《The Shadow Rogue》Chp 6: Welcome to Riqeal City!


Chp 6: Welcome Riqeal City!

“Woah, what a view!” Exclaimed Bob in surprise, the place was even nicer up close.

The carriage had just arrived at the gates of the Riqeal City in Cuntersia.

Bob had not even entered the gates yet but he was already mesmerized by architecture and beauty of the place. It was unlike anything he had seen before. Considering the fact that he had only been to three places in his whole life. The most of the buildings there were not more than 5 stories high. One of the more prominent, taller buildings was an Inn with a brightly coloured sign with the name “ Downtown Inn”.

A City Guard approached the carriage Bob was in. “Identifications please,” He asked the group for their identification papers. Everyone except Bob handed their Adventurer Guild cards. He checked them and returned the cards to their rightful owner. He realised that he was in the presence of the 1st princess, Selestina and curtly greeted her.

“You there, why haven’t you given me your card? Are you trying to mess with the law?” The City Guard aggressively asked Bob.

“Apologies, we are under the direct command of the king to bring him in into Cuntersia. He has no form of identification with him as he was living in a village before this.” Eleonora explained courteously.

“That won’t do at all, please make sure he registers himself at the guild as soon as possible,” The Guard told them.

The rest of them just nodded and went through the gates and into the City Of Riqeal.

All of them alighted their carriage. “We should head to a tavern first where we shall discuss our next course of action and also to eat,” Rindwom took the lead.

Bob realised that he was feeling quite hungry and followed Rindwom along with the others. On the way there, Bob was looking everywhere, taking in the sights of the place. It truly was a beautiful city. “Amazing right? I have been here for the past 100 years and yet I never get tired of this place!” Eleonora energetically told Bob, when she realised he was quite excited about coming to this place.


“Yes, this is truly magnificent” Bob answered. “I would like to rule this place someday.” He whispered in his mind.

They arrived at the Tavern, it was called “A Good Tavern”. What a creative name. When they went through the door, it was bustling with customers from all races from humans to beastkin to Orcs and most of all they were getting along pretty well. The group luckily managed to find a seat.

A human waitress made her way towards the group to take their order. “Good Morning, we have bread and soup for breakfast today and some ale. Would you like to order?” She inquired.

“That seems fine, four breakfast sets then,” Rindwom told the waitress.

“Make it five,” Bob added.

What is this? An auction?

Bob remembered his reward was that all of his expenses were paid for and he is able to get anything he wants as long as it is a reasonable request. He decided to make full use of it and get an extra meal.

Selestina looked at him and sighed “Yeah, get him 2 breakfast sets and one for each of us”

“Okay! Be right back!” The waitress energetically replied and headed into the kitchen to get our orders delivered.

“So, what do we do? Do we stay here until tomorrow morning before seeing the king or do we go after this?” Rindwom asked Selestina, who was their leader currently.

“Let’s stay for tonight, I bet we are all exhausted from the mission and we should rest up before seeing the king,” Selestina decided.

“Sounds good to me” Eleonora agreed

“Yup, no problems here,” said Blarggh.

“Shadow? Are you okay with that?” Selestina’s question was met with silence, Shadow had disappeared from his seat.

“Hey, little human! Where did you get that armour? Give it to me and I won’t hurt you!” A booming voice echoed through the tavern.


It was a half-drunk Soldier Orc that uttered those words. The person he was talking to was no other than the “Shadow Rogue”.

“Fuck off, ye fat cunt. Before I stab ye right in the arse. Ye fuckin slag” Bob replied to him, visibly agitated.

Selestina saw Shadow reaching for his weapon, he was going to kill the Orc. She jolted out of her seat and said to the Orc in a disgusted tone “Is this how the soldiers of his majesty’s army behave in public?”. The Orc was red with embarrassment when he realised he had committed such a despicable act in the presence of royalty. He made a public apology and left the tavern crying like a little girl.

“Wow, I almost feel bad for the guy,” Blarggh said.

“It’s his fault, but he got lucky, If Selestina had not intervened he was sure to die.” Rindwom too had noticed Shadow’s hand reaching for his dagger.

Bob was lead back to the table by Selestina and their food arrived at perfect timing. When Bob was confronting the Orc, he knew that he should not kill him, at least not in the tavern. So he spewed vulgarities at the Orc, attracting attention to himself while slowly moving his hand to his weapon so one of the ShadowChasers could quickly respond to the situations. If Bob wanted to, he could kill the Orc in no time as he was able to kill 120 people in a split second, one person is nothing to him. But he did not want to create trouble, at least not yet.

“Oh fuck me, this food is delicious!” Bob crudely exclaimed.

“I’d be glad to,” Somebody said in their mind.

Bob finished his food and told the team “ I’ll be taking a walk around the city, I’ll be back in an hour’s time”.

“We’ll be waiting right here, we still have to discuss some things.” Said Selestina.

Bob left the tavern and said to himself, “Now where did that fat fuck go?”

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