《Edean World Online》Intermission 1 : The Meeting


Here is where we see bigger picture of the story and read others disposition, thought and other things that may or may not affect our protagonist in the future.

Chapter 5 intermission

Vulcan TEA guild building – Guild master secret room

“Are we all here?”

Great i`m late again and that damn dragon is acting like highly and all shit.

“Yes, and your late guild master Arth.”

Tsk, too much ego for a dragon as always and luckily only Duke is here.

This emergency meeting must be big to call guild masters and the kingdom guild head master is here also.

Wait why is the head priestess is here, I’ve never seen here before except for actual meeting and also last month before the arrival.

“You`re looking livelier today Guild master Arth.”

Always too formal by just greeting me and her way never gets old about it.

“Hahahaha, come on Kreisia just Arth for a hundred times. Is your place busy also about the arrival?”

“*sigh* you could say that, many of them are not really themselves. I know that they can take a persona of any race but they just don’t live or act like one specially the elves.”

The face of her having a sad expression is quite rare to see so that means she is really worked up by the youngster.

“Also at my place, they are hard to discipline youngling roaming around. Some are making ruckus here and there and some in fights that I don’t understand in a way. Soldiers can conduct duel but they just don`t understand this art of fighting.”

So Marduk too is also having problems about fight by them. But I bet they got punished really hard by him. I got so in fight but I can suppress them fast so why are they taking it so long.

“Ohh! So you`re having troubles at the west side Marduk. I didn’t know a dragon having problems with youngsters.”

“How about your places Arth I know there are many races there because you`re place is the safest path to the dukedom.”

Yeah mine`s the safest but having too many is quite handful, luckily I have some high ranking members keeping peace but Luin is troublesome. And also why do they have to appear in this time of the year.

“You can say that again Kreisia but I got something interesting that`s happening here and also I’ve got some question to one over there.”

She just smiled back at me so she got some answers like the last meeting.

“Let’s end now your exchanges and let’s start this meeting shall we.”

“Yes head master.”

Damn this old man is the real deal as always. But Duke Kalius haven`t said a thing and even that girl.

“First of all thank you for complying this emergency meeting that the Temple Head Priestess ask.”

“We will always do comply on meetings Duke Kalius.”

“I know Marduk, but from what I hear just now is that your places are being busy lately.”

Looks like the duke is worried by the youngster going to the dukedom but I can’t say less about it.

“Yes, the eastern villages are having some troubles but not that big just kid fight that not ends well.”

“Mine also, so many of them are in my dungeon right now.”

“As expected of Marduk, hard punishments, we mine is also troublesome but I have some interesting kids showing up.”

“I hope you do your best guild master. And also do punish them that hard we all know they just have little time before the gate opening.”


“Yes guild master I just throw them in the dungeon and I feed them so don’t worry.”

I wonder what food they are eating. His stiff face is hard to read.

“Head priestess please.”

“Sorry… Duke Kalius… i’m just thinking of thing but anyways, as we know that the gates will be opened after a year and a few months that is why we held this meeting and also I will answer your questions. But for now please to what will I say. Many of them might conquer kingdoms and start their own place to reign, some may help us that is why we need to test their intentions towards our world. We also know that they can be revive after several days that is why we need to gather the ones that don’t have other motives than adventuring and exploring this world. That is what my vision have shown to me.”

“So another vision, that was intriguing, to have visions that is not just few months apart.”

Yeah, I feel that too. Her last vision has like two or three months ago.

“Your right Head Master but the gods also shown to me that I will have more frequent vision to help us.”

“That might be so, if there is a vision concerning my place Head Priestess?”

“I`m sorry but I have not seen any of this. It might be that the other worlders haven’t gotten in your place.”

He`s so worrywart I haven’t given them pass to the dukedom so they can go there on their own.

“Thank you, i`m just anxious about your vision last time that my place is where everything will start and it is vague for me so it`s still at the back of my head.”

“Don`t worry Duke Kalius, I will send aid if need and also the other guild masters will aid at you.”

“Thank you Head Master and the three of you for the future assistance.”

Great another work in the future. But this might a good time for me to evaluate other high rankers.

“Are there question you would like to be answered?”

Good now she`s talking. Hhmm may this two might ask but I’ll wait first.

“No I have non Head Priestess, Kreisia have?”

“not really but I just like to know if we can limit them from choosing what is right or appropriate for them. Some elves are nuisance to me and they are disgrace towards our clan. Haven’t you think of it Marduk.”

Ohh that was a tough on and the look from Marduk was priceless. I have to hold my laughter or he will drag his wing her just to get even.

“That might be so, I disgust other dragon and half-dragon youngling especially they are not acting the way they should be. If I have to manage them I’ll send them to the Ryu kingdom for manners and conduct. And I bet they can’t last long for that training.”

Wohw … he`s really not good at taking care of them and I feel sad for the dragonkin youngsters.

“Well we have or opinion but for me as long as they don’t cause trouble and obey the law i`m find having them and I got a question and it’s about the timely arrival, just why now, I mean we all know what will happened during this time and it’s just every five years.”

“I`m also thinking about that Arth but you mentioned it early so I don’t voice it out. Can you enlighten us Head Priestess?”


So the fry head is thinking also about their arrival. It is really suspicious.

“Then for the two guild masters and the other, they arrival is really said to be this season of swarm for they can grow faster and we can see who might be step up and whom are just normal. Also that would be a good evaluation test that you can conduct.”

“So that season again, might as well prepare my men.”

“That would be it Duke Kalius and if you need assistance you can convey to me or the guild masters.”

Last arrival of the swarms hit the dukedom hard and taken a big reduction of military and civilian.

“Thank you Head master.”

“Then Guild master Arth what is your news for us.”

“Ow I forgot, sorry Head Priestess well my great new is that the lost race just showed up and he got my interest.”

All of them lost dumbfounded except the priestess maybe she haven’t heard or taught about this.

“Yes he is an interesting one if I might say.”

W-what he know him but how…ow right them know him.

“What did you say Head Priestess you know what is Guild master Arth is talking about”

“Yes of course Duke Kalius, which is also I will say in this meeting”

“So can you say more about it Arth.”

Tsk even this lizard is demanding even his eyes says it. Kreisia is trying to hold her laughter, well I understand her because of Marduk`s face.

“Well the lost race is clockwork and he made a fit about going solo and taking a hit from Luin. And also he is a fast leaner than other youngsters.”

“Well clockworks are long lost race for decades but there are more races that we haven’t seen so far, are there also me rare races showing up on your own place Marduk, Kreisia?”

“Not really, most are only just beastkin, daemons and even avian are there.”

“In my place are mostly elves, elementals and other sea clan that is currently living in the near lake and they have to learn water magic first so they can roam around or gain the ability to have legs to walk.”

“Well mine are almost all of them but my place is the biggest so I can manage. There are also Halfling walking around but the clockwork is an eye catcher and i’m thinking of why is he alone. I conducted search in the scrapyard but there is none.”

“As to answer your question, Gods says that being a clockwork take a harder route that being a dragon and other race that is formidable on battle but the side effect of being of clockwork is having no feelings and also they take more time before they can be bless with power given by the Gods.”

“So to say it quickly, being clockwork is like being an undead.”

“Your right Head Master but the Gods also convey to me that me can be a world changer for all of us and my prayers is that he will not be the cause of another war.”

“It was hundreds of years ago but the field of war is still at the forbidden lands and outlawed island.”

That event is a taboo to talk about but that story is dreadful in so many ways.

“Don’t worry Duke Kalius, all the hate and vengeance have been long lost by most clans and tribe.”

“I know head master but still the history of humans are dreadful that is why i’m doing my best to help everyone.”

“we know Duke Kalius, we dragon my live longer but we don’t hold any intention of revenge or so, even other tribe have forgiven human and also it is not just your fault but all people that have their own interest.”

“Well said Marduk, please Duke Kalius be relieve about this matter what important is now.”

Then Head master looked at me, this old man really gives me the uncanny feeling every time he looked at me.

“Now that is taken out, our clockwork is currently an explorer and taking a subjugation mission and he`s on solo again but I have trust in his specially that he is much more powerful now even if he is just a newbie level.”

“Hhmm an explorer interesting maybe I should take a visit to meet the clockwork.”

Damn this lizard is making his move just because he`s just an explorer. Maybe Kreisia also wants to see him but I bet that he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

“Arth can we meet you schedule us to meet your clockwork maybe this coming week and or next week.”

“Hhmm…I will try but I can promise and it is not that i`m doing monopoly to the clockwork but even I just saw him after three days upon the arrival.”

“So it was ‘him’ so what would be the reason of him not showing up.”

Hmp now he`s giving me a glare while head master and Duke Kalius is talking about the swam event that will happened in a few days and the head priestess is just looking and listening at us.

“*sigh* well I haven’t really talked to him for long just minimum exchange and also he don’t like having the attention so

I can’t make appointment besides you can find him easily coz he is almost as tall as me and always on tattered cloak or maybe he just buy a new one.”

“That’s okay Arth, it will be fun to find him”

“Then I pray for him to be safe”

“I also agree to Marduk.”

Then we heard chuckles from the head priestess as Kreisia fumes from being teases and embarrassment of her antics. I just hope he survive her chase play, remembering the time she did that to the juniors makes me feel worried about him but I know he can pull it off.

“That was not funny you know, and your embarrassing me in front of them.”

“You three never grow old teasing each of you.”

Maybe head master was right, it is hard to remove a habit.

“Well maybe we should end this meeting and is there anything you want to say.”

“I would like to meet Mr Clockwork when he come to you place Duke Kalius.”

Hhmm so the little is also interested to him. This will be fun to watch and I will enjoy this till he finds is mission.

“Then I will send you a notice when he arrived at the dukedom Head Priestess.”

“Thank you Duke Kalius in advance.”

“Well it’s time to go now”

Then Head master`s image vanished in the mirror as the Duke and Head Priestess follows.

“I will visit your clockwork in a few days before the swarm start.”

“I will also visit you and the clockwork”

Then both of their images vanished. Better to talk to him just to give him a hint but he might hide himself and Kreisia might cause a ruckus if that happened.

Well better prepare the juniors for the swarm to protect this village and I bet he will not let go of this chance because of many things we will get interested into.

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