《My son is a Reincarnator... But so am I!?》Getting conned by a kid


Zi Tian’s mouth twitched and looked at the assassins, who looked away in embarrassment.

He kinda…


Really did kidnap the kid…

Zi Tian smiled at the little girl and said “What’s your name, little girl.” She backed away and said “Another bad uncle!” Zi Tian almost spit out blood, Zi Yang laughed and wheeled over, grabbing the girl by the back of her shirt, holding her up as he said “I’m not a bad uncle.”

She pointed at him and shouted “What do you mean?! You’re a bad uncle! Sister Heisha said so!” Zi Yang’s eyes flashed with interest as he asked “Who’s Sister Heisha?” the little girl crossed her arms and said “My big sister! She takes care of all of us!”

Zi Yang pulled her closer to his face as his eyes glew with a wild excitement, “Where is Sister Heisha!? How many brothers and sisters do you have?!” The little girl pouted and Zi Yang shook her, saying “Come on, Uncle will give you a candy!”

Zi Tian covered his face, moaning “Dad!” The assassins were just stunned, this guy was too much.

The little girl’s eyes lit up and she said “Candy?!” before becoming vigilant as she added “Bad Uncles have candy…” Zi Yang narrowed his eyes and said straight up “I’ll give you 5 pieces of candy, kid.”

The little girl crossed her arms and said firmly “10.” Zi Yang shook her and replied “7!” she shook her head, shouting “Help a bad uncle is trying to take my clothes!” Zi Yang said “FINE! FINE! 10!”

She smiled and said “You’re a nice uncle.”

Zi Tian, Rico, and Little Hei watched the scene and felt their brains melt.

What conclusion is this…


A while later

The little girl was sitting on Zi Yang’s lap, completely clean with new clothes and chewing on a piece of candy, with a happy smile on her face and her eyes narrowed to little crescent moons.

Zi Yang clicked his tongue and said “Tomorrow, you’ll bring me to Sister Heisha, okay?” The little girl nodded and chewed on another piece of candy, she opened her mouth and Zi Yang added flatly “10 more pieces, or I’ll really sell you.”

She shut her mouth and hummed a tune to herself.

Zi Yang rolled his eyes and patted her head as he looked at Zi Tian, Rico, and Little Hei. He said “Tian’er come with me tomorrow. You two can go back to Old Bai tonight, come back tomorrow night, I’ll have a job for you.”

Rico said flatly “The reward..” Zi Yang grinned “A sharp one are you… Go tell Old Bai I want you to stay. Then you’ll have your reward. Now go.” Rico and Little Hei looked at each other before disappearing through the window.

Zi Tian looked at Zi Yang, asking “Father, what are you planning? Maybe I can help?” Zi Yang rolled his eyes and said “Can you stop calling me father? So formal, just call me dad like a normal person. Jeez.”

Zi Tian blinked before saying “Dad.” Zi Yang grinned and pinched his cheek, saying “Awww~ My cute son called me dad~” Zi Tian rubbed his cheek and said “Actually, I called you dad bef-”

Zi Yang cut him off and said seriously “Anyway, my plan is super top secret only known to those I trust completely. I will tell you, because you’re my little cute boy and I love you.”

Zi Tian’s mouth twitched and Zi Yang wheeled to the desk, taking out a little black book and writing down names before handing it to Zi Tian, saying “These are the names of the people I scouted during the day today. The ones that you see from the clan will be the only survivors after I purge the rest, washing the entire compound with blood.”


Zi Tian froze and Zi Yang continued “These cretins… They don’t even show me respect. I’m a cripple, but I’m still the Patriarch. They will have their day, don’t you worry about that. After I kill them all, we’ll smash down the entire compound and rebuild the new Zi Clan.”

He looked out the window and spoke emotionlessly “This town is alright, but it will need improvements. Depending on how tomorrow goes, we may have a big boost in fresh blood and numbers. Hopefully everything works out and if it doesn’t I will make it work out, there isn’t an issue there…”

He hummed to himself and muttered “The problem is experience…” he sighed and calculated on his fingers, adding “If I were to teach everyone, it would take 3 years to complete, by then the Zhou Clan would definitely notice the strangeness and take action… If we manage to survive then I can rebuild within 2 months depending on the casualties…”

Zi Tian watched his father calculate the entire next 5 years before interrupting “Um, Dad?” Zi Yang blinked and looked at him, he coughed and asked “What are you talking about?”

Zi Yang said “My dear boy, are you a retard? I’m talking about becoming an actual clan! Do you think this is a clan? Other than you, nobody else has my bloodline. This is a rag tag group of scum, you haven’t noticed? I don’t need mixed blood in my clan, if they don’t have the blood of Zi in their veins, they’ll be eliminated, very simple.”

Zi Tian was confused and said “But Dad… All the people on this list don’t have it either.” Zi Yang smiled and replied “Don’t you worry, your father might look like a cripple, but he’s actually very powerful okay? I have my own secrets too, kid. Don’t think you’re the only one.”

Zi Tian froze up and Zi Yang chuckled, waving his hand as he said “I don’t care what your secrets are, kiddo! You’re my son, that’s all that matters. I love you all the same.” he paused and gave Zi Tian a shrewd smile, asking “Little Tian’er~ Your secret wouldn’t happen to allow us to make a lot of money would it?”

Zi Tian’s lips twitched.

Why was his dad such a shameless bastard?

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