《My son is a Reincarnator... But so am I!?》Origin Medicine


Zi Yang looked inside the shop, which now had a new sign that read ‘Origin Medicine’, Zi Tian was admiring the sign, he found the name quite nice actually. Normally, he would be calm in all scenarios, but it seemed this life would be much different!

His father was very different from the people he had interacted with before.

In his past life, he was a lonely old man who made pills all day without rest. He made pills for anyone who paid and made a lot of ‘friends’, he had always ignored women since he was in love with alchemy, but as he looked back on his life when he was dying, he realized that this wasn’t a fun life.

Yes, he loved alchemy, but he did nothing other than this!

That’s why he listened to Zi Yang’s teachings. He felt that his father was right about most things, although he was a bit eccentric and crazy…

But, he had the best intentions for him.

As Zi Tian reflected on his past life, he realized that he had actually once had a crush on a junior in a sect. If he remembered correctly, she became the Holy Maiden of the Sect… After that, she had come to him for pills frequently.

He couldn’t understand then, but obviously she had a sort of crush for him.

He sighed to himself, if he was remembering correctly, this little Holy Maiden had died before him. He shook his head and forgot about these things, it made him sad to think about.

Zi Tian promised himself to live a better life this time, he didn’t want to be a slave to alchemy! He wanted to live freely, he had a feeling that this life would be special!

Not only because of the Purple Crystal Cauldron and the Purple Illusory flame in his mind, but because of his father.


Zi Tian truly treated Zi Yang as his father, he had been completely convinced. He may be a cripple, but Zi Tian could feel that there was a mysterious force simply sleeping within him, when he was healed there would be tremendous changes!

He was also a firm believer that things weren’t simple.

There were too many coincidences!

He had found the Purple Crystal Cauldron along with the Purple Illusory Flame, then he became the Young Master of the Zi clan… Once, Twice, but Three times was no longer a coincidence.


It seemed his fate with the Zi Clan was very strong, but he didn’t know why.

Perhaps when he was strong enough, he would find out.

With a new mindset, he walked into the Medicine Store and started talking to Zi Yang.

Little did he know what truly happened to the Holy Maiden of that Sect long ago was a true tragedy.

She had actually died protecting him!

But this was much later, for now, he was enjoying life in Purple Flower City.

Zi Tian explained, “The Herbs cost nearly 80% of our treasury funds.” Zi Yang waved and replied “I really don’t care about such things. Money will come rolling in very soon.” Zi Tian tilted his head and asked “Do you have a plan, Dad?”

Zi Yang nodded and replied “Yes, it should be very soon…” he looked at his wrist before sighing, he really needed a watch! He shook his head and looked around. There was a wall of drawers and labels for all the medicinal herbs, along with a counter, a few tables, chairs, and a medicine table.

He wheeled over and touched the tables, looking at the dust on his fingers. He rubbed his fingers and commented “You have to clean up, kiddo. Also do me a favor, if you see a child with a special body, special veins, etc. let me know.”

Zi Tian tilted his head and nodded, not asking why. He already had a rough idea about the reason anyway, so there was no reason to ask.

Zi Yang nodded and looked at Zi Tian before smiling “You want me to leave so you can use your little secrets to progress?” Zi Tian looked stunned and shook his head with a smile, saying “You can stay.”

Zi Yang waved and replied “I’ll go, this old man has things to do.” Zi Tian frowned and said “Dad, you’re not healthy anymore. Don’t overexert yourself.” Zi Yang wheeled away, waving his hand in dismissal.

Zi Tian shook his head and sighed, going to prepare soothing medicine for him. There weren’t any customers yet. He smirked to himself, they should be here soon…

Zi Yang wheeled around the city before coming to a shop. He looked inside and started looking at the goods. It was a Martial Arts store.


He didn’t have any other way to explain it other than that, because they had weapons for sale and a forge in the back, but there were also shelves of books. Forging books, Technique books, Cultivation Method books…

What kind of shop was this guy running?


An old man came out of the back with a new sword. He looked at Zi Yang before turning to the young man sleeping on the counter. He smacked the kid and said in a gruff tone “There’s a customer, you brat!” The kid jolted awake and looked around, he saw Zi Yang and mumbled “Oh. It’s just him, cool…” before falling back asleep.

The Old man looked like he was about to blow his top.

This kid of his spent all night with his wife, complained about a sore hip, and fell asleep at the counter!

Every damn day!

Worst of all, he had no grandkids yet!

How could an old man like him cope?

He looked at Zi Yang and growled “What do you want, cripple?” Zi Yang was stunned and asked “Ayo! Old man, just because your son is unreliable you shouldn’t take it out on me, okay? I’m a good person!”

The Old man laughed and pointed at Zi Yang, replying “You?! A good person?! Have you thought of becoming a lecturer? You’re funny.” Zi Yang nodded and said “Actually, I think a comedian would suit me better.” The old man was confused and asked “What’s a comedian?”

Zi Yang sighed and replied “You wouldn’t understand…”

The old man ignored him and asked “Anyway, what are you doing in my little shop?” Zi Yang looked around and asked “What kind of shop are you running here? Honestly, why do you have books with weapons?” The old man looked at him as if he was an idiot and asked “When you use techniques, do you need weapons?”

Zi Yang nodded “Obviously.” the old man pointed around him saying “So then why the fuck do you think I have books!?” Zi Yang was stunned and couldn’t help but say “But, who would buy a technique and a weapon… Wouldn’t they already have one…”

The old man flared up “MY WEAPONS ARE THE BEST! What rubbish ‘I already have a weapon’ in this shop you buy only package deals!” Zi Yang shook his head and said “That’s a bad business model.”

The old man snorted, “You’re a bad business model.” Zi Yang was speechless for a minute before coughing “Anyway, I came for you to jo-” the old man cut him off and answered “Okay.”

Zi Yang was stunned and said “You don’t even know what I was gonna say!” The old man rolled his eyes and asked “How stupid do you think I am? You’re the Zi Clan Patriarch and you’ve been visiting shops these days, who doesn’t know what you’re doing? Plus that scumbag Hou died last night, even if I think with my toes, I know it was you.”

The old man paused, then said seriously “I want my family to come too.” Zi Yang nodded “Not a problem.” The old man added, “I also want money.” Zi Yang shrugged and laughed “You and me both, old man. I’m broke.”

The old man sighed and said “Nevermind then.” Zi Yang chuckled and said “Sign this, please.” The old man signed it and ignored the red orb that sunk into his mind. He threw the contract back and went back into the forge without a word.

Zi Yang liked this old man, he didn’t talk bullshit. It's true that simple people are superior after all.

He looked through all the books on the shelves before wheeling into the forge and asking “Where are the forging books?” the old man pointed to a chest and continued making weapons.

Zi Yang wheeled over and opened the chest to reveal dozens of books. His eyes sparkled and he read through them one by one.

For a while it was just two old men in a forge, one was reading and the other was hammering a piece of metal.

A very strange scene indeed.

After Zi Yang was done reading, he left the forge telling the old man, he would call him when he was ready. The old man waved in dismissal, not even bothering to speak to him.

Zi Yang smiled happily and looked at the sunset before wheeling back home.

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