《The Life of a Goddess and a Fox in the Cultivation World》Chapter 12 - Going to the Lunar Paragon
Mortal Realm, Capital planet of the Hoborg Empire, Cloudmount City. Bai Yue insisted. “Are you willing?” Those words resounded in the silence of the moving carriage amidst the noises of families and lovers walking around the beautiful Blossom street, full of millennium old mana trees brimming with many beautiful birds singing among their branches. Coupled with the lush grass on the side of the road and the different Blossom flowers, it made the whole scene as surreal as a painting, inviting the people walking around to lie down and stay for a long time, just to admire the scenery. Back in the carriage, the fox couple had their brows rising up in slight surprise. After all, beside the family of three, Bai Yue seemed to keep her distance with everyone else. To be honest, they even thought, and rightly so, that if it wasn't for little Yang, she wouldn't treat them as well as she did now. Since the Laws one comprehended influenced one's behavior, she probably cultivated some Laws that inhibited her emotions. Indeed, the higher the Law comprehended and integrated into one's body, soul and energy, the higher the influence on one's personality. It also depended on one's willpower and personality. Of course, there were ways to avoid that problem, such as cultivating two opposite's Laws at the same time and at the same level of comprehension each. However, not only was it really hard since you may be talented in one Law but not in an other, but it also had consequences on oneself. It was just that the changes counterbalanced each other. As the Idiom states: “Cultivating is going against the Heavens” [A/N:To succeed in cultivation you need to face great difficulties]. In conclusion, they were not expecting her taking interest in this old couple, but thought that she would only use them as guides and be done with it. Of course, their surprise was a lot less intense than the other two, since although they thought about getting some pointers from the powerful Lady in front of them, they guessed that she would only help them slightly after they served their purpose and that they would never see them again. When they thought about what being her servant entailed in positive and negative, they became a bit agitated and Marc even started to speak saying. “We...” Before being interrupted by Illia who regained her calm almost instantly. ”May we have some time to think about it, your Ladyship?” Seeing the woman who regained her calm quickly despite the enticing prospect of being guided by a strong powerhouse, she nodded with approval in her eyes and said. “Worthy of a Law of Water cultivator. Very well, I shall give you a year, until little Yang here start to cultivate. If by that time you still don't have an answer, then I'll take it as a no.” She then lost interest in them and resumed playing with Guang Yang who seemed bothered that she stopped focusing on him and thus kept knocking on her arm to get her attention. Seeing that he finally had her attention, he started to smile again at her and laughed when she tickled him. His mother, looking at the scene, said with a wry smile. “I truly wonder who is his mother. It's like the little brat only has Senior Bai in his eyes.” Hei Qiang laughed lightly when he saw her pouting like a little girl to whom someone took her most precious treasure. “You don't have to worry about that, Hua'er. Senior Bai is Senior Bai, and you are you. The fact that this adorable brat likes Senior Bai that much doesn't mean that he doesn't love you.” He finished talking by putting his arm around her waist and hugged her. Mysteriously, as if he understood what had been said, Guang Yang turned his head towards his parents and stretched his arms towards them while baby talking. Understanding that he wanted to be held by his parents, Bai Yue gave the baby to the fox couple with a small smile that had a hint of reluctance hidden in it. The two were surprised by the baby's reaction but were secretly overjoyed by it. Holding lovingly her adorable son who kept looking at the two with a big smile on his face, she wondered out loud. “I'm amazed at how he seemed to understand what is happening around him at his age. Is he a genius?” To which the masked woman answered in her beautiful but cold voice. “It's only a speculation, but I think it has to do with his bloodline. Since it is related to the Law of Life, he should be able to pick up on others' emotions which have an influence their lifeforce. You can think of it as 'mind over matter'. For example, when someone is stressed out too much then they can burn out and affect their health. It's the same principle but in a more precise manner since he can pick even the smallest fluctuation from people's lifeforce. Of course, it's also because none of you are shielding yourselves with your mana. ” Hearing her explanation, they were all marveled at the baby's gift. They all thought about the advantages that he could have in the cultivation world in the future, such as being able to pick up killing intent from others for example. In this harmonious atmosphere, the people inside kept sharing their stories while the carriage kept driving towards the crescent plaza. After less than an hour, they arrived at their destination. Noticing that the carriage stopped and hearing the carriage driver confirming it, they exited the vehicle one after the other and the crescent plaza appeared in their view. The plaza was in the form of a huge half moon, reminiscent of the Cloudmount city itself, with the crescent part facing the noble quarter and the dreamy Blossom street, while the full part facing the other sides with numerous streets that led to the interplanetary 's organizations' headquarters such as the Pill tower or the Blacksmiths' Association. As for the plaza itself, it was made like a park, full of different variety of trees and small defenseless animals with a small river coursing through it, with a few bridges allowing people to cross it. From their vantage point, they could see many family picnicking or strolling around enjoying the pure air and beautiful scenery around. On the side of the plaza, many stores could be found, all of them high end store selling everything from furniture to mana pills. Of course, not everyone could afford to shop there, since the prices were in direct correlation with the beauty of the place. Although they were expensive, one could see many curious people entering to look around and leaving once their curiosity were sated. Only a few of the visitors bought some items, but everyone seemed to be treated respectfully as long as they did not make a scene. After looking around in satisfaction, they turned around to look at the restaurant where they were supposed to eat. It was a huge building with no closed roof allowing the light of the sun to illuminate the customers and making them feel like they were outside, instead of being in a building. The words 'The Lunar Paragon' was written with determined strokes that hid deep feelings from the writer. When he noticed their gaze on the writings, Marc asked with a smile. “This place has a well known and very interesting story. Are you interested in knowing a bit about it?” The three newcomers all nodded their head, which prompted Marc to continue. “The story goes like this: The young owner was a cultivation genius who came from an average family in the Cloudmount city. Thanks to his talent and luck, in less than 200 years, he managed to reach the peak of rank 2. However, because of his lacking cultivation scripture, he was stuck at that level for a long time. Seeing that he couldn't breakthrough, he decided to 'experience the mortal dust' [A/N: Live like a 'mortal' instead of living like an 'Immortal hermit'. The dust refers to all the distractions in the mortal's lives.] so that he may be inspired to reach the next rank.” “Good choice.” Added Hei Qiang. “That man then decided to learn how to cook. No one knows the exact reason why, but some speculated that it had to do with one of his passion that he left aside when he started cultivating. Whatever the case, he spent a long time learning how to cook, and after a few hundred years, when he was almost finished with his training journey, he met the person who changed his life. While cooking himself a meal, a veiled woman arrived close to his camp, seemingly attracted by the aroma left by the food he was cooking. Without even asking anything, she took a chair from her dimensional ring and sat herself in front of his table, staring at him in silence.” “So shameless. Haha.” Guang Hua laughed at the thickness of the woman's face. Smiling Marc continued. “The owner then guessed what she wanted and thus cooked her a meal without saying anything. After the dish was put in front of the woman, she took off her veil to eat. When the man saw the woman's face and her smile of satisfaction showing her pleasure at eating something delicious, he fell desperately in love with her. However, not wanting to bother her he still let her enjoy her meal in silence. After a few minutes, the woman finished eating her meal and put back her veil. She only said “thank you for the meal” and got up to start leaving. Seeing her leave, the man couldn't stop himself and ecxclaimed. “Wait!” The woman turned around with question marks in her eyes, to which he added. “How can I see you again?” When she heard him she laughed and took two jade slips from her dimensional ring, which she gave to him before replying. “If you reach level 9 you can use your energy to unlock the locked jade slip. It will tell you how. As for the other one, it is a Peak Mortal Wood Cultivation scripture.” She then turned around and added. “See you in the future, little cook.”” “After that encounter, the owner desperately cultivated to find her and opened this restaurant in order to remind himself of his goal. Lunar references the fact that she is a woman and Paragon was for her cultivation level. Note that she should have been around level 9 since she could use her energy to lock that jade slip. Anyway, no one knows the man's cultivation level now, but it should be higher than mine.” Hearing that story, the three newcomers seemed very entertained. Guang Hua even said. “Before leaving the clan, I never thought that so many people had such interesting love stories... By the way, how do you know that much details about it? It seems a bit too precise for something that one could hear from rumors.” Marc was about to answer when he was suddenly interrupted by someone who left the restaurant and started to come towards them, laughing. The man was quite tall with shoulder-length hair that hid slightly pointed ears and had a handsome face. He wore a beautiful but simply designed short robes over similar pants. His aura seemed deep and calming and he was looking at the group with a trace of glee in his unfathomable eyes. “Old brother Marc obviously heard the story straight from the horse's mouth of course. Although I like to think that I'm more attractive than a simple horse. Haha.” After making a simple joke to break the ice, he hugged Marc, showing that the two were good friends. After which he turned and bowed slightly towards Illia and said. “Sister-in-law is even more beautiful than the last time I saw you.” His eyes turned towards the other four people before returning to her and added with a genuine smile. “And it seems that both of your problems with your cultivation might be resolved very soon. Congratulation are in order it seems.” Although she was surprised by what he said, she didn't reply but let Marc make the presentation. “Brother Laeroth, this is Lady Bai, Lady Guang, Lord Hei and young master Guang. Ladies and Lords, this is my good friend Laeroth Shasys, the owner of the Lunar Paragon and proud main character of the story I just narrated.” Bai Yue said in an indifferent voice. ”Early Level 9. Since you reached your goal, why are you staying in this low level place?” Hearing her voice, a wry smile appeared on the man's face along with an expression that seemed to say “As I thought”. ”So Lady Bai is truly stronger than I. Since I couldn't feel your cultivation level, I thought it would be so, especially since Marc and Illia seemed respectful to you. However, I'm still surprised. Anyway, before answering your question, why don't we go inside and eat something? After all, with you being here, I'm guessing that should be your goal, correct?” Hearing his invitation, she answered simply. “Sure.” Following her agreement, they all began to walk towards the restaurant's entrance. Laeroth then opened the door while inviting them inside. After entering, they were met with a beautiful interior, with rank 2 and rank 3 wood material used in copious amount, from the tables to the walls. A lot of plants were seen everywhere, giving the place an atmosphere akin to a Elven forest, magical and peaceful.The fact that the owner seemed to have mixed elven blood coursing through his veins, coupled with the massive CloudLeaf Forest that covered half of the main continent, made it logical for the main material used in this restaurant being wood. Each table was secluded between the different plants, and a few formations were set up so nothing could be heard beside the natural forest noises and the figures of everyone were indistinguishable, giving the feeling of being alone in a foggy forest with the people the customers were eating with. Seeing the beautiful decor, the group nodded in satisfaction. Instead of finding a table closed-by, however, the owner kept walking towards the center of what seemed to be a forest. After a few minutes of walking leisurely, they reached a white wall created from a powerful formation. From their observation, even Level 7 Cultivators might not be able to barge through it, which said something about its sturdiness. The Fox couple were surprised at first seeing the quality of the formation in front of them, but when they remembered the cultivation level of the owner they felt that it was logical. After all, at that kind of level, a lot of things were easier to procure. After stopping in front of the wall, Laeroth activated a talisman that he took from his dimensional ring which opened a hole in the wall, allowing them to pass through it, reaching the core area of the restaurant. Once they all went through the wall, a dreamy clearing appeared in front of their eyes full of trees and small animals. A small waterfall was visible further while a river cut the clearing in two with a tree having its roots on both sides of the banks, seemingly being used as a bridge. One could see a platform in the middle of the tree bridge where the owner brought them and made them sit on protrusion that looked like a table and chairs. The fact that the owner cultivated the Law of Wood made it likely that it was their real function. Guang Hua said in a amazed voice, echoing the feelings inside Hei Qiang's mind. “It's really beautiful. Even in my clan, the most beautiful place paled slightly in front of this clearing.” Hearing her compliments, the owner smiled and thanked her. “I thank the young Lady for her compliment. In truth, thanks to my wood elves blood, I am more attuned to the Law of Wood, so I have some advantages compared to the cultivators like the young Lady and the young Lord. Everyone have their own specialties.” They all nodded in agreement, after which he asked. “Why don't we order some food before talking further?” After they agreed, he gave them a menu to choose what they wanted. After a few minutes of back and forth the last person chose what they wanted and the man used a talisman to contact the kitchen to notify them of the orders. Once that was done, he lost his smile and his face turned very serious. “To go back to what we were talking about earlier. Before I continue, may I know the exact level of Lady Bay? Please don't get the wrong idea, I only wish to know because of one of my concerns.” He reassured her, not wanting her to misunderstand. Bai Yue looked at him through her impenetrable mask and shook her head slightly before saying. “Even if you had any ideas, you would only be crushed, so I'm not worried. To answer your question, for now, I'm restricted to the Peak Level 9 of the Mortal Layer.” Hearing her answer, joy could be seen in his eyes. However, it disappeared almost instantly, since he did not want to get his hopes up too much. Taking a deep breath he said with a solemn tone. “Alright, since you've been forthcoming with me, I will tell you everything.” Gathering his thoughts to make sure that he forgot nothing, he resumed talking. “I know that Marc recounted the story for which I became famous in the Hoborg Empire. What he was not aware of, as I didn't inform him yet, was that, as you felt, I reached the Early Level 9 Mortal, which allowed me to unlock the jade slip that the mysterious woman left me. However, when I was at the peak of happiness, thinking that I could finally see her after hundreds of years, I discovered her identity. She actually was...”
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