《Dark Lands: The Exile and the Prince》Chapter 7: A Son’s Wish and a Prince’s Desires
With a deep regret calling him back to his slumber, Aurelius slowly opened his eyes, blinking rapidly at the bright morning light that blinded his silver irises as the new day shined brightly through the bedroom’s many windows to greet the sleep-addled prince. Or perhaps it had been the fault of his body's internal clock telling him to wake up and open his eyes, forcing both his body and mind to ready themselves for the bright and sunny new day that awaited the married teenaged couple. Aurelius couldn’t say for certain and all that he knew was that he wanted to continue lying in his bed and go back to sleep.
What he did know however was that his wife had been awake for quite some time already and that she had started on her near-daily routine of combing her slender fingers through the strands of his shining golden locks of hair.
As the haze of the previous night’s slumber slowly lifted away from the depths of his mind, the young prince perked up at the familiar tune of a soft-spoken and somber song that his wife oftentimes sings to his exhausted form. While he was unable to grasp what the raven-haired teenager was actually singing, Aurelius was easily able to tell that the song was a depressing and heart-wrenching tune and as he continued to lay there, he quietly wondered how long it had been that the human teenager had been singing such an eerily tune.
Desperately, he wished that he could close his eyes and fall back to sleep to such a motherly melody.
Yet he knew that he wouldn't be able to despite such fielding such strong desires to roll over and caress his wife's gorgeous face. For her knew that if he were to do such an act this early in the morning, then the young couple might never be able to leave the confines of their bed for the entirety of the newly dawning day.
As they had so often done many mornings prior to today.
Usually, the young prince wouldn’t have to wait for very long before falling victim to his fuming wife’s nagging as she claimed that she had very little time at all to do the various tasks that were required in overseeing the steadily growing encampment. Once she was done venting her frustrations however, he would proceed to seduce his wife and start the process all over again.
It was a vicious cycle that he most thoroughly enjoyed.
Aurelius let out a regretful sigh as he continued to lay upon their bed, perfectly contempt in the tender and motherly affection that his shimmering golden hair was now receiving as he lamented over the fact that today wouldn’t be one of those days.
'Speaking of mothers,' Aurelius thought to himself as his wife continued to comb her delicate fingers through the many strands of his shimmering, golden hair. 'I should ask dad what I should do. I just want the two of them to get along with one another.'
Despite his dreams for having his wife and mother get along with one another, the young prince knew that such a desire would be an impossibility for the time being.
After the course of events that had transpired on that cruel day where Iskra and his blood parents had met the other parties for the first time, Aurelius had failed to get in contact with his most cherished mother while Iskra had vowed to never step foot on the same continent as her mother-in-law.
It had wounded him greatly to admit it, but Aurelius needed to allow for the passage of time to try and heal the wounds that had been wrought that day.
'He's used to this sort of stuff,' The prince continued to ponder as he felt the hot breath of his wife caress the back of his neck while her arms wrapped themselves around the front of his body.
The Dark Elven ruler has had countless moments where he had forced his arguing wives to mend their grievances and make up with one another.
Aurelius paused in his thoughts as his face became flustered with embarrassment as he quickly recalled that such moments tended to focus on an intense and days-upon-days bout of intercourse between the Witch-King and his many wives. The various parties would resolve their issues through sexual bliss and impregnation as their dominating husband forced the arguing parties to work together and serve their one reason for living in this world.
Aurelius closed his eyes as a disgusted face scoured through his feminine features while a series of images coursed through his mind. Scenes of his elven mother and human wife danced through the back of his mind as they stripped one another bare and slowly embraced the other in sexually suggestive motions while they continued to argue amongst themselves.
'Maybe I should try my own way then,' Unnerved by the images that flashed through the back of his mind, Aurelius fought desperately to clear out such perverse thoughts yet the images of extreme perversion refused to dissipate into the dark abyss.
It would be a long time before such perverse scenes finally cleared themselves from the depths of his thoughts. All the while Iskra's motherly tune whispered itself into the back of his neck as the two of them continued to lay with one another in such a loving embrace, perfectly contempt in remaining as such for however long it would be able to last.
"And you're sure that you have everything?"
Aurelius cocked an eyebrow at the now familiar tune that his wife had been singing ever since the two of them had gotten out of bed for the second time that day. He wasn’t sure if he needed to answer her incessant questions, or if he should for that matter. So instead, the young prince decided that it would be for the best if he were to continue tying the laces of his boots.
As he finished the task in front of him, Aurelius felt the immense weight of his wife’s glaring emerald eyes bearing down upon the back of his shoulders. The blonde elven teenager lowered his head and smiled as a knowing chuckle escaped from his grinning lips.
Aurelius turned to look back at his gorgeous wife only to be greeted with the sight of an impatient scowl upon her face as she threw her arms across the front of her chest and folded the slender limbs beneath her mountainous breasts.
She was not happy with the sly expression that had infected the feminine features of her gorgeous husband’s face.
“You already know that I do.” Aurelius spoke tenderly as he replied to his aggravated wife, shaking his head in frustrated amusement as he offered up a sly smile to the sour-faced expectant mother.
“I’m beginning to wonder if you’re even able to trust me over the smallest of items,” The elven prince replied as he leisurely brought a hand behind the back of his neck and combed the various strands of shimmering, golden blonde hair that flowed between his fingers.
He offered up another, more playful smile to his wife as his tenderly spoken words flowed from his lips in a sing-sung manner.
Frustrated by her husband’s playful attitude, but still falling under the sway of his whimsical and playful mannerisms, Iskra let out a growl in frustration as she pushed her exhausted body against the bed's headboard.
"It's not that I don't trust you," The young girl said with a heavy sigh as she shook her head, agonizing herself over her husband’s playfulness. Iskra paused in her words as she thought over what to say next, unwilling to damage her gorgeous husband's pride. "It's just that we can't have you going all the way down south and finding out that you have to turn back around because you left something behind."
After hearing those words of confidence that his wife held for his attention to detail, Aurelius could only scratch at the back of his neck and roll his eyes as their silver irises darted over towards the corner of the room where his recently packed equipment lay neatly stacked together.
Standing upright within the very corner of the room was a large rucksack that bulged with the various travel necessities that had been deemed necessary for his long journey ahead. Surrounding the burgeoning pack was a variety of smaller, but equally stuffed pouches. Each of the various pouches contained a variety of items and documents that Iskra had considered important for her husband to complete the imminent task that had thrusted upon him several weeks prior. Before their mid-morning sex break, the two of them had gone over each of their contents in the most pain-inducing manner that Aurelius had ever thought to be possible.
Despite his earlier hesitations in heading south towards the homeland of his wife, the young prince was just glad that everything would be over and done with within the next few moments and he would soon be on his way towards Ranislava. Even though he didn’t wish to leave, Aurelius had quietly admitted to himself that he couldn’t bear to watch his wife worry any more than she already had about her financially distraught friend.
"I don't see how that's possible," Aurelius shrugged as he turned to look back at his scowling wife who now held a softer, more neutral expression over her face’s beautiful features. He would have said more, but a sudden snap of Iskra's fingers halted him in his tracks, forcing himself to keep his mouth shut.
"Don't even start," The raven-haired teenager angrily began as she waved her hand in front of her face and snapped her fingers for a second time. "You wouldn't even have to be listening to me nag at you if you had left earlier in the day. When you were supposed to!"
Aurelius couldn’t help himself as he gave his angered wife a knowing smile after the mentioning of their unannounced, but often times full-morning routine of sexual relief.
The prince didn’t mind the lost travel time as he was more than happy to stay in bed with his wife so that the two of them could satisfy the other with their growing and increasingly intense sexual prowess. His lack of regret over his delayed departure led Aurelius to reach back behind his shoulders and wince in pain at the familiar sensation of deep, bloody scratches that his wife had left as markings of her love for him upon his reddened, still stinging flesh.
When they had first gotten together, it didn’t take long for the young prince to learn that the raven-haired teenager had a fondness for marking him as her territory through a terrifying fondness for digging her fingernails into the flesh of his back. Strangely enough, that had only served to make Aurelius want her even more than he would have thought possible.
"Why are you getting mad at me for," The prince began, unaware of the consequences for what he was about to say next. "You were practically chaining me to the bed just so that I could stay for a little bit longer."
Aurelius winked at his wife as he blew her a kiss.
"You-" Iskra fumed heavily at the coyness of her husband's words before quickly catching her rising anger and gaining control of what she was about to say next. The expectant mother took in a sharp breath of air before slowly letting her rising anger out in a long, drawn-out exhale as she attempted to calm her growing rage. "Do you understand what you need to do on your travels?"
Quietly, Aurelius nodded his head as the grin upon his face widened itself just a little bit more.
"Then tell me."
"Travel south," Aurelius began with a heavy sigh as he shook his head, planting a heavy hand on his thigh as he watched his wife battle with her growing frustration. For Aurelius, these were the moments in time where he was glad that the human teenager was so easy to rile up as he had quickly learned that whenever his wife had grown frustrated or flustered over one reason or the other, she would become easy prey to his advances. "And meet up with your friend and give her a series of letters that should explain everything that she needs to know about your proposal. Afterwards, I'm supposed to take her answer and head straight home. Nothing more and nothing less."
"Excellent," Iskra pouted as she let out a frustrated huff of air before crossing arms together once more. Looking back at her husband, the young girl gave her husband a sly smile as she turned the conversation towards the topic of his traveling equipment. "And what about the items that you'll be using on your trip? What do they do?"
Aurelius let out a honeyed, gentle chuckle as he began to answer his wife.
"I think that you’ve asked enough questions, don’t you think?”
Aurelius stood and made his way around the foot of their bed, humming to himself with an alluring tune as he turned around the corner and made a beeline for his wife. A smug and predatorily smile graced the sight of his loving wife as his footsteps drew closer towards a prey that had already immensely exhausted itself earlier in the day.
"You’re supposed to be leaving soon." Iskra stammered as her hands gripped tightly around the fringes of their bedsheets before sheepishly pulling them over her body as she lowered her body and sunk down into the cushioned mattress.
Such an action only managed to bring out a hungering desire within the blonde prince’s silver eyes as the puffy bedsheets slowly conformed themselves around the abundant curves of his wife’s body.
"Don’t you worry. I’ll be leaving to meet up with your friend in due time,” A sly Aurelius uttered as he leaned into the side of his wife’s face and whispered into her ear while a firm, but gentle fist planted itself beside his wife’s head.
Barely able to hear what he had just said, a flustered Iskra leaned in closer towards her husband’s lips as her eyes darted about the room, curious as to what the elven prince would say next.
The young prince brought a hand up to his wife’s plump lips and brushed his thumb across their ruby red flesh. With an excruciatingly slow approach, Aurelius brought his lips closer to hers, but stopped just shy of the point where their lips brushed slightly against the other. The two of them were so close to one another that any onlooker wouldn’t be mistaken in thinking that the pair of lovers were embracing one another as they teased one another and readied themselves for a heated moment together. Yet the two of them had yet to take on that final, intimate embrace. “But first, let’s make a deal.”
"A deal?" Iskra stammered as she attempted to lean into her husband’s awaiting lips as her love-struck eyes went wide at the whispered proposal. She had become drunk on the alluring and intoxicating affection that her husband was able to muster up on the frighteningly increasing amount of occasions.
A dissatisfied moan escaped from her pouting lips as she watched her husband pull away, giving his wife an alluring smile as he chuckled at the sight that only his eyes were privy to.
Aurelius wasn’t sure when he had first noticed this strange style of flirtation that he now used upon his love-drunk wife. Perhaps it had come from watching his father as he wooed his many wives with similar styles of affection and lustful attention, or perhaps it was the fact that he had slowly picked up on the fact that the raven-haired beauty before him gobbled up such words as if she were a starving slave standing in front of a bountiful and beautifully prepared feast.
Even though Iskra had refused to admit such things to him, Aurelius understood that his wife was the sort of person who lost all sense of control once the tables had been turned on her and her domineering ways had become entangled around her body. Using such knowledge, he had kept the two of them in bed together, well after a point in time where they needed to move forward with their day and start on the many tasks that needed to be done.
He had to admit that he liked it as well, if not for the sole fact that he loved watching the reactions that his flirtations caused within the usually bullheaded human girl.
"Yes, a deal." Aurelius answered as he leaned back in, cupping the bottom of the raven-haired girl's chin with the palm of his hand. With a gentle stroke, the young prince's thumb brushed itself along the side of his wife’s flushed cheeks as he went on to explain the details of his scheme. "We stay here, the two of us locked inside this room. Never leaving until the moment that you can no longer say my name."
"And when I can't say your name any longer?" A flustered Iskra asked as she leaned forward, chasing her husband's lips yet never finding the target of her desires. "What will happen then?"
Aurelius’ lips brushed along the length of the human teenager's neck, a trail of shimmering saliva following in the wake of his hot breath.
The young prince's eyes turned to lock on to his wife's emerald green eyes. A needy desire lit up the gem-like irises, forcing the elven teenager to give his wife a hearty chuckle.
"Then I'll head out and do your bidding," Aurelius watched as his wife nodded her head in a vigorous fashion, more than eager to take on the challenge that had been offered up to her. "But not until the moment that your voice runs coarse, and you can barely utter a syllable without a single, haggard cough."
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