《World Jumper》Chapter 15


"All right, let's get this show on the road. My name is Houy, and I will be the announcer. First, if all of you could line up to get a number, so we can get the show on the road." Houy watched as people started lining up to get a number. "While, you are doing that. I will tell you the prizes this year if you make it through the first round fifty gold coins, two rounds one hundred gold coins, three rounds one hundred and fifty gold coins. As for second place, five hundred gold coins and a weapon of choice. First place one thousand gold coins and a title from the King himself." Houy said in a way to cheerful voice.

Everyone went silent at the last prize. The King is giving out a title. That would set a person for life. Even a title like Duke would give them a small town to run. Then a thought struck everyone at once. All eyes turned to Charten. What would be the point in a title for him?

"I know what you are all thinking, and if you want that title. Well, you have to win Charten." Houy had a wide grin on his face. He loved this job.

Jet finally got his number, which ended up number eighteen. Then he took a look at the board. Charten was number nine, so there was a good possibility they would fight in the finals.

"Alright, would the first two competitors please follow me?" Houy waved them over.

What Jet found odd was that all competitors were to stay in a waiting room. No one was allowed to watch the matches. Apparently, it was more entertaining to watch fights that people weren't prepared for. Jet didn't mind all that much. He was far too excited to worry.

"You look familiar." Jet recognized the voice as Charten. That was all he needed right now.

Jet immediately turned and looked at Charten up and down. His eyes grew wide then he bowed. "Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have seen you walking down the streets. But we have never officially met. I am Elson." Without thinking, he spoke in his real voice. 'Really after all that work on a voice to use. I forget to use it.' Jet berated himself.

"You realize you just blew your disguise right." Charten was trying not to laugh.

"Relo is going to kill me after all that effort. So are you going to tell the King?"

"No, I am looking forward to fighting you. Let's both make it to the finals." Charten put out his hand.

Jet took his hand and shook it. "Let's make it a show to remember." He had a wicked grin on his face now. This was going to be a lot of fun, he thought.

After a few matches, Charten went out. Jet really wanted to watch the match. The cheering of the crowd was loud. Charten had won his match with ease. Jet watched as the next two went out. Something about one of the competitors bugged him. He looked toward the board with the names on it, the one named Graham. There was something about his magic that made Jet's hair stand on end.


"What's wrong, Elson." Charten walked up to him, making sure to use his fake name.

"Something about that Graham guy. It's like his magic is different." Jet wasn't sure how to describe it.

"Different how?" Charten had no idea what Jet was talking about. Another person couldn't sense magic.

"I guess if I put it into words, Graham's magic flows the wrong way." Jet turned to Charten and saw a puzzled look on his face. "Ok bad description. Magic from what I read, is distributed through the bones of your body." Charten nodded to this. "Graham's magic is being pulled in from outside the body. It isn't leaking from his body."

"Hang on, what do you mean leaking from the body. Also, how can you even see magic." Charten was confused by what Jet was saying.

"Oh, that, I have my magic running through my eyes. So I can see the ambient magic. The world is full of magic coming off everything. As for leaking magic, from what I can tell, when a person's body can't hold any more magic, it leaks out of their body. But Graham's the opposite. His body is pulling the magic in." Jet realized Charten looked more confused now.

"Well, there are a lot of kingdoms out there. So I'm sure that there are many ways to use magic." Charten was rubbing his chin in thought when they both realized everyone was looking at them.

It had not occurred to them that it was odd for a prince to talk to a random stranger casually. Before they could speak more, someone yelled out. "Kelt and Elson, your up. Get over here."

Jet headed over to the next room to be announced. He could hear Houy working over the crowd. The walls were almost vibrating from all the cheering. How had they kept it so quiet in the waiting room?

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for our next competitors?" The crowd was roaring in excitement. "Then, let's hear it for Kelt and Elson," Houy shouted over the crowd.

Jet walked out the door and almost stopped with stage fright. The arena is massive. Ok, he could see it from the castle, so he knew it was massive. However, Jet hadn't expected how much bigger it would be in person. The ring alone had to be five hundred feet across.

As they both walked up the steps onto the ring. Houy started talking again. "Wow, look at these two. They look about ready to run. Must be their first time on the big stage, so everyone give them a big welcome." Houy shouted working up the crowd into a yelling frenzy.

Ok, now for sure, the whole place was shaking from the yelling. Mostly because the mages watching decided to amplify their yells with magic, so this was it, time to put on a good show. Jet was thinking while getting into place.

They both turned and bowed to the King. Jet looked at himself, sitting up in the stands. Bringing Ileana into the scheme worked out well. Ileana got one of the actors from the play they watched. She told the director who picked someone to take his place, and now, of course, the director had to watch Jet fight.


"Alright, you two bow to each other," Houy told them after he started talking again. "Ok, you know the rules, your not allowed to kill each other. Also, if you hit me on purpose in any way." Houy said with a wide grin on his face. "I will hit back." He let some of his magic leak out. Causing small cracks to appear around his feet. Which immediately disappeared after he was done showing off. "Well, without further ado, let the match begin."

Kelt immediately grabbed his sword and rushed Jet. Jet could see he was getting a spell ready, so he reached up, grabbing his sword off his back. As Kelt swung at him, Jet parried the swing with ease. Then sidestepped an earth spike.

"Oh, hey, we got a lefty in the ring. This should be interesting." Houy yelled to the crowd.

Jet turned and threw a fireball at Kelt. To his surprise, Kelt made an earth wall to block it. 'This Kelt guy is crafty. He can cast quite quickly. Not to mention he plans a next move just as quick.' Jet thought to himself.

Kelt didn't stop there. He was already almost back to Jet. Three earth spikes shot out at once. Jet easily dodged them and parried two more sword strikes. This really wasn't a fair fight since Jet could see the earth spikes before they came. After all, he still was using his magic sense. That he had accidentally learned while sparring with Todly. Another fireball shot from Jet's hand towards Kelt, and he managed to get another earth wall up. However, this fireball exploded, shattering the wall and knocking Kelt quite a ways back.

"Well, after seeing that. I know why the preliminary judges said Elson had an explosive personality. Elson must think this fight is boring. He doesn't even look like he is trying." Houy yelled enthusiastically.

"Your wrong. Kelt is keeping me on my toes. He thinks far more ahead than I do." Jet said in a matter of fact voice. If it weren't for the fact he had been trained by those three, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Before Houy could reply, Jet took off running. Spikes started shooting up all over the place, but with Jet's magic sight, he kept dodging. The crowd had gone silent while watching them. Their two swords could be heard clearly in the silence. They watched as Elson and Kelt fought.

This was starting to be a pain. Kelt was quick at casting, but Jet decided it was time to end it. When Kelt swung his sword, Jet ducked while dropping his sword and grabbing Kelt's sword hand. Then he turned Kelt and kicked him in the stomach. Jet was about to dodge another spike, but the kick must have interrupted the spell. He then let go of Kelt's hand, grabbed his sword, then slashed Kelt's back.

"Oh, looks like Elson got the first point two to go." Houy watched in interest.

This did not slow down Kelt. He immediately retaliated with a slash of his own. Jet managed to dodge the swing barely. Then tripped, the ground below him cracked open. Kelt's next swing struck Jet in the chest.

"Wow, guess Elson didn't see that coming. Looks like things are leaning towards Kelt now. These two are pulling out all the stops." Houy eyes were sparkling with excitement.

Jet quickly rolled out of reach of Kelt and hopped to his feet. 'Well, making a hole to trip in. That gives me an idea. I don't just have to use fireballs.' So he started miming a spell. He quickly dodged a few swings of Kelt's sword. The last spell Kelt used must have used a lot of magic.

"Fire dome." Jet wasn't sure why he said that aloud.

Everyone watched as Kelt had a firewall surrounded him completely. Jet made sure that there was enough room Kelt wouldn't catch on fire. However, Jet did raise the temperature to hurry things along.

"Give up, Kelt, or I'll heat things up more." Jet could see that Kelt was trying to make a hole through the fire dome using his earth magic. He had a fix for this and threw a fireball at the openings Kelt created. Just as Jet promised, he raised the temperature in the dome every few seconds.

This went on for a few minutes until Kelt shouted. "I give up. You win." As soon as he said that, the flames disappeared. Kelt was on the ground gasping for air. He was soaked in sweat.

'Crap forgot about the air.' Jet berated himself for the oversight.

"Kelt has gave up, so the winner is Elson," Houy ran over grabbing Jet's right hand, raising it high into the air. Jet tried not to wince.

The crowd went ballistic and cheered so loud Jet thought he would go deaf. So he used wind magic to dampen the sounds. Then he walked over to Kelt and put out his left hand to help him up. "Good match. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

Kelt took his hand and got up. "Elson, if I'm going, to be honest. I don't ever want to fight you again."

Houy put his arms around both their necks casually. "Boys, look what you have done to my ring."

They both looked around at the ring. It had spikes all over it and cracks all over it along with scorch marks and rubble from Jet's fireballs.

"I can fix it if you give me a little time," Kelt said worriedly.

Houy just laughed. "I'm just messing with you." He snapped a finger, and the ring rebuilt itself. "They're all better, just like new." Houy was grinning widely.

Jet and Kelt just stared. How powerful was Houy to put a ring back together with just a snap of his fingers?

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