《The Sweet Song of The Sea》TSSTS: Goodnight Serpent
Current Status:
Name: Sakura
Level: 10/10
Species: Aqua Larvae
HP:400/400 (400/400)
Magic Power:19
[Skills: Wail Lvl 4, Swimming Lvl 4, Appraise Lvl 2, Water Immunity, Night Vision Lvl 2, Ice Resistance Lvl 3, Digging Lvl 2, Foul Heart Lvl 1]
[Titles: The Last of Her Kind, Hybrid Species, Blood Sucker]
[Skill Points: 200]
Title: The Sweet Song of The Sea: Goodnight Serpent
When she reopened her eyes, she found herself in the same spot as before and felt incredibly exposed. ‘Note to self, find someplace safer to evolve and not in the open.’ Sakura thought before noticing her new limbs and height. ‘I have a human-shaped body?’
She quickly swam into the ship to find the mirror she had found a while back. Unknowingly, she slipped through a small hole, her body adapting to the size as went through. ‘That was a strange experience that I may or may not try again.’ Sakura shuddered as she closed in on the room the mirror resided in.
When she reached the mirror she was pleased by what she saw. This body was better than her own in her last life. “Amazing.” She said before covering her mouth in surprise. ‘How can a voice sound that beautiful?’ Sakura thought while being mesmerized by her voice.
Disregarding her voice for a moment, she observed her body in the mirror some more. She was the shape and height of a human female with all the curves in the right places, perky boobs, round bottom, wide hips yet it all didn’t seem obscene since her body was 100% water and not just any water body a magical kind of water that was aquamarine.
She brought a hand to her floor-length flowing hair that moved elegantly underwater. She was pleasantly satisfied, a far contrast from her previous form. ‘What female didn’t like to be beautiful?’ She thought while posing for the mirror.
“Sakura." She said in a soft and silky voice that sounded like heaven descended and had sex with all the males available. She continued to stare at herself with a creepy smile. After a while, she managed to snap herself out of her trance and was disturbed by her actions.
She wasn’t like this in her past life, obsessing over her looks and body. Sure, she liked to look pretty and keep herself fit. However, it wasn’t to this extent of borderline narcissism. Evolution changed her and she was already seeing the results.
‘Evolutions is dangerous.’ Sakura gravely thought, ‘What if I become something that loves killing?’ She wondered if she could stay as she was but knew that it was unlikely. It was a sacrifice to become stronger, losing part of herself each time. This world kept taking from more and more from her.
For the first time, she was able to cry since she came to this world. She silently cried, her body trembling with each sob. She cried for her lost memories and all she forgot and she cried for herself. She was afraid, afraid that by the time she found her answers, there would be nothing left of herself. She sat there, allowing herself to wallow in sadness and depression.
Minutes later, she stood up, gathering herself mentally before opening the menu. She felt better after crying but now she needed to pull herself together. She scrolled through the menu, checking on her improvements.
‘Let’s check out my stats and skills.’
Name: Sakura
Level: 1/25
Species: Water Nymph
HP:1500/1500 (1500/1500) (+1100)
MP:2000/2000 (+1600)
SP:800/800 (+700)
Defense:218 (+100)
Magic Power:519 (+500)
Resistance:218 (+100)
Speed:360 (+300)
[Evolution Process Completed. Bonus EXP Points to Skills Added.]
[Night Vision has increased to Level 5]
[Ice Resistance has increased to Level 5]
[Wail Lvl 4 has now become Humming Lvl 1]
[Digging Lvl 2 has now become Camouflage Lvl 1]
[Swimming has increased to Level 6]
[New Skills Acquired: Water Slicer Lvl 1 Water Barrier Lvl 1, Life Dew Lvl 1, Hyrdomancy Lvl 1]
Sakura nodded in satisfaction, pleased by her great progress. She scrolled through the menu once more and clicked on the available list of skills to buy. ‘I have 200 points so I should buy that title I saw and something extra.’
[Guardian Of The Ocean: This title is given to those of Mermaid and Siren descent This grants the user the ability to acquire experience points through prayer and worship. The user can also hear the calls for help from those who believe in the guardian. 1 worshipper equals 500 EXP. Requires the Hybrid Species title to purchase. Cost: 100 Points.]
[Water MP Auto-Conversion: With this skill the user automatically absorbs water into their body and converts it into MP. Cost: 100 Points.]
[Oceanic Blessing: This skill allows the user to grant their followers with a mark that gives them the power to temporarily grow gills and fins when in water. This mark also binds the followers to the worship of the Spirit of The Ocean until death and can only be removed by the user. Requires Guardian of The Ocean title. Cost: 100 Points.]
[New Title and Skill Acquired: Guardian Of The Ocean and Oceanic Blessing.]
She quickly bought the two skills she wanted which reduced her skill points to zero. She was sure these skills would come into play with the whole guardian thing. She slowly scrolled through the menu, reading the descriptions of her new skills and title.
[Humming Lvl 1: This is the main skill of a Water Nymph that directly attacks the soul. This skill can send enemies into a deep slumber or soothe the soul depending on the intent. This skill is amplified by Dew Voice, making it more effective. Soul Resistance check resists this ability.]
[Camouflage Lvl 1: This passive skill allows the user to blend in with their surroundings when not moving.]
[Water Slicer Lvl 1: The user lashes out with a blade of water that can slice a rock in half.]
[Water Barrier Lvl 1: The user constructs a water sphere protective barrier around themselves or others to block attacks.]
[Life Dew Lvl 1: The user uses a drop of water to heal small injuries or sickness.]
[Hydromancy Lvl 1: The user can see one of the possible futures using a pool of water and it uses every bit of MP to activate.]
‘This is amazing,’ Sakura thought, looking at the skills with fascination, ‘but hydromancy is too tempting to use and could be disastrous if I’m attacked without any MP available. I should avoid using it for now.’
She closed the menu and swam out of the old ship and approached the left side of the protective barrier. She sifted through her memories and recall that there was an island near.
‘I’ll start there first and maybe I can learn some more about this world.’ She thought with slight hesitance. She would be lying if she said that she wasn’t scared but she was. This world was unforgiving and dangerous and it was highly likely that she could die.
‘I will survive.’ She chanted in her mind, comforting herself. The stared at the barrier and placed her palm against it. In an instant the barrier disappeared, revealing a fantastical horrific view.
[Fear Resistance Lvl 1]
[Fear Resistance Lvl 2]
The barrier her mother placed truly masked the true sight of the Terrestrial Expanse. The underwater graveyard of shipwrecks was slowly absorbed back into nature as aquatic plant life reclaimed what they can. She could see glowing eyes peeking out from small holes in the sand and crevices in the ships and rocks.
Random pieces of long-forgotten possessions litter the sea bed along with the skeleton remains of creatures larger than some ships. This was a truly amazing yet frightening sight for Sakura because it was like a whole new world was opened to her yet but everything inside her body was sensing danger.
Just above her would hoards of bio-luminescent jellyfish that shone light across the sea bed. However, other than the jellyfish, nothing else was revealing themselves. The fear she had learned to quell, reared its head again but this time it was much worse.
[Fear Resistance Lvl 3]
She looked up and she couldn’t see the surface. She didn’t know how deep she was and the thought alone unsettled her. ‘Sakura, calm yourself down. I will survive!’ She reassured herself. Suddenly, she was bombarded by a voice speaking in her head.
"I’m praying to you, please help us. If there is even a guardian please help us!” A male voice suddenly spoke in her head. She could hear the fear and desperation laced in his voice and she had the urge to run to his call right away but she controlled that urge.
‘Was this the work of the title I bought?’ She questioned, wondering if she had finally gone mad. The voice spoke again, calling out for a guardian, which led her to believe it was the title. Then she heard it. A roar coming from up above and it was powerful enough that she heard it from where she was.
[Fear Resistance Lvl 4]
Her fear was lessening but it still didn’t help that instinctively she knew that whatever was up was extremely powerful. However, the powerful urge in her won, and she bolted off from her position. She ignored the danger that surrounded her and honed in on the voice that called out to her. She took a quick look at her stats and skills, re-acquainting herself before the inevitable battle.
Name: Sakura
Level: 1/25
Species: Water Nymph
HP:1500/1500 (1500/1500)
Magic Power:519
[Skills: Humming Lvl 1, Swimming Lvl 6, Appraise Lvl 2, Water Immunity, Night Vision Lvl 5, Ice Resistance Lvl 5, Camouflage Lvl 1, Fear Resistance Lvl 4, Foul Heart Lvl 1, Water Barrier Lvl 1, Water Slicer Lvl 1, Life Dew Lvl 1, Hydromancy Lvl 1, Oceanic Blessing Lvl 1]
[Titles: The Last of Her Kind, Hybrid Species, Blood Sucker, Guardian of The Ocean]
She closed the menu as the surface was quickly approaching. She didn’t know why she had this great urge to save this man and wondered if this was another change brought about by evolution. She broke the surface and there was a storm above with thunder rolling and lightning flashing. She locked onto the boat and began her chase
Sakura trembled in fear at the large black snake-like beast that was quite a distance away but with its size it could easily catch up to the boat. ‘There is no way I-…’ Sakura felt far filled her entire being but she pushed through, trying to reach the boat.
Level: 80/100
Species: Maleficius World Serpent
[The Maleficius World Serpent is an apex predator that rules part of the Terrestrial Expanse. This predator is very territorial, possessive and when it is angered it summons a storm.]
"I should’ve never left home. We’re going to die and you’re calling for one the guardians?! There were never guardians in the first place and we should give up..”
‘ Guardians? There are more like me? The hidden description did mention a trio.” Sakura thought while listening to the man and woman speak.
“I left because my mother is very sick and injured and YOU wanted to tag along to see the sunshine. For the record, there are guardians and I won’t stop believing in them. Despite the hardship, our tribe has gone through…even though the majority has given up. I have not!”
[1 devout follower gained.]
Hearing this man speak so highly of the guardians, him not giving up, it opened up something in her.‘I-..thank you, whoever you are for giving me confidence.’ She could see the Serpent opening its mouth and charging a bright blue ball of light and fear gripped her heart. She finally reached the boat that was magically powered and swam next to it. She jumped out of the water and expertly landed on the small boat with a somersault, startling the man and the woman.
“It’s the water guardian!” The man cried out in surprise.
Sakura glanced at the two dark-skinned people who were surprisingly a young couple. “I came to help,” Sakura said in a soft soothing voice that completely mesmerized the two humans. She almost pats herself on her back for not releasing a shaky voice because of her fear.
The woman was stunned for a moment before she dropped to her knees and kowtow several times. “I’m sorry for not believing in you!” The female exclaimed, muttering apologies.
The man had tears in his eyes and he nodded at her with a watery smile. “Thank you, guardian, for answering my prayer.’
Sakura nodded slowly turned to the red-eyed black serpent that was charging the kill shot. ‘Those red eyes look familiar but I can't remember where I-' The serpent released the attack before she could even finish that thought. A blue beam parted the water instantly, scorching, and freezing the sea at the same time.
[Fear Resistance Lvl 5]
Sakura braced herself as the young male expertly maneuvered the boat to the left like he did this his entire life and the dodged the devastating attack. She screamed out loud, pain racking her body as she tried to find her footing on the boat. A huge explosion erupted in the water, almost capsizing the boat, and pushed it further to the left.
She felt the heat and coldness from the destructive attack whereas parts of her body were steaming and some parts were freezing. She hissed in pain and just wanted to sit down and cry. She then saw the faces of the man and woman and felt that she couldn’t give up just yet. She forced herself to endure the pain while planning a desperate attempt at a counterattack.
[Ice Resistance Lvl 6]
[Heat Resistance Lvl 1]
[Pain Resistance Lvl 1]
[Name: Sakura
Species: Water Nymph
HP:500/1500 (0/1500)
“Are you alright?!” the man yelled, sending Sakura worried look.
‘Three-quarters of my HP is gone and I wasn’t even hit directly. What kind of attack do ice and fire damage?!’ Sakura whimpered in pain.
“Please, please do something!” The woman screamed with tears in her eyes.
Sakura glared at the woman before looking back at the monster. “Please stop the boat,” Sakura commanded and the man complied immediately without hesitation.
“Are you crazy? Why are you stopping?” The woman screamed.
“Because I believe in the guardian.” He simply said which bolstered Sakura’s confidence.
She nodded at the man, thanking him silently. ‘Please work.’ She thought before closing her eyes. She took a deep breath and started humming a simple tune. Her humming got louder and louder until even the sound of the rain and thunder was drowned out. Her milky angelic voice swept across the sea, forcing the monster to stop its attack.
“My heart….It feels so warm and soothing.” The woman drooled, looking at Sakura with admiration.
The man pressed his hand over his heart and stared at Sakura in wonder. “This is the true power of the guardians and we’re seeing it first hand.” He replied with a smile, his expression of one admiration and worship.
Sakura had completely lost herself in her tune. Her angelic soothing voice blanketed the sea in a musical experience. Her body unconsciously moved, and she stepped off of the boat and on to the surface of the water.
[Humming Lvl 2]
She barely noticed the notification as her humming got louder and the Maleficius World Serpent's gargantuan body swayed like it was drunk before falling over into the water with a huge splash. The storm immediately stopped, calming the raging waters. She stopped humming and looked at the sleeping giant.
‘It worked, thank god.’ Sakura sighed before falling back into the water. ‘I survived once again and through sheer luck.’
“Thank you, my guardian. I praise you!” The woman bowed her head in reverence.
[1 devout follower gained. Follower Count: 2]
[You’ve reached Level 2]
Name: Sakura
Level: 2/25
Species: Water Nymph
HP:1600/1600 (1600/1600) (+100)
MP:2000/2000 (+0)
SP:900/900 (+100)
Offense:19 (+0)
Defense:268 (+50)
Magic Power:619(+100)
Resistance:268 (+50)
Speed:460 (+100)
[Skill Points Gained: 50]
“You have my everlasting faith, guardian.” The man praised.
Sakura nodded and dove back into the water. She waited until they drove off and followed them silently. She felt safer being with humans than being alone in this dangerous sea. She had gained another new follower and looked at the notification with a complicated expression. She wanted to experience points without having to kill anything but not the responsibility for protecting lives. This was another problem she didn’t want to think about and pushed it to the back of her mind.
Sakura glanced back at where she left the monster and hoped it would be fine and not hold any grudges against her. Nonetheless, she didn’t know that her actions today set off a chain of events that would make her regret her actions in the future.
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