《Enter Darkness》Chapter 11


"Are you awake?" The voice was Blin's. I rolled over and looked at her.

"What do you want? It's late." I looked at her and waited for her to speak up.

She looked at me a bit annoyed, "I can't sleep and I was hoping we could talk. About what happened." The next few hours we stayed up and talked. At first it was about what we have been doing the last three years, then as she gained courage she asked about what the assassin looked like. She remembered I told her I saw the face of the man who killed her father, though I was the one who did it.

I danced around the topic, giving information about what I looked like with a few alterations to not be obvious. It wasn't long after she fell asleep in my bed. There wasn't enough room for both of us so I slept in a small chair that was in the room.

The next morning she was gone and I was a bit later. I came down to the main dinning room and ordered some oatmeal with a glass of mead. I ate and drank when an odd idea popped into my head. I waited for the morning rush and when Blin came to refill my mead I grabbed her hand and made her sit in the chair next to me.

"What are you doing? I'm working. Now excuse me." She had a look of incredulous indignation on her face. She tried to stand and I forced her to sit again, "You are leaving with me when I am ready. Make sure to have your things packed by then."

She stared at me with her mouth open. Like a fish stuck out of water. "You are out of your mind. I hardly know you. If you think last night meant anything you are insane. It was just to get more information on my fathers killer." She eyed me and tried to leave again. I stopped her once more.


"You are coming with me. We will head north and find a village to rest. I have enough money to cover expenses. You can't fend for yourself. I can protect you. Understand?" She crossed her arms and looked at me.

"I have been doing fine for three years. I am a trained healer and priestess of Jala. She who makes the world and those in it. I don't need you. Understand?" She pulled away and left me there. It seemed she still had a backbone from before.

That didn't mean I would stop just because she wants to feel independent. I stayed at the inn for another two days. After that I went looking for Blin. I found her washing dishes in the back room and cleaning up the stores. "Time to leave."

"I told you I am not going with you." "I didn't say you had a choice. Now let's go." She looked at me like I grew a second head. She gave up on resisting and went to collect a small bag and the little she owned.

We were on the road within the hour. She was dressed in a keikogi and hakama. The former is white and the later a mid-colored red. It fit her in a way you would not expect of a priestess. I walked next to her on a main road to a small north city by the name of Sobek. It is a nice enough place known for its fresh fish.

All kinds came from these ports. I planned on going from this port city, overseas to a larger one. It would be a hard voyage and from there I can hop a ferry to the Silver Isle. My mother told me stories of the isle. It was a mysterious place known for strange things happening, good and bad.


Various people witnessed beasts and monsters roaming its lands and I always wanted to see them as a kid. Now was as good a time as any. "The Silver isle is nothing but a story to tell small children. There is no such place. You know that right?"

This was the first time she spoke to me since we left the inn. I could tell she still held a grudge for me. It could not be helped and honestly didn't matter too much to me. That night we made camp to sleep.

A small fire was made quickly and we got ready to sleep. The night was cool and crisp. The fire was low and gave enough heat off to keep the worst of the cold at bay. I slept nicely for the first hour. It didn't take long for that to change. An ill wind blew from the west. It wasn't cold, but it felt vile. My eyes opened to the darkness. I couldn't see the hand in front of my face. The darkness ate everything.

"Discan rei molbor gran." (Listen to me boy)

"Who is this?" A laugh sounded from deep within my mind. It made my stomach churn. The voice spoke again.

"Seki. Ven I know you my son. Come to me. You know where to find me." I jolted from my sleep in a cold sweat. Blin laid asleep still nearby. It didn't seem like she heard anything. Was it just a dream? Or was that voice real? What did it want from me? The more I thought about it I felt the memory slipping away.

Travel was as hard as predicted. We made it to the port city of Sobek and chartered a boat across the sea. As expected nobody else believed in the Silver Isle. They told me I was insane for even wanting to go to an imaginary place. In the end the captain agreed to take Blin and myself aboard because I was able to pay him.

I suppose he figured it should not matter what I wasted my money on. We settled into the ship and made ourselves comfortable as we waited.

Once the wind blew in the right direction the ship began to sail.

Blin grews restless within no time at all. She sets off on her own to explore the ship. The men take to Blin quickly. She is kind and easy to get along with and making the hard sailors laugh. The captain especially enjoyed her company.

The ship sailed for days, growing into weeks. With the money I paid I was able to influence the captain in the directions we traveled. After the third month a fierce storm blew in from the south. From the looks of it, this storm was not normal. The waves grew large and violent.

The wind cut holes in the sails. We were tossed back and forth like rag dolls. Blin screamed as she lost her footing. Sailors were lost to the sea as they fell from the ship, the ocean opening up to devour the lost souls.

Within minutes the ship split in half and those still holding on to the ship found themselves being drug down. It was the end and nothing to be done about it.

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