《Linked》Chapter 6 - Blade


This boy.

Who in the world is he?

When he first entered the guild I was sure someone would lose their head.

The guild had been strictly told not to get near the bandit camp when repairing the bridge. Not that they particularly wanted to, with that dark aura emanating from that place.

But it seems the Count, who had warned them such, may have had some wrong information. Not only are these people extremely kind, even going so far as to give some delicious sweet buns for me and the workmen at the site.

But they also possessed someone with immense intelligence. To be able to learn the builders language just from books, it's unheard of. It's rare enough to even find a book written in the language. He must have quite a collection to have such a large vocabulary.

I barely recognized half the words written on that slab. Surely I will have to consult the Guild Master about translating this. I will send a letter to the guild office in the Kingdom's Capital at once.

Wait, no.

I can't.

I can't risk losing out on all his inventions just so the guild-master can decipher texts written by the boy I'm standing beside.

If it comes down to it I will ask him to translate them, he seems a kind enough person.

Every slab I held was more thrilling than the last. This was surely the 'power-hammer' he had talked about. It was indeed simple.

And this must be the 'saw' he was explaining to Tucker.

This is incredible, even the materials these items are made from would be impossible with current technology. I still understood their significance though.

Who would I be as an inventor if I just gave up on a project simply because the materials needed to construct it didn't exist.

As I asked about some of the various mechanisms the boy smoothly describes how they function.

It was as if he had seen this things in operation before. He mentioned issues we would face if attempting to build one way or another.

How had he thought out these designs to such an extent? And yet he was only now illustrating them for the first time.

This kind of understanding of the mechanisms would take countless years of trial and error.

Who is this kid?

Susan left to watch over the bridge maintenance once she was satisfied with all of her questions. She was hesitant to take the planks I had quickly sketched out but I told her where I was headed I didn't need them.

She seemed satisfied with my answer and gratefully accepted them.

She was concerned about making sheet metal but once I showed her the designs for the rollers she quickly grasped the concepts even going so far as to Carve a miniature roller from a stone she found outside the Inn.

Her abilities really were incredible.

She took the long stone and effortlessly peeled away everything but a round rolling pin shape. She then extended a single finger and pushed out a rod from the center to fit an axle.

Due to my pressuring she left the miniature rolling pin with my mother. It would come in handy once I find cinnamon.


Apparently counter to my thinking carving something small like that was harder than making one full size (10'x3') cylindrical roller. Once she explain that it was due to intricate angles she had used to carve the mini-roller I understood.

I was worried how we would find such a large stones but she demonstrated a technique which seemed to weld stones together into a perfect form.

This was truly magic.

Finally I had seen something that even with all technology on Earth was completely impossible. Well I suppose I haven't comprehended all of the memories yet. There could be something.

In fact most of the technologies I had shown Susan were things I had seen on history channel documentaries. 'Simple technologies that changed the world.' or something like that.

Well it went better than expected. She grasped the technologies I presented her.

With this I would likely be able to begin the real work once all this with the 'Blood Hook' gang is done. Who knows exactly how long I will be gone though. I was sure to include some things that I knew were not possible to finish before I returned. One in particular was the canal.

When I explained my reasoning for the canal to her she agreed that having a river port would be hugely influential for Havas. She claimed it was something that was considered impossible. The concept of a canal wasn't new here.

The reason it was seen as impossible though was due to the three other waterfalls that were between Havas and the ocean.

Showing her the lock design her face grew into a huge smile.

I was slightly worried she would praise me as a god if she got to far ahead of herself so I urged her to calm down.

In the end I learn that between Godrick and the ocean there is at least 20 feet of waterfalls. that's honestly easy as pie. The lock at the panama canal could lift a ship 90 feet. This canal would be nowhere near as wide as that one though.

Claire and Joseph arrive earlier than I expected, I had just gotten out of the bath. Mother seemed to be experimenting with the rolling pin so I had no choice but to shake like a dog until my shaggy hair was dry.

"Down boy." Claire said after I shook my head for a third time being extra careful to shake the little bit stuck in my ear out.

This was something my mother was particularly adept at.

What a hassle.

"You don't know water magic do you?" I say sticking my pinky finger into my ear and vigorously wiggling it after I strap my shirt on.

"Hmph no I don't," she says blankly, her once smile evaporating.

I suppose forgetting her specialization really did anger her, I do seem to remember it was one of the various rare ones. Though if I remember right it was something completely useless.

But seeing as she claimed to be a battle mage she must have increased her ability with whatever it is.

"Ah I see too bad," I say rubbing my damp hair and walking with Claire towards the camp area.


I notice the guild's workmen have all but finished. They only had two more boards to install.

The juxtaposed white pine boards smashed between the rusty metal support structure looked marvelous, I've got myself a fine bridge if I do say so myself.

While thinking of the various improvement I could make on the bridge the appearance of a smiling Degin and Joseph cut off my happy thoughts. They were obviously colluding on something together again.

"You move quick Hawk" Joseph says nudging me with his elbow while staring at Susan and the workers dropping the second to last plank into place.

"Safety first." I reply simply before adding "I was worried enough just watching you two pass over it. Any real weight across it could've been disastrous. I mean just look at this board."

I pick up the rotting wood slab which breaks like a twig from a single kick.

"Well you could've mentioned that before I trucked my carriage across it day before yesterday."

"Ah it was not something I noticed until this morning anyways. Anyways you survived so no harm, no foul. eh?" I say nudging the man back.

Though I was joking Claire was alarmed by the broken board. The bridge was that dangerous and she had crossed it without even realized.

This trip would surely be dangerous if we made too many silly mistakes like that.

After making sure Claire had all the equipment she would need Joseph excuses himself.

He claimed he had some business to attend to with the Count, I assume in reality he was going drinking with Degin but it seems I was mistaken because instead Degin pulls me to the side separately.

In a more serious tone than I had heard him speak in before he said. "Hawk, know that despite our lack of clear honesty regarding certain matters we truly believe that you will lead us in the right direction. Trust in your gut. And if you need protection use this."

He reaches behind his back and pulls out a long, dark, machete-looking blade.

It's handle could easily fit two hands, so machete wasn't exactly the right term. The blade was beautiful. It was pure black in color, but as the light caught it a few other colors seemed to peak at the surface.

Reaching out and taking the blade into my hands Degin spoke once again.

"This is a blade you're father won in combat. He carried it with him whenever he went to battle from that day onwards. I hope you can use it as well. Protect the blade's great legacy."

Gripping the familiar handle I take a few quick practice swings with the blade.

Its light.

More than light, it feels like an extension of my hand. With a single flick of my pinky finger the blade spins on my palm and flips over in my grip. I strike as if uppercut punching. Again it feels perfect. It's weighted equally, no doubt this was made by an expert.

Even I, with my knowledge from another world have never seen a blade like this before.

The hamon line was one thing, but as I held it a red ripple of energy appeared to flash amongst the dark metal. It may have just been a trick of the light but I wondered if this might be some sort of magical blade?

I had never heard of such a thing but it wasn't impossible I suppose.

I wonder if it would be better fit for an actual battle mage though. As I ponder this I shoot a glance at Claire who was brushing her white horse patiently.

I gave up the thought and turn back to Degin who was watching me practice with a look of acknowledgment. I suppose I'm not as rusty as I thought?

"Good, with that you can protect her if you must." He says, likely noticing my earlier glance.

Though that wasn't the reason for it I still nod at his statement. It was a nice sentiment, but she was probably more likely to be the one protecting me. It really should be her who gets this sword, or maybe sword is too strong of a word for this twelve inch blade.

Completely abandoning the line of thought I wrap the edge of the blade in a chunk of leather and place it on my belt.

It was a makeshift, scabbard but it would have to do.

At that moment I remember the oversized handle I had seen at Joseph's hip. I hadn't seen the blade but the handle looked identical to this one. Perhaps the story about the blade's legacy was all made up?

Oh, no. Perhaps not. They may just have had a similar grip.

I doubt Degin would lie about something like this. His tone made it sound like the handing off of this sword was something my father had entrusted him with.

No it would be best to keep the negative thoughts to a minimum.

I trust Degin. Speaking of trust, I nonchalantly ask if I could use Horsey instead of the horse the Count had lent but he said 'no' firmly.

Am I really the leader?

I'm beginning to think that's just something they are all telling me to make me feel better.

Well, the horse the Count lent was a fairly majestic looking beast. It wore thick patches of fur on its legs that looked like 80's leg warmers.

We assemble the baggage and load the horses. I say farewell to my mother as well as the rest of the tribe who had seemingly assembled in no time.

There wasn't a single person missing as I glanced around, even new mothers came carrying their children. They would occasionally point at me and then whisper something into the ear of the child.

It felt like a political rally.

Should I be kissing these babies?

I assumed not and turn my horse towards Claire's and after getting a nod from her we both began trudging down the path, we pass a small decaying sign that reads 'Godrick'.

Our Flight had begun. As our backs disappeared into the distance a single villager murmured

"The son of the Hawk and daughter of the Witch. It's truly the beginning of a new era once more."

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