《Dark Lands: The Exile and the Prince》Chapter 18: A Forbidden Household Made Manifest
“Iskra?” Aurelius called out towards his wife as he rushed into the foyer of their home, launching himself deeper into the room as the door slammed into the wall behind him before quickly closing as loudly as it had been opened. A trail of muddied boot prints was left in his wake as he dashed towards the staircase leading to their bedroom.
“Iskra, are you asleep?” The elven prince yelled out at the top of his voice, his breath coming in such a haggard manner as he reached the top of the flight of stairs that one would have thought that the blonde haired teenager had jumped the entirety of the staircase in one fell swoop.
“How can anyone be sleeping with the racquet that you’re making?” Came the sound of his wife’s voice from somewhere downstairs, forcing the anxious prince to slide to a halt in front of their bedroom as his hands reached out and grasped at the door’s shimmering handle. “And don’t you be slamming any more of those doors either! The last thing I need is for you to break another door in your excitement.”
“Where’re you at?” Aurelius hurriedly called out as he lunged down the flight of stairs before expertly breaking his fall with a well-timed shoulder roll. Despite having achieved such a graceful landing however; that didn’t stop his body from slamming into the nearby wall.
The prince reached out and pushed himself off of the ground as an enthusiastic smile curled upwards behind his frazzled hair.
“Why are you always so loud?” Iskra’s voice erupted as the sound of clinking silverware followed closely thereafter.
‘The dining room!’ Aurelius thought to himself as he made a mad dash towards where his wife was, wiping his face clean with the length of his arm to clear out the exhaustion that he had built up during his lonesome journey home.
Within the blink of an eye he was there, stumbling to a complete stop after having braced himself as he shouldered his way into the dining room with another of his explosive entries.
“I’m ba-” Aurelius attempted to say with an elated smile upon his gorgeous features, but a thunderous slam from his angered wife’s fist against the nearby table had forced his mouth shut. No words dared to escape from his still beaming smile as the expectant mother’s face emanated fierce, demonic anger.
“What did I just say?” Iskra snarled between closed teeth as she slammed yet another of her fists against the table, silverware gripped tightly between her white-hot knuckles as the half eaten meal upon a nearby plate bounced slightly into the air.
Aurelius remained quiet as his black and silver eyes gulped up the sight of his pregnant wife. A hungering glean from the prince’s eyes forced the human teenager to lean back in despair and form a defensive posture around the half eaten meal before her, as if to say that she wasn’t ready for what was to come next and for him to leave her alone until after she had finished the last of her meal.
“No, wait-” Iskra weakly squeaked out as the elven prince had suddenly appeared before her, reaching down to snake a hand beneath the meaty flesh of her thighs as he plucked the still eating teenager up into the air. With one hand snaking its way around the back of his neck, the raven haired girl had no more time for any further words as she soon found that his lips had met with hers.
As their tongues twisted and danced around the other’s slimy appendage, the excited prince set his wife down atop of the table. A hand reached out to wipe away any obstacles that could bring discomfort to his wife, sending a cacophony of shattering plates to the floor as their tongues continued to wrestle their slithering masses against the others.
It didn’t take much longer for the excited prince to break away from such a heated kiss and push his wife flat against her back atop of the dining room table, keeping himself close at hand as he forced his wife’s legs apart before quickly doing away with his shirt and tossing it to the side.
“I’m back.” Aurelius exclaimed with a lecherous smile as he reached out and clasped at the hem of his wife’s pants, wasting no time or effort as he ripped the pair of leggings open with a single swift motion.
Just as he managed to remove most of the confining article of clothing from his wife’s body an exaggerated, hoarse cough filled the air, forcing the young prince to pause in his actions as he sought out the source of the noise.
Only for his eyes to lay upon the sight of a middle aged white haired elven woman that was surrounded on both sides by two elven teenagers that both looked to be of a similar age to the young couple.
“As much as I appreciate the fact that you hail from a household with a strong connection towards sexual exhibitionism,” The middle aged elven woman began to say as the pair of teenaged girls looked back and forth between themselves and the blonde haired prince with dazed expressions plastered across their youthful faces. “I would appreciate it if you could contain yourself for a brief moment. At least until after the ceremony has ended.”
“Ceremony?” A perplexed Aurelius uttered as his body remained sandwiched between his wife’s thighs; his fingers keeping a tight grip around the hems of his wife’s pants.
“Help me up and I can explain.” Iskra let out in a huff as she kicked at her husband while her impatient hands reached out and waited for the elven teenager in front of her to do as she instructed.
The pregnant teenager let out an exhausted groan as they clasped hands with one another, her gorgeous husband doing as she had asked in his unique style of doing things.
“Well first off,” Iskra started to say before pausing in her words as graciously took the helping hand of her husband and slid off of the table, the soles of her feet soon found themselves flat against the floor below as she took a cautious step forward. Aurelius tugged at her pants, pulling them upwards as he did his best to fix the messy state of his wife’s appearance as she slid her fingers through her raven black hair.
While she was still in a wild state of appearance, the two of them had quickly worked together to create some manner of neatness out of the mess that the elven prince had created.
“While you were away it was decided that you needed to get marri-” Iskra attempted to explain before coming to a complete stop as her eyes locked onto a golden necklace that lay flat against her husband’s slightly toned chest.
“Where in the world did you get this thing?” She asked with complete astonishment in her voice as she grasped at the stylized ruby heart, bouncing the gaudy item in the palm of her hand as she looked up at her husband with obvious distaste for the piece of jewelry painting itself over her scrunched up features.
Taking pride at having his wife notice the gold and ruby necklace wrapped around his neck, Aurelius’ face beamed with jubilant pride as he puffed out his chest. “I bought it in Ranislava.”
Expecting praise for his efforts at having made the purchase, the young prince looked down at his exasperated wife as she gave him a peculiar stare.
“Of course you bought it,” Iskra muttered under her breath as her harsh gaze turned towards the pockets of her husband’s travelling jacket. Her hands soon let go of the stylized piece of jewelry and began to assault her husband’s jacket, patting their open palms against his pockets as she quietly muttered beneath her breath about how she couldn’t rely on the father of her children to be able to properly dress himself without having him look like a complete buffoon.
“What else did you buy?” The inquisitive girl asked as she pulled a palm sized box that had been wrapped in crinkled up wrapping paper. Within each pocket Iskra found that there were several more boxes that were similar from the first, making it abundantly clear to the fashion-conscious teenager that her husband had gone on quite the shopping spree.
When all was said and done, and the elven prince’s pockets had been emptied of their inventory, there were four similarly sized boxes that now sat atop of the table.
“Where’d you get these?” Iskra asked as she turned around and began to unwrap the first of the four boxes, shredding the wrapping paper apart with a single stroke of her hands.
“Uh, I don’t remember the name of the store.” Aurelius started to explain as he placed a nervous hand behind his head, scratching at his golden hair as he watched his wife peer down at a pair of emerald teardrop earrings that were encased with shimmering gold and blinking amethysts. The very same pair that he had picked out himself. “But you liked to visit it.”
A smug smile crept over his face as he crossed his arms across his chest, proud of the work that he had done as he expected immediate praise and lustful kisses to plant themselves upon his face.
“You mean Alexander’s The Regalia?” A perplexed Iskra asked as she turned around to face her husband, revealing a similarly gaudy necklace within the palm of her hands that matched the pair of earrings sat evenly upon the palm of her other hand.
Aurelius pounded a closed fist over his chest before letting out a contempt huff of air, eagerly waiting for his wife’s affection and barely restrained praise.
“If I wasn’t aware of your lack of aesthetics, then I would’ve assumed that you had someone help to pick these out for you.”
Shocked by what he had just heard, the once jubilant prince glanced down at his wife with a look utter shock as the imaginary world that he had thought up came crashing down around him.
“How do you know that he bought it and not someone else?” The white haired elven woman asked as she glanced between the young couple. An amused expression was plastered over her face as a light chuckle escaped from her plush lips.
To this, Iskra could only give the older woman a look that needed no words to be said. After having known her husband for nearly an entire year, she was well aware of the teenager’s lack of fashion sense.
The elven prince even had the audacity to wear the same shirt more than once a week, something that the young girl had found to be inconceivable if one were to keep up with the necessary machinations of maintain one’s authority over high society’s fashion world. So to remedy this, she had thrown out her husband’s entire inventory of clothes and ordered him an entirely new array of attire that was more suitable to his appearance.
Now all that she needed to do was to train the elven prince how to maintain an eye for fashion, something that would always be an uphill battle. Especially if he were to keep buying such gaudy pieces of jewelry.
“Do you not like what I bought you?” Aurelius asked, his face filling itself with a melancholic expression as he looked down to the ground in despair.
Feeling her heart wrenching itself at having to witness such an enticing expression upon her husband’s gorgeous face, Iskra clutched at her chest as she reached out and kissed the side of the elven prince’s cheeks. It was a face that she had seen only a handful of times, but one that would always cause her to go weak at the knees for having seen it.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Iskra whispered into the side of her husband’s flushed cheeks as her rose painted lips drew closer towards his ear. With a sultry smile she breathed a light breath of air onto his ear before quickly crossing over and planting a light kiss over his lips. As she pulled back, her seductive smile still planted over her glistening lips, she gazed upon the golden maned prince with an appetizing glint in her emerald green eyes before biting down on her lower lip with eager anticipation for what was to come later that day.
“Hold up,” Came the voice of the white haired elven woman as she threw her hands into the air to stop the young couple from any further escalation of their obviously growing lust. The elven woman had an air of authority around her as she glanced between the odd couple, eyeing the both of them with careful gazes before she found the right moment to speak further on what she had to say. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and instead focus on the here and now. We have a wedding ceremony to attend, but before that we need to introduce the brides.”
“Wedding?” A perplexed Aurelius asked as an eyebrow raised itself in curiosity.
There was that word again that he had heard down south. Why in the world was he hearing such a strange sounding word over and over again with such a frightening regularity?
“What’s going on now?” The prince asked again as he looked between the two women as they smiled at one another before slowly bringing his attention to the other pair of teenaged elves that continued to sit patiently by the white haired elven woman’s side, equally perplexed as the prince by what was happening in front of them. “What do you mean by wedding?”
Iskra gave the prince an odd look as if to say the he should have already figured out what was happening by now.
“You’re getting married.” She said to her husband as she stepped aside and found a nearby chair to sit down on. An exhausted breath of air escaped from her lips as she planted an elbow over the dinner table, planting her chin over a closed fist as she looked back at her husband with the usual smile that she gave him whenever she was deep in thought about what to do with the handsome teenager in front of her.
“But we’re already married.” Aurelius said aloud as he shook his head at the ridiculous situation developing in front of him. “So why would we get married for a second time?”
“We aren’t getting married, sweetie.” Iskra stated as she motioned between the two of them before slowly drawing her husband’s attention towards the remaining two teenaged girls within the room. “You’re going to be marrying them.”
After hearing such words Aurelius looked down at his wife, his mouth opening and closing as he watched her look at him with a warm smile upon her face. Next he looked towards the other two girls; who for their part, could only look at him with expressions that could only mean that they had no real idea of what was going on and that they were only here because they had been dragged here by the whims of the white haired elven woman. Finally, the young prince looked back at his wife and sat down after having been defeated by such simple words.
“Why?” He asked as a weak voice crept into his increasingly depressed tone. Aurelius said nothing else as he looked up at the ceiling above while a sullen expression overcame his once elated features.
Iskra tilted her head back and forth as she thought over how to best answer such a question. The answer came quickly for her, but one that was neither in favor of her position against her husband’s family or in favor of it. It was simply the truth.
“After everything has been said and done, it was your mother that pressured your father to force me to find some more brides for you. I would have had you help me in picking them out, but your parents were quite impatient when I told them about postponing such a thing.”
With nothing more that needed to be said, Iskra looked at her husband and shrugged her shoulders.
“Again,” Aurelius uttered as his expression and body language remained as equally perplexed as before. “Why are they doing this?”
“That’s an easy enough answer, my prince.” The white haired elven woman interjected as she stood up from her chair and made her way towards the young couple, the
Aurelius’ eyes lingered towards the older woman as she stood between him and his wife, taking careful notice of the curvaceous figure that she possessed as the woman’s abundant flesh wobbled and bounced in all of the right places.
His eyes darted between his wife and the elven woman between them as he heard her voice speak, but didn’t bother to listen to what she had to say. He was far more interested in the swaying of her hips and the jiggling flesh of her pear shaped bottom half than whatever it was that was coming out of her mouth.
“Aurelius, are you even listening?” Came the sound of Iskra’s voice, bringing the elven prince back to the conversation at hand. The young prince blinked once as he shook his head, clearing away the lustful thoughts that continued to linger in the back of his mind.
It was here that the elven prince watched as his wife gave the snow-white haired woman a knowing smile before letting out a light-hearted chuckle, the sort of combination that one would give someone when they had been proven right at one point or another.
“Well? Were you?” The human teenager asked her husband for a second time.
“Sort of, yeah.” The prince responded as he brought his full attention back to the current situation at hand.
Iskra gave him a look that showed that she didn’t believe him, wrapping her arms across her swollen belly as she leaned into the back of her chair. “What were we saying then?”
“Uh-” Aurelius responded as his words came to an abrupt end when he had nothing else to say. After all, he had been paying attention to other things. “You were talking about things that led up to an oncoming wedding.”
It wasn’t the wisest choice of words that he could have come up with, but they were his best guess in what had been said while his eyes had remained locked upon the elven woman’s shapely rear.
“So you weren’t paying attention to what we were explaining then.” A smile crept over Iskra’s curling lips as she lowered her head in defeat, not at all surprised at having heard what had just came out of her husband’s mouth.
“W-Well, I tried to.” Aurelius struggled to say as he attempted to explain his lack of attentiveness, but found that he didn’t have much else to say beyond just that.
Over the many months that they had become a couple, the two of them had grown accustomed to a number of their significant other’s quirks. Yet when it came to Aurelius and his seemingly blatant disregard for paying attention whenever Iskra was in front of him, the two of them struggled to come up with a solution that would lead to the perfect compromise.
“You tried?” Iskra asked of her husband for one last time as she motioned for the older elven woman to stand at her side.
When the elven woman obliged the young girl’s wishes, Iskra grabbed ahold of the woman’s sides and spun her around so that the white haired elf’s bountiful posterior was in direct sight of her husband’s silver and black eyes.
“Perhaps your attention was directed towards something that you’re quite fond of, yes?” Iskra began as she gripped the elven woman’s shapely cheeks in the palm of her hands, kneading the abundance of flesh with her dainty fingers before giving each of the plump cheeks a series of hearty slaps. “Dread Mistress Cassia has quite the shapely butt on her, but I think that mine’s plumper. Don’t you think so?”
Without giving much time for her husband to respond, Iskra looked towards the two other teenagers and gazed upon the girl on the left.
Aurelius followed his wife’s gaze and watched as the white haired teenager slowly stood up and made her way over to where the three of them were.
“Aurelius,” Iskra began to explain as she held out a hand towards the elven girl, eventually leading the white haired teenager to stand next to her so that the elven prince could gaze upon her shapely figure. “This is one of the two girls that you’ll be marrying today.”
Without waiting for anyone else, the expectant teenaged mother pushed the other girl forward and gestured for her to introduce herself so that her new husband might get to know a little bit about his latest bride.
“Greetings to the glorious and-” The white haired teenager had attempted to say, but was quickly cut off by disgruntled growl that emanated from an aggravated Iskra.
“You’re to be his bride, not a stranger.” The raven haired teenager called out as she gestured for the equally aggravated elven teenager to get closer to the prince who would become her husband. “Sit on his lap and start over.”
The girl let out a frustrated huff of air as she stared defiantly towards Iskra, her face filled with contempt towards the human girl as she crossed her arms against her chest. Slowly pushing up her hefty breasts as she looked between the human teenager and the elven woman standing beside her.
“Don’t look at me dear,” Exclaimed the Dark Elven matron as she rolled her eyes at the young girl. “She’s your sister-wife and your husband’s first wife.”
The elven teenager let out a snarl as she finally gave in, stepping closer to the elven prince and wrapping an arm around the back of his neck as she moved to sit down atop of his lap.
“Greetings to the glorious prince of the most prestigious Dreadblade lineage. Rightful heirs to all of those born from the First Pantheon and successors to the God-King himself.” The girl began as she gingerly placed an inviting hand over her heart as a gesture of polite greetings to the man who would be her husband. The young girl bowed slightly as she continued in her greetings, allowing for her ample breasts to press into the youthful prince’s chest. “My name is Glasinia Nix Snowstalker; one of the many noble born daughters who lay claim to the proud and luxurious Snowstalker lineage.”
An awkward pause soon followed the young girl’s words as everyone waited for the young prince to return the teenager’s greetings in kind. The girl looked into the silver orbs of her groom’s eyes as she continued to wait for his response, but the elven prince was far more interested in running his fingers along the edges of her curvaceous figure as he took in the full sight of her body before him.
Much like Iskra, the teenaged girl had an abundance of curves upon her towering figure but she was still several leagues behind what the human girl possessed. Despite having such an obvious difference between the two teenagers, Glasinia was still the sort of girl whose body would force entire towns and villages to crane their necks to catch even the slightest glimpse of her luscious form.
Unlike Iskra however, the elven teenager sported a pair of eyes with a singular color of the deepest shade of black that he had ever seen. Yet despite the seemingly light consuming void that formed within her eyes, there came a small glimmer of starlight beneath the late afternoon’s waning sunlight.
“Aurelius, dear.” Came Iskra’s voice as she snapped her fingers to bring back her husband’s attention. “Save it for after the wedding ceremony.”
“Sorry,” Embarrassed by his wife’s innuendo, Aurelius casted his gaze to the side before quickly correcting his mistake and looking into the eyes of his bride.
“Greetings to the noble born daughter of the Snowstalker lineage. My name is Aurelius Sylvos Dreadblade; heir to the Dreadblade lineage and ruling family of the mighty elven people.”
His greetings was sloppy, but to the point. Aurelius wasn’t sure what else he should have said, so he made do with whatever it was that had come up with.
“Awkward, but not at all that surprising.” Dread Mistress Cassia let out with a satisfied chuckle as she watched the awkward prince wrap his hands around the waist of her granddaughter. His fingers began to dig into the soft flesh of her meaty thighs as the white haired teenager reached out and caressed the top of her groom’s head, running her fingers along his golden locks of hair as an equally awkward smile crept over her youthful features. “Your confidence in the social circles will grow in time and exposure.”
Aurelius muttered out a response as he nodded his head, the palms of his heads indenting itself against the soft flesh of his bride as she moved to readjust herself.
“Glasinia,” The Snowstalker’s matriarch called out just in time to watch the young girl’s eyes widen in utter shock. Her mouth quietly praying to the gods as she slowly rose from her husband’s lap and made her way towards where the other two women were with flushed cheeks upon her face.
Iskra tugged at the girl’s shirt from where she sat, nudging for the elven teenager to lend her ear to what she had to say. Only for her face to become beet red as the raven haired girl whispered about what it exactly was that had been poking at the underside of her butt.
With her head keeping itself fixated upon the ground, Glasinia pulled herself away from the whispering girl’s lips. Her heart beating tremendously against her chest as her grandmother called for the next girl to stand and begin to introduce herself.
Almost immediately Aurelius could tell that this next girl and the raven haired teenager sitting before him shared a lot in common with one another. Save for the brilliant golden mane of hair that flowed casually in the air and a pair of golden orbs that were surrounded by two separate icy blue seas, the two teenaged girls shared such a frightening similarity with one another that the elven prince quietly wondered if the two of them had been mirrored off of each other during their births.
Despite how innocent he acted towards Iskra and her often times rough personality, Aurelius could see exactly why the raven haired teenager had picked the golden haired beauty that now bowed towards her groom.
Yet as the girl lifted her head to look up at the blonde haired prince, Aurelius gave her an odd look as she looked towards him with an expectant expression.
“What?” Aurelius asked as he tilted his head, looking towards the three other women within the room.
He could have sworn that he had seen the girl’s lips open and close as if she had been forming words upon her tongue, but after having heard no voice coming from the girl’s glistening lips the elven prince had no choice but to seek assistance from those nearby.
“Oh, here we go.” Came the unified voices of Glasinia and Iskra as the pair of teenagers rolled their eyes in unison.
“Aurora, dear.” The elven Dread Mistress started to say as she came up towards the girl and placed gentle hands over her shoulders. What was said between the two of them was unbeknownst to the young prince as he watched the older woman and blonde haired teenager converse with one another.
Eventually the conversation between the two elven women appeared to have died down and the white haired matriarch gave the teenager an encouraging pat on her back before slowly stepping away and standing off to the side, one hand remained over the girl’s back for as long it could as a means for the older woman to encourage the younger elven girl to step closer towards the prince who would eventually be her husband within the next several hours.
With several hesitant steps the girl stepped closer towards Aurelius, cupping her hands around his ear as she brought her lips as close as she could get them. So close in fact, that the young girl was practically kissing his ear by the time that the elven prince heard the first word leave the depths of her throat.
“H-hello. My name is Aurora,” The near-exact copy of Iskra began, her voice was low enough that the young prince struggled to hear what she had even said despite how close to one another the two of them were. Yet despite her similarities to the often times fiery raven haired human girl, Aurelius could tell that there was an aura of sweetness about her. As if the mere thought of even raising her voice in anger was far too cruel of an act to commit oneself to. “Daughter to the Ascendant of our most gorgeous and loving Goddess Terra.”
With that being said, Aurora pulled herself away from the young prince. Her face filled with embarrassment for reasons that escaped the Dark Elven teenager.
As the blonde haired teenager made her way to stand next to Iskra, Aurelius could only give his wife a look of curiosity at the choices that she had made.
In response to her husband’s unspoken question, Iskra gave the young boy a stern look as she crossed her arms defensively. “Believe it or not, it was Dread Mistress Cassia that picked these two out. I had no idea who I would be getting as my fellow sister-wives until the day that they showed up.”
“But I didn’t say anything.” Aurelius responded to his wife’s contempt as he looked over each of the girls with an increasingly ravenous gaze.
“But you were thinking it, weren’t you.” The White haired matriarch responded with a light chuckle as she moved behind the three teenaged girls, spreading her arms out wide to envelope the three of them as if she were a mother hawk embracing its quickly growing children. “Shall we get this wedding under way now?”
The three girls moved to stand next to the still seated elven prince as his face scrunched up in confusion over hearing that unfamiliar word again.
To the young prince, who was so used to waking up one day and finding out that he had a new mother that his father was slowly introducing to the rapidly growing family, the question behind the meaning of such a mysterious word had popped up into the back of his mind once again.
‘What in the world is a wedding?’
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