《My son is a Reincarnator... But so am I!?》The Fabled Pure God Yin of Primordial Chaos Origin Veins!?


On his way there, Zi Yang came across a little girl.

She stumbled out onto the road, covered in dirt and mud, wearing only a tattered cloth. Her hair was everywhere and she looked ready to bite someone.

Zi Yang wheeled over to her and said “Are you okay, little girl?” The little girl jumped up and looked at Zi Yang vigilantly. Zi Yang’s expression became weird, why did this little girl look at him as if he was gonna kidnap her?

Sure enough, the little girl said cautiously “Are you a bad uncle?!” Zi Yang was stunned and stared at the girl with his mouth open, she pointed at him and gasped “Bad uncle! You’re drooling! Ah! I’m too young to get kidnapped!”

The people started looking at Zi Yang with frowns, he looked at the little girl and said “Hey… You’re slandering me! If I was a bad uncle I would’ve given you candy, no?” the little girl paused and mumbled “That’s true…”

Zi Yang smiled and said “Do you want a candy?” the little girl froze and turned white, pointing at Zi Yang before fainting in fear. Zi Yang blinked and scratched his head, he was just kidding…

He looked around, the people were looking at him.

Was he going to kidnap the little girl?

Was he really a bad uncle???

Zi Yang coughed and said “Ah! This child had Pure God Yin of Primordial Chaos Origin Veins! What a find! She shall be my disciple from now on!” he grabbed the little girl from the ground and threw her over his shoulder before wheeling away as the surrounding people stared at him in shock.

The Pure God Yin what?

Did this guy take them all for idiots?!

A young man looked on with envy, saying “I wish I had the Pure God Yin of Primordial Chaos Origin Veins…” he sighed and the people looked at him before quickly walking away, clearly this young man was retarded.


His friend patted his shoulder and said “Brother, this is impossible.” the young man looked at his friend and said “You think that senior was lying?” the friend shook his head and replied with a sage-like expression, “Brother, Yin is for women. You’re a man, it would be ‘Yang’.”

The surrounding people covered their eyes and quickly ran from the scene, birds of a feather flock together it seems…

Another man walked over and asked “Fellow Daoist, may I ask what you’re talking about?”

The people who hadn’t left yet wished they could fly, their conversation was killing their brain cells…

Finally, Zi Yang returned to the Zi Clan with the little girl.

He rolled into the compound and looked around at the shabby buildings, his eyes flashing disgust. He was gonna need to change these for sure.

As he wheeled by, the clansmen looked at him with disdainful looks.

Zi Yang ignored them and continued on until Chao Yi bowed to him, saying “Patriarch Zi.” Zi Yang smiled happily, saying “Little Yi! What’s up?” Chao Yi was confused and replied respectfully, “The sky, Patriarch.” Zi Yang’s smile stiffened and he grumbled “You acting smart with me, little Yi. Do you want a beating?!”

He waved and said “Someone get me a stick!”

Chao Yi was stunned and said “Patriarch?!” Zi Tian’s maid brought a stick over and Zi Yang smacked Chao Yi with it, not hurting him in the slightest. Zi Yang nodded and threw the stick away, saying “That’ll teach you.”

Before he wheeled off, leaving a dumbfounded Chao Yi behind.

Zi Tian’s maid was also speechless and Chao Yi looked at her, asking “Um… What was that all about?” Zi Tian’s maid shook her head and said “I don’t know…” she bit her nails anxiously and added “Maybe the Patriarch has gone mad?!”


Chao Yi covered her mouth and said “Shush! Don’t say such things! Patriarch is still the patriarch.” the girl nodded her head and Chao Yi nodded before walking away, muttering “Hopefully, Patriarch Zi is okay…”

Zi Yang ignored the rest and wheeled back into the main hall, passing his two good maids, saying “Anything happen while I was gone?” the maids bowed and said “A visitor came and asked for you, Patriarch. She’s in your study…”

One of them said anxiously “Patriarch, she looks like an important person! Are you in trouble?!” Zi Yang patted her head and smiled “Nonsense! It’s probably one of my many female fans!” the maids looked at him speechlessly, why did he feel so cheeky today?

Did he take the wrong medicine?

Zi Yang hummed to himself and wheeled into the study, to see a young woman sitting at a chair, sipping tea with an impatient look on her face.

He closed the door and smiled.

The maids outside looked at each other, one of them said angrily “Xixi, did you give Master the wrong medicine?!” Xixi shook her head with tears in her eyes “I didn’t! It was the normal medicine! I would never do that to the Master! I double check every morning!”

She started crying and grabbed the other girl’s sleeve, sobbing “Die! You have to believe me!” Die felt uncomfortable and patted her hand, saying “It’s okay, I believe you.. Can you let go of me now?” Xixi hugged her and cried, falling to her knees and wiping her tears on Die’s robes, sobbing “I hic- love the Master! Hic- He’s like my Hic- father!”

Die almost cried too.

Why did she have to rub her nose on her robes, she just got these…

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