《World Jumper》Chapter 4


Jet woke up drenched in sweat and sore all over. When he got up his body felt sluggish. Washing up quickly and getting dressed, Jet wondered how long he slept. The stick still laid on the table. He was picking it up carefully to look at it. It snapped.

"What the, I didn't want Rick yet, no no no go back together." He said in a panic.

Jet just stood there, starting to sweat again. Rick was coming. What was going to go through now? That run was still fresh in his memory.

The door flew open with a bang. " You're finally up good. We got a lot to accomplish. You have been asleep for three days." Rick said as he walked in.

Jet wanted to run, then thought it over. Rick would like that. He didn't know what to do. He was in front of Jet now, pulling something out of his bag.

"Drink this." He said, holding out a potion.

Jet took the bottle."What is it."

"A potion to help you with your magic, it will have side effects. However, they're not permanent." Rick said, going to a corner of the room.

Jet was dumbfounded. Did Rick expect him to drink a random potion? "What are the side effects."

"Well, at least you have common sense. Other disciples just do what there told, don't even ask questions. Anyways, the side effects are headaches and hunger." Rick said. Along with ninety percent of your magic, he thought.

Jet stared at the bottle. He barely knew this guy. Is he going to trust this guy? Looking back up at Rick, he looked into his eyes. No, Rick was lying to him.

Rick was looking back at Jet. The kid knew he was lying. "It will dampen your magic ninety percent."

"Is there a reason for doing that?" Jet asked.

"If you cast a spell with your magic right now, your body would likely explode. That is why we take and train kids with potential like yourself in their early years. A person's magic pool grows over time. Jet, as I said before, your pool is massive." Rick said honestly.

Jet took the cork off the potion then drank it. "Rick, all I want is honesty. Also, to learn magic, I would prefer it if I didn't explode." Jet said, then almost threw up. The potion was the single grossest thing he ever had.

"Learn, you shall. I also picked up some weapons for you." Rick said, handing a short sword and a bow.

"If I am learning magic, why do I need these"

"You will realize magic isn't fast to cast. It takes time to chant a spell." Rick said while pulling two more potions out. " Before you ask, there are no side effects. These are just to help strengthen your body quicker."

Jet drank them both. Now he was getting hungry. His stomach growled loudly. Rick just laughed, and they headed out to eat. After finishing, they headed outside town, did his warm-ups, then ran out of the city of Apple.

Rick was ruthless in his training. It had been a week since they left the city. Jet found out he was expected to learn fast. No, Rick thought fast wasn't quick enough.


Jet quickly ducked a sword strike aiming for his head. As he dodged it, Rick already punched him in the gut. You had to be prepared for anything, not just a swing from a sword but punches and kicks too.

"Alright, let's take a break. Let's try a simple spell." Rick said, helping him back to his feet.

" I finally get to learn magic." Jet said excitedly.

"It's more challenging than you think. Now most important is finding out what element you use or attuned to. So I want you to focus inwards until you find a way to make your magic move through your body. Like this." Rick said as he lifted his right-hand palm out.

Rick said some words, then a fireball shot from his hand. Jet stared as it hit the tree. The tree didn't catch on fire.

"Why didn't the tree catch on fire?" Jet asked.

"Simple, I didn't want the tree to catch fire. This is essential, Jet. You control the magic. Magic will do what you want it to do. Look what I did there. That flame was cold. So it couldn't catch the tree on fire." Rick summarized.

"I want to throw a fireball." Jet said, even more, eager now.

"Get that out of your head right now. You do not throw it, more like use your magic to push it away from you." Rick explained.

"Ok." Jet said.

Rick handed him a parchment."Now those are four elemental spells. You need to figure out which will work. Most people have one element. Few have two. I want you to practice them before you cast them. You need to learn the words first." Rick said, giving him a stern look.

So the words were hard to say and learn. Well, he said the words aloud. He felt the magic build up under his skin. Almost like his bones were electrified. He never finished the chant. Rick had asked him to wait. What bothered him was, Rick said most could only have one element. With each spell he started to cast, he could feel the magic flow through him.

"Sounds like you have got it down now. Let's give one a try." Rick said

"Which one should I try first?"

"You will do all four, so it doesn't matter." Rick said.

Jet started to cast a fireball spell. He felt it as it flowed to the palm of his hand. As he finished, something went wrong. His arm started to burn as fire shot from it, starting from his palm, then working its way to his elbow.

Rick was amazed at his power. Everything in the fire's path was destroyed. Trees burnt to ash. The grass gone. Only burnt land lay before him. He looked at Jet, realizing his arm had been badly burnt. Rick hurried over, grabbing some ointment out of his bag. He quickly applied it amazed Jet didn't scream in pain.

"Well, that hurt." Jet said, clenching his teeth.

"I do not doubt that. Well, this should help a lot with the pain. Don't look like you did as much harm to your arm as I thought." Rick said, sighing in relief.


"To think this is with my magic at about ten percent." He said with a chuckle.

"Let's try water this time, less dangerous for you," Rick said, patting him on the shoulder.

Jet started the water spell. It felt far different than the fire spell. As he finished it, water shot from his palm. He looked to Rick, who was wide-eyed now. Jet then remembered that most people could only cast one element, and he has just done two. Jet decided to keep going, though, doing the wind spell next. A blade of wind slammed into the tree, leaving a cut across it. Then he used the earth magic, which left a spike coming out of the ground into the tree.

"Really, all four, that isn't even fair," Rick said a little jealously.

"Why did the earth spell come from the ground?" Jet asked, looking at the stone spike. Why from the ground, after all, he made all the other elements.

"You do it because it is easier. If you had no dirt around, then it would form from the magic." Rick explained

Jet stood there. That made no sense at all. Then again, he was in another world so. He guessed things don't work the same after all. There were two suns and three moons.

"I have never seen a cloud in the sky." As Jet thought out loud.

"What is a cloud?" Rick asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jet was now wondering how they got water inland now. He went on to explain it to Rick. It turns out this world was very different. Some of the mountains were geysers of some sort. All he could think was that the water must run through the ground. He asked if the water was hot on the mountains with geysers. It turns out it's not. So there went Earth logic again.

So it was back to training again. Bows we're not easy to use. Although Rick said he was a natural at it. He thought his lessons were going quite well. He had bruises all over him now. Rick did not hold back. You won't learn as quickly if there is no pain.

They were running towards the city of Garth. Then Rick grabbed Jet quickly, slowing to a stop almost instantly.

"Be quiet. There is fighting going on over that hill." Rick said quickly and quietly.

They went up the hill quickly and silently as possible. Well, Rick was quiet, Jet, not so much. He stepped on a twig, and a loud snap rang out.

"Add sneaking to things to learn after this." Rick snapped while taking out his sword.

After a few seconds, three men came over the hill. As soon as they saw them, they attacked. Before Jet could even think, Rick was next to them. He watched as Rick cast a fireball, nearly taking off one mans head. An earth spear just missed Rick as he stepped to the side. He swung his sword, stabbing another guy through the chest.

Jet, distracted by Rick, had a bad feeling suddenly. He ducked as a wind slash went over him. He rolled away without thinking, drawing his sword as he got back to his feet. Which had been a good thing Rick beat that into him. He raised the sword quickly to parry the other man's sword. Another wind blade came from the man's sword. Jet didn't have time to think. Without thinking, he reached inside his magic pool, sent out a fireball at the wind blade. It was over in an instant. The man flew back, slamming into a tree. Jet watched as an arrow struck him in the heart.

Jet turned to see Rick had his bow out, looking his way. He ran up the hill to join Rick. They both headed over the hill to find a scene of carnage. Dead bodies were lying everywhere. Magic was flying around in all directions. It looked like people in blue and green under their armor were defending a carriage.

"Hurry and put this pendant on so that the soldiers know your not an enemy. Then stay here and use magic and your bow from a distance." Rick said with haste.

Jet was about to say something, but Rick had joined the fight. He didn't know what to do. He had never killed anyone before, then decided injuring would be the way to go. Jet started his spell. Using his earth magic, he sent spikes all over the ground around several bandits. Some had shoes that stopped it. However, most didn't, and screams of pain rang out. Jet had his bow strung and ready already, firing—it into the shoulder of one of the men that wasn't affected.

A bandit mage took notice and fired off three ice spears at once. Jet quickly cast an earthen wall getting out of the way. Drew his bow, filling the arrow with wind magic, then shot. The arrow flew straight into the man's forehead. Jet watched with horror as the man slowly fell to the ground.

After the Battle, Jet was sitting and leaning on a tree. He felt no different after taking a life. Rick was talking to the guards currently. He watched as Rick made his rounds, talking to everyone. So Jet just sat there staring into space. His father had talked about his first kill, said he had thrown up and felt sick after it happened. Yet here he was feeling nothing after killing. Jet wondered if he was some sort of monster.

"So I talked it over with them. We will be going with them. The girl in the carriage is the daughter of house Agira. One of the top five nobles in Hope. Is something wrong, Jet?" Rick asked.

"Not sure, I just killed someone, and I feel nothing." Jet said.

"He was going to kill you. Where you are from, do they not kill people?" Rick asked.

"No people kill, but usually they feel guilty afterward." Jet said while thinking back to killing the man. He had no remorse for what he had done.

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