《My son is a Reincarnator... But so am I!?》Qin Hua, the Slave


Zi Yang was pushed to a table and Qi Hou sat on the couch next to it, smiling “What can I do for you, Patriarch Zi?” Zi Yang smiled lightly with his ugly wrinkled face and sipped on the teacup placed in front of him by the woman.

He looked at the woman and ignored Qi Hou, asking “What’s your name, girl?” The woman was startled and pointed at herself before realizing her mistake and looking down as if she hadn’t heard him.

Qi Hou spoke for her and smiled “This is my personal maid, Qin Hua. Her family died and she was sold to me.” Zi Yang smiled and looked at Qin Hua, commenting “She’s very elegant for an orphan, don’t you think Fatty Hou?”

Qi Hou’s mouth twitched and he said “Well, that’s to be expected… She was previously the daughter of a noble in the capital. They committed treason and only she was pardoned because of her father’s previous merits. Her father killed her mother before being executed, only she was left to run…”

Zi Yang interrupted, “I see, she didn’t run very far I assume?” Qin Hua clenched her fists and Qi Hou nodded with a smile “Exactly, Patriarch Zi.” Zi Yang hummed and changed the topic “Fatty Hou, I was wondering, who designed the decor in your establishment?”

Qi Hou smiled “Patriarch Zi likes it? I will gift you a painting, how about it?” Zi Yang laughed softly “Oh, could you? That would be great Fatty Hou! I’ll hang it in my clan hall!”

Qi Hou smiled and clapped his hands, a woman walked in and bowed before handing Zi Yang a painting scroll.

Zi Yang unfurled it to see a beautiful woman, naked, making a seductive pose. He grinned and looked at Qi Hou, who winked at him while sipping his tea.


Zi Yang rolled the scroll back up and smiled “I just remembered, I had something to do. I will leave you to your business, Fatty Hou.” Qi Hou stood up and smiled, “Allow me to escort you out, Patriarch Zi.”

Zi Yang waved and smiled happily “Don’t bother, Fatty Hou- No! Brother Hou!” Qi Hou smiled and nodded as Zi Yang smiled “I’ll be off now, thank you for the painting, Brother Hou! If anyone bullies you, they’ll have to deal with me first! That’s a promise!”

Qi Hou’s eyes lit up and he shook Zi Yang’s hand, saying emotionally “Brother Zi, thank you. This Hou will remember your kindness!” Zi Yang clasped Qi Hou’s hand and said seriously “Brother Hou. There’s no need for thanks between brothers. If you treat me like a brother, don’t say these kinds of things.”

Qi Hou smiled happily “Brother. Please come again.” Zi Yang smiled and nodded, Qi Hou waved “Hua, take Brother Zi out! Treat him with respect, you hear me?!”

Qin Hua nodded and shivered as she brought Zi Yang out of the room.

The doors closed and Qi Hou’s smile disappeared.

He touched his chin and muttered “I may be able to buy that cripple’s friendship with more erotic items. Maybe even send him a few more women… After that my place in this town will be as solid as a rock.” he grinned to himself “I’ll be rich!”

The smile Zi Yang let off when he saw that painting was genuine in his eyes, he thought he caught a big fish!

Zi Yang smiled all the way down the stairs as he scanned the building, he suddenly asked “Qin Hua, are you truly a slave?” Qin Hua shivered and nodded silently, Zi Yang looked at her before asking “What are you able to do? What are your skills.”


Qin Hua was confused and Zi Yang rolled his eyes, adding “If your just retarded, then forget I asked.” Qin Hua froze and muttered “I’m good at music, painting, strategy, and dancing…”

Zi Yang took out a little black book and wrote down ‘Qin Hua’ before adding her skills, then he asked “What do you think of this?” as he unfurled the painting in front of her.

Her eyes flashed disgust and she forced a smile, saying, “It’s quite good, Patriarch Zi.” Zi Yang laughed and tore the painting in half, adding “Lie to me again, and you’ll disappear from this earth, understand?”

Qin Hua froze and shivered intensely, scared stiff. She nodded quickly and Zi Yang smiled, asking again, “The painting, Qin Hua the slave.” Qin Hua swallowed and finally said “It’s a very trashy painting with poor brushstrokes. The content is appalling and crude. Overall, it’s better Patriarch Zi lights it on fire.”

She covered her mouth and looked around in fear, Zi Yang laughed and clapped saying “I like you, Qin Hua!” they reached the door and Zi Yang chuckled “Don’t end your own life, and perhaps you can turn everything around…”

Qin Hua was confused and Zi Yang rolled out the door, waving behind him “See you around~!”

She said “Wait!” but Zi Yang ignored her and continued wheeling away, humming to himself like a mad man, causing the people on the streets to get out of his way in fear of catching whatever he had.

Qin Hua sighed and went back inside, her gracefulness and elegance seemingly engraved in her bones.

Meanwhile, Zi Yang continued to look around the town.

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