《The Shadow Rogue》Chp 4: First contact


Chp 4: First Contact

[Rindwom’s perspective]

We’ve been traveling for 2 days now, I’m sure we are getting close to Shadow Rogue’s hideout. Traveling with 3 of the most powerful people in Cuntersia really has its perks, due to our overwhelming strength most monsters have been staying away from us. The monsters who braver and tried to attack us were swatted away like flies by Eleonora the Forest Elf with her wind magic. I’d never thought I would see the day a pack of hobgoblins take flight into the atmosphere. It was truly a mesmerizing sight.

Selestina, the 1st princess is one of the strongest knights I had ever seen. Have you ever seen someone with strength so disproportionate from their body size? Selestina was not a small lady in any way. She is probably taller than most humans, it's just that her strength is so overwhelming, I can’t fathom how such strength akin to an elephant is released through a body like hers. She also managed to kill a Rockrash Wolf with one kick. A Rockrash wolf, its body is supposed to be as hard as steel, yet, it was defeated with a single strike.

I felt like the carriage was slowing down, we must be close. And then, it came to a halt.

“Alright we’re here, everyone step out of the carriage. Let’s go,” Selestina ordered.

Eleonora and I alighted the carriage obediently while Blarggh was still asleep. Blarggh had been sleeping since two days ago when we first went in the carriage. I checked his heart rate frequently to make sure he wasn’t dead.

“Get up Blarggh, we have arrived,” Eleonora tried waking Blarggh up. The only response she got was a peaceful snore.

“You leave me no choice then,” Eleonora took a step back and chanted her water magic and directed it at Blarggh.


“WAH, fucking cunt asshole gay baby negro!.” Blarggh said in a frantic voice.

Now, all of them were outside of the carriage and in front of them was a huge mountain and somewhere near the top. Rindwom saw a cave, “This must be the place” he thought to himself.

He suddenly saw a black figure heading out of the cave.

“Everyone, hide in the trees! He’s here!” Rindwom told them.

All of them instantaneously climbed a tree except for Blarggh. Because he was a heavy one, even his full name was Blarggh The Heavy, he just stood behind a large tree trunk and it looked like the tree was pregnant.

“That must be him,” Eleonora unknowingly said out loud. She was seeing a legend of a man with her own two eyes. She felt very excited, seeing such a powerful existence.

“Yes, that is the man. We should spy on him and avoid confrontation.” Selestina told them.

The whole group had their eyes peeled on the Shadow Rogue. They saw Bob jumping 30 metres off the ground and was looking around. “Amazing, he can jump that high up and I can’t even sense an ounce of mana being used,” Rindwom said.

“What is he holding in his hand? Is that a Picnic Basket?” asked Blarggh.

Could this guy be a faggot?

“This mountain is a very dangerous place with multiple A-Class monsters and this guy is having a picnic here? As expected, from the Shadow Rogue.” Eleonora voiced out.

They saw Bob had his eyes fixed on a spot and crashed down on a relatively flat spot which was suited for a picnic. The impact was so strong that they could feel it from their location, 400 metres away.

“Alright, this seems like a good time as any. Let’s go and make the first contact with him,” said Selestina.


[Bob’s perspective]

“I really had brought too much food today, I don’t think I can finish all this” Bob sighed.

Suddenly he heard footsteps, coming from the front, 200 metres away. “3, no 4 people. 3 are of average build and one of huge body size.” He unconsciously told himself. Although he could sense no bloodlust ,he turned invisible, to have a look at the invaders.

“The fuck’chu doing in my hood, man?” He chuckled. Obviously, a small force of this was no match for Bob.

“Huh? Where is he? His Picnic Mat and Basket is here but there is nobody around?” Blarggh asked.

“I’m pretty sure we all saw him a minute ago.” Said Selestina.

“ I have a bad feeling about this..” Eleonora muttered under her breath.

All of a sudden, Bob released his terrifying power. the team groaned and was forced to bow down. “ I don’t appreciate your kind around here, better leave before something bad happens” He sniggered.

“YAMETEEEEE! We are not here to declare war against on you!” Eleanora pleaded

“Oh alright, what will you have me do?” Bob dissipated his bloodlust and asked normally. All 4 of them collapsed on the ground desperately catching their breath.

“We hope that you could come to our side and fight for us,” Selestina cautiously explained.

“Simple enough, but what’s in it for me?” It was obvious that Bob was not going to do anything for free.

“Name your price, and we shall do our best to fulfill it,” Selestina told him. She was now feeling less nervous.

“Fair enough, But let me warn you, I’m only coming to your side as a mercenary,” Bob told Selestina.

What this meant was if the opposing side had better rewards, Bob would not hesitate to work for them instead.

“That’s….alright, we just have to make sure we have the better rewards then,” Selestina was slightly disappointed but she could understand where Bob was coming from. He had no obligations to work for them, they came to him for help, not the other way around.

“I accept this deal, my price will be that you pay for my expenses in Cuntersia and if I want something, I expect it to be given to me. Don’t worry, I’m actually quite a reasonable person.” Said, Bob, while shaking his hand with Selestina.

This was the beginning of a long and eventful journey for Bob. He will make many friends and even more foes.

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