《The Strongest Clan》22. Preparation


After they watched how their clan was belittled on live television they clenched their fists and gritted their teeth. The facial expressions and disdainful tones of the reporter irked them. There was a fire blazing in their hearts. This was their clan. They were not King and Queen, they hadn't even joined the clan yet. But this was the clan they belonged to so mocking the clan was essentially the same as mocking them.

The lightning clan had and has always been belittled. The subject of derision. Even though just like all the other clans, they are doing their job properly. Kai and Lexi had always let it slide because there was nothing they could do. But now that they had found each other, they could. They simultaneously looked at each other.

"Our time to fight has come."

"Let's give them hell!"

After watching the news, they switched the tv off. Then Lexi and Kai showered one for one and changed into their combat gear. Once they were dressed they went to the kitchen but instead of having coffee like they always do, they drank a detoxifier. As surpassers, their bodies had a higher regenerative speed so the toxins had long since been purged but they drank it anyway.

While they were drinking, Kai looked at Lexi's beauty mark. Last night, he had told her that he finds a beauty mark attractive. And now for the first time ever, he is seeing her without make-up and her beauty mark exposed. He smiled as his thoughts ran wild, 'I didn't know my words carried that much weight to her. Or do they? Maybe there is another reason...? Either way, I like her better this way.'

While in thought, Kai forgot that he was still looking at Lexi. She furrowed her brows, "Is there something on my face?"

Returning to reality, Kai shook his head, "No, I was just thinking how beautiful you look this morning."

Hearing Kai's words, Lexi found herself smiling and her cheeks turned rosy. Her smile was wide but closed mouth as she tried to battle her bodies reaction. Then she broke eye contact and then resumed it shortly. As she looked into Kai's handsome face, his green and yellow eyes, her heart thumped. It was a singular but concise thump.

This morning she contemplated whether she was going to hide her beauty mark like she always did. She even woke up early to make sure that she had sufficient time to decide. In the end, she decided to conceal herself with a concealer brush. However, when he woke up, his words replayed in her mind again. Lexi then looked at her make-uped self in the mirror, 'I can't seal myself anymore,' Then she dropped the concealer brush and went to the bathroom. Lexi looked in the mirror and steeled her resolve then washed her face clean of make-up, revealing her beauty mark.

Lexi had wondered if Kai was even going to notice it. Did he even remember what he said? But not only did he notice it, he even complimented her again. She felt like a giant weight came off her shoulders as her closed-mouth smile turned into a grin.

After they finished drinking, Kai called into work telling them that he would be taking his earnt holiday. He had gained a week of paid holiday amongst a bonus when he found a large sum of precious minerals.

"Hi, Kai that is fine with me. And as a fellow lightning wielder, I'll be rooting for you so make sure you come back safely." His squad leader replied in a high pitch tone.


"I will do my best!"

She chuckled, "If Kai is going to do his best. They have another thing coming."

Kai chuckled, "They sure do," He said and hung up.

When Kai hung up, they left for the lightning clan here in Strera. They took the elevator to the underground parking lot. Then they walked to Kai's car. Kai opened his car's door for Lexi and when she was inside, he closed the door. Then he climbed in and off they went.

20 minutes later, they parked 600 meters away from the Lightning clan. They wanted to park closer but naturally, there was no parking. The streets were bustling with people. The sounds of conversations and idled cars honking flood the air drowning all else away. There were reporters, television vans even drones. They were all there to see the team the lightning clan was going to send away. Despite the number of people here, it was nothing compared to the other clans. There the reporters actually wanted to be there not because they were ordered to.

Kai and Lexi climbed out of the car and walked towards the Lightning clan. When they saw the sign that said they were 500 meters away, they looked at each other and grinned. In the next moment, they gripped their kickstarters pressed it tightly allowing the lightning to flow through them. Then they darted off running through the streets. Left, right, left, right they ran dodging the people that were in the way. They both were laughing the whole way. They felt liberated as they were using their powers outside a building. The wind on their faces, the air in their lungs, it was refreshing.

"Race you there," Lexi said while running.

"See you there," Kai said and sped up.

Lexi saw him dash off so she quickly took out her kickstarter and then off she went. They were both running side by side of each other. As they did sparks of lightning would flash between them as the negative and positive charges accumulated. Kai had an inherent negative charge and Lexi had an inherent positive charge. There was a force of attraction pulling them together but as they were moving forward to their destination they didn't notice it...

Running, Kai looked at Lexi who was running on the left of him. He saw how the wind was having its way with her hair. How her eyes were focused on what was ahead. Everything felt like it was in slow motion but it was a different feeling to lightning hyperdrive. Looking at her like this he felt like he could look at her forever. As he thought this, the negative charge increased. Then he looked straight ahead again.

When Kai looked straight, Lexi looked at him. His focused eyes were alluring. The way his combat gear gripped his frame was captivating. Particularly his arms that looked perfect to snuggle into and strong enough to protect. As well as his shoulders that could hold a thousand woes. As she thought this her positive charge increased until it reached a threshold creating a larger spark between the two of them. Then she looked straight ahead and saw they were 200 metres away from the lightning clan. She picked up the speed slowly leaving Kai behind.

Kai saw that she was picking up the speed so he did the same, however, in the end, Lexi was faster than him so she was running ahead. They kept running until they ran into a crowd of people 20 meters away from the lightning clans building. Here it was jam-packed with people. You could no longer run as you wished without bumping into or hurting someone.


Kai and Lexi stopped in front of the massive crowd and then squeezed there way through. It was like a red carpet event there were people everywhere but 10 meters away from the building there were bodyguards and an open space leading to the inside of the building. They squeezed past the people and then stood in front of the two bodyguards they were both tall and staunch looking men. The one had espresso brown skin and the other had pale skin.

"If you aren't part of the clan or joining you may not enter." The espresso-skinned man said.

"We are here to join the clan," Kai said.

"Show me your powers."

So Kai and Lexi took out their Kickstarters and then let the electricity run through them. When the guards saw this they nodded their heads and then let them in. While walking Kai looked up the building and it stretched so high he couldn't see the end. Then he looked down took a deep and then they opened the door.

The first floor of the lighting clan was the reception and enquires. The colour scheme was azure blue and white which gave it a convivial feeling. Despite that, just like outside this place was rife with noise as numerous conversations took place. People stood in long lines waiting to join the clan.

Kai and Lexi walked into the building and when they did everyone stared. At first, it was just because they were walking in the building. It had been a while since someone came in so naturally when they walked in they were met with eyes. However, after looking they didn't avert their gaze. Instead, they continually looked at them. Lexi was getting the most stares.

"No ways, is that her?"

"It has to be right."

"Yes, it is, that's Lexi Montreal."

"Who's the guy next to her?

"That must be Kai Adler."

"She got a man, I thought she would never choose one."

"Don't you watch the news, he was featured as number 10 as upcoming men."'

"Do you think they are here to join too."

His friend rolled his eyes, "No, they are standing in line for the scenery."

"Sheesh, I was just asking."

"A stupid question gets a stupid answer."

It was at this time that Alexander Degrey came down to the bottom. He was on the way to bring in a new batch of surpassers to take the tests. As the clanmaster, it wasn't his job to do this better yet to deal with new recruits. However, after his speech on tv, he wanted to make sure they put there best foot forward. As he stood in front of the crowd, he noticed that nobody was paying attention to him. Instead, they were looking somewhere else. Curious, he moved through the crowd and then he saw Kai and Lexi. He furrowed his eyebrows while looking at Lexi. She looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. Until he overheard the name Lexi in one of the conversations that were happening. Suddenly he remembered and immediately a grin came about his face. Clearly, if she was here then that means she was here to join the clan. The lightning clan had wanted her to join when she turned sixteen but she didn't want to until she found a partner. They were beginning to think that it would never happen. But seeing her and with a guy next to her, clearly, that happened.

After looking at them he walked to the front of the place, "Attention guys we will now be taking in the next batch of testees." When he said that about 200 people left the first floor and walked up to the stairs to the 2nd floor. When they left there were far less people inside. Now there was about 123 people in the first floor including Lexi and Kai.

Kai and Lexi walked to the reception and told them they want to join the clan. The reception asked for their identification card. Once they gave it she gave them both their tickets and placed a number on them. Lexi was 500 and Kai was 501. Next to their number was a star. Kai wondered what the star meant so he looked at the other people's numbers. Looking, he noticed that nobody else had a star on theirs. It was then that he realized it was probably that they were flagged as talented prospects. The lightning clan had his results so they knew the strength of him. The same with Lexi.

He and Lexi waited in line. While he waited, he tapped his genome watched and then wired the funds into Jacques's account. He wanted to get that out the way before he forgot again. Then they waited until all the people being tested were finished. Then Alexander came back down again. He came and then called for the next batch of people that was finally Kai and Lexi. So Lexi and Kai walked up the stairs with white walls. Once they reached the first door they opened the door and then they were on the second floor. They looked around and saw an arrow that pointed to the left. It said, 'testing area' so they took the left and walked into a spacious room.

Inside the testing-room was a bunch of machines. There were people wearing long white robes holding papers in their hands. Once they walked the smell of the all-white room came alive. It was a mixture of detergents and breath. Kai and Lexi looked around and then joined the already formed line. One for one the line got shorter as people were being tested. When it was eventually their turn the scientists told them that they can walk right through to the second part of the room. Because they already had their results there was no need to be tested.

Kai and Lexi did just that and walked to the second part of the room. When they got there they saw about 270 people sitting on the floor. They were then instructed to sit down on the white tiles until the rest of the tests were complete. Once they were done an extra 50 people joined the group now they were 322.

After seeing that this was the people that had enough firepower to fight, Alexander Degrey silenced the talking crowd, "Settle down...! Good, all of you have been deemed fit to fight. Using your results we have assigned you into a unit. There are three units, the scouts, attack force and caddies. There will be some who didn't make the team you were wishing for. Just remember, whether you killing the Zolma, scouting the Zolma or even the ones who pick up their remains for testing and consumption. Each role is important so don't write it off. Scouting the Zolma and mapping their position while relaying the terrain makes the attack forces job a lot easier. The attack force is tasked to kill the Zolma. If the Zolma can't be killed, the caddies can't pick up their remains meaning there is nothing to tally so we can't win. Whatever your role, take pride in it and do it to the best of your abilities!"

Everyone said, "Yes sir."

He nodded his head, "However, if you are extremely dissatisfied with your role, you can take the entrance test to the unit you desire. Naturally, you have to pass the test. There is also a select number of people who can defect to another unit unless others defect to that unit replenishing the numbers and maintaining the equilibrium... Your unit will be sent to your genome watches. If you don't have one please come to the front to know."

When Alexander had finished speaking all the messages were sent. Immediately disappointment and excitement were seen on the faces of those that read their results. Except for those who knew what they would get. Kai and Lexi were one of those people they looked at their messages and knew it before reading.

Lexi looked at Kai, "Attack force right?"

"Yup and you?"

"Same I'm in the attack force."

Kai nodded his head and then he watched how the ones that didn't accept their results tried to take another test. In order to do that they had to go through a simulation. They accomplished this by using a variation of the full dive game device. This machine was ridiculously expensive because of that the lightning clan only had three of these machines. Yet one of those machines could be used by 20 people at once... In this simulation, they are able to set the terrain and the scenario's you would find yourself in battle. In order to pass you needed to pass with 90%. If not you would remain in your given field.

As those that wanted a retest cleared out the room the number of people decreased from 322 to 224. This gave the room a more breathable feeling. Kai then looked at each individual that stayed. These were either the competent ones or the ones that resigned themselves to fate. He judged the difference by their facial expressions. Kai continued to look until he stumbled on a familiar face. One that he did not expect to see here in Strera. He looked at the face again to make sure he was seeing the right person and he was, it was undeniable.

The girl was speaking to a guy that was next to her when she felt someone was looking at her. At first, she ignored the stimulus as she didn't mind if someone was looking at her a little. However, as time went on the stimulus never disappeared so a nerve twitched on her forehead, 'I allowed a peek but how greedy do you want to be!?' She then rotated her head towards the direction it came from and when she saw who it was, she gasped, 'Kai,' Then she swallowed air and smiled in an ingratiating manner.

She then got up and walked to Kai leaving her partner behind. Then she gave him a hug and looked at Lexi.

Kai took that as a sign to introduce the two, he looked at the girl, "This is my partner, Lexi Montreal," Then he looked at Lexi, "Lexi, this is Re-"

"Revera Bancroft," Lexi said completing the sentence.

Kai's head jolted back in surprise, "What, you two know each other?"

Lexi nodded her head, "We went to school together, she was number the number two, I was number one."

Kai nodded his head as it made sense. When he had told Revera that, Lexi was the girl he was going to choose in the end she reacted to the name. He asked her if they knew each other but she didn't reply instead, she walked out of the training room.

Hearing what Lexi had to say, Revera harrumphed, "The entire world will be number two to you." Then she looked at Kai with sympathetic eyes, "Good luck with this one. Her monstrous talent will make you insecure about yourself. You will question if you are really the man in the partnership. And then one day her strength will leave you in the dust and then so will she. That's what she did to Alex Seemore her ex-fiancé. Nothing is permanent to her."

When she had finished speaking her partner not reading the situation introduced himself as Ethan Cohen.

Kai welcomed the change in mood and then introduced himself, "I'm K-."

"Kai Adler," He said completing the sentence.

Kai sighed, 'Why is everyone completing my sentences,' Then he tilted his head to the left, "You know me?"

Ethan Cohen looked at Revera and then back at Kai. He then sighed, "Unfortunately." Then he wrapped his right arm around Revera and slowly dragged her away.

When they were gone, Lexi revealed a smile. However, her smile didn't fool him one bit. As someone who was on the receiving end of verbal abuse for years. There was no way he wouldn't recognise the facade.

Kai turned to Lexi and then closed the distance between them with his feet and his words, 'Hey... You know you don't have to pretend with me. Having heard many hurtful words, I know how it looks when it sinks its teeth into you. I know how it feels too... You can talk to me... I'm not saying that you always have to run to me when something is wrong, you can if you want. But what I am saying is when you need me, I'll listen. I'm always here, I'm going nowhere... And if you worried about what she said, you don't have to be. I actually like your talent, your strong will and temperament. You keep me wanting to improve myself. I don't have to be anything I'm not when I'm around you. Also, I don't know if you have noticed but the more we train, the stronger I get and the closer I get to you. It won't be long until I'm the stronger one" He teased, then he put his hand on her shoulder, "I'm going nowhere. You are my wife after all."

Lexi looked upwards at Kai while he was speaking. She would often find her heart skipping a beat and her eyes glimmering. His words were reaching into the depths of her heart and she allowed it to. It was a rather odd feeling. When she was around Kai she felt a lot more girly but it didn't bother her. She found herself wanting to do things for him. Whether it was cooking for him or something as mundane as doing his washing. The her from 2 years ago wouldn't recognize the her right now. Yet, she was okay with that, she liked who she was becoming. She looked at him and her heart began racing. Then he put his hand on her shoulder and called her his wife. Lexi melted. She had no idea where this was going but she resigned herself to the moment.

That is when Alexander Degrey called out to them, "Right so our team has been selected. Let's go meet the reporters outside."

Alexander's announcement cut their moment short. Then the crowd started moving out the testing room, down the stairs and outside the building. Lexi and Kai followed them and along the way, Kai touched Lexi's backhand with his. And much to his hopes, she never moved her hand away. Kai grinned and then he placed his palm in hers. Then he slowly slotted his fingers between hers until they were interlocked. Then he held her hand as tightly as she held on him.

'His hands are so big and comfy,' Lexi said looking up at Kai while grinning.

'Her hands are so soft and warm,' Kai thought looking at Lexi then he grinned.

Hand in hand, they walked out of the building. As they did the people outside were screaming in praise. The reporters, drones, and cameramen were all recording this event. It was a joyous occasion for the crowd to see the Zolma hunters before they left.

It was joyous, however, there was one reporter, in the crowd, that wasn't cheerful. When she looked through the recruits, she saw Lexi and Kai and her body shivered. Her job was depending on the lightning clans failure but not only did they have the number five girl, Revera Bancroft and the number seven boy, Ethan Cohen. They also had the number three girl, Lexi Montreal and the number ten boy, Kai Adler. If this didn't jolt fear into her, nothing would, 'I'm going to need to report this to the fire clan. They are not going to like this...'

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