《Linked》Chapter 5 - Lesson
It had only been four months I'd been gone. Claire was upset with me. She claimed I didn't properly tell her how long the process would take. She feared I died. I wonder if that's true. She must know I can't die so easily.
If I could, I would have many times, while surfing down the flooding river a few days prior.
But i was still in the dog house, not that I hadn't placed myself there.
The guilt of so many deaths weighed on me even greater than Claire's anger.
I sat up three night drinking and crying. Many people came to try and shield me from my own blame but they each failed. It was only after Degin Susan and Claire gave up and my mother lightly scolded me did I finally snap out of my drooling stupor.
"You should go to school." My mother simply said with her normal tone. "Maybe you will be less inclined to make mistakes, and the socialization will help you."
That didn't' sound pleasant. But it is something I should do isn't it? But I would be alone. It would be frightening. Claire won't be able to come with me in her state.
I'm the most powerful person on the planet, but teenage bullying would surely kill me.
"Do I have to?" I pleaded with her, attempting 'puppy-dog eyes' while drunk. I mostly just strained my eye muscles uncomfortably.
"Yes." She confirmed. After looking at me with a confused face.
I'm a Duke, obviously I don't 'have' to. But she is my mother, I wouldn't deny her.
I would go to school then.
"Is this the same school you went to?" I asked Claire who was sitting a few seats away.
She glared at me for a few moments and then eventually broke into a smile as per usual. "Mhm. It's a good school. And although it's mostly nobles, knights, and squires it's unlikely any of them will know you. Other than Julius."
"The Count's kid goes there?" Degin asked.
I was confused about it too. Surely the Count employed tutors, why was the boy going to school? It made me curious about the place.
"Yea, he was in a few classes with me before I got knighted. After, I rarely had time for school but I assume he's still there. I'm sure if you told him to keep quiet about your title he would. You can always threaten him, he's a few years younger than us after all."
"Well I don't think age really decides who I can and can't threaten." I said gulping down the glass of water my mother had placed in front of me.
I had to hand it to her. The mention of school brought me out of my emotional chains, and it seemed to have lightened the anger Claire held for me. She even seemed a tad jealous. Susan mentioned the school was hosting a swordsmanship tournament. I'm sure had she not been pregnant Claire would have loved to fight in the tournament. I would've enjoyed it too. Next time.
This time I would enjoy my free win.
After eating some of my mother's cooking to right my sloppy mind. I turned my attention back to the gang that had been attempting to make me feel better earlier.
I apologized to each of them and presented Susan the journal she had given me months prior. It now contained various pictures descriptions and other designs I wanted her to begin on. It also had several pages of english word definitions and mathematical equations.
I also asked her to bring the newly developed lumber mill to Colgate. After that she should send craftsmen to begin work on a capital city around the ruins of the old church. I already felt uncomfortable leaving the place alone. I just hoped the fear would deter people from messing with the dangerous crystallized mana.
Susan was on her way into town later that day anyways so my mother went with her to register me for school. I didn't plan to stay long. Obviously I had much to do with my Duchy but I still felt I needed a vacation. Even if it only felt like a few weeks for me, I had been working for the past six months straight.
I suppose it's somewhat backwards for the adventure to be work and the school to be vacation. But that's just how it was in this scenario.
The plan was for me to stay in school for a few months until our child was born. At that point presumably enough of the city would be built to move into the keep. As it stood there was nothing really for me to do. There was a growing stack of paperwork but that could wait. For the most part my Duchy was self sufficient.
The only things I could do, the thing Degin seemed interested in, was raise an army. Other than a King, Dukes are the only ones who could garrison an army larger than one thousand men.
I contemplated it but i was unsure if I could even gather a thousand men. There were surely over a thousand people living in the Bay. Around four thousand if I had to guess but it was unlikely they were in fighting shape. And I had no use for an army, Degin just wanted men to lead.
No, I think going to school here will help me think about what I want to do in the future. I must see how life is lived here if I want to figure out where to improve it.
The canal will probably do the most to help the world. That may seem like a bold statement, but the ability to transfer goods quickly between the inland areas and coastal cities will vitally aid all districts. Not only the ones bordering the river.
Sure, the first to notice the benefits of cheap trade will be river towns. But those savings will spread along the pre established trade routes. And, with the help of the master fabric makers in 'The town formerly known as (Winter Village)' I would have no trouble increasing the speed of the trade routes.
The merchants will soon learn the miracle of flight. I just need Susan to master propulsion for the machine.
She claimed there were actually a couple ways to levitate and move the blimp. Fire mages or Air mages.
But if we wanted hydrogen or helium then alchemists would be needed, and in large numbers. A single small airship would require five alchemists. And they were already rare.
I could think of a dozen ways to do it with the magic that I'd learned from the forest but I assume I couldn't exactly teach those.
While my mother and Susan left for Havas, Claire and I sat somewhat idly. It might sound awkward or strange to just sit alone in silence in the inn foyer but for me atleast, it was peaceful.
I hadn't sat in this room with this girl in far too long.
I had been so wrapped in my sadness and self doubt before that I didn't even want move, but now I didn't want to move for an entirely different reason.
Claire, noticing my glances towards her stomach casually lifted her shirt and revealed her stomach to me. She then beckoned me towards it with her hand.
I almost asked permission but then I understood the stupidity of the question, this was my child, of course I could feel.
I slowly moved my hands towards her porcelain stomach.
"It's warm, or maybe my hands are just cold. Oh, the coldness couldn't hurt the baby could it? Should I move my hand? Am I touching somewhere fragile?!"
"Relax." She said resting her hand on mine and guiding it lower on her stomach.
I grew worried where it was headed and then I felt something jab my hand softly from beneath her silky stomach. It seemed to detect my hand and backed away before striking again softly.
"This is…"
"Mhm." She nodded.
"It's amazing. It's really is in there."
Neither of us said a word, we remained in the position. Both leaving the tears welled in our eyes. We just stood in the strange position and stared at each other. It must have been a few minutes until I thought of an obvious fact.
I pulled my hand from between hers and carefully pulled her shirt back to cover her belly and keep it properly warm.
I then took a step back and lowered myself carefully onto one knee.
"What is this?" She asked cocking her head.
Right, this wasn't a 'thing' here. and I didn't even have the necessary items anyways.
Oh, no. I can make this work.
I put my hand out to quiet her and then carefully looked around to see if anyone was nearby. I wanted to keep my new powers a secret for the most part but it was of course Ok for Claire to see.
And this would be better than any normal diamond ring.
I opened my empty left hand and held it, palm up.
I then carefully assembled a dozen mana stones worth of mana from inside me.
I was very selective with the stones. It was an ironic mix.
50% Chaotic 25% Pure 25% Corrupt.
It was our blood. It was the same mana content of the child within her. It would make the perfect ring.
I understood the construction of gem, but forming it into a cut gem ring was more difficult. I actually grew and disintegrated the ring about a dozen times in an instant before settling on a successful crystal structure.
I just hoped it would fit.
"Claire will you marry me?" I asked lifting the warm ring with my right hand.
"How did you do that?" She asked mouth agape.
"I was a forest for a few months." I explained and then gripped for her hand "But wait, that's not the question."
"You were a forest?" She said looking at me dubiously she then shook her head and a smile returned to her face. "Of course I will! But you know we technically are already married. The moment we laid together. But I had been a bit upset I wouldn't have a nice ceremony like nobles do."
"Of course we will have a wedding! With cake!"
"Ohhh, you are in for a treat. Literally."
"Oh new kid?" A stocky kid seated in the third row asked as I stepped in.
Maybe this wouldn't be so fun.
The instructor quieted the students down roughly. I thought it was strange to see a man shouting at the group of noble snobs. But it felt good to watch the scene. It seemed the only person in the class not making a major fuss about the arrival of a new student was a shorter blonde boy seated in the back. He just sat with his mouth open and eyes wide.
I gave him a soft nod which he returned with a cock of his head. I supposed i would have to explain later, i just hope he can keep quiet till then.
Oh, I suppose there was another who just looked at me blankly. She looked familiar but I couldn't place it. I eventually shrugged it off, but I couldn't shrug her petite face out of my mind. I have a wife. I can't be thinking of other girls.
I shook my head roughly and took the seat that the teacher had pointed out to me.
The classroom was actually fairly normal if I compared it to Earth. Each student had a desk and chair. They were made from wood instead of plastic but it was very reminiscent of Earth. We each sat in rows facing the teacher who stood in front of a slate blackboard.
One of the largest differences were the lack of books in the room, and the lack of paper and pencils on the desks. From what I understood tests were taken orally or on the blackboard. So why have desks? Maybe we would write on a slate at sometime?
Right now they were learning history. I paid close attention.
Unfortunately it was just a vague version of a story I had already heard from a closer source. It was the story of the tribes rise to civilized time. They mention the gods very little, instead focusing on the period that followed the fall of the gods. The era of endless war. The rise of the lost tribe. The era of the Blood Hook.
My cheeks grew red and I noticed four eyes glued firmly to the back of my head.
If looks could kill.
I need to know what this other person knows. They clearly connect me to this subject, or else they just feel like staring at me for fun.
Was I that attractive?
"So yeah, if you could just keep quiet about it; that'd be great…"
"I see. Well I understand the reasoning, it's the same reason I go to school here. I want to learn proper socialization and networking before I take on the scepter. I just wish people didn't know who I was, don't worry I won't tell anyone." The blonde boy said to me when I pulled him aside after the class bell.
We got a few odd glances from the class but they will get over it. Fortunately it seemed he wasn't aware of my tribes true identity. Threats wouldn't be necessary.
"You go on ahead I have to address something else." I said to the boy as the second bell rang, indicating the start of the next class.
"Alright." He said and then ran off to class.
"Come on out." I said towards the empty hallway he ran into.
A small girl popped out from behind the trashcan in the hallway and stepped towards me gingerly. She had a surprised and scared expression on her face. I hated to see the look so I tried something I figured was probably a bad idea.
I sent a soft pulse of mana out at the same time that I pressed a smile across my face. The smile was genuine I had thought of Claire's belly while making it so i was sure happy thoughts were inserted into the mana pulse.
It worked. She beamed for a moment before realizing the strangeness of the action and quickly hid it. She still seemed to find it all funny though so she let out a soft laugh before holding her mouth closed carefully with her hand.
"You know me somehow?" I asked.
"You don't remember?" She asked kicking the dirt with down turned eyes.
"I suppose I don't."
"Really? Thats too bad." She said shaking her head sadly.
"Is it?"
"Mm… Do you remember Claire?" She asked cocking her head to me.
"Of course, she's my… um…"
"Wait really! You remember her but not me!?" She asked her eyes widening.
Who in the hell is this girl? She knew us? Was she someone we met while Claire lived at the inn?
Wait. No. I got this one, its coming back. Acts shy one moment, turns into a raging monster the next. But I was sure she was older than me, she can't be this child.
I looked down at her for a few moments arching my eyebrow. Syph had barely grown an inch since she moved away all those years ago.
But wait, that was before Claire came to live with us wasn't it? How did she know Claire? Had I met Claire before she moved in with us?
"Your face says you remember but feel bad for not remembering." She said through slanted eyes.
"You can still break my poker face that easily?"
"You are an open book young grasshopper."
Where did she learn that phrase?
"You will have to teach me then." I said bowing deeply to her who smiled and nodded confidently.
"Did you two intend to go to afternoon class?" A tall man asked cracking his thick neck as he spoke.
"Of course. I'm sorry sir." Syph said turning to the man and putting her fist to her heart.
"And what about you?" He said turning to me. "Being new doesn't permit you to philander with the other students."
"Ah, I wasn't philandering I was just…"
"No excuses! Get to the courtyard!"
"Courtyard?" I asked after I got out of earshot of the man and caught up with Syph who was nearly running.
"It's swordsmanship/archery class now."
"Oh, fun."
"Think so?" She muttered under her breath as we neared the court.
I reckoned my old neighbor didn't like swordsmanship and archery. She was always a delicate girl from what little I remember. It was easily ten years ago if not more. I wondered why she had moved away. It was nice to have non-tribe member neighbors. I then realized I had just answered my own question. Her parents probably felt uncomfortable with the tribe as neighbors. It's understandable, but no reason to move from your home.
"So you two decided to grace us with your presence?" An older man holding a wooden sword said. "If you think you can skip practice you must think you are pretty good."
"Oh no." Syph whimpered.
"If you think you are so great how about we pit you against the class?" He said tossing two swords in my direction.
I caught each and carefully handed the second blade to Syph. She gripped it carelessly with a limp forefinger. The blade would surely be redirected with her current stance. She would be a sitting duck. I suppose that's what the instructor intended. This was a punishment, not a test.
He underestimated my ability to protect those close to me.
I won't use magic. It would be unfair for a few thousand reasons. And dangerous to boot.
Swords would be more than enough.
And yes I mean 'swords'. I grabbed the lump of wood from Syph's limp grip and stood in front of her, opposite the largest group of attacking classmates.
Here I hadn't even met these people yet and i was already fighting them.
So much for a regular school life.
Well I would start with a surprise attack while my prowess was still a surprise.
I leapt forward and landed a kick to the leading attacker, he was moments away from a swing so his momentum was his downfall. While he tumbled I used his back as a kickboard and jumped behind the large group that was stood behind him. I swung each blade for thier ankles and dropped them one after another. They seemed surprised by the loss of their leader so almost no resistance was made.
I knew leaving Syph alone would be at risk, but I waged that the surprise of my move would distract the rest from attacking the defenseless target.
My wager was correct and even Syph stood stunned looking at the scene. It was perfect. Now for a little 'luck'.
I tossed the blade with full force towards the two who were beginning to regain the will to attack the girl. It couldn't possibly hit. I knew that, the class knew that, the teacher knew that.
But someone should have told the blade, because it flew end over end shifting slightly with each flip. It then struck one of the men directly in the face and then bounced off striking his partner in the chest.
Seven down, five to go.
Or so I thought.
"Enough, I understand now. Then you are truly the same Drew that trained with Claire."
With those words from the instructor the class erupted into discussion. It seems she was a celebrity around here.
I was just glad nobody noticed I used impossible magic to perform that last attack. The gold glow from wood magic was a little too noticeable, I had to be sure to use less mana next time.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to grab the blade back from the ground before the instructor received it.
He looked at the blade closely. His eyes were wide with wonder at what he saw. The once simple wood sword was now a near perfect replica of one of my twin blades. I was worried my intent for the sword would rub off on it. Damn.
He looked to me with terrifying eyes. If I didn't know better I would think I was about to get chewed out.
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HIS WHAT?!? (Yarichin Bitch Club x Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]
SEEING AS TO HOW I CAN NEVER WRITE TO UPDATE, THIS STORY IS NOW DISCONTINUED!I'm really sorry for not being able to continue the story, but I'm always dealing with writer's block when I want to update. I'm also always busy it seems so I don't have the time to write either. I'm really sorry though!The story we all know and love is not as it seems, for what if Toono had a boyfriend all along?And what if that boyfriend decided to go to Mori Mori Academy with him and join the "photography club"?All questions will be answered here. Continue reading to find out how this story will go.Warning: mature content, cursing, yoai, slow updates (like really slow), and anything else that I may have forgotten.You've been warned.~EXTREMELY SLOW UPDATES B/C OF SCHOOL~
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Cecylia/Hasëki Mihrisah - niewolnica pochodzenia Hiszpańskiego. Urodzona 19 maja 1559 roku jako córka Henryka i Roksolany, siostra Diany. Porwana do haremu Sułtana Mehmeda Khäna w 1577 roku. Matka ósemki dzieci: Orhana, Gulum,Kasima, Ayse, Ahmeda, Afife, Ibrahima oraz Menekse. Przepiękną okładkę wykonała: @AmelyaOffical
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