《The Life of a Goddess and a Fox in the Cultivation World》Chapter 15 - A year later


Mortal Realm, Capital Planet of the Hoborg Empire, Cloudmount City. On the main continent of the Capital Planet, there were only two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. As for the temperature, it was either hot or even hotter, which explained the lush Cloud Leaf forest covering the major part of the continent. That forest was full of gigantic trees that were so old that even Rank 3 Beings who had a lifespan of at least 10,000 years were considered newborns to a lot of them. Those trees were of course not the only inhabitants of this forest, as numerous precious plants could also be seen around. As a result, many cultivators from different races such as Humans, Elves, and Mana Beasts went hunting there for those precious plants to sell or use for themselves, which resulted in a lot of bloodshed between those cultivators. After all, if they did not fight for an opportunity, they might die from old age or killed by a more powerful cultivator. This was the unwritten Law of the Wanderer's Realm. At the entrance of Cloudmount City, the main city of the Main Continent, two silhouettes could be seen exiting the forest and going in the direction of the city's entrance. The guards manning the gates were checking the people coming in, as all non citizens below Rank 3 had to pay a fee of 10 Mid Mana Stones to enter the city and all had to register their identities. There were mostly two kind of people who came to Cloudmount City and both of them could afford that price. The two were merchants and adventurers. The former came to the City from either the other cities of the planet or an entirely different planet to trade for rare materials and Mana items, such as Mana Pills, Formation plates, etc. The second type comprised of mercenaries, bounty hunters, etc. Those two types of people were obviously strong enough themselves or had strong guards to protect them from the dangers of the main continent. Traveling to somewhere far away from their home on a Grade 3 Planet was far from being safe, and many disappeared without a trace. However, the potential profits were colossal, which explained why so many people still did it despite the danger. The two silhouettes started approaching the gates without waiting in the queue, to the great displeasure of the people in the crowd which prompted some of them to complain loudly. What they did not notice was the expression of respect and admiration on the guards face when they looked at the two people walking towards them. When the few guards heard the people complaining about the two VIP, they looked at the people yelling with an expression similar to one looking at idiots, however they did not say anything. After all, they knew that those two people were not bloodthirsty, so there were no lethal risks for those yelling. “Well, those morons are looking for it. I'm sure the Lady and the Lord will teach them not to piss some people off, since it can kill you.” The guards thought. Indeed, the two people, an extremely handsome man and a country toppling beauty, were discussing with each other excitedly when they heard the yelling. Annoyed at being interrupted, the man said to the Lady with a smile. “Allow me, my dear Lady wife.” “So lame. Fine, go ahead.” She said while rolling her eyes at his corny 'knight in shining armor' antics. Despite her words, a beautiful smile appeared on her delicate face with love showing in her eyes when she looked at him. When the man heard what she said he laughed lightly then turned towards the loud bunch of people and his smile suddenly disappeared, replaced by a solemn expression full of killing intent. He then controlled the release of his aura to only affect the most vehement ones. Although some of them noticed something wrong from the guards' reactions and stopped talking, the majority thought nothing of the couple, as they looked very young and although they could not tell their cultivation level, a lot of them thought that they were probably from a strong clan which gave them treasures to hide their cultivation levels. As soon as the man in front of them released his aura towards them, they realized how stupid they were. Indeed, all of them suddenly fell to the ground from the shapeless but immense pressure on their body, spitting blood from the light injuries incurred, feeling as if they were crushed under a gigantic mountain. The man then shook his head lightly and said with disdain in his magnetic voice. “Trash!” Although, he said it quietly, the word seemed to enter inside the souls of the people crawling like worms on the ground and shook them so much that they fainted as a result. When he saw the offenders fainting, he recalled his aura and nodded to itself, while mumbling under his breath. “Not bad.” He then turned to the Lady, took her hand and kept walking until he passed the gates and the guards on duty who all bowed to them and said in a respectful voice. “Lady Guang, Lord Hei.” After following the main road they disappeared from the view of the people waiting to enter the city. Now that they left, everyone resumed breathing, even the ferocious looking adventurers who wisely kept silent during the event, as they knew that looks could be deceiving. One of them, who radiated a fearsome aura, said with shock in his voice to his companions. “My Realm! He was a legendary Rank 3 Being!” Hearing his exclamation, the merchant in front of him in the queue turned around and noticed the man's high cultivation before asking. “Fellow Law seeker, are you sure of what you said? Usually those mighty beings keep to themselves and don't even appear in front of weak people like us?” The adventurer was not offended by the other man's tone of disbelief, as even he would not believe it himself if he did not see it in person. “Brother, I'm not exaggerating. Actually, in one of my adventure, I was lucky enough to spectate a Rank 3 Human and a Rank 3 Mana Beast fighting over a rank 3 mana plant. Thankfully, I was quite far from the scene, so I survived. But I still remember their terrifying auras. And that man had a similar one. Albeit, his seemed a lot stronger.” The merchant replied with a helpless tone. “Well, his actual level doesn't matter to us poor mortals, since as a Rank 3 Being, he could crush us with only his aura, whether he be a Level7 or Level 9.” The adventurer nodded in agreement. “That's true.” Afterwards they fell silent and seemed to contemplate many things. Walking along the main road in the city, with a crowd of people from many different races, the two culprit seemed carefree, and a tinge of excitement could be heard in their voices when they talked. The woman suddenly said to her husband. “Darling, I'm a bit nervous. I don't know if it will go well. Do you think he will be good at it? Maybe he won't like it? Or he might make a mistake and...” Seeing that his wife was freaking out over nothing, he put his index finger on her lips and said. “Hua'er, he will be fine. First, He is extremely talented. Second, he has a great teacher. And third, we have so many resources that he will progress easily. So, you should stop stressing over it and instead let nature takes it course.” Listening to her husband's calm voice, helped her calmed down her nerves and start to realize how silly she was being, which made her laugh and said. “My Realm! Do you think that it's because he is our first child that I react so intensely?” Hearing her question, he answered with a nod. “I'm certain of it. After all, even I, a paragon of calmness, feel a bit nervous. But I'm sure that after one or two more children, we'll get used to it.” A slight smile full of innuendo appeared on his face when he said the last part. When Guang Hua heard him, she rolled her eyes and replied. “Pah! Who said that I wanted other children with you.” She added with a slight teasing tone. “After all, to get a reward, you need to put in the work, my handsome husband.” The two of them kept teasing each other until they arrived at the small house 'close to' [A/N: I didn't specify, but the distances in this novel are ridiculous compared to Earth. However, it makes sense in that universe. So when I say 'close to', it means for the cultivators there. If it was a mortal without cultivation it may take a day to get there.] the City's south gates where they stopped and Hei Qiang commanded his AI to connect to the defense formations' spirit to allow them in. A few seconds later, the house's door opened and they proceeded to enter it. Instead of sitting down to recuperate from their travel in the forest, they immediately went into a room at the back of the house where they could see a formation emanating a kind of silver light from time to time. From Bai Yue's words, it was some slight ripples created when the formation connected to the space around. As it disturbed the normally calm space, it produced some harmless ripples, similar to a pond where a floating bridge crossed it. When anything made the bridge move, it created small wave in the pond. At least, that was what they understood from her explanation. Since their energy level did not reach the immortal level and therefore could not, normally, come into contact with the Law of Space, they could only take that explanation as face value. As they were used to seeing those ripples from all those times they teleported to-and-fro to go hunt and train in the forest, they did not pay much attention to those dreamy ripples. Instead Hei Qiang said to his AI. “AI, activate the teleporter to the Mansion.” To which the AI replied. “Understood.” Right after the AI stopped talking, the formation started lighting up and the ripples grew frenziedly until the whole formation was covered in a dreamy silver color in the shape of a circle. Seeing the circle appeared, Guang Hua said with slight amazement. “I'm always amazed everytime I see the teleporter set up by Bai Yue. It's definitely more advanced than the big bulky ones with a metal frame used by the kingdoms and empires.” She added with a shake of her head. “The Mortal Realm is really behind in terms of knowledge compared to the other two Realms. At least, according to her.” Hei Qiang nodded and said. “Well, it can't be helped, as not only they are bigger, but they have also bigger cap on cultivation, better materials, etc. It's not a fair fight. But we'll get there one day. Don't worry.” He then added. “Alright, let's teleport home. I can't wait to know the result of the little guy's first day of cultivation.” As soon as he stopped talking, he walked to the teleporter and in the circular portal, which made him disappear instantly. Seeing his eagerness made a laugh escape Guang Hua's mouth, after which she mirrored his action by walking through the teleporter and disappear. Once they both teleported, the shiny teleporter turned off and only the initial slight ripples were left in the silent room. *************** Mortal Realm, Capital Planet of the Hoborg Empire, the ****** **** mansion in Cloudmount City. [A/N: Just wanted to surprise you a bit with the name of the mansion since it has to do with the name of the organization/family^^] In a small room among countless others in a very expansive and beautiful mansion, a teleporter identical to the one in the small house lit up and a portal appeared right after, from which the two lovers exited, their respective appearance a bit disheveled by the trip through space. When the teleporter turned off, Guang Hua said with a bit of exasperation in her voice. “Realm! Why does my hair look like a bird's nest every time I take the small teleporter.” That made her husband laugh a little and prompted him to tell her. “Once we reach the Immortal Level and start to comprehend the Law of Space, it should get better. Now, let's go.” Thanks to Bai Yue's teachings, their knowledge improved drastically in this past year along with their combat power. As for their cultivation, since not much time passed, their improvements were not as striking. They might not be the strongest beings in the Mortal Realm, however, they were probably two of the most knowledgeable. Of course, compared to Immortal cultivators in the Immortal Realm they were still too green. But, at least, they would not embarrass themselves because of basic things that they did not know previously. Immediately, the two left the room and headed towards the 'Dream Pavilion', which was the most beautiful pavilion facing the lake. On the way, they crossed path with Laeroth who was heading in the same direction as them. The two of them then greeted him and Hei Qiang asked. “Laeroth, weren't you supposed to be in the Qin Empire for senior Bai's mission?” The two men often met when they were free to eat and drink together, so they ended up being friend. When Laeroth heard him, a wry smile appeared on his face and he replied. “Please, stop talking about that. Setting up an information network in a such a huge empire is so exhausting. I've been going everywhere recruiting people, making contact with high ranked individuals and I even had to destroy an entire noble family because what they were doing pissed me off. I'm completely spent. To be honest with you, I used the excuse of the young Lord starting to cultivate to take at least a week off work. Of course, I'm also curious as to how it will go for him. So I guess I combined pleasure with business.” A tired laugh escaped him. Guang Hua asked puzzled. “You destroyed a noble family? What happened?” To which he answered. “Well, it happened when I was in the slum of a big city, trying to recruit agents. Since I wanted to stay discreet, I hid my real cultivation with one of the techniques that Lady Bai gave me when I accepted her offer and made it look like I was only a Level 4, so even Peak Mortal Cultivators had no way of discovering the truth, let alone the weaklings that were around me at that time. However, when I was walking around, I was noticed by a noble woman and her guards who attacked me right away. At first, I thought it was because they knew what I was doing on their territory. However, once I knocked them out, I combed through their memories and found out the reason they attacked me was not to kill me, but to capture me and enslave me as I was a half-elf. The whole family was actually involved into the trade of enslaved elves. Since none in the family reached level 9, I decided to kill all of them, from the youngest to the oldest and free all the slaves. Of course, before killing them, I made sure to collect everything they had and knew about where every elves that were sold ended up. I then followed every trails, freed every elves alive and got rid of everyone who deserved it.” He then sighed wistfully. “You should come next time brother Qiang. I promised you won't get bored. Of course, if sister Hua wants to come, you're welcome too.” That made Hei Qiang and Guang Hua laughed and the former replied. “I might take you up on your offer after this period is over. What do you say, Hua'er?” She replied. “Mmh, I'm not sure. I might go explore with Illia instead, since she seemed a bit bored recently. Also, I wouldn't want to intrude on your boy's fun time.” She then rolled her eyes at them and asked the tall handsome man walking beside her husband. “By the way, any news about your love interest, Laeroth?” Hearing her question, he seemed more energetic and a smile of infatuation appeared on her face which prompted the two to mumble in sync. “Idiot!” The concerned party then replied to her question while ignoring what they just said. “Yes , I have some good news. She recently reached Late Level 9 and the news spread everywhere. And from what I've heard, despite all the marriage proposals she received, she rejected all of them, saying that if they kept bothering her, she would 'come visit them to teach them to leave a beautiful lady alone'.” He then burst laughing imagining her saying that to those stuck up young masters who thrived on flaunting their families' power. While talking they reached the Dream Pavilion where two people were waiting outside, sitting on a few artistically crafted chairs with a table of the same style between them and a few drinks and food on it. Those two were seemingly a young couple where the man was tall, had shoulder length deep red hair akin to a dancing flame with eyebrows to match and a face to make any woman swoon. His garb was simple but classy, in line with the dress that the extremely beautiful woman beside him wore. She was also very tall, had very beautiful curves with her most obvious feature being her deep navy blue hair that reached her buttocks. The two greeted the three newcomers with a smile on their face and the man said. “Brother Laeroth, brother Qiang and sister Hua, you should sit and enjoy what we brought.” The Lady added. “The two of them already started and Lady Bai told us to wait outside.” Hearing her words, Guang Hua replied. “Alright, we'll wait then.” Looking at the two, she said with a smile. ”I have to say, the two of you are much better when you're young looking brother Marc and sister Illia.” That made the two laugh and Illia replied. “Thanks to...

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