《My son is a Reincarnator... But so am I!?》Another one bites the dust~


Qin Hua was dazed and said absentmindedly, “What?” forgetting what happened before, Zi Yang rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers in front of Qin Hua, saying “Hello? Earth to Qin Hua! Anybody in that empty skull of yours?”

He glanced at her chest and muttered “You’re not even that big, you should have some kind of brain in that head…” Qin Hua came to her senses and covered her chest with a red face, looking at Zi Yang angrily, muttering “Pervert!”

Zi Yang gawked and said incredulously “You respond to that, but nothing else!? Do you really not have a brain?!” Qin Hua retorted “I was simply shocked! Why would you say something so rude! Of course I would answer that first! You damn perverted old man!”

Zi Yang clicked his tongue and leaned back, muttering “Kids nowadays, can’t even focus on one topic of conversation. What a sad world we live in…” he shook his head and Qin Hua cleared her throat, glaring at Zi Yang one final time before asking “Please elaborate.”

Zi Yang rolled his eyes and commented “Here we go with the big words again…” he coughed and continued “Listen carefully this time. I want you to take over the Brothel, change it to a Gallery of the Arts, and join my Zi Clan. Understand?”

Qin Hua frowned and replied “What do you mean join your Zi Clan? Become your subordinate?” Zi Yang pursed his lips and responded “I guess you can say that.” Qin Hua replied instantly “I refuse.”

Zi Yang chuckled and shook his head, saying “Unfortunately, you don’t have a choice.” Qin Hua looked vigilant immediately, she asked “What does that mean?” as she looked around, doubting her intuition.

Zi Yang watched her freak out and laughed, clarifying “I’m not gonna do anything to you, you can leave whenever you want. I’m just saying, you’ll have to join my Zi Clan if you want revenge for your father. You really don’t have any other options other than me.”

Qin Hua frowned and looked at him, demanding “What does Patriarch Zi mean?” Zi Yang grinned and explained “Unless you leave this city, joining me will be your only option.”


He looked her up and down before clicking his tongue and continuing “Judging on your look, you have weak cultivation. You survived this long with your virginity, losing it as soon as you step out of the city would be a big shame.” he turned to the side and pulled out a book, adding “I’m quite familiar with the area, there are several bandit groups who wouldn’t think twice about snatching you up.”

He opened the book and nodded, laughing “Hey! Who knows. Maybe you’ll get lucky and the Boss will take you as his wife…” he put the book away and smiled at Qin Hua, continuing “Otherwise, for a girl like you to get passed around like a doll to several hundred bandits, even I can’t bear to see such a thing happen to you.”

Qion Hua shivered in despair thinking about such a fate, she’d rather die!

Zi Yang leaned on the table and held up his chin with his hand, smiling “Of course, you can choose to find refuge in the Zhou Clan, but they’ll be destroyed by my hand sooner or later. The Huo Clan is an option as well, but Huo Gang is my brother.” he waved his other hand and added “This is quite logical, no?”

Qin Hua stared at Zi Yang with a frown, digesting his words.

Zi Yang spoke again “Obviously, you’d rather not be my subordinate. I don’t know where this strange pride comes from. I guess from your father? But it’s really ironic, your father died because of his pride too, so I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…”

Qin Hua slammed her fair hands on the desk and growled “Do NOT speak ill of my father! He was a great man!” Zi Yang just smiled and nodded “I bet he was! I’m not saying he wasn’t. It’s just that he’s a bit of a smooth brained idiot.”

Qin Hua was about to kill Zi Yang, she was beyond enraged. Zi Yang didn’t care and sneered “Maybe you don’t understand my words? Only a moron like your father would willingly allow himself to be framed as a traitor.” he chuckled to himself and added “I bet he even said something along the lines of ‘It’s better for the country if I don’t start internal discord’”


Qin Hua froze and Zi Yang laughed out loud, “It’s true isn’t it?! Hahahawooooo~!” he howled slightly and coughed, grinning as he added “What a dumbass. Who cares about some shitty country?” he shook his head and looked at the shaken Qin Hua.

His eyes sharpened and he demanded “Sit down.” she stiffened and sat down, coming to her senses and looking at Zi Yang as though he was a monster. His eyes softened and he smiled again, continuing “Anyways! Your clan was destroyed, nobody left, let’s leave it in the past, who needs such a stupid bloodline?”

He shook his head and added “Maybe your son will be like him? Imagine? What a nightmare!” Qin Hua stayed silent and Zi Yang waved his hand “Anyway, what do you think? Makes sense, no? Are you willing to join me? We’ll get revenge on whatever country killed your dad. Easy peasy.”

Qin Hua’s eyes lit up slightly and she finally spoke “Can you?” Zi Yang nodded and replied “Yep! Of course! More chaos is more fun!” his eyes burning with an excited flame. Qin Hua looked at him and came to a conclusion.

This guy was simply a madman.

A very terrifying madman.

She bit her lips and said “Fine.” Zi Yang straightened up and said excitedly “Really!?” Qin Hua nodded and Zi Yang ribbed his hand together, chuckling to himself “Good!” he pulled out a piece of paper and said quickly “This is the deed to the Brothel, sign it and start getting to work. Remember I want a Gallery of Arts!”

Qin Hua sighed to herself and questioned her own decision, she grabbed the ‘deed’ and ignored her intuition, signing it without thinking as she was busy lamenting about her situation.

Suddenly, a red orb flew into her forehead from the contract.

She froze and glared at Zi Yang, shouting “What did you do to me?!”

Zi Yang grinned “Hehe~ First lesson of the Zi Clan, always pay extreme attention to everything! Glad to have you on board Qin Hua! What you just signed was a simple binding contract.”

She grabbed the paper and read it quickly, her face turning pale. Zi Yang grinned evilly and chuckled “Relax, as long as you don’t betray me you won’t die…” he licked his lips and added “You think I would trust some little girl? Do I look like a retard? I’m not your father. This will ensure that none of my secrets get out.”

Qin Hua looked at Zi Yang hatefully and he smiled cheekily “Don’t worry, you’re not the first to fall for this. Old Bai fell for it too and he’s older than me!” Qin Hua snorted and Zi Yang pinched her cheek, laughing “Don’t be so sad! This is a good thing, you’ll come to find out that this was the best mistake of your little life!”

She pushed his hand away and said coldly “So what do you want me to do?” Zi Yang leaned back and hummed to himself “For now, go manage the Brothel. Every girl that’s not a virgin in that place, forget about them. Gather the group of virgins and prep them for a career change…”

He frowned and continued “They have to be good looking, there’s no point in keeping ugly girls. I will change the Brothel to a Gallery but in due time, go and select the best looking virgins from that place and send me a report. When it’s time to move, I will call you.”

Qin Hua frowned and Zi Yang waved, saying “Go, what are you waiting for? Santa Claus?” she snorted and left the room, still angry about being deceived. Zi Yang watched her go and chuckled “Dumb kid, you’re 10000000000000000 years too early to not get tricked by me. Hehe~”

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