《Shifting Tunnels》Chapter 2
Stats Name N/A Race N/A Gender N/A Age 7 Hours Title None Crimes None Str 2 (+9) Dex 2 (+9) End 2 (+6) Con 2 (+5) Int 2 (+3) Wis 2 (+5) Cha 2 (+0) Mem 2 (+4) Classes Skills Flesh Molding Basic 1 Str Growth Basic 9 Dex Growth Basic 9 End Growth Basic 6 Con Growth Basic 5 Int Growth Basic 3 Wis Growth Basic 5 Mem Growth Basic 4 Traits Paths (18)
Looking at its stats, it was quite pleased with itself. After much practice, it had been able to walk in a way that satisfied the voice. On top of this, it had almost doubled all of its skills. But, while this gave it much more confidence in its ability's. Something was wrong.
While its body and mind have been improving. Lately, it had started to feel as though it was slowing down. Its limbs seemed to be losing strength even though it keeps practicing. On top of this, it started to feel a pain that was unrelated to the cuts it had received. At first, it had assumed it was from the many falls it had experienced. But as the sensation kept getting worse, it decided it would be better to get the voices to help.
The problem with this was that it had no idea how to go about doing this. But, it did have an idea. Seemingly, if it touched the blue crystal, it would be able to get the attention of the voice. The only problem was that it had been ordered not to touch it. But something about this did not seem right. When it though about the idea of touching the crystal, it did not get the feeling that it would be disobeying an order.
That's when it realized why. It had not been ordered not to touch the crystal. It had been given the order not to grab it.
Your actions have unlocked a common skill
Charisma Growth
Seeing the new type of box appear, it new that it must be correct in its thinking. And so, it reached out a single finger and poked the crystal.
"What is it this time!? I thought I ordered you not to do that anymore." It heard the second its hands touched the blue crystal. Causing them to rip away their hands in fear.
Quickly realizing they had no way to convey their problem to the voice, they started to form a plan. Since it could not communicate in the same way as the voice, it would simply need to communicate in a way that it could. And so it did exactly that.
Lowering itself to the ground, it started to try and recreate the struggle it had gone through when it had tried to learn to stand.
"This looks like a thorough waste of my time." The voice complains, taking a pause "We are under a currently under threat of an attack. This could happen at any time. So unless this is exceedingly important to the survival and future of this dungeon, stop whatever you are currently doing."
Thinking it over, they don't really know what is happening. But seeing as it is only affecting them, it should not be a threat to the rest of the dungeon. And as such, stop their attempts to convey their current condition.
"Great. Now for a more important matter. The villagers currently at the entrance seemed to be locked in their current position. So unless something changes, they are unlikely to ever enter. And the last thing we need is for them to hire professional adventurers in my current state. So I want you to go to the entrance of my dungeon and try to lead them here." they order.
Having been given new orders, it nodes its head, then beings to walk around the room, not sure where to go.
"Walk down the narrow hallway, it will lead you to the entrance. There you will see the people you need to lure here. Do whatever you need to do to get them here." It sighs, its annoyance lost on its newest servant. As it begins to walk out of the room.
As it walks out, it is surprised by its new environment. While the room had more space, this passageway seemed to go on forever. And even with the practice, it had put into walking, the narrower space made it much harder. As it was forced to be more precise as not to hit the walls on both sides of it.
Thought the difficulty did not seem to be all negatives. As the walk had allowed it to get it's Dexterity up to 10 and the additional point that came with it.
A bit after this they reached the entrance. At least they assumed that's what it assumed was on the other side of the opening it saw. Filled with new colors and countless object. Some as small as the strains of hair on their head. Others, many times larger than even their entire body. Though the ones that stood out the most where the group of people.
They were standing right outside the entrance. Moving their hands around rapidly and making strange sounds. They seemed to be in a panic for some reason, falling to even notice the creature moving towards them.
The creature knew that it would need to lead them into the dungeon. And while there was a chance that if it raveled itself, they would come to it, it decided to observe them first. As to ensure that they were lured into the dungeon for whatever the voice wanted of them.
Though, the longer the creature observed them, the more it confused it got. No matter how it looked at their actions they simply seemed to be wasting time. They were just standing there moving their arms and making strange sounds. If they were trying to train their skills, there were much better ways to do so. It decided to try doing what they were doing. Maybe it would provide some insight into them.
They started to move their hands above their head and open their mouth. And, almost like a reflex, let out a high pitch sound. Causing all the people to turn and face them.
Unsure of what to do, the creature tried repeating this action. This time a little louder, they watched the people to continue to stare. At this point, the creature began to wonder if it had done something wrong. It had done its best to copy what they were doing. Perhaps it was moving its arms wrong. The people seemed to make much slower, more controlled movements. And the sound they made was much higher and louder then what the people had been doing. Or, perhaps it was because it was an outsider.
It continues to try and imitate them as they start to rush over. Worried this was an act of hostility, it raised its arms in order to cover their face.
As they do, people start to reach out to them. Not knowing what to expect, they begin anticipating the pain that was bound to come. But to their surprise, it never did. Instead, they felt hands trying to guide it to the ground.
Not knowing what to do, they comply. Eventually being placed lying down on the ground. The whole time the people continue to make the strange sounds. Though what their goal is, the creature can not tell.
At this point, one of the people runs off. Leaving the creature with the remaining four. Who for the most part seem to be looking over their body. Which seems to continue until the one who ran off returns. Carrying some sort of green paste in a small brown object.
The same one that just returned walks over to them before kneeling down. And after making some sounds while looking to the other, starts to put green paste onto their wounds. The whole time continuing to make sounds, while staring at it. This just further confuses it. Though, they seemed to be none hostile and in the dungeon. So it seemed as though they could count this as succeeding in their mission. Which means things were fine as they currently were.
"You really lucked out this time. It seems as though your cuts combined with your flailing and screaming convinced them you were attacked. And your small size convinced them that you were a child. Which, I guess, makes it a good thing I had to remake your face. If I hadn't they would probably be able to recognize you. And that would not have been good for you." The voice appears once more, voicing its musing to the creature. "Now, I know you can't understand them, but you're going to need to try to lure them into the back of the cave. Your best bet is to try and learn some of the words they are saying. Then try to come up with a reason to lead them to me. Hopefully, they won't think too long about how a child was able to survive in a dungeon this long. You might even be able to convince them the person I made you from is alive and deeper in the cave." The voice said to it.
Hearing the voice gave the creature both comfort as well as much needed guidance. And with new orders, it set to work trying to figure out how to communicate with the people around it.
Thankfully for it, it did not need to be the one to anesthesia this though. As the people seemed to be repeating the same sound while pointing to each person one after the other. And while it did take a while, it was able to copy the sound and grasp its meaning.
Charisma Growth ranked up to basic 2 1 Point has been distributed
It seemed like the best way to lure these people further into the dungeon would be to learn how to make and understand these sounds. Luckily, the people seemed to agree with it, though for many different reasons, as they were trying to do their best to teach it simple words one after the other. Doing its best to learn, it continued to copy them, as well as understand the meaning of the words.
Even still, they only knew about twenty total words by the time they were done teaching it. But hopefully, it would be enough to do what it would need to do. And even if it was not, memorizing the words seemed to have brought Memory to 8 and Charisma to 4.
"Person, there. Dungeon end." It says while pointing down the cave it had came from. Hoping to follow the advice of the voice and convince them the other person was deeper in the dungeon.
The one they conveyed this to nodes there head before standing back up. They say something to the others, using words it completely misses. The others proceed to draw something from their waist. Before forming back into a line and walking out into the much smaller corridors of the dungeon. It figured it would be a simple walk back at this point. It was not.
The first problem comes up when the cave branched off into two different directions. The creature had only been paying attention to what was in front of it. So it had been completely unaware that the path branched off in the other direction. Never mind which way it was meant to go. The people stopped and looked at them. Obviously expecting for it to show them where to go next.
"I feel as though I need to help you with everything. Tell them to take the right path." The voice chided.
Having been told what to do, they point down the right path. Feeling quite ashamed that they had disappointed the voice. Though it was made worse once they came to the second intersection. And only continued to grow with each progressive intervention.
So with this, it was glad once they finally reach the end of the dungeon. Thought, looking around, the room is different than the last time they were here. With a small pool of red liquid forming near the crystal, with no obvious source of origin.
They stared at the pool, trying to figure out what it was and where it could have come from. Only to see one of the people they were walking with put a hand on their shoulder and step in front of them. Blocking their view of the room as they started to speak. Only understanding two words, person and gone, they look up to them confused.
The only thing they could think of was that they must have thought the person they were looking for had left. Though that still didn't explain why they were blocking their view of the room. So they tried to look around them, and they seemed to not want to, they let them do so. So they saw the other four walking two wards the crystal. Seemingly quite angry and holding small, shiny, curved things in their hand. Realizing what they meant to do. The Shifter quickly ran forward to try and stop them.
Running in front of them, they tried to push the one the furthest ahead back. The one they are pushing on looked down to them. They start to say something but seems to realize that it won't work, stop abruptly and kneeled down to be eye level with them.
They tried to prepare for whatever may come next. But they knew they would be unable to stop all of them. And even if they were, for how long would they be able to do it for. Still, they knew they had to at least try. And so they did, putting everything they had into stopping this one. Even if they could tell it was doing nothing.
What came next caught them off guard. Instead of them continuing forward or trying to push them away. They feel the person wrap their arms around them. Crossing their arms across its back and holding them in place as it tries to struggle out. While the others begin to resume their walk deeper into the room. Putting everything they have into it at this point. They are still unable to even budge the one holding them in place.
Knowing that they will be unable to stop these people. They shut their eyes, not wanting to see what comes next. Though they know even like this they are still going to hear the sound of the crystal is destroyed.
Though the sound they are expecting never comes. Instead, they hear five loud cracks before silence. With the grip on them seems to have loosened. No longer holding them in place.
Cautiously opening their eyes, they see the stones that have always hung from the roof seem to no longer be there. Instead, laying within the bodies of the people it had been with.
Looking over to the nearest body, the one that had been holding them. They notice that the rock impaling them seems to have long, fleshy, tendrils emerging from the part that used to meet the roof. As well as this, a single eye near the base of the creature. With the whole thing sitting firmly in the skull of the person who had been holding them in place.
"You looked so panicked there. Did you really think I would have told you to lead them in here if I didn't have a plan to deal with them? Tough you slowing them down like that certainly helped to make the kills clean." The voice says to them, a teasing tone present in their voice. "Though I must say, it's a shame you aren't officially a Shifter, the amount of XP you would have gotten from that would have been massive. Even if it was accidental or not, you did just trick five adults into a trap. I guess that's just how things work out sometimes. Can't always win." The voice pauses at this point, seemingly expecting something from them.
"I really must find a way to deal with your lack of communication. Being a dungeon master is fine and all. But these one-sided conversations are really starting to be a bore. Help the Sopels back onto the roof while I try to figure out a way to let you speak properly. Maybe then I can finally have some conversation again" They commanded.
So it did as it was told. Picking the rock creatures out of the copses and holding them up into the air. Letting the tendrils reach the ceiling and latching onto it. It would then help keep them stable as they pulled themselves out of its reach before moving onto the next one. It proceeded to do this for each and then wait for its next order.
"Looks like your done. It seems like the best way to give you the ability to speak is to turn you into a named monster. This will give you the ability to speak and a power boost and the ability to speak. But I will not be able to simply recreate you if you die. So do be more careful. The last thing I want to do now is waste my Ather." The voices pause for a moment before continuing "Now what should I name you?" it musses.
"Ah, I know, your name will be Iden" It suddenly states.
You have been given the name
Do you accept?
Yes No
Looking at this it had to think for just a moment. It accepts without hesitation.
Your name is now Iden +5 to all stats Basic knowledge of Common granted
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