in the near future about an enemy that can overwhelm us easily.” He said.
“It is still dangerous, especially as you are now.” Adsila said.
“No it is best at this point because it will heal my body to its greatest extent.” Asur said. “Shiva, prepare a large tank for me.” He said.
“Alright.” Shiva nodded.
Although Adsila was against it, Shiva had the carpenters prepare many wooden beams with smooth surfaces that were nailed together and then raised quite tall walls. The size was almost like a pool, 3 meters deep and 5 meters to all sides. It filled up the campgrounds but it was important for the tribe.
Asur, after healing enough to jump in after helping to lift the tiger into one side and cut its throat, he sat next to it and put his right arm against the wound.
His Asura mark had an immense attraction on the blood pulling it from all over the body bleeding the body at an almost unnatural speed.
“Ahhh!” Asur roared in pain as the blood began to penetrate the asura mark filling it with burning heat as if magma had infiltrated into it.
The Asura mark pulled his mind inside and he used his bloodline power to fuel the spinning in the five reservoirs where the new blood was being pulled into from the get go but the tiger king’s blood was very different.
It seemed alive and roars of tigers could be heard as it burst when in contact with his own blood trying to resist the flow.
That said, as it was caught in the flow, the blood began to spin and mix while the intense energy inside of it leaked into Asur’s own blood reservoir but it had another effect. To fill this he had used countless beasts blood without assimilating it over time, even though the mark had done this it was all still blood of beasts and that intense energy filled that blood causing roars of countless beasts that he had killed to act up.
The reservoirs all burst with resentment of beasts as they tried to break free and destroy Asur from the inside.
This rapidly became a huge mental task as more and more bloodline power flowed into his body surging towards the asura mark to contain the impulse which kept growing as more energy mixed in.
The pain was immense and it went on for most of the night until the sun rose when the beast blood was almost completely broken down by the constant spinning, including the tiger blood that was initially absorbed, becoming a thick red blood purely of Asur’s own energy.
The energy that had built up in the reservoirs finally flowed to the next one, with the last one entering his body, and kept drawing in more blood but it was much easier now and finally the flow was back to normal.
In the tank, the corpse had been bled and the tank was half full of tiger blood that was trying to invade Asur.
“So much energy.” he said with a grin on his face as he felt the energized blood release the energy into his own body and blood before flowing back to the start of the asura mark and mixed with his own and moved down the flow being washed with his own aura slowly becoming his own.
At the final one, when the first of the energy from the first reservoir reached it began to rapidly change and the dull yellow nodes in his blood rapidly gathered into one while a huge amount of the tigers energy that was fully assimilated fed into this single drop.
For over 2 hours this went on until the dot was golden like a single golden drop of blood.
It silently left the asura mark but it had a huge impact as it left causing immense pressure on the veins. When it passed his heart, it felt like it would blow up and did one full cycle in the body before moving towards the asura mark of his left arm.
Asur had his mind pulled towards the second mark and what he found was a massive wall with a single crevice. He saw a golden light float into the hole before a bright light spread throughout the wall like a line from the biological circle with the drop of golden blood being the center.
The wall became a huge door and all that energy that was produced by the first mark entered and pulled asur with it. It was another maze and as it filled it up it reached a new reservoir that began to fill up.
He smiled as he saw this and with his mind, the energy falling to the bottom was made to start spinning from the get go.
An unending stream of bloodline power flowed into and filled the first reservoir before flowing into the second. Soon the third and four were filled.
Only the last one was truly a bottomless pit but not because it was weak but that there was a massive steel hard wall blocking the exit with another crevice much higher up compared to the channel of the flow.
Only the next day Asur finally absorbed the remains of the tiger's blood and filled the last reservoir just barely but he could not activate the spin to it unlike the rest.
“Finally.” He muttered as he slowly gathered up the loose bloodline power into his 2nd asura mark and amazingly the golden drop released a glow and closed the energy inside.
His swollen body began to shrink to its original size but there were clear differences as his muscles were sculpted and ‘perfect’. His grey hair had turned whiter like when he transformed. His wounds had healed and his strength was much greater but unlike before he had no trouble with controlling it and with a jump he jumped out of the wooden pool.
“Ahahaha!” his laugh resounded through the camp, making many people come out in surprise only to see him hardy and healthy.
The next second he grabbed the tiger and pulled the part in the wooden pool letting it crash on the ground.
He stretched and felt many pops in his body and warmed up his arms as he looked at the open jaw of the tiger.
The massive fangs that were nearly as long as himself now had attracted him since the get go and using his bare hands he circled his bloodline power and ripped the fangs one by one from the tiger.
In less than five minutes the frightening tiger had been reduced to a toothless giant cat. No blood came out because it had all been drawn out by Asur himself. He then went to the paws and ripped out the claws from both front and back legs.
He glanced at the body with great desire but he knew that it would take a long time to process this.
“Guys, come and help process this. The bones are perfect for making weapons and armor. After we finish this we will truly have no worries even if ten Raksha tribes raided us together!” Asur laughed happily.
Although they didn’t think like him, they still grabbed their bone daggers. Asur took one and started butchering it by removing the pelt.
Dozens of other tribesmen tried to cut the hide but even then they couldn’t do anything to it and only Asur was barely able to cut the hide with his strong Bloodline power. It went to show how he could not kill it with a sword and instead had to break its neck.
Just removing the massive pelt took hours but after it was removed, the others could finally help butcher it by aiming for the joints and using a lot of bloodline power and force to cut the meat.
Piece by piece more meat was separated and taken to cook for the tribe while bones were left slowly building a pile on the side.
Even some of the internal organs were left for food while the rest were burned to not leave such items rotting away.
Nearly three fourths of the meat was taken to a few huts to be smoked while the rest was taken to be roasted, made into soup and many other dishes.
Many men were sent closer to the Deva tribe to harvest lots of fruits. Asur went as well because he was clearly the strongest now.
By night time a massive banquete was formed and everyone ate with joy and relished the feast of Savage King meat.
The warriors hailed Asur as the greatest warrior and he just smiled it off.
Finally at night, maybe because Adsila missed him so much, she had him spend the entire night just like the day they became partners. He was happy enough to agree. Not only him but most of the tribe was in a very uplifted mood for similar action during the night.
With immense stamina, the asura race went deep into the night before they fell into night’s embrace for sleep.
The following morning the warriors woke at the break of dawn with the women already preparing the food.
They all sat with Asur at the center. “Yeah, control the bloodline power to spin like a whirlpool. Start at the top and force the spinning motion deeper until it reaches the very bottom. You will feel the energy of the air slowly enter the blood being spun around and will make the bloodline power more energetic. This is the proper method to assimilating beast blood. If by chance you encounter something like the savage king and absorb its blood, the super energetic blood will activate all that beast blood instead until you can break it all down into your own bloodline power.” he explained in detail.
They warriors were impressed by the secret of the technique and all of them closed their eyes and began to focus on the bloodline power.
Their asura marks slowly lit up and started to absorb the black fog.
Many of them instantly felt a difference but as with Asur, energizing all of the first reserve was slow and only when it was charged to a basic amount will the blood move to the next flow. The reason is that the energetic bloodline power sank with the spinning power so it couldn’t reach the exit.
After a while the men stopped at the women’s call and they all enjoyed their breakfast while talking about what they would do during the day.
“Are you going out to hunt today?” Adsila asked.
“No, my armor and weapons were completely destroyed. I also need to make armor for my newly increased size. First off I need to prepare the massive pelt into processed fur leather.” He said.
“Why not just regular leather?” She asked.
“The fur blocks almost half of the damage and it makes it harder to cut the leather itself. It's why so many people had trouble cutting it when we were cutting it up.” He explained.
Adsila nodded as she understood. It wasn’t exactly an old concept. Everyone knows that the coarse hair of animals made it much harder to cut and the more powerful the rank of a creature, the stronger that fur was.
After breakfast, around a third of the men left to hunt and another part went to harvest fruits with the children.
Women were not excluded but since they didn’t have their transformation yet, they went in hunting parties with a man that could. Adsila led her own hunting group but there was a skilled hunter to help train the women who were not used to hunting like men.
As for Asur.
He looked at the massive pile and thought about how to go about it. He first began by removing the frailer bones which were mostly the smaller ones. These were better for making high quality tools. He placed several of the smaller fangs among this pile because he needed to forge a very good hunters knife for butchering and bleeding as well as cutting brush and hard animal parts.
Then he took all the ‘combat’ sections. These are all the parts that contribute for battle. In this case, long fangs, claws and all the thicker and stronger bones.
These are for forging weapons. Finally the last pile was for the thickest bones perfect for making armor but also the hardest to forge due to its size and the huge requirement of strength.
He looked at this pile and then, with a frown, looked at the hammers the tribe had already made.
Despite them being made from really strong bones from Saber horn beasts and other creatures they hunted just holding it and swinging even the largest bone hammer made Asur very sure that if he didn’t make a hammer from the tigers own bones, the chances are that it would take days or even weeks to perfectly mold the bones into armor and weapons.
In fact, he was getting a headache just thinking of making the hammer itself.
He looked through the larger bones until he ended up picking the humerus bone. This bone is one of the two front leg bones connected to the shoulder.
It isn’t as hard as a femur but it is exactly for this reason that it is the best for the initial hammer because it is still within the realm of possibility of forging.
Asur, in turn, took the biggest hammer they had which was almost a warhammer when in human size and opened his two asura marks as let himself grow to full power while holding that hammer like a regular one.
Without his full strength, he knew he wouldn’t be able to forge this so he put the bone in the forge to start the long process of making armor and weapons for his giant size.
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