《Otaku Streaming In A Cultivation World》Ch. 5 - Di San


“Why didn’t you check out my stream yesterday.”

“Idiot, you didn’t give me your streamer name.”

“Oh fuck, I forgot. Search San3P and a profile picture of my face should be the first to show up.”

“I suggest changing your profile picture. Even I don’t want to click into your stream if I see that face.”

A sandwich for a very late lunch I bought in the convenience, and I also got a jab in the face so early by Andrew. Nothing unusual going on here. At least he promised me to check my stream later after knowing what my schedule was.

My plan for my streaming schedule is 12 hours of streaming starting at 5 pm. I heard creating a schedule for yourself is a must for streamers. And for why it starts at night, it’s because I am a night owl who breathes and lives in the darkness.

But truth to it all, I just got a fucked up sleep schedule.

Returning back to my flat, I still got some time before I start streaming. And what best way to use that time to except to watch Youtube videos.

But this time, my purpose is to look for tips on how to gain viewers on the Hitch platform.

[7 things you need to do before streaming]

[Streaming is not easy as it looks, and here’s why.]

[Easy quick tips you can do to be the next top streamer]

There were a lot of videos to choose from so I just clicked which has the highest views with a good like to dislike ratio.

“This guy is pretty famous with about 70,000 followers. He should know what he’s talking about.”

“I learned nothing.”

That’s a bit of a stretch since they were things I didn’t know about like paying the platform so I would be advertised on the front page. Except that, I already know pretty much everything.

Doing what you want, try to join some collabs, and that kind of bullshit.

I know all of these things work, but none of it works for me who is literally in his second day of streaming.

“There’s little to no point watching these videos. I’ll just see how this goes like I always intended it to.”

Throwing away the sandwich bag then wearing my 200$ headset, I clicked Cultivation Realm. I already set up my stream with the same title before I step into the game world.


Finding myself back inside the forest, I realized my headset is useless.

“Looks like I’m safe”

I didn’t forget to check my surrounding for that blue cloaked bastard. It’s would be an immediate game over if the first thing he saw was that man.

Staying here is not safe any longer. Humans or strange monsters, everything is out here to kill me. The best thing to do is understand what this place was.

Doing my best Detective Conan expression, I look for a clue where the exit could be. It may not take a detective to notice so but the forest was more in disarray compared to when he entered yesterday.

Traces of battles from different types of weapons, the soil, and tree trunks have been dyed with the blood of beasts- hopefully.

“These footsteps are fresh. Whoever owns this one does not belong in a group.”

Determining the weight or their gender just by their footsteps is a mile away for my detective skills. I can’t even recognize half of the marks on the ground because they belong to a non-human being.

My best bet is to follow this human tracks since he or she should be alone. I won’t have to worry about getting surrounded on every corner.

Let’s just pray I can outrun them with my 0-hour exercised body.

By the way, the tranquility of the beautiful forest was all gone. Shouts and roars can be heard distances away from north, south, east, and west. That is why I rather risk meeting this person alone rather than bumping into someone or something in the midst of battle.

“Shit, the situation just went from 0 to 60 real quick. I miss the part where my concern was just creating an entertaining stream in a boring walk in this forest.”

The intensity of battle is coming closer and closer to me to the point I can feel the ground shaking. What the hell are they doing if the ground itself is shaking?!

Luckily, the footsteps are not heading towards where black smoke began to rise.

After crouching and avoiding black shadowy figures of what seems to be forever, I saw a single shadow about 30 meters away from me.

I readied the short sword I picked up along the way which should be fine considering the distance. I made sure I don’t look intimidating enough to let the other party have the idea I came with bad intention. Although my body and the way I handle the sword can only intimidate children.


I rack up my brains on which characters I can mimic to help me understand the inexperienced me how to properly swing this sword. Thinking about it, it was a stupid idea to go with that since those guys are damn good at swinging their weapons.

So I ended up being a level 1 RPG character where the skills they only know are slash, stab, and block.

“Who’s there!?”

I forgot something… What’s the use of the sword in my hand if I can’t get close.

Moving at a speed my eye can barely see, the figure appeared standing just a few steps away from me. He didn’t carry anything which is a good thing, but the look on his face is in battle mode.

“You’re not from our White Tiger Sect? How were you able to trespass here?”

Good thing this teenager-looking guy feels like a person you can talk to.

“My cloak got ripped by a beast which I, fortunately, came out alive.”

“Your Loyalty Mantle? You might have used all your luck to escape the Executioner Ape. That should be the only beast here capable of ripping our mantles.”

“…Yeah, it was bloody escape.”

I cannot tell him I came from a place named America and expect them to know what I’m talking about. So I naturally lied and let him formulate the conclusion on his own.

My decision of following his footsteps may be the best bet I made since this guy seems friendly.

I observed him top to bottom while he’s deciding what to do with the false information I brought. He has green hair that only K-pop idols can rock, and his face could create fan clubs willing to kill you online. And he should also have the body of an idol under those leather armor covered with a green mantle since they are basically fighting with their lives here.

I cannot help but think people of this world are gifted by the God of Beauty.

“What’s this fellow disciple’s name?”



“San Dic- San Di, no. Di San”

I made up a name on the spot that sounds like it belongs in a cultivation story.

“Di San. Weird name... Anyway, I’m Nicolas Garcon.”

“What the fuck!?”

“You’ve got a problem with my name?”

“Yup, after calling my name weird. You’re named like you live somewhere in Europe.”

“Europe? never heard of that place. But you are right. I came from a foreign place. I’m just getting used to living here so my bad if I offend you.”

He was genuinely sorry so I cannot really get mad at him. What he said made sense since I remember the name of some senior the previous group mentioned is Elder Wu, which should follow the rules of cultivation theme.

Today, I have filled up my character name. From now on in this Cultivation Realm, I’ll be called Di San.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m more concerned about what will I do next.”

“You’re also having trouble piling up your points?”

“Points…? Yes, the last encounter really set me back hard.”

“I see that. How about we team up until the test ended tomorrow. We should be able to kill more beasts with two of us working together.”

I feel like I’m digging the hole under me deeper and deeper. My lying skills seems to be working, and it is working exceptionally well. Too well in fact that I’m now a part of this test between disciples from White Tiger Sect, and currently teaming up with this guy named Nicolas.

With a not-so-good-conditioned sword in my hand and the same plain clothes I came with, I became a party member of Nicolas's party.

Although rather becoming a party member, it’s better to say he received an escort quest from me. An escort quest where the person you’ll need to escort can’t fight.

I wished I could turn back time to the good old days. A time where I thought this was an easygoing world.

“Let’s just hope it’s not a permanent death here and outside.”

“What are you talking about? Of course, death is permanent. Once it’s your time to go, you’ll cease to exist. You'll be a different person when you reincarnate after death.”

“… Please don’t raise flags out of nowhere.”

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